What is the correct HTTP response for requests without percent encoded URI? - api

Talking about HTTP API/HTTP Web server, what is the HTTP response code that the server should returns in case the client did not apply a URL encoding to requests params. I tried to look into HTTP RFCs but nothing specific or useful regarding that.

If the request is invalid, you can return a 400 Bad Request status.
400 Bad Request
The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications.
If you want to send a more informative or specific response, you can provide additional details in the response body.


CSRF and CORS: Why allow the request to happen if we know there will be a cors error?

I am confused by why the cors package allows the request to be processed even if the origin in the request header isn't white-listed. For example, res.status(202).send(await User.find()) returns a response with status code 202, but the data can't be loaded in the Chrome console.
Also, doesn't the browser send preflight OPTIONS requests to know what's allowed; why would it send cookies/credentials along a request with a disallowed origin?
Edit: Tried a post request on jsfiddle and the post request doesn't happen server side. When I said "why the cors package allows" it would be better to say why the browser allows.
CORS is enforced in the browser, not in your server. The server participates in setting headers that the browser can then use to determine whether the request should be allowed or not. But, it is the browser that ultimately decides whether the CORS request satisfies the requirements or not and the result should be passed through to the Javascript in the browser.
Thus, the request is sent to the server, response is received and THEN the browser decides whether the Javascript in the page is allowed to see the result or not.
In some cases where the request is likely to have side effects on the server (based on a set of criteria in the request), the browser will send a pre-flight request to get just the CORS info first.

What are the actual request headers sent in the Intellij HTTP client?

IntelliJ has an HTTP client. When composing a file that is interpreted by the HTTP client, you can specify headers that go out to the server with the request, like so:
GET https://{{hostname}}/{{path}}
Content-Type: application/json
X-Auth-Token: {{x-token}}
I want to find the actual value of the token that was used to replace the variable name, seen above as {{x-token}}, but I don't see any way to obtain the request headers. The response headers are obviously available, but not the request headers. See the image below for the test results that are shown after running the HTTP client inside Intellij:
Is there a way to display the REQUEST headers?
Link to IntelliJ Documentation - HTTP Client -- the documentation seems to never mention the actual request headers that are sent over the wire, but they do discuss how to define request headers in composing the .http file type.
Check the Tools | HTTP Client | 'Show HHTP Requests History' action.

Http post method Key significance

I am facing a challenge in sending data to http server through AT command
Condition Given:
"The version of HTTP used should be 1.1 or
higher, HTTP key should be 'logdata' and the HTTP POST method should be
used to send data."
I can't understand how to submit the key, every time I get 400 bad request error.

What's the correct HTTP response code to return for Denial of Service (DoS) attack?

I have some logic in the web server to find out if the user is trying to do a DoS attack. But what's the correct HTTP response code to return for that? Also what's a good error message I can put in HTTP body to tell the user politely that he's got into the DoS attack path?
But what's the correct HTTP response code to return for that?
RFC 6585 suggests 429 Too Many Requests
The 429 status code indicates that the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time ("rate limiting").
If the attack has compromised your ability to handle legitimate requests, then to those you might respond with 503 Service Unavailable.
Note the change in semantics - the person sending the bad requests gets a status out of the 4NN Client Error class, while those not at fault get a status from the 5NN Internal Service Error class.
what's a good error message I can put in HTTP body to tell the user politely that he's got into the DoS attack path?
Please stop that?

Best HTTP Response Code for a Restful Api which makes calls to other Web Services when a failure occurs

So i'm designing a Restful Api that makes calls to other web services aggregates the result and return back to the client. If connection of any of the other web services fails for any reason, what is the best thing to return?
Right now am returning an 500 - Internal Server error to the client but I would like to return more details to the client on what made the request to fail. Would it be redundant to return a 500 http response code with a response body containing a message detailing where the error actually occurred or to just return a 503 - Service Unavailable http response code?
Your response code should depend on what you can do with the request. If clients can expect in this case to receive partial information and a message indicating what remote data feeds are unavailable, then send back a 200. I would not include HTTP codes or failing URIs in that response, just the names of the providers that are unavailable, and possibly a reason why. If you do, you may find yourself broken when you need to add non-URI-based providers. If you must, then make sure to include a "type" and require clients to use it. This will partially future-proof you, but expect that many clients will ignore the type and break if you add new types later.
If clients can't do anything with partial data, then you should return a 503 because your service is unavailable. It happens to be unavailable because a remote server it relies on is down. That's no different than returning a 503 because your own database is down. Your API can't return something because something it needs isn't available right now, but will be again later. You should include in the body of the response the reason for the outage, and may include a Retry-After header if you have any idea as to when the remote server might be available again.
A 404 is not appropriate because it means that the resource being requested does not exist - an error by the client. The resource does exist, it just can't be returned right now, because your server can't build it.
A 409 is not appropriate because there is no conflict that the user can resolve.
A 206 is not appropriate because it is to be used when the request includes a Range header, and there's no indication these requests do.
Since your aggregation is basically not finding what it seeks, perhaps HTTP 404 Not Found is appropriate.
If not all remote calls fail, so there at least are some relevant results, you could return HTTP 200 OK with an additional status informing that some remote sources currently are unavailable.
I would not return HTTP 503, as this code implies that your service is temporarily unavailable - and you therefore suggest the client retries later. HTTP 503 is typically returned when a server is restarting and is not quite ready to serve requests.