apply_gradients for tensorflow optimizers - tensorflow

The tensorflow documentation states that:
Calling minimize() takes care of both computing the gradients and
applying them to the variables. If you want to process the gradients
before applying them you can instead use the optimizer in three steps:
Compute the gradients with compute_gradients(). Process the gradients
as you wish. Apply the processed gradients with apply_gradients().
However the example given is for vanilla SGD.
Does this two step process work for other types of optimizers (like momentum, adam etc), which don't use the gradients directly but instead use other derived descent directions ?
If so, where do the various intermediate variables and the final descent direction get computed - in compute_gradients or apply_gradients ?


Pytorch equivalent features in tensorflow?

I recently was reading a Pytorch code and came across loss.backward() and optimizer.step() functions, are there any equivalent of these using tensorflow/keras?
loss.backward() equivalent in tensorflow is tf.GradientTape(). TensorFlow provides the tf.GradientTape API for automatic differentiation - computing the gradient of computation with respect to its input variables. Tensorflow "records" all operations executed inside the context of a tf.GradientTape onto a "tape". Tensorflow then uses that tape and the gradients associated with each recorded operation to compute the gradients of a "recorded" computation using reverse mode differentiation.
optimizer.step() equivalent in tensorflow is minimize(). Minimizes the loss by updating the variable list. Calling minimize() takes care of both computing the gradients and applying them to the variables.
If you want to process the gradients before applying them you can instead use the optimizer in three steps:
Compute the gradients with tf.GradientTape.
Process the gradients as you wish.
Apply the processed gradients with apply_gradients().
Hope this answers your question. Happy Learning.

Optimizers' apply_gradients functionality

I am in the process of implementing a Quasi-Newton optimizer for tensorflow, and my question is when Optimizer apply_gradients function is called inside of the minimize function, are the gradients applied at whatever values the tensors happen to have at that moment in time?
The apply gradients function can be run at any time and will update the current weights in the network. You can change all of the gradients yourself to all ones and watch the weights increase by one.
You can see from the docs or from git itself here

Modifying intermediate gradients Tensorflow

You can get intermediate gradients with tf.gradients()and you can create a new tensor by applying an op on this results (like clipping) but how to modify the backpropagation accordingly ?
For instance to implement the Huber loss (with delta=1).
The first method is to create a boolean mask on the batch dimension doing something like.
A simpler way to implement it would be to use the l2 loss and to clip its gradients wrt inputs to 1.
But when you train your network you have to use compute_gradients and apply_gradients, which only give you gradients wrt variables. How to make your optimizer use the tensor modified_grad_wrt_input when doing the chain rule ?
Do you have to use gradient_override_map as in this github issue ?
Is there a simpler way without registering a new op/gradients ?

Implementing gradient descent in TensorFlow instead of using the one provided with it

I want to use gradient descent with momentum (keep track of previous gradients) while building a classifier in TensorFlow.
So I don't want to use tensorflow.train.GradientDescentOptimizer but I want to use tensorflow.gradients to calculate gradients and keep track of previous gradients and update the weights based on all of them.
How do I do this in TensorFlow?
TensorFlow has an implementation of gradient descent with momentum.
To answer your general question about implementing your own optimization algorithm, TensorFlow gives you the primitives to calculate the gradients, and update variables using the calculated gradients. In your model, suppose loss designates the loss function, and var_list is a python list of TensorFlow variables in your model (which you can get by calling tf.all_variables or tf.trainable_variables, then you can calculate the gradients w.r.t your variables as follows :
grads = tf.gradients(loss, var_list)
For the simple gradient descent, you would simply subtract the product of the gradient and the learning rate from the variable. The code for that would look as follows :
var_updates = []
for grad, var in zip(grads, var_list):
var_updates.append(var.assign_sub(learning_rate * grad))
train_op =*var_updates)
You can train your model by calling Now, you can do all sorts of things before actually updating your variables. For instance, you can keep track of the gradients in a different set of variables and use it for the momentum algorithm. Or, you can clip your gradients before updating the variables. All these are simple TensorFlow operations because the gradient tensors are no different from other tensors that you compute in TensorFlow. Please look at the implementations (Momentum, RMSProp, Adam) of some the fancier optimization algorithms to understand how you can implement your own.

Unaggregated gradients / gradients per example in tensorflow

Given a simple mini-batch gradient descent problem on mnist in tensorflow (like in this tutorial), how can I retrieve the gradients for each example in the batch individually.
tf.gradients() seems to return gradients averaged over all examples in the batch. Is there a way to retrieve gradients before aggregation?
Edit: A first step towards this answer is figuring out at which point tensorflow averages the gradients over the examples in the batch. I thought this happened in _AggregatedGrads, but that doesn't appear to be the case. Any ideas?
tf.gradients returns the gradient with respect to the loss. This means that if your loss is a sum of per-example losses, then the gradient is also the sum of per-example loss gradients.
The summing up is implicit. For instance if you want to minimize the sum of squared norms of Wx-y errors, the gradient with respect to W is 2(WX-Y)X' where X is the batch of observations and Y is the batch of labels. You never explicitly form "per-example" gradients that you later sum up, so it's not a simple matter of removing some stage in the gradient pipeline.
A simple way to get k per-example loss gradients is to use batches of size 1 and do k passes. Ian Goodfellow wrote up how to get all k gradients in a single pass, for this you would need to specify gradients explicitly and not rely on tf.gradients method
To partly answer my own question after tinkering with this for a while. It appears that it is possible to manipulate gradients per example while still working in batch by doing the following:
Create a copy of tf.gradients() that accepts an extra tensor/placeholder with example-specific factors
Create a copy of _AggregatedGrads() and add a custom aggregation method that uses the example-specific factors
Call your custom tf.gradients function and give your loss as a list of slices:
ys=[cross_entropy[i] for i in xrange(batch_size)],
But this will probably have the same complexity as doing individual passes per example, and I need to check if the gradients are correct :-).
One way of retrieving gradients before aggregation is to use the grads_ys parameter. A good discussion is found here:
Use of grads_ys parameter in tf.gradients - TensorFlow
I haven't been working with Tensorflow a lot lately, but here is an open issue tracking the best way to compute unaggregated gradients:
There is a lot of sample code solutions provided by users (including myself) that you can try based on your needs.