offset count(*) / N columns - sql

I do some job in few machines.
Need divide rows into equal parts for each machine.
Query with all conditions performed long time.
Is it possible to do this without additional request count(*), in one query.
Some like this:
select * from some_table
where some_rows = some_values
offset (count(*) / count_machines) * (machine_number - 1)
limit count(*) / count_machines

What I sometime do to split data into blocks is a simple modulo on some id:
select * from some_table
where some_rows = some_values
and mod(id, BLOCKS) = BLOCK - 1;
Replace BLOCKS with the number of machines and BLOCK with a number n from 1 to BLOCKS to retrieve block n.
(You can even speed this up with a function index on the modulo expression provided the number of machines is static and you need this more often.)

If you want the same number of rows for each machine, then use row_number():
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by machine order by machine) as seqnum
from some_table t
where . . .
) t
where seqnum <= 10;

Don't reinvent the wheel.
Use hash function on value(s) of the record and then modulo by the number of machines in order to get the machine which will hold the record.
If you'll choose the value(s) well you'll get good distribution, good performance and you'll know where is each record located.


Google Bigquery Memory error when using ROW_NUMBER() on large table - ways to replace long hash by short unique identifier

For a query in google BigQuery I want to replace a long hash by a shorter numeric unique identifier to save some memory afterwards, so I do:
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY null) AS id_numeric
FROM hash_table_raw
GROUP BY my_hash
I don't even need an order in the id, but ROW_NUMBER() requires an ORDER BY.
When I try this on my dataset (> 1 billion rows) I get a memory error:
400 Resources exceeded during query execution: The query could not be executed in the allotted memory. Peak usage: 126% of limit.
Top memory consumer(s):
sort operations used for analytic OVER() clauses: 99%
other/unattributed: 1%
Is there another way to replace a hash by an shorter identifier?
One does not really need to have populated over clause while doing this.
e.g. following will work:
select col, row_number() over() as row_num from (select 'A' as col)
So that will be your first try.
Now, with billion+ rows that you have: if above fails: you can do something like this (considering order is not at all important for you): but here you have to do it in parts:
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER () AS id_numeric
FROM hash_table_raw
where MOD(my_hash, 5) = 0
And in subsequent queries:
you can get max(id_numeric) from previous run and add that as an offset to next:
, previous_max_id_numberic_val + ROW_NUMBER() OVER () AS id_numeric
FROM hash_table_raw
where MOD(my_hash, 5) = 1
And keep appending outputs of these mod queries (0-4) to a single new table.

Infinite Scroll with shuffle results

How do I return random results that do not repeat?
For example, I've an infinite scrolling page, every time I get to the bottom it returns ten results, but sometimes the results are repeated.
I'm using this query to get results:
Sorry, I don't know if you'll understand.
When you call the query from your application you set the seed for the RAND() function.
SET #rand = RAND(your_seed); -- initialize RAND with the seed.
SELECT * FROM table_name
ORDER BY RAND() -- Calls to RAND should now be based on the seed
OFFSET 0 LIMIT 10 -- use some MsSQL equivalent here ;)
(not tested)
Apparently, NEWID() has known distributional problems. Although random, the numbers sometimes cluster together. This would account for what you are seeing. You could try this:
FROM table_name
ORDER BY rand(checksum(NEWID()));
This may give you a better results.
The real answer, though, is to use a seeded pseudo-random number generator. Basically, enumerate the rows of the table and store the value in the table. Or calculate it in a deterministic way. Then do simple math to choose a row:
with t as (
select t.*, row_number() over (order by id) as seqnum,
count(*) over () as cnt
from table_name
select t.*
from t
where mod(seqnum * 74873, cnt) = 13907;
The numbers are just two prime numbers, which ensure a lack of cycles.
Here is a more complete solution to your problem:
with t as (
select t.*, row_number() over (order by id) as seqnum,
count(*) over () as cnt
from table_name
select t.*
from t
where mod(seqnum * 74873 + 13907, cnt) <= 10;
Or whatever the limits are. The idea is that using a large prime number for the multiplicative factor makes it highly likely (but not 100% certain) that that cnt and "74783" are what is called "mutually prime" or "coprime". This means that the pseudo-random number generator just described will rearrange the sequence numbers and you can just use comparisons to get a certain number of rows. This is part of mathematics called Number Theory.

How can I get a specific chunk of results?

Is it possible to retrieve a specific range of results? I know how to do TOP x but the result I will retrieve is WAY too big and will time out. I was hoping to be able to pick say the first 10,000 results then the next 10,000 and so on. Is this possible?
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ...some column) AS N, ...other columns
FROM ...some table
Read more about ROW_NUMBER() here:
Practically all SQL DB implementations have a way of specifying the starting row to return, as well as the number of rows.
For example, in both mysql and postgres it looks like:
ORDER BY something -- not required, but highly recommended
LIMIT 100 -- only get 100 rows
OFFSET 500; -- start at row 500
Note that normally you would include an ORDER BY to make sure your chunks are consistent
MS SQL Server (being a "pretend" DB) don't support OFFSET directly, but it can be coded using ROW_NUMBER() - see this SO post for more detail.

how to select lines in Mysql while a condition lasts

I have something like this:
Meaning, the values are in descending order. I need to create a new table that will contain the values that make up 60% of the total values. So, this could be a pseudocode:
set Total = sum(value)
set counter = 0
foreach line from table OriginalTable do:
counter = counter + value
if counter > 0.6*Total then break
else insert line into FinalTable
As you can see, I'm parsing the sql lines here. I know this can be done using handlers, but I can't get it to work. So, any solution using handlers or something else creative will be great.
It should also be in a reasonable time complexity - the solution how to select values that sum up to 60% of the total
works, but it's slow as hell :(
You'll likely need to use the lead() or lag() window function, possibly with a recursive query to merge the rows together. See this related question:
merge DATE-rows if episodes are in direct succession or overlapping
And in case you're using MySQL, you can work around the lack of window functions by using something like this:
Mysql query problem
I don't know which analytical functions SQL Server (which I assume you are using) supports; for Oracle, you could use something like:
select v.*,
cumulative/overall percent_current,
previous_cumulative/overall percent_previous from (
lag(cumulative) over (order by id) as previous_cumulative,
from (
sum(value) over (order by id) as cumulative,
(select sum(value) from mytab) overall
from mytab
order by id)
) v
- sum(value) over ... computes a running total for the sum
- lag() gives you the value for the previous row
- you can then combine these to find the first row where percent_current > 0.6 and percent_previous < 0.6

Distribution of table in time

I have a MySQL table with approximately 3000 rows per user. One of the columns is a datetime field, which is mutable, so the rows aren't in chronological order.
I'd like to visualize the time distribution in a chart, so I need a number of individual datapoints. 20 datapoints would be enough.
I could do this:
select timefield from entries where uid = ? order by timefield;
and look at every 150th row.
Or I could do 20 separate queries and use limit 1 and offset.
But there must be a more efficient solution...
Michal Sznajder almost had it, but you can't use column aliases in a WHERE clause in SQL. So you have to wrap it as a derived table. I tried this and it returns 20 rows:
SELECT #rownum:=#rownum+1 AS rownum, e.*
FROM (SELECT #rownum := 0) r, entries e) AS e2
WHERE uid = ? AND rownum % 150 = 0;
Something like this came to my mind
select #rownum:=#rownum+1 rownum, entries.*
from (select #rownum:=0) r, entries
where uid = ? and rownum % 150 = 0
I don't have MySQL at my hand but maybe this will help ...
As far as visualization, I know this is not the periodic sampling you are talking about, but I would look at all the rows for a user and choose an interval bucket, SUM within the buckets and show on a bar graph or similar. This would show a real "distribution", since many occurrences within a time frame may be significant.
SELECT DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, timefield), 0) AS bucket -- choose an appropriate granularity (days used here)
FROM entries
WHERE uid = ?
GROUP BY DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, timefield), 0)
ORDER BY DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, timefield), 0)
Or if you don't like the way you have to repeat yourself - or if you are playing with different buckets and want to analyze across many users in 3-D (measure in Z against x, y uid, bucket):
,COUNT(*) AS measure
,DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, timefield), 0) AS bucket
FROM entries
) AS buckets
If I wanted to plot in 3-D, I would probably determine a way to order users according to some meaningful overall metric for the user.
For whatever reason, your example only works when the where #recnum uses a less than operator. I think when the where filters out a row, the rownum doesn't get incremented, and it can't match anything else.
If the original table has an auto incremented id column, and rows were inserted in chronological order, then this should work:
select timefield from entries
where uid = ? and id % 150 = 0 order by timefield;
Of course that doesn't work if there is no correlation between the id and the timefield, unless you don't actually care about getting evenly spaced timefields, just 20 random ones.
Do you really care about the individual data points? Or will using the statistical aggregate functions on the day number instead suffice to tell you what you wish to know?
select timefield
from entries
where rand() = .01 --will return 1% of rows adjust as needed.
Not a mysql expert so I'm not sure how rand() operates in this environment.
For my reference - and for those using postgres - Postgres 9.4 will have ordered set aggregates that should solve this problem:
SELECT percentile_disc(0.95)
WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY response_time)
FROM pageviews;