Power Pivot / DAX - Add column that flags all entries for customers who meet criteria in any of their rows - powerpivot

I have a large database (2 million rows). There are many columns but the two relevant ones are CustomerID and AccountType. A customer can have more than one account type and if they do this will show as different rows in the database. If any of a customers accounts are AccountType = Premium, then they are a Premium customer.
I want to add a column in PowerPivot that will state whether a customer is Premium or not. So for example:
CustomerID Account Type Custom Column
1 Basic Premium
2 Deposit Not Premium
3 Savings Not Premium
1 Premium Premium
So in my example because customer 1 has a Premium account in the last row, the first row is also flagged as Premium. To make it one step trickier, there are actually a few codes, so it could be Premium1, Premium2 etc.
I think I could do this by creating a separate table and linking the two, but I would prefer to avoid this step if possible to keep the file size down.

Try this in the expression for the calculated column:
Custom Column =
IF (
[CustomerID] = EARLIER ( Table[CustomerID] )
&& [Account Type] = "Premium"
> 0,
"Not Premium"
It is not tested but should work, let me know if this works for you.


How to calculate a bank's deposit growth from one call report to the next, as a percentage?

I downloaded the entire FDIC bank call reports dataset, and uploaded it to BigQuery.
The table I currently have looks like this:
What I am trying to accomplish is adding a column showing the deposit growth rate since the last quarter for each bank:
Note:The first reporting date for each bank (e.g. 19921231) will not have a "Quarterly Deposit Growth". Hence the two empty cells for the two banks.
I would like to know if a bank is increasing or decreasing its deposits each quarter/call report (viewed as a percentage).
e.g. "On their last call report (19921231)First National Bank had deposits of 456789 (in 1000's). In their next call report (19930331)First National bank had deposits of 567890 (in 1000's). What is the percentage increase (or decrease) in deposits"?
This "_%_Change_in_Deposits" column would be displayed as a new column.
This is the code I have written so far:
SFRNLL.repdte, SFRNLL.cert, SFRNLL.name, SFRNLL.city, SFRNLL.county, SFRNLL.stalp, SFRNLL.specgrp AS `Loan_Specialization`, SFRNLL.lnreres as `_1_to_4_Residential_Loans`, AL.dep as `Deposits`, AL.lnlsnet as `loans_and_leases`,
IEEE_DIVIDE(SFRNLL.lnreres, AL.lnlsnet) as SFR2TotalLoanRatio
FROM usa_fdic_call_reports_1992.All_Reports_19921231_1_4_Family_Residential_Net_Loans_and_Leases as SFRNLL
JOIN usa_fdic_call_reports_1992.All_Reports_19921231_Assets_and_Liabilities as AL
ON SFRNLL.cert = AL.cert
where SFRNLL.specgrp = 4 and IEEE_DIVIDE(SFRNLL.lnreres, AL.lnlsnet) <= 0.10
SFRNLL.repdte, SFRNLL.cert, SFRNLL.name, SFRNLL.city, SFRNLL.county, SFRNLL.stalp, SFRNLL.specgrp AS `Loan_Specialization`, SFRNLL.lnreres as `_1_to_4_Residential_Loans`, AL.dep as `Deposits`, AL.lnlsnet as `loans_and_leases`,
IEEE_DIVIDE(SFRNLL.lnreres, AL.lnlsnet) as SFR2TotalLoanRatio
FROM usa_fdic_call_reports_1993.All_Reports_19930331_1_4_Family_Residential_Net_Loans_and_Leases as SFRNLL
JOIN usa_fdic_call_reports_1993.All_Reports_19930331_Assets_and_Liabilities as AL
ON SFRNLL.cert = AL.cert
where SFRNLL.specgrp = 4 and IEEE_DIVIDE(SFRNLL.lnreres, AL.lnlsnet) <= 0.10
The table looks like this:
Additional notes:
I would also like to view the last column (SFR2TotalLoansRatio) as a percentage.
This code runs correctly, however, previously I was getting a "division by zero" error when attempting to run 50,000 rows (1992 to the present).
Addressing each of your question individually.
First) Retrieving SFR2TotalLoanRatio as percentage, I assume you want to see 9.988% instead of 0.0988 in your results. Currently, in BigQuery you can achieve this by casting the field into a STRING then, concatenating the % sign. Below there is an example with sample data:
WITH data as (
SELECT 0.0123 as percentage UNION ALL
SELECT 0.0999 as percentage UNION ALL
SELECT 0.3456 as percentage
SELECT CONCAT(CAST(percentage*100 as String),"%") as formatted_percentage FROM data
And the output,
Row formatted_percentage
1 1.23%
2 9.99%
3 34.56%
Second) Regarding your question about the division by zero error. I am assuming IEEE_DIVIDE(arg1,arg2) is a function to perform the division, in which arg1 is the divisor and arg2 is the dividend. Therefore, I would adivse your to explore your data in order to figured out which records have divisor equals to zero. After gathering these results, you can determine what to do with them. In case you decide to discard them you can simply add within your WHERE statement in each of your JOINs: AL.lnlsnet = 0. On the other hand, you can also modify the records where lnlsnet = 0 using a CASE WHEN or IF statements.
In order to add this piece of code your query, you u have to wrap your code within a temporary table. Then, I will make two adjustments, first a temporary function in order to calculate the percentage and format it with the % sign. Second, retrieving the previous number of deposits to calculate the desired percentage. I am also assuming that cert is the individual id for each of the bank's clients. The modifications will be as follows:
#the following function MUST be the first thing within your query
CREATE TEMP FUNCTION percent(dep INT64, prev_dep INT64) AS (
Concat(Cast((dep-prev_dep)/prev_dep*100 AS STRING), "%")
#followed by the query you have created so far as a temporary table, notice the the comma I added after the last parentheses
WITH data AS(
#your query
#within this second part you need to select all the columns from data, and LAG function will be used to retrieve the previous number of deposits for each client
data_2 as (
SELECT repdte, cert, name, city, county, stalp, Loan_Specialization, _1_to_4_Residential_Loans,Deposits, loans_and_leases, SFR2TotalLoanRatio,
CASE WHEN cert = lag(cert) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY d) THEN lag(Deposits) OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY id) ELSE NULL END AS prev_dep FROM data
SELECT repdte, cert, name, city, county, stalp, Loan_Specialization, _1_to_4_Residential_Loans,Deposits, loans_and_leases, SFR2TotalLoanRatio, percent(Deposits,prev_dep) as dept_growth_rate FROM data_2
Note that the built-in function LAG is used together with CASE WHEN in order to retrieve the previous amount of deposits per client.

How to make a query that return data of rows related to each row in table

i have some tables about Double-entry bookkeeping.
table VoucherDetail Contains Accounting Entries for Each Voucher and
other tables are Accounts Group/Ledger/Definitive
here are diagrams of tables
im trying to get opposite side of an entry and show it in a custom column that matches entry debit/credit amount(Ref to image 2).
i did some google search and find nothing. here is the query i made so far(Ref to image 1):
vd.VoucherDetailIndex AS ind,
CONCAT ( ag.Name, '_', al.Name, '_', ad.Name ) AS names,
CONCAT ( ag.GroupId, '_', al.LedgerId, '_', ad.DefinitiveId ) AS ids
FROM dbo.Vouchers
JOIN dbo.VoucherDetails AS vd ON vd.Voucher_VoucherIndex = dbo.Vouchers.VoucherIndex
JOIN dbo.AccDefinitives AS ad ON vd.AccDefinitive_DefinitiveIndex = ad.DefinitiveIndex
JOIN dbo.AccLedgers AS al ON ad.AccLedger_LedgerIndex = al.LedgerIndex
JOIN dbo.AccGroups AS ag ON al.AccGroup_GroupIndex = ag.GroupIndex
here is the result im getting :
result i want to be :
here is an example to explain what i need :
we put 10$ on bank as our Equity, now we need to create a voucher for this:
INSERT INTO Vouchers(VoucherIndex, VoucherId, VoucherDate, Description) VALUES
(1, 1, 2019/01/01, initial investment);
and now we need to add Entry of this event to VoucherDetail of Voucher 1
which will have 2 entry; 1 for cash and 1 for Equity :
INSERT INTO VoucherDetails(VoucherDetailIndex, Debit, Credit, Description AccDefinitive_DefinitiveIndex, AccLedger_LedgerIndex, Voucher_VoucherIndex, EntityOrder) VALUES
(1, 10$, 0, 'Put Cash on Bank as initial Investment', 10101, 101, 1, 1),
(2, 0, 10$, 'initial Investment', 50101, 501, 1, 2);
now we run the first query i provided here is the result
now we have our common result, lets get to the problem
imagine someone filled these tables with 10000 row data
and we need to find Voucher no.10, with 20 entries inside VoucherDetail
we get these entries by doing a simple query.
but we don't know which related to which(like in above example Cash with 10$ debt related to Equity with 10$ credit)
if we want to know it, we need to spend time on it every time we need to find something
the query need to search whole table and find opposite side related to each row based on Debit or Credit value of row
this should be the result i wrote in excel :
as you can see in the image above there is 2 new columns added
Account in opposite Side and Account ID in opposite side
first row refers to Equity which related to Cash and
second row refers to Cash Which related to Equity.
As far as I can see, what you need to be able to do is join two VoucherDetail records that have the same Voucher_VoucherIndex value (let's call this VoucherID for brevity). However, the only two things these records have in common is their VoucherID and the fact that the Debit value = the Credit value in the other, and vice versa.
In the comments you mentioned that multiple VoucherDetail rows with the same VoucherID can have the same Debit value (and I presume Credit value). If this wasn't the case, you could add something like this to your query:
JOIN dbo.VoucherDetails AS vd_opposite
ON vd.Voucher_VoucherIndex = vd_opposite.Voucher_VoucherIndex
AND (vd.Debit = vd_opposite.Credit OR vd.Credit = vd_opposite.Debit)
You can't do this though, because Debit/Credit and VoucherID together are not enough to be unique, so you might pick up extra rows in the join that you don't want.
Therefore, your only option is to add a new ID field to your table (maybe called SaleID or something) that definitively links the two rows that represent opposite sides of the same "sale" with a common ID. Then, the above JOIN would look like this:
JOIN dbo.VoucherDetails AS vd_opposite
ON vd.Voucher_VoucherIndex = vd_opposite.Voucher_VoucherIndex
AND vd.SaleID = vd_opposite.SaleID
In addition to adding that JOIN, you would need to join the new vd_opposite table against all of the dbo.Acc* tables again to get access to the data you want, and obviously add the fields from those tables that you want in the results to your SELECT fields.


Got two tables in power Pivot (table 1) and (table 2)
Table 1 got a column with Buy/Sell values.
And table 2 got a column called "total value" (which is a currency column)
The tables are connected through a key column (with the exact matching numbers of course)
I want to calculate the the rows with table 1 (Buy) values, against the table 2 column with (total Value).
To summarize I want a measure to know how much is the total value of all the "Buy" and one measure for all the "Sell" values.
tried this formula but it didn't work:
Insider buys Total:=
QcomInsider[Total Value];
QcomBuyOrSell[Buy/Sell] = "Buy");
(QcomInsider[Total Value])
help much appreciated even if I need more than 2 measures
I think you are very close, just use SUM over the right column and you are done.
Insider buys Total:=
SUM(QcomInsider[Total Value]);
QcomBuyOrSell[Buy/Sell] = "Buy")
Insider sells Total:=
SUM(QcomInsider[Total Value]);
QcomBuyOrSell[Buy/Sell] = "Sell")

SQL Subtract Values From Table 1 When The Row Exists In Table 2

I have two tables, tblTasks and tblOffsets. The tblTasks has all of these Tasks that are being funded and tblOffsets has references to lines in tblTasks that are being funded by outside money.
Both have the same columns except tblOffsets has an extra column called "Source" to keep track of where the money is coming form.
Appropriation, PerformerGroup, Performer, Contract, ID, IDExt, Labor, Material, Travel, FiscalYear
The primary key is actually a collection of columns from this table: Appropriation, PerformerGroup, Performer, Contract, FiscalYear, ID, and IDExt. Each row has a unique combination of these columns.
Now what I want to do is get a subquery (or maybe I need to make a new table?) that takes tblTasks and subtracts the values from tblOffsets for the lines that exist in tblOffsets.
I've tried to write this code that obviously doesn't work but it should give you an idea of what I'm talking about:
(tb.Labor - o.Labor) AS Labor,
(tb.Material - o.Material) AS Material,
(tb.Travel - o.Travel) AS Travel
FROM tblTaskBooks tb, tblOffsets o
WHERE tblTaskBooks.Appropriation = tblOffsets.Appropriation
AND tblTaskBooks.PerformerGroupID= tblOffsets.PerformerGroupID
AND tblTaskBooks.PerformerID = tblOffsets.PerformerID
AND tblTaskBooks.Contract = tblOffsets.Contract
AND tblTaskBooks.ID = tblOffsets.ID
AND tblTaskBooks.IDExt = tblOffsets.IDExt
AND tblTaskBooks.FiscalYear = tblOffsets.FiscalYear
When I do this however, Access keeps asking for an input for Appropriation and etc. Is the problem that the two tables have different number of rows?

Create one query with sum and count with each value pulled from a different table

I am trying to create a query that pulls two different aggregated values from three different tables during a specific date range. I am working in Access 2003.
I have:
tblPO which has the high level purchase order description (company name, shop order #, date of order, etc)
tblPODescription which has the dollar values of the individual line items from customers the purchase order
tblCostSheets which as a breakdown of the individual pieces that we need to manufacture to satisfy the customers purchase order.
I am looking to create a query that will allow me, based on the Shop Order #, to get both the sum of the dollar values from tblPODescriptions and the count of the different type of pieces we need to make from tblCostSheets.
A quick caveat: the purchase order may have 5 line items for a sum of say $1560 but it might take us making 8 or 9 different parts to satisfy those 5 line items. I can easily create a query that pulls either the sum or the count by themselves, but when I created my query with both, I end up with numbers that are multipled versions of what I want. I believe it is multiplying my piece counts and dollar values.
SELECT DISTINCTROW tblPO.CompanyName, tblPO.ShopOrderNo, tbl.OrderDate, Sum(tblPODescriptions.ItemAmount) AS SumOfItemAmount, Count(tblCostSheets.Description) AS CountOfDescription
FROM (tblPO INNER JOIN tblPODescriptions ON (tblPO.CompanyName = tblPODescriptions.CompanyName) AND (tblPO.PurchaseOrderNo = tblPODescriptions.PurchaseOrderNo) AND (tblPO.PODate = tblPODescriptions.PODate)) INNER JOIN tblCostSheets ON tblPO.ShopOrderNo = tblCostSheets.ShopOrderNo
GROUP BY tblPO.CompanyName, tblPO.ShopOrderNo, tblPO.OrderDate
HAVING (((tblPO.OrderDate) Between [Enter Start Date:] And [Enter End Date:]));