Skeletal Animation: How to manually derive Assimp bone offset Matrix - assimp

I'm working off of this tutorial from
Unfortunately it doesn't explain how Assimp derives it's bone data.
I know the global Inverse transform is a default Matrix value blender uses to set the y value to the z value, and the z value to -y. (or atleast that's what my test md5 models use)
GlobalInverseTransform = aiScene->mRootNode->mTransformation;
I'm trying to understand how Assimp derives the offset Matrices or inverse bind pose from MD5 files. For instance BobLampClean.md5mesh has 32 joints and 32 offset Matrices
From what I have seen online through other samples where they compute the offset matrix it goes something like this...
void ComputeQuatW(glm::quat& quat)
float t = 1.0f - (quat.x * quat.x) - (quat.y * quat.y) - (quat.z * quat.z);
if (t < 0.0f)
quat.w = 0.0f;
quat.w = -sqrtf(t);
glm::mat4 rotation, rotationInv, translationInv, offsetmatrix;
glm::quat MyQuaternion;
//here I chose an arbitrary joint and hard coded its orientation and position
MyQuaternion = glm::quat(glm::quat(-0.535591, -0.462288, -0.534983, 1));
glm::mat4 RotationMatrix = glm::toMat4(MyQuaternion);
rotationInv = glm::transpose(RotationMatrix);
translationInv = glm::translate(translationInv, glm::vec3(-0.014076, -2.592741, -30.241238));
offsetmatrix = rotationInv*translationInv;
I've outputted each of these offset matrices to comapre with Assimp's bone Matrices but to no avail. I'm not quite sure what I am doing wrong...
EDIT UPDATE: ok so I'm doing my operations incorrectly, I'm debugging a working code example that doesn't use Assimp and it can duplicate the same values as Assimp's data. I will update on how to correctly calculate the data.

Answer: To create the bind Pose I used the following code. The math classes and functions were created by the author of this series and this is how he created the offsetMatrices which is how Assimp builds it's bone offset matrices. His math functions can be found here in the comments section. For each bone you create it by converting a quaternion into a rotation matrix, transposing it, then translate the translation matrix by the inverse of the positions, then combine the two.
"sheath" 0 ( 11.004813 -3.177138 31.702473 ) ( 0.307041 -0.578614 0.354181 )
//Example bone offset matrix.
The Quaternion is the last set of 3 numbers, You compute the W component then perform the operations.
mlQuaternionToMat4(rotation, joint.orientation);
mlTransposeMat4(rotationInv, rotation);
Here you would use the 1st set of 3 numbers for the joint position.
mlTranslationMat4(translationInv, -joint.position[0], -
joint.position[1], -joint.position[2]);
mlMultiplyMat4_2(finalmatrix, rotationInv, translationInv);
//finalMatrix = aiMesh->bone[sheath]->offsetMatrix


Projecting a vector in a given plane using numpy

Using numpy, how can I do an orthogonal projection of, for example, the vector np.array([0.3,0.5,0.2]) into the plane 3x+2y-2z=0 ?
I think one may simply use numpy.linalg.lstsq to find the orthogonal projection?
Your hyperplane is defined by the set of x such that <a,x>=0, where a is a vector orthogonal to the plane. In your example,
a = (3,2,-2).
Then The projection of a point p is in the hyperplane is a point p_proj such that p-p_proj is orthogonal to the plane. This means that it is parallel to a, or in other words p-p_proj=lambda*a. So
p_proj = p- lambda*a (1).
since p_proj is in the hyperplane, <p_proj,a> = 0 so multiplying by a on the equality(1) gives
lambda= <p,a>/<a,a>.
Substituting into (2), you get
Projection(p) = p_proj = p-<p,a>/<a,a>a
which can be done easily in numpy using,v_2) wherever we encounter <v_1,v_2>:
def projection(p,a):
lambda_val =,a)/,a)
return p - lambda_val * a
(Note that this is a Gram-Schmidt iteration).

The math to render a cube?

My friend and I are making a 3d rendering engine from scratch in our VB class at school, but I am not sure how the math to form the cube would work. Given six variables:
Which represent the rotation on x,y,z and the length on x,y,z respectively, what would be the formulas to make the cube? I know that all I have to do is calculate three segments and from those segments just create three parallelograms, so I just need the math to find what the three segments are.
there are 2 basic 3D object representations for both are your data is insufficient.
surface representation
objects are set of surface polygons/vertexes/...
for cube its a set of 8 points + the triangles/quads for 6 faces
analytical representation
objects are set of equations describing the object
for cube its a intersection of 6 planes
I think you are using option 1 so what you need is:
- position
- orientation
- size
usually an axis aligned cube looks like this:
const double a=1.0; //cube size;
double pnt[8][3]= //cube points
int tab[24]=
0,1,2,3, // 1st.quad
7,6,5,4, // 2nd.quad
4,5,1,0, // 3th.quad ...
well for size and orientation you can apply transformation matrix
or directly recompute points by direction vectors
so you need to remember position (point) and orientation (3 vectors) and size (scalar)
all above can be stored in single transformation matrix 4x4
but if you want the vectors then points will be like this:
P(+a,-a,+a) -> +a*I -a*J +a*K
where I,J,K are the orientation vectors
a is cube size
P(+a,-a,+a) is original axis aligned point in table above
Option 2 is more tricky to implement and unless you really need it (ray-tracing renders) then forget about it.

How can DWT be used in LSB substitution steganography

In steganography, the least significant bit (LSB) substitution method embeds the secret bits in the place of bits from the cover medium, for example, image pixels. In some methods, the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) of the image is taken and the secret bits are embedded in the DWT coefficients, after which the inverse trasform is used to reconstruct the stego image.
However, the DWT produces float coefficients and for the LSB substitution method integer values are required. Most papers I've read use the 2D Haar Wavelet, yet, they aren't clear on their methodology. I've seen the transform being defined in terms of low and high pass filters (float transforms), or taking the sum and difference of pair values, or the average and mean difference, etc.
More explicitly, either in the forward or the inverse transform (but not necessarily in both depending on the formulas used) eventually float numbers will appear. I can't have them for the coefficients because the substitution won't work and I can't have them for the reconstructed pixels because the image requires integer values for storage.
For example, let's consider a pair of pixels, A and B as a 1D array. The low frequency coefficient is defined by the sum, i.e., s = A + B, and the high frequency coefficient by the difference, i.e., d = A - B. We can then reconstruct the original pixels with B = (s - d) / 2 and A = s - B. However, after any bit twiddling with the coefficients, s - d may not be even anymore and float values will emerge for the reconstructed pixels.
For the 2D case, the 1D transform is applied separately for the rows and the columns, so eventually a division by 4 will occur somewhere. This can result in values with float remainders .00, .25, .50 and .75. I've only come across one paper which addresses this issue. The rest are very vague in their methodology and I struggle to replicate them. Yet, the DWT has been widely implemented for image steganography.
My question is, since some of the literature I've read hasn't been enlightening, how can this be possible? How can one use a transform which introduces float values, yet the whole steganography method requires integers?
One solution that has worked for me is using the Integer Wavelet Transform, which some also refer to as a lifting scheme. For the Haar wavelet, I've seen it defined as:
s = floor((A + B) / 2)
d = A - B
And for inverse:
A = s + floor((d + 1) / 2)
B = s - floor(d / 2)
All the values throughout the whole process are integers. The reason it works is because the formulas contain information about both the even and odd parts of the pixels/coefficients, so there is no loss of information from rounding down. Even if one modifies the coefficients and then takes the inverse transform, the reconstructed pixels will still be integers.
Example implementation in Python:
import numpy as np
def _iwt(array):
output = np.zeros_like(array)
nx, ny = array.shape
x = nx // 2
for j in xrange(ny):
output[0:x,j] = (array[0::2,j] + array[1::2,j])//2
output[x:nx,j] = array[0::2,j] - array[1::2,j]
return output
def _iiwt(array):
output = np.zeros_like(array)
nx, ny = array.shape
x = nx // 2
for j in xrange(ny):
output[0::2,j] = array[0:x,j] + (array[x:nx,j] + 1)//2
output[1::2,j] = output[0::2,j] - array[x:nx,j]
return output
def iwt2(array):
return _iwt(_iwt(array.astype(int)).T).T
def iiwt2(array):
return _iiwt(_iiwt(array.astype(int).T).T)
Some languages already have built-in functions for this purpose. For example, Matlab uses lwt2() and ilwt2() for 2D lifting-scheme wavelet transform.
els = {'p',[-0.125 0.125],0};
lshaarInt = liftwave('haar','int2int');
lsnewInt = addlift(lshaarInt,els);
[cAint,cHint,cVint,cDint] = lwt2(x,lsnewInt) % x is your image
xRecInt = ilwt2(cAint,cHint,cVint,cDint,lsnewInt);
An article example where IWT was used for image steganography is Raja, K.B. et. al (2008) Robust image adaptive steganography using integer wavelets.

Determining if a vertex is to the left or right of the camera

If you have a given vertex how could you determine whether that vertex is to the left or right (or possibly directly in line with) the camera?
All the info I find on this shows how to do it in 2D but I need 3D.
If I add the camera's look vector onto the camera's location I will have the ray that I need.
But the up vector also has to be thrown into the equation, so it seems a little tricky.
I think I have to find a transformation that makes the up vector = (0, 1, 0) and the look vector = (0, 0, 1) and then apply that transformation to the vertex. Then you can just say if the vertice's x coordinate is less than the camera's then it is to its left, else it is to the right.
It's as simple as multiplying the vector by the View-Projection matrix.
Here is what it boils down to though so you don't have to do a full matrix multiplication (you only need to check one section of the resulting matrix to see which side of the screen the vertex is on)
private bool left(Vector3 v)
if (viewProjection.M11 * v.X + viewProjection.M21 * v.Y + viewProjection.M31 * v.Z + viewProjection.M41 < 0)
return true;
return false;
viewProjection is obviously just the view matrix * projection matrix

Calculating 2D resultant forces for vehicles in games

I am trying to calculate the forces that will act on circular objects in the event of a collision. Unfortunately, my mechanics is slightly rusty so i'm having a bit of trouble.
I have an agent class with members
vector position // (x,y)
vector velocity // (x,y)
vector forward // (x,y)
float radius // radius of the agent (all circles)
float mass
So if we have A,B:Agent, and in the next time step the velocity is going to change the position. If a collision is going to occur I want to work out the force that will act on the objects.
I know Line1 = (B.position-A.position) is needed to work out the angle of the resultant force but how to calculate it is baffling me when I have to take into account current velocity of the vehicle along with the angle of collision.
arctan(L1.y,L1.x) is am angle for the force (direction can be determined)
sin/cos are height/width of the components
Also I know to calculate the rotated axis I need to use
x = cos(T)*vel.x + sin(T)*vel.y
y = cos(T)*vel.y + sin(T)*vel.x
This is where my brain can't cope anymore.. Any help would be appreciated.
As I say, the aim is to work out the vector force applied to the objects as I have already taken into account basic physics.
Added a little psudocode to show where I was starting to go with it..
Agent {
vector position, velocity, front;
float radius,mass;
vector dist = B.position - A.position;
float distMag = dist.magnitude();
if (distMag < A.radius + B.radius) { // collision
float theta = arctan(dist.y,dist.x);
flost sine = sin(theta);
float cosine = cos(theta);
vector newAxis = new vector;
newAxis.x = cosine * dist .x + sine * dist .y;
newAxis.y = cosine * dist .y - sine * dist .x;
// Converted velocities
vector[] vTemp = {
new vector(), new vector() };
vTemp[0].x = cosine * agent.velocity.x + sine * agent.velocity.y;
vTemp[0].y = cosine * agent.velocity.y - sine * agent.velocity.x;
vTemp[1].x = cosine * current.velocity.x + sine * current.velocity.y;
vTemp[1].y = cosine * current.velocity.y - sine * current.velocity.x;
Here's to hoping there's a curious maths geek on stack..
Let us assume, without loss of generality, that we are in the second object's reference frame before the collision.
Conservation of momentum:
m1*vx1 = m1*vx1' + m2*vx2'
m1*vy1 = m1*vy1' + m2*vy2'
Solving for vx1', vy1':
vx1' = vx1 - (m2/m1)*vx2'
vy1' = vy1 - (m2/m1)*vy2'
Secretly, I will remember the fact that vx1'*vx1' + vy1'*vy1' = v1'*v1'.
Conservation of energy (one of the things elastic collisions give us is that angle of incidence is angle of reflection):
m1*v1*v1 = m1*v1'*v1' + m2*v2'+v2'
Solving for v1' squared:
v1'*v1' = v1*v1 - (m2/m1)v2'*v2'
Combine to eliminate v1':
(1-m2/m1)*v2'*v2' = 2*(vx2'*vx1+vy2'*vy1)
Now, if you've ever seen a stationary poolball hit, you know that it flies off in the direction of the contact normal (this is the same as your theta).
v2x' = v2'cos(theta)
v2y' = v2'sin(theta)
v2' = 2/(1-m2/m1)*(vx1*sin(theta)+vy1*cos(theta))
Now you can solve for v1' (either use v1'=sqrt(v1*v1-(m2/m1)*v2'*v2') or solve the whole thing in terms of the input variables).
Let's call phi = arctan(vy1/vx1). The angle of incidence relative to the tangent line to the circle at the point of intersection is 90-phi-theta (pi/2-phi-theta if you prefer). Add that again for the reflection, then convert back to an angle relative to the horizontal. Let's call the angle of incidence psi = 180-phi-2*theta (pi-phi-2*theta). Or,
psi = (180 or pi) - (arctan(vy1/vx1))-2*(arctan(dy/dx))
vx1' = v1'sin(psi)
vy1' = v1'cos(psi)
Consider: if these circles are supposed to be solid 3D spheres, then use a mass proportional to radius-cubed for each one (note that the proportionality constant cancels out). If they are supposed to be disklike, use mass proportional to radius-squared. If they are rings, just use radius.
Next point to consider: Since the computer updates at discrete time events, you actually have overlapping objects. You should back out the objects so that they don't overlap before computing the new location of each object. For extra credit, figure out the time that they should have intersected, then move them in the new direction for that amount of time. Note that this time is just the overlap / old velocity. The reason that this is important is that you might imagine a collision that is computed that causes the objects to still overlap (causing them to collide again).
Next point to consider: to translate the original problem into this problem, just subtract object 2's velocity from object 1 (component-wise). After the computation, remember to add it back.
Final point to consider: I probably made an algebra error somewhere along the line. You should seriously consider checking my work.