I have list of point feature class. I am trying to write a python script to perform Krigging interpolation. I am getting error massage in this code "Point_Num" is not defined,
Below script i am working
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
# Check out the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension license
In_Point = r"D:\NPP_Test\MERRA_TEMP_2012C" #(Point feature name:r001_mean, r002_mean.....r012_mean )
Out_Raster = r"D:\NPP_Test\MERRA_TEMP_2012D"
points = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
zFields = "GRID_CODE"
#Kriging Veriable
cellSize = 0.05
lagSize = 0.5780481172534
majorRange = 6
partialSill = 3.304292110
nugget = 0.002701348
kRadius = RadiusFixed(20000, 1)
#Mask region of interest
mask = r"D:\Gujarta Shape file\GUJARATSTATE.shp"
for zField in zFields:
Point = Point_Num[:3]
kModelUniversalObj = KrigingModelUniversal("LINEARDRIFT", lagSize, majorRange, partialSill, nugget)
OutKriging = Kriging(inPointFeatures, zField, kModelUniversalObj, cellSize, kRadius)
#IDWMASk = ExtractByMask(outIDW, mask)
KrigMask = ExtractByMask(OutKriging, mask)
#Save outraster as the same name of input
I'm running this flask app
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify, render_template
from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin
import json
import pandas as pd
# Create the app object
app = Flask(__name__)
cors = CORS(app, resources= {r"/*": {'origins' : "*"}})
# importing function for calculations
from Record_Matching import Matching
#app.route("/query", methods = ['get'])
def query():
# service_account_creds = request.json
query1 = request.args.get('query1', type = str)
query2 = request.args.get('query2', type = str)
querycolumns = request.args.get('querycolumns')
project_id = request.args.get('project_id', type = str)
service_account_creds = request.args.get('service_account')
SS = request.args.get('SS', type = float)
TT = request.args.get('TT', type = float)
result = Matching(query1,query2, SS,TT, service_account_creds, project_id, querycolumns)
return result
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host="localhost", port=8080, debug=True)
and I'm importing the matching function from this python scripts
import pandas as pd
from google.cloud import bigquery
from google.oauth2 import service_account
import recordlinkage
from recordlinkage.preprocessing import phonetic
from pandas.io.json import json_normalize
import uuid
from uuid import uuid4
import random
import string
import json
import ast
# Results to data frame function
def gcp2df(sql, client):
query = client.query(sql)
results = query.result()
return results.to_dataframe()
# Exporting df to bigquery - table parameter example: "dataset.tablename"
# def insert(df, table):
# client = bigquery.Client()
# job_config = bigquery.LoadJobConfig(write_disposition=bigquery.job.WriteDisposition.WRITE_TRUNCATE)
# return client.load_table_from_dataframe(df, table, job_config = job_config)
def pair(df1, df2, TT, querycolumns):
# function to take pair from list and compare:
L = querycolumns
# To generate phonetics we need to make sure all names are in english.
# thus we'll replace non-english words by random english strings
df1[L[p1]] = df1[L[p1]].astype(str)
df2[L[p2]] = df2[L[p2]].astype(str)
for i in range(0,len(df1)):
if df1[L[p1]][i].isascii() == False:
df1[L[p1]][i] = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=5))
for i in range(0,len(df2)):
if df2[L[p2]][i].isascii() == False:
df2[L[p2]][i] = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=5))
compare = recordlinkage.Compare()
df1["phonetic_given_name"] = phonetic(df1[L[p1]], "soundex")
df2["phonetic_given_name"] = phonetic(df2[L[p2]], "soundex")
df1["initials"] = (df1[L[p1]].str[0] + df1[L[p1]].str[-1])
df2["initials"] = (df2[L[p2]].str[0] + df2[L[p2]].str[-1])
indexer = recordlinkage.Index()
candidate_links = indexer.index(df1, df2)
compare.exact('phonetic_given_name', 'phonetic_given_name', label="phonetic_given_name")
# O(n) a function that uses two pointers to track consecutive pairs for the input list
while p2 <=l:
compare.string(L[p1], L[p2], method='jarowinkler',threshold = TT, label=L[p1])
features = compare.compute(candidate_links,df1, df2)
return features
def Matching(query1,query2, SS,TT, service_account_creds, project_id, querycolumns):
service_account_creds = ast.literal_eval(service_account_creds)
credentials = service_account.Credentials(service_account_creds, service_account_creds['client_email'],
job_config = bigquery.LoadJobConfig()
client = bigquery.Client( project = project_id)
df1 = gcp2df("""{}""".format(query1), client)
df2 = gcp2df("""{}""".format(query2), client)
querycolumns = json.loads(querycolumns)
querycolumns = list(querycolumns.values())
features = pair(df1, df2, TT, querycolumns)
features['Similarity_score'] = features.sum(axis=1)
features = features[features['Similarity_score']>=SS].reset_index()
final = features[['level_0', 'level_1']]
final.rename(columns= {'level_0':'df1_index', 'level_1':'df2_index'}, inplace= True)
final['Unique_ID'] = [uuid.uuid4() for _ in range(len(final.index))]
final['Unique_ID'] = final['Unique_ID'].astype(str)
final['Similarity_Score'] = SS
final_duplicates = final['df1_index'].value_counts().max()
# insert(final,"test-ahmed-project.Record_Linkage.Matching_Indices")
message = "Mission accomplished!, your highest number of duplicates is " + str(final_duplicates)
return {'message':message,'final':final.to_dict('records'), 'df1':df1.to_dict('records')}
I'm not sure why when I return df1 as a dictionary it shows ValueError error when I try to to use the function from flask app, but when I run it in a jupytor notebook using the same dataframe that I'm taking from bigquery, it works just fine, so why does it not work on the flask app?
I tried to_dict('record') to convert a dataframe to a dictionary,
it looking online many resources suggest the error exists because the data contains missing values, but it shouldn't be a problem because when I try converting the same dataframe to dictionary in jupyter notebook it works just fine.
i try to analysis the Principle Component from cvs file but when i run the code i get this error
C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop>python pca.py
ValueError: could not convert string to float: Annee;NET;INT;SUB;LMT;DCT;IMM;EXP;VRD
this is my cvs file
i try to remove any space and any think
this is my python script, i don't know what i miss
Note: i run this code under python2.7
from sklearn.externals import joblib
import numpy as np
import glob
import os
import time
import numpy
my_matrix = numpy.loadtxt(open("pca.csv","rb"),delimiter= ",",skiprows=0)
def pca(dataMat, r, autoset_r=False, autoset_rate=0.9):
purpose: principal components analysis
print("Start to do PCA...")
t1 = time.time()
meanVal = np.mean(dataMat, axis=0)
meanRemoved = dataMat - meanVal
# normData = meanRemoved / np.std(dataMat)
covMat = np.cov(meanRemoved, rowvar=0)
eigVals, eigVects = np.linalg.eig(np.mat(covMat))
eigValIndex = np.argsort(-eigVals)
if autoset_r:
r = autoset_eigNum(eigVals, autoset_rate)
print("autoset: take top {} of {} features".format(r, meanRemoved.shape[1]))
r_eigValIndex = eigValIndex[:r]
r_eigVect = eigVects[:, r_eigValIndex]
lowDDataMat = meanRemoved * r_eigVect
reconMat = (lowDDataMat * r_eigVect.T) + meanVal
t2 = time.time()
print("PCA takes %f seconds" %(t2-t1))
joblib.dump(r_eigVect, './pca_args_save/r_eigVect.eig')
joblib.dump(meanVal, './pca_args_save/meanVal.mean')
return lowDDataMat, reconMat
def autoset_eigNum(eigValues, rate=0.99):
eigValues_sorted = sorted(eigValues, reverse=True)
eigVals_total = eigValues.sum()
for i in range(1, len(eigValues_sorted)+1):
eigVals_sum = sum(eigValues_sorted[:i])
if eigVals_sum / eigVals_total >= rate:
return i
It seemed that NumPy has some problem parsing your index row to float.
Try setting skiprows = 1 in your np.readtxt command in order to skip the table header.
I applied facebook network sample from this documentation on my work, to get this code:
edges_df = pd.read_csv('rel.csv', delimiter= ";")
nodes_df = pd.read_csv('monfichier.csv', delimiter= ";")
padding = dict(x=(-1.1, 1.1), y=(-1.1, 1.1))
fb_nodes = hv.Dataset(nodes_df, 'index')
fb_graph = hv.Graph((edges_df, fb_nodes)).redim.range(**padding)
colors = ['#000000'] + hv.Cycle('Category20').values
fb_graph.opts(color_index='age', show_frame=False,
xaxis=True, yaxis=True, node_size=10, edge_line_width=1, cmap=colors)
renderer = hv.renderer('bokeh')
plot = renderer.get_plot(fb_graph).state
It works fine. But the resulted network was a graph without a specific layout (as shown in attached figure). I want to specify the network layout as in networkx. How to do that ?
I found, this instruction:
hv.Graph.from_networkx(G, nx.layout.spring_layout).opts(tools=['hover'])
But I did not find how to use it with my code, since my G is already an holoview and not a networkx graph.
Do you have any suggestion ?
There is a function called layout_nodes in HoloViews which can apply networkx (and other) layouts to an existing graph:
N = 8
node_indices = np.arange(N)
source = np.zeros(N)
target = node_indices
padding = dict(x=(-1.2, 1.2), y=(-1.2, 1.2))
simple_graph = hv.Graph(((source, target),)).redim.range(**padding)
hv.element.graphs.layout_nodes(simple_graph, layout=nx.spring_layout)
To start with, I am not a developer, but a mere automation engineer that have worked a bit with coding in Java, python, C#, C++ and C.
I am trying to make a prototype that take pictures and stores them using a digital pin on the board. Atm I can take pictures using a switch, but it is really slow(around 3 seconds pr image).
My complete system is going to be like this:
A product passes by on a conveyor and a photo cell triggers the board to take an image and store it. If an operator removes a product(because of bad quality) the image is stored in a different folder.
I started with the snapshot function shipped with Mendel and have tried to get rid off the overhead, but the Gstream and pipeline-stuff confuses me a lot.
If someone could help me with how to understand the supplied code, or how to write a minimalistic solution to take an image i would be grateful :)
I have tried to understand and use project-teachable and examples-camera from Google coral https://github.com/google-coral, but with no luck. I have had the best luck with the snapshot tool that uses snapshot.py that are referenced here https://coral.withgoogle.com/docs/camera/datasheet/#snapshot-tool
from periphery import GPIO
import time
import argparse
import contextlib
import fcntl
import os
import select
import sys
import termios
import threading
import gi
gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
gi.require_version('GstBase', '1.0')
from functools import partial
from gi.repository import GLib, GObject, Gst, GstBase
from PIL import Image
WIDTH = 2592
HEIGHT = 1944
AF_SYSFS_NODE = '/sys/module/ov5645_camera_mipi_v2/parameters/ov5645_af'
CAMERA_INIT_QUERY_SYSFS_NODE = '/sys/module/ov5645_camera_mipi_v2/parameters/ov5645_initialized'
HDMI_SYSFS_NODE = '/sys/class/drm/card0/card0-HDMI-A-1/status'
# No of initial frames to throw away before camera has stabilized
SRC_WIDTH = 2592
SRC_RATE = '15/1'
SRC_ELEMENT = 'v4l2src'
SINK_ELEMENT = ('appsink name=appsink sync=false emit-signals=true '
'max-buffers=1 drop=true')
SCREEN_SINK = 'glimagesink sync=false'
FAKE_SINK = 'fakesink sync=false'
SRC_CAPS = 'video/x-raw,format=YUY2,width={width},height={height},framerate={rate}'
SINK_CAPS = 'video/x-raw,format=RGB,width={width},height={height}'
LEAKY_Q = 'queue max-size-buffers=1 leaky=downstream'
{src_element} ! {src_caps} ! {leaky_q} ! tee name=t
t. ! {leaky_q} ! {screen_sink}
t. ! {leaky_q} ! videoconvert ! {sink_caps} ! {sink_element}
def on_bus_message(bus, message, loop):
t = message.type
if t == Gst.MessageType.EOS:
elif t == Gst.MessageType.WARNING:
err, debug = message.parse_warning()
sys.stderr.write('Warning: %s: %s\n' % (err, debug))
elif t == Gst.MessageType.ERROR:
err, debug = message.parse_error()
sys.stderr.write('Error: %s: %s\n' % (err, debug))
return True
def on_new_sample(sink, snapinfo):
if not snapinfo.save_frame():
# Throw away the frame
return Gst.FlowReturn.OK
sample = sink.emit('pull-sample')
buf = sample.get_buffer()
result, mapinfo = buf.map(Gst.MapFlags.READ)
if result:
imgfile = snapinfo.get_filename()
caps = sample.get_caps()
width = WIDTH
height = HEIGHT
img = Image.frombytes('RGB', (width, height), mapinfo.data, 'raw')
return Gst.FlowReturn.OK
def run_pipeline(snapinfo):
src_caps = SRC_CAPS.format(width=SRC_WIDTH, height=SRC_HEIGHT, rate=SRC_RATE)
sink_caps = SINK_CAPS.format(width=SINK_WIDTH, height=SINK_HEIGHT)
screen_sink = FAKE_SINK
pipeline = PIPELINE.format(
pipeline = Gst.parse_launch(pipeline)
appsink = pipeline.get_by_name('appsink')
appsink.connect('new-sample', partial(on_new_sample, snapinfo=snapinfo))
loop = GObject.MainLoop()
# Set up a pipeline bus watch to catch errors.
bus = pipeline.get_bus()
bus.connect('message', on_bus_message, loop)
# Connect the loop to the snaphelper
# Run pipeline.
# Clean up.
while GLib.MainContext.default().iteration(False):
class SnapHelper:
def __init__(self, sysfs, prefix='img', oneshot=True, suffix='jpg'):
self.prefix = prefix
self.oneshot = oneshot
self.suffix = suffix
self.snap_it = oneshot
self.num = 0
self.scrapframes = SCRAP_FRAMES
self.sysfs = sysfs
def get_filename(self):
while True:
filename = self.prefix + str(self.num).zfill(4) + '.' + self.suffix
self.num = self.num + 1
if not os.path.exists(filename):
return filename
#def check_af(self):
# self.sysfs.seek(0)
# v = self.sysfs.read()
# if int(v) != 0x10:
# print('NO Focus')
# pass
# def refocus(self):
# try:#
# self.sysfs.write('1')
# self.sysfs.flush()
# except:
# pass
def save_frame(self):
# We always want to throw away the initial frames to let the
# camera stabilize. This seemed empirically to be the right number
# when running on desktop.
if self.scrapframes > 0:
self.scrapframes = self.scrapframes - 1
return False
if self.snap_it:
self.snap_it = False
retval = True
retval = False
if self.oneshot:
return retval
def connect_loop(self, loop):
self.loop = loop
def take_picture(snap):
start_time = int(round(time.time()))
print(time.time()- start_time)
def main():
button = GPIO(138, "in")
last_state = False
with open(AF_SYSFS_NODE, 'w+') as sysfs:
snap = SnapHelper(sysfs, 'test', 'oneshot', 'jpg')
while 1:
button_state = button.read()
if(button_state==True and last_state == False):
snap = SnapHelper(sysfs, 'test', 'oneshot', 'jpg')
last_state = button_state
if __name__== "__main__":
Output is what i expect, but it is slow.
I switched to a USB-webcam and used the pygame library instead.
I am trying to make a cross hair on my pyqtgraph interactive plots, which are embedded in a PyQt5 GUI thanks to the designer-qt5. I found a working
code in the pyqtgraph "examples". A simplified WORKING example is posted below. Now I want the same, but the problem seems to be that I promoted a
QGraphicsView() to a pg.PlotWidget in the designer, instead of pg.GraphicsWindow()? The Code does not work for me because my p1 is "pyqtgraph.widgets.PlotWidget.PlotWidget object" while in the example p1 is
"pyqtgraph.graphicsItems.PlotItem.PlotItem.PlotItem object".
So what should I do to make this example work for me?
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
from pyqtgraph.Point import Point
pg.setConfigOption('background', '#ffffff')
pg.setConfigOption('foreground', 'k')
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
win = pg.GraphicsWindow()
win.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: crosshair')
label = pg.LabelItem(justify='right')
p1 = win.addPlot(row=1, col=0)
#create numpy arrays
#make the numbers large to show that the xrange shows data from 10000 to all the way 0
data1 = 10000 + 15000 * pg.gaussianFilter(np.random.random(size=10000), 10) + 3000 * np.random.random(size=10000)
p1.plot(data1, pen="r")
#cross hair
vLine = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False)
hLine = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=False)
p1.addItem(vLine, ignoreBounds=True)
p1.addItem(hLine, ignoreBounds=True)
vb = p1.vb
def mouseMoved(evt):
pos = evt[0] ## using signal proxy turns original arguments into a tuple
if p1.sceneBoundingRect().contains(pos):
mousePoint = vb.mapSceneToView(pos)
index = int(mousePoint.x())
if index > 0 and index < len(data1):
label.setText("<span style='font-size: 12pt'>x=%0.1f, <span style='color: green'>y2=%0.1f</span>" % (mousePoint.x(), data1[index]))
proxy = pg.SignalProxy(p1.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=60, slot=mouseMoved)
## Start Qt event loop unless running in interactive mode or using pyside.
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'):
I am very sorry for the noise!!! I fix it myself!
The important part was:
plot_wg.proxy = proxy
Very simple...
Below is the function, which should work for any PlotWidget:
def cross_hair(self, plot_wg, log=False ):
global fit
################### TETS cross hair ############3
vLine = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False)#, pos=0)
hLine = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=False)#, pos=2450000)
plot_wg.addItem(vLine, ignoreBounds=True)
plot_wg.addItem(hLine, ignoreBounds=True)
vb = plot_wg.getViewBox()
label = pg.TextItem()
def mouseMoved(evt):
pos = evt[0] ## using signal proxy turns original arguments into a tuple
if plot_wg.sceneBoundingRect().contains(pos):
mousePoint = vb.mapSceneToView(pos)
if log == True:
label.setText("x=%0.3f, y1=%0.3f"%(10**mousePoint.x(), mousePoint.y()))
label.setText("x=%0.3f, y1=%0.3f"%(mousePoint.x(), mousePoint.y()))
proxy = pg.SignalProxy(plot_wg.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=60, slot=mouseMoved)
plot_wg.proxy = proxy
proxy = pg.SignalProxy(plot_wg.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=60, slot=mouseMoved)
plot_wg.proxy = proxy
################### TETS cross hair ############3