Beginner Redis Command - redis

I'm going through the tutorial on redis and came across a command that didn't make sense. From my code below, I'm getting a -2 time-to-live return value for a key that definitely does still exist. Shouldn't my code have returned a -1 for never expiring?
The tutorial says:
Redis can be told that a key should only exist for a certain length of time. This is accomplished with the EXPIRE and TTL commands.
SET resource:lock "Redis Demo"
EXPIRE resource:lock 120
This causes the key resource:lock to be deleted in 120 seconds. You can test how long a key will exist with the TTL command. It returns the number of seconds until it will be deleted.
TTL resource:lock => 113
// after 113s
TTL resource:lock => -2
The -2 for the TTL of the key means that the key does not exist (anymore). A -1 for the TTL of the key means that it will never expire. Note that if you SET a key, its TTL will be reset.
SET resource:lock "Redis Demo 1"
EXPIRE resource:lock 120
TTL resource:lock => 119
SET resource:lock "Redis Demo 2"
TTL resource:lock => -1
This is the code that I typed into the interactive terminal. My assumption is that the 3rd line should've given me back -1, for never expiring. I never set an expiration time so I don't know why I'm getting back -2.
> SET loggedIn "True"
> TTL logggedIn
(integer) -2
> GET loggedIn

You have a spelling error: you set a key named loggedIn, while trying to get the TTL of logggedIn


How to set TTL for race conditions in Redis cache

I am using Redis for cache in my application which is configured in spring beans, spring-data-redis 1.7.1, jedis 2.9.0.
I would like to know how to set the race condition ttl in the configuration.
Please comment if you have any suggestions.
If I understand you right, you want the same as that Ruby repo, but in Java.
For that case you may want to put a technical lock key along the one you need.
get yourkey
get <yourkey>::lock
// if (nil) then calculate, if t then wait. assuming (nil) here
setex <yourkey>::lock 30 t
// calcultions
set <yourkey> <result>
del <yourkey>::lock
(integer) 1
Here with setex you set a lock key with TTL of 30 sec. You can put another TTL if you want.
There is one problem with the code above - some time will pass before checking a lock and aquiring it. To properly aquire a lock EVAL can be used: eval "local lk=KEYS[1]..'::lock' local'get',lk) if (lock==false) then'setex',lk,KEYS[2],'t') return 1 else return 0 end" 2 <yourkey> 30 This either returns 0 if there is no lock or puts a lock and returns 1.

What's default TTL in Redis?

I can't find anywhere online what is default TTL in Redis.
I know that I can set TTL for specific SET, but don't know what is default TTL.
Can someone tell me what default time to live is in Redis?
There is no default TTL. By default, keys are set to live forever.
The keys with no expiration time set will not expire.
If you mean TTL command specifically, starting with v2.8, it will return -2 if no EXPIRE value is set.
Itamar Haber's comment is true, I recalled false: There is no such setting in redis config for a global TTL. So I deleted the part about that.
Edit2: Also see the link to the official docs about default expiration of keys here:
I suppose value set to '-1' by default which means forever.> set datakey "my-data"
OK> TTL datakey
(integer) -1>
REDIS Docs says
Starting with Redis 2.8 the return value in case of error changed:
The command returns -2 if the key does not exist.
The command returns -1 if the key exists but has no associated expire.

Number of expiring keys listed by info command on redis slave not consistent with what I see

When I run the info command in redis-cli against a redis 3.2.4 server, it shows me this for expires:
However, when I then run a keys * command and ask for the ttl for each key, and only print out keys with a ttl > 0, I only see a couple hundred.
I thought that the expires is a count of the number of expiring keys but I am not even within an order of magnitude of this number.
Can someone clarify exactly what expires is meant to convey? Does this include both to-be-expired and previously expired but not yet evicted keys?
Here is how I counted the number of keys expiring:
task count_tmp_keys: :environment do
redis = 100)
keys = redis.keys '*'
ct_expiring = 0
keys.each do |k|
ttl = redis.ttl(k)
if ttl > 0
ct_expiring += 1
puts "Expiring: #{k}; ttl is #{ttl}; total: #{ct_expiring}"
puts "Total expiring: #{ct_expiring}"
puts "Done at #{}"
When I ran this script it shows I have a total expiring of 78
When I run info, it says db0:keys=10237963,expires=224098,avg_ttl=0
Because 224098 is so much larger than 78, I am very confused. Is there perhaps a better way for me to obtain a list of all 225k expiring keys?
Also, how is it that my average ttl is 0? Wouldn't you expect it to be nonzero?
I have new information and a simple, 100% repro of this situation locally!
To repro: setup two redis processes locally on your laptop. Make one a slave of the other. On the slave process, set the following:
config set slave-serve-stale-data yes
config set slave-read-only no
Now, connect to the slave (not the master) and run:
set foo 1
expire foo 10
After 10 seconds, you will no longer be able to access foo, but info command will still show that you have 1 key expiring with an average ttl of 0.
Can someone explain this behavior?
expires contains existing keys with TTL which will expire, not including already expired keys.
Example ( with omission of extra information from info command for brevity ):> flushall
OK> SETEX mykey1 1000 "1"
OK> SETEX mykey2 1000 "2"
OK> SETEX mykey3 1000 "3"
OK> info
# Keyspace
db0:keys=3,expires=3,avg_ttl=992766> SETEX mykey4 1 "4"
OK> SETEX mykey5 1 "5"
OK> info
# Keyspace
db0:keys=3,expires=3,avg_ttl=969898> keys *
1) "mykey2"
2) "mykey3"
3) "mykey1">
Given that in your situation you are asking about key expiry on slaves, per
keys on a slave are not actively expired, and thus the avg_ttl is
never calculated
And per!topic/redis-db/NFTpdmpOPnc:
avg_ttl is never initialized on a slave and thus it can be what ever
arbitrary value resides in memory at that place.
Thus, it is to be expected that the info command behaves differently on slaves.
The expires just returns the size of keys that will expire not the time.
The source code of 3.2.4
long long keys, vkeys;
keys = dictSize(server.db[j].dict);
vkeys = dictSize(server.db[j].expires);
if (keys || vkeys) {
info = sdscatprintf(info,
j, keys, vkeys, server.db[j].avg_ttl);
It just calculate the size of server.db[j].expires. (note j is the database index).

Absolute and Sliding Caching In Redis

I want to implement Absolute and Sliding Caching In Redis. Does anyone have any resource link then it will be helpful
Redis already have many commands for this :
EXPIRE : Set a timeout on key.
EXPIREAT : Same as previous but takes an absolute Unix timestamp (seconds since January 1, 1970).
TTL : Returns the remaining time to live of a key that has a timeout
One important thing you have to know about Expiration on Redis : the timeout value is cleared only when the key is removed or overwritten using SET or GETSET. All others commands (INCR, LPUSH, HMSET, ...) will never change the initial timeout.
Absolute expiration is a native feature of Redis using EXPIRE. To implement a sliding expiration you simply need to reset to timeout value after each command.
A basic way to do this could be

my redis keys do not expire

My redis server does not delete keys when the time-to-live reaches 0.
Here is a sample code:
>SET mykey "ismykey"
>EXPIRE mykey 20
#check TTL
>TTL mykey
>(integer) 17
> ...
>TTL mykey
>(integer) -1
#mykey chould have expired:
>EXISTS mykey
>(integer) 1
>#oh still there, check its value
>GET mykey
If i check the info return by redis, it says 0 keys were expired.
Any idea?
Since you're doing a '...' it's hard to say for sure, but I'd say you're setting mykey during that part, which will effectively remove the expiration.
From the EXPIRE manual
The timeout is cleared only when the key is removed using the DEL
command or overwritten using the SET or GETSET commands
Also, regarding the -1 reply from TTL
Return value
Integer reply: TTL in seconds or -1 when key does not
exist or does not have a timeout.
EDIT: Note that this behaviour changed in Redis 2.8
Starting with Redis 2.8 the return value in case of error changed:
The command returns -2 if the key does not exist.
The command returns -1 if the key exists but has no associated expire.
In other words, if your key exists, it would seem to be persistent, ie not have any expiration set.
EDIT: It seems I can reproduce this if I create the key on a REDIS slave server, the slave will not delete the key without master input, since normally you would not create keys locally on a slave. Is this the case here?
However while the slaves connected to a master will not expire keys
independently (but will wait for the DEL coming from the master),
they'll still take the full state of the expires existing in the
dataset, so when a slave is elected to a master it will be able to
expire the keys independently, fully acting as a master.