Relay how to use multiple fragments in ViewerQueries file - relay

I want to use multiple fragments in queries file
Like For home page i am using route as following and passing viewqueries file to it
indexRoute: {
component: Index,
queries: ViewerQueries,
prepareParams: () => ({status: 'any'}),
In ViewerQueries file m using
export default {
fitment: () => Relay.QL`query { fitment }`,
Above code is working fine but i have a cart in header so i need to add also cart fragment with every query, and i am adding it as follows
export default {
fitment: () => Relay.QL`query { fitment }`,
cart: () => Relay.QL`query { cart }`,
on adding this its giving me following error
Invariant Violation: Relay(Home).getFragment(): cart is not a valid fragment name. Available fragments names: fitment
Can anyone help? Thank you in advance


dxScheduler update data in cell using CustomStore

Hi i'm currently using scheduler from devextrem. I'm using data from MongoDB using a CustomStore to receive and send data from scheduler's form to my api route.
Everything is working nice only if i reload the page. New data doent's appear after adding, modifying or removing appointment.
How can i see changes done in the scheduler in a dynamic way?
const myCustomStore = new CustomStore({
key: '_id',
loadMode: 'raw', // omit in the DataGrid, TreeList, PivotGrid, and Scheduler
load: () => {
// ...
insert: (values) => {
// ...
remove: (key) => {
// ...
update: (key, values) => {
// ...
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
// ...
Maybe i could reload my component or just the modified cell or the whole page, i don't really find any solutions, could you please help?
If you need more to know on my project to answer my question please ask!

Loading different components based on route param in Vue Router

I'm building an editor app which supports multiple design templates. Each design template has wildly different set of fields so they each has their own .vue file.
I'm trying to dynamically load the corresponding view component file based on params. So visiting /editor/yellow-on-black would load views/designs/yellow-on-black.vue etc.
I've been trying to do it like this
path: '/editor/:design',
component: () => {
return import(`../views/designs/${}`)
But of course route is not defined. Any idea on how to work around this?
The route's component option is only evaluated once, so that won't work. Here's a solution using a Dynamic.vue view which uses a dynamic component based on the route param.
Use a simple route definition with route param. I changed the param name to dynamic:
import Dynamic from '#/views/Dynamic.vue';
path: "/editor/:dynamic",
component: Dynamic
Create a generic Dynamic.vue component that dynamically loads a component from the route param. It expects the param to be called dynamic:
<component v-if="c" :is="c" :key="c.__file"></component>
export default {
data: () => ({
c: null
methods: {
updateComponent(param) {
// The dynamic import
import(`#/components/${param}.vue`).then(module => {
this.c = module.default;
beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
// When first entering the route
next(vm => vm.updateComponent(to.params.dynamic));
beforeRouteUpdate(to, from, next) {
// When changing from one dynamic route to another

VueJS: $router.push not working with query parameters

In my NuxtJS(v. 2.10.2) application, I have a URL like below where pid is a post's id.
This URL works fine and loads the post as per the value passed to the pid query parameter. However, user can add new post by clicking Add Post button on the application bar that opens a dialog. Once the user clicks add, a request to back-end server is made to save the request. And once successful, user is redirected to the new post using vue router push like below
.then(data => {
if (data) {
this.$router.push({ path: `/post?pid=${}` });
The problem is, user is not redirected to the new post, only the query parameter pid is updated. I suspect VueJS does not acknowledge this as a different URL and hence does nothing.
How to fix this?
Update: As an alternative tried the syntax below but getting the same behavior.
this.$router.push({ path: "post", query: { pid: } });
Say you have a component post.vue which is mapped with /post URL.
Now if you redirect the user to /post?pid=13, the post.vue component won't mount again if it's already mounted ie. when you are already at /post or /post?pid=12.
[1] In this case, you can put a watch on the route to know if the route has been changed.
watch: {
'$route.path': {
handler (oldUrl, newUrl) {
let PID = this.$
// fetch data for this PID from the server.
// ...
[2] If the component post.vue is mapped with some route say /post.
You can also use the lifecycle -> beforeRouteUpdate provided by vue-router
beforeRouteUpdate (to, from, next) {
let PID =
// fetch data for this PID from the server.
// ...
By changing the approach component data can be updated as per the new query string value. Here is how it can be done.
Rather than trying to push to the same page again with different query string. The query string pid itself can be watched for change and on update new data can be fetched and the component data can be updated. In NuxtJS(v. 2.10.2) apps, this can be achieved with watchQuery. watchQuery is a NuxtJS property which watches changes to a query strings. And once it detects the change, all component methods(asyncData, fetch, validate..) are called. You can read more
As for the solution, pushing to the same page with new query string remains the same.
.then(data => {
if (data) {
this.$router.push({ name: 'post', query: { pid: } });
However, on the page.vue, where the data is fetched from the server. We need to add watchQuery property.
watchQuery: ["pid"],
async asyncData(context) {
let response = await context.$axios.$get(
return { postData: response };
data: () => ({
postData: null
Now, everytime the query string pid will change asyncData will be called. And that is it. An easy fix to updating component data when the query string value change.
try this solution
.then(data => {
if (data) {
this.$router.push({ name: 'post', query: { pid: } });
// with query, resulting in /register?plan=private
router.push({ path: 'register', query: { plan: 'private' } })
Use watchQuery property (
export default {
watchQuery: true,
data: () => ...
In case anybody was looking for this:
Query parameters specified as a string do not work when passed to a path parameter:
router.push({path: 'route?query=params'})
When you want you use them as a string, just pass the whole string as an argument, like so: router.push('route?query=params')
It'll then be automagically picked by router and navigation will happen.
try this :
.then(data => {
if (data) {
this.$router.push('/post?pid=' +;
hope it works!!!

How to dynamically set query parameters with AWS AppSync SDK for React-Native

Background: I'm working on building a mobile app with react-native, and am setting up AWS's AppSync for synchronizing the app with cloud data sources.
The challenge: I have a view which shows all items in a list. The list's ID is passed in as a prop to the component. I need to use that list ID to query for the items of that list. I have the query working fine if I hard-code the list ID, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to dynamically set the list ID for the query when props update.
Here's what I have working (with a hard-coded ID of testList01) in my ListPage component:
const getListItems = id => gql`
query getListItems {
getListItems(listID: ${id}) {
export default graphql(getListItems('testList01'), {
options: {
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',
props: props => ({
listItems: ? : [],
I would like to be able to dynamically set which list to look up the items for based on a list ID, which is being passed in from props. Specifically, I'm using react-navigation to enter the ListPage, a view where a user can see the items on a List. So here's the code that gets executed when a user clicks on a list name and gets routed to the ListPage component:
handleListSelection(list: Object) {
const { navigation, userLists } = this.props;
navigation.navigate('ListPage', {
listID: list.record_id,
listName: list.list_name,
From my previous (pre-AppSync/GraphQL) implementation, I know that I can access the list ID in ListPage via this.props.navigation.state.params.listID. I would like to be able to use that in my AppSync query, but because the query is created outside the component, I'm unable to access the props, and so am struggling to get the ID.
Got this working using a package called react-apollo-dynamic-query which I found here. The author of that package also links directly to a simple function for doing what I'm trying to do here.
Essentially it just wraps the regular graphql call in a simple way that exposes the props so they can be passed down to the query.
My code now looks likes this (which I have below my definition of the ListPage component, in the same file):
const getListItems = props => {
const listID = props.navigation.state.params.listID;
return gql`
query getListItems {
getListItems(listID: "${listID}") { // Note the variable being wrapped in double quotes
const config = {
options: {
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',
props: props => ({
listItems: ? : [],
const MyApolloComponent = graphqlDynamic(getListItems, config)(ListPage);
export default MyApolloComponent;
It should work like this:
const getListItems = (id) => {
return gql`
query getListItems {
getListItems(listID: ${id}) {
Call this getListItems like the below
export default graphql(getListItems(id), { //from where ever you want to send the id
options: {
fetchPolicy: '
I have not tested this code. Please update if this works. Although I am quite sure that it works.

Select a layout for dynamically generated nuxt page

I'm building a project where all my data - including page routes - comes from a GraphQL endpoint but needs to be hosted via a static site (I know, I know. Don't get me started).
I've managed to generate routes statically from the data using the following code in nuxt.config.js:
generate: {
routes: () => {
const uri = 'http://localhost:4000/graphql'
const apolloFetch = createApolloFetch({ uri })
const query = `
query Pages {
pages {
pageContent {
components {
return apolloFetch({ query }) // all apolloFetch arguments are optional
.then(result => {
const { data } = result
return => page.slug)
.catch(error => {
console.log('got error')
The problem I am trying to solve is that some pages need to use a different layout from the default, the correct layout to use is specified in the GraphQL data as page.template but I don't see any way to pass that information to the router.
I've tried changing return => page.slug) to:
return => {
route: page.slug,
layout: page.template
but that seems to be a non-starter. Does anyone know how to pass a layout preference to the vue router?
One way would be to inject the data into a payload
This will allow you to pass generate information into the route itself.