How to lint LESS or CSS in PhpStorm? - less

I was searching for linters in PhpStorm's plugin directory, but there are no results, which seems strange to me. Are people not using linters for their stylesheets in PhpStorm?
Is there any other way to lint LESS files in a PhpStorm project?
For example, I need all properties to be sorted alphabetically within a class definition.

At this time, there is no easy way to automatically rearrange the style properties in LESS files using a PhpStorm plugin. (The stylint plugin in in version 2016.3 does not affect LESS files).
I ended up building a grunt task for CSSComb, which works fine.


Installing dependencys with Gradle Kotlin DSL does not work

Hi everyone I am new to IntelliJ in general and especially to Gradle and I feel like a total noob. :D
Im not sure if this is a Kotlin DSL thing or if I just do it the wrong way and it wouldn't work in Groovey either.
After hours of trial and error and reading other SO posts I'm still not able to install a simple dependency... it can't be that hard...
Currently I am playing around with Jetpack Compose for Desktop even though it's still in alpha and it works but for the love of god I am not able to add a dependency.
So here is my Problem:
I try to install the dependency like they say I should in
and yes I know it's an android package so it may not compile or it may crash during runtime but shouldn't it at least find and download the dependency???
So... if I add
to my build.gradle.kts
And try to compile it I get an exception during the build process:
What I tried so far:
I checked if the repository maven("")
who is configured in my build.gradle.kts repositories-section and in my settings.gradle.kts pluginManagement-section contains the package that I want.
The site tells me, that the repository contains the package that I need.
I checked the error log itself.
But I don't relly know what it tries to say.
I use Java SDK16, since I expect downward compatibility and the fact that the dependency is still in alpha I assume it should be compatible.
I use Kotlin 1.5....
that's it.
Thanks for reading all that :) I really appreciate your time... If I forgot some crucial information let me know and I will add it as soon as I can.
the problem which I feel is, is you are basically opening the wrong file. (I don't use jetpack compose so the answer might differ)
on the top left corner in the image, where there is project dropdown, open it and select android.
now there will be a different set of files in the Gradle folder, in fact, there will be 2 different files in that folder.
build.gradle (project: <project_name>)
build.gradle (Module: <project_name>.app)
open the second file and there will be dependencies copy + paste implementation code there.
the file which you have opened is actually the first file.
Well... here I am back again answering my own question.
After I switched to the terminal in IntelliJ Idea (which to be honest I could have thought of that prior to posting my question) there was highlighted text that gave me the necessary insight, why it wasn't working.
And after some searching the web in order to find out what an "aar" file is and why I didn't get a jar file like I expected it turns out that android has it's own little file format for android applications and that those cannot be used in regular java/kotlin projects.
I read somewhere, that 'aar' files contain a jar file and some other stuff and extracting the jar file from the aar file may be a way to get it working, but it didn't fix anything, maybe because the dependencies of the navigation package are aar files as well and therefor I'd need those packages as well and extract the jar file from those as well and it all seems like this isn't the right way...
So I guess I have to wait until Jetpack Compose for desktop somehow is able to use aar files or until the repositories deliver the packages in a regular jar file.

IntelliJ (2020.2) - How disable 'Build project automatically' for a project based on Gradle?

I am an Eclipse/STS user/developer, now trying to use IntelliJ Idea (CE)
For a project based on Gradle, how spring-integration, when I open the IDE it happens the following
Ok, let the IDE load the project ... but
From above, that is the problem, I don't want that the IDE starts automatically to build/rebuild the project. I just need, open the project and that's all.
Observation: for example in Eclipse/STS exists the option to disable Build Automatically
I did do a research in the Web and I read the following posts and questions:
How to disable automatic gradle builds?
IntelliJ IDEA “Build project automatically” apparently not working
Intellij IDEA Java classes not auto compiling on save
Sadly the dialog options were changed but ...
From above, seems nothing to do.
Observation: from above observe the Build project automatically option is disabled
Even with that disabled and after to restart the IDE, I must always stop manually the build process
So what is missing? or Do I need a special extra plugin to accomplish my goal?
The images that you show indicate that you are building with Gradle, but the Compiler option that you disable is relevant for building projects with Idea not with Gradle.
For the 2020.2 version, you need to do the following:
Open the Setting > Build Tools page.
Disable the "Reload changes in build scripts" option.
This way you can manually control the reload. When you change the build script, you will see a small gradle icon in the right side of the editor.
For more info, refer to the IntelliJ IDEA help > Gradle section.
There are two different things in IntelliJ's Gradle support that sometimes confused: sync and build. Your pictures demonstrate sync process (note caption on the toolwindow). Word build is kind of misleading here.
What is sync? In gradle we use Groovy to define the build procedure. Groovy is an imperative programming language, so it's hard to predict resulting dependencies graph without actually executing the script. During the sync Idea executes configuration phase of gradle build (one that builds dependency graph), and obtains configured objects from the Gradle daemon. This information is used to setup project in the IDE: modules, libraries, dependencies, which sources are test, which are prod, etc.
Actual build is not happening during sync. You can convince yourself by adding syntax error to any source file, and observe that the sync succeeds. But build will fail if you invoke it.
In answer to the original question: you can't disable automatic build, because it is not enabled.
Is it possible to disable sync in Gradle project? Short answer - no. If you need a code browser, which is not required to understand all the cross-references in the source code, IDEA is not the best choice probably.
Without sync IDE does not know which files are sources, and which are not. IDEA cannot open folders. It only can open projects. Good thing is that module can contain folder. So you can do the following: File | New | Project. Select Empty project, Next, select some random folder outside the source folder you want to open, Finish.
Then add new module:
Select Java in the left panel, everything else keep default, Next, Finish. Then in new module remove existing content root, and add folder with sources as new content root
Resulting project is mostly useless. Tons of red code (at least, unresolved symbols from external libraries), no inspections, no navigation, no sense. But it might be useful in some rare situations indeed.

IntelliJ IDEA directory-based format and .iml file(s)

We started a directory-based project in IntelliJ IDEA (currently using version 2016.3 build 163.7743.44). Everything is fine, the .iml file is inside .idea/modules and we can easily share/update it.
The issue is that, sometimes, when someone clones the project and start using it the IDE doesn't care about that file (or project structure) and puts an .iml outside the project's root. It's an intermittent/random issue and I'm not able to reproduce it step by step.
We opted for deleting the .idea directory from Git and keep the configurations/settings in a JAR file.
Is there any way to tell the IDE to use one approach or the other? It's not a big deal, but I would like to know what's the reason behind that behavior.
The reason for that behavior may be that people don't use the "Open" action to open the project but use the "Import project from existing sources" action instead. The latter action does not use the existing .idea directory, but instead recreates the project structure from scratch. You should teach your colleagues not to use that action.
Note that storing the settings in a .jar file is not a replacement for sharing the project structure, because shared settings do not include project-specific items such as libraries and run configurations.

Make IntelliJ understand usage of Babel's moduleRoot

For our project we use EcmaScript 6 through Babel, Gulp and npm.
We have three projects: Base, Common and Game.
We're actively developing Common and Game so we have those checked out (and npm link from Game to Common), while we get the Base project through npm and don't change it often.
The import paths we use start with the project name such as import "Base/utils/svg" or import "Game/model/boardtile". The map according to the following on the file system:
Base → /intellij-project/base-project-src/node_modules/base/
Common → /intellij-project/base-project-src/js/
Game → /intellij-project/game-project-src/js/
The problem: IntelliJ does not understand this import scheme. We use the moduleRoot and moduleId options of Babel to identify our AMD modules that way during the gulp build process. When that is done we concatenate everything into one big file. That works, but IntelliJ does not know that we do this magic.
Is there a way to still make IntelliJ understand our imports? So that it will know that Base/utils/svg actually means /intellij-project/base-project-src/node_modules/base/? At the moment the IDE is mostly a glorified text editor, as refactorings obviously relies on the IDE understanding the imports.
Note: Unfortunately I can't change the import structure, as it's a decision I can't change. Nor can I switch to other tools instead of the above mentioned ones, such as WebPack.
I'm facing the same problem with this. I'm looking for a way to get rid of the annoying relative paths as you guys have done, but to get them to work with IntelliJ is another piece of work.
What can help is the symlink approach that can be found here.
IntelliJ can work nicely with node_modules, so you could symlink a folder in your node_modules to point to the real thing. Then I suppose IntelliJ will be able to resolve your imports.

Share webstorm and intellij settings

We are sharing our Project settings inside our team (.idea folder is committed to git) and some of us are using IntelliJ IDEA, some are using WebStorm.
What is really annoying is that WebStorm removes the IntelliJ IDEA settings. For example in misc.xml IntelliJ IDEA adds the following:
<component name="ProjectRootManager" version="2" assert-keyword="false" jdk-15="false" />
This is removed by WebStorm and then added again by IntelliJ IDEA. So in almost every commit this is toggled.
Is there any way to work around this except for completely ignoring the file?
Different Idea-based IDEs (RubyMine, PHPStorm, WebStorm, PyCharm, IDEA) have the same project format (.idea) but different settings/module types that aren't compatible. So sharing .idea folder may results in losing your settings, etc.
If you like to work on the same sources in different IDEs, I'd suggest sharing the sources folder(s) but keeping the .idea folders separated.
Related feature request: IDEA-140809