Automate importing new libraries into Artifactory Ivy repository - ivy

We are only using the basic feature of Artifactory for Ant-Ivy java projects. If we need new java libraries, we download JARs, craft ivy.xml, then "deploy" the bundle to our internal Artifactory repository. This has been working just fine. However, when we need a set of JARS that need many transitive dependencies, the tasks become very tedious. We don't use Maven and download JARS from Maven central does not provide ivy.xml file. I am wondering if there is an easy way to automate these process?

You can try this Artifactory user plugin which generates missing ivy.xml files from .pom files.
Please note that using a user plugin will require the professional version of Artifactory.


configure Ivy 2.2.0 through build.xml instead of installing it on machine

I want to use ivy 2.2.0 jar instead of installing ivy on my machine because when anyone import my project from svn its giving errors for jars which I have added to Ivy library.
I added ivy.xml to build path through option add ivy library. how I can configure it through build.xml instead of add ivy library option..
You want to use Ivy without the ivy.jar file? This is not possible.
However, you can make it easier for your users. Ant can automatically download Ivy for you the first time it is used. For the following times, just add Ivy itself as a dependency of your project, so you can easily roll out updates of Ivy, for example.
For the bootstrapping (getting Ivy with plain Ant) see this answer to another SO question.

How to include required jars in project while using Maven?

I am new to Maven and using it to build a project on my local. This is working nicely on my local. Now, I want to run the same project on my server and the server does not have Maven installed. So I wanted to ask if there is any way by which, when I build a Maven project on my local, I could include all the required jars in it and then simply transfer it to my server? I know Maven creates the repository in C:\Documents and Settings\username\.m2 on Windows.
But how can I include all the jars in project the way we do traditionally? I saw this question. But it talks about creating a custom repository and I don't have Maven installed at all. so I guess it is not a suitable solution to me.
You can use the Maven Assembly Plugin. From the documentation:
The Assembly Plugin for Maven is primarily intended to allow users to aggregate the project output along with its dependencies, modules, site documentation, and other files into a single distributable archive.

How do I build a Play project with Hudson?

I have a project that's using the Play framework, and the corporate standard is that all projects should be built by Hudson. However, I cannot find out how to do this, as Hudson does not follow any Java standards, and requires the framework installed at the computer it runs on. I have tried to build the project with Maven (if I had managed this, adding it to Hudson should be quite simple), but I have failed to make it work. I tried the Play Maven module, but Maven claims it does not find the external repo that is listed ( This might be because I am behind a firewall. I also tried the recipe listed here, but the local maven build fails because it is unable to find org.playframework:play:1.1:jar.
Has anyone done this and can provide a howto?
It can be done without installing the Play framework on the Hudson server, but it is quite complicated:
Put the play libraries (play.jar and its dependencies) in a Maven repository
Create a pom.xml for your project, configured with:
theses libraries as dependencies
your project specific dependencies (project lib directory)
the java sources folder of your project (in the maven-compiler-plugin): "app"
If your project is simple (no module dependencies), this pom allows you to build the play project java sources using Maven.
If your project has module dependencies, you will have to add the dependencies jar in your pom dependencies.
To do that, you will have to create jar files from the modules if they don't have packaged jars (to get the "CRUD" class of the CRUD module for example).
You can find some help on this page I wrote :
Even if it's in French, I put my Ant stuff and the Play's pom I wrote.
At work we managed to integrate our Play applications with Bamboo.
It should not be difficult with my files.
Just looked at the repository, that you linked ( And guess what, I found the play-1.1.jar. However, the artifact ID is: and not org.playframework
In theory, you could put the full Play zip on your build or in in your repository, and then use Hudson to kick off an Ant script to download Play to the Hudson agent, unzip it, and then run commands on it. It's a little clunky, but it should work.

How to find the artifacts that depend on another artifact?

We are using Maven to build our projects and Nexus as repository manager.
Is there a way to know where an artifact is a dependency of another artifact?
For example, we want to know which of the artifacts in our Release repository have a dependency on commons-io 1.2, or version x.y of our framework2, or ...
mvn dependency:tree should help you get this info.
Have you looked at the Maven Site plugin in conjunction with the dependencies and dependencies-convergence report from the Maven Project Info Reports plugin?
This will generate an html report that shows all the artifacts that the project uses and what other artifacts that are dependent on that artifact.
The Maven client will only tell you the dependencies of a single project. I'd recommend using Sonar as part of your build process. It's primarily used for source code analysis, but it will also report usage of a particular library by other projects in the same Sonar database.

converting websphere portal project to maven

I am working on converting websphere portal project to maven framework for CI build. I am wondering if there is a way to reference websphere jars other than via dependencies in pom.xml and loading them all to maven repository? I cannot imagine loading them ALL to the repository...
Please advice! Thanks!
When using Maven, it is advisable that all dependent jars are installed in the repository. Even Websphere ones.
Ideally a corporate repository will come in handy here, so that you keep a separate repository for all the Websphere jars accessible to all the users in your project. See for more.
If this is not an option, then use the local file repository explained on a previous questions - here.
You'll still need to add each dependency in POM.
Also read
if you have a lot of projects that require this, you can also create a parent pom that would have all the dependencies so your project/module/portlet poms are cleaner.