Alfresco lucene search cannot find folder - lucene

I have a folder in document library of a site. I want to find all content of that folder. Running following lucene/alfresco-fts query in Node Browser returns No items found:
Which is wrong, as I have documents in that folder and running same query for different folder returns proper result. Another strange thing is that I cannot get this folder: following query also returns No items found:
Also if I get content of document library then MyFolder is skipped in the results and subfolder is returned:
Name | Parent
cm:MyFolder2 | /app:company_home/st:sites/cm:mysite/cm:documentLibrary
cm:MySubfolder| /app:company_home/st:sites/cm:mysite/cm:documentLibrary/cm:MyFolder
I have checked the aspects and properties of MyFolder and they are the same as MyFolder2. I do not have any custom behaviours/rules/etc.
How can I make first lucene query work and return content of MyFolder?

Try updating metadata on the folder so Solr re-indexes it. You could also get its db id and then tell solr to re-index it by db id. If it has over 1000 children, a FTS query may fail. - Known issue. Try using a txmd query.

I would suggest you to get the node ref of the folder from folder details page and search in node browser. There you can get the primary path. Please cross verify the path you use to search using lucene or use that primary path to search for the folder in lucene search.
Another possibility is that the locale property(sys:locale) of the folder(MyFolder) will be different from the locale of your browser. Please check whether the locale of MyFolder and the other folders for which result is shown, are same or not. If not that can also be a reason.


Alfresco FTS - why first digit of folder's name should be escaped?

I have a question regarding the alfresco FTS/lucene search. It is known that in the search query some special characters have to be escaped, like space (by _x0020_).
But it turned out that if folder's name first chatacter is a digit, it should also be escaped. It can be easily tested in Node Browser by creating a folder, like 123456 and navigate to the parent folder in node browser (in my case I have following folder structure: */2017/123456/):
Primary Path: /app:company_home/st:sites/<some-folders>/cm:_x0032_017/cm:_x0031_23456
^this is 2 ^ and this is 1
If I don't ecape first character of the folder I have 500 error returned.
Why is that, I tried to find something relevant in Alfresco documentation, but didn't manage to.
Alfresco v.4.2.0
Lucene search uses ISO 9075 codification (SQL) like similar frameworks, so we need to encode the path elements. It would be nice if the API hides this requirement like the browser url but you could use ISO9075Encode to do the job.

How to get all the items contained inside a office365 onedrive

I want to get all the files and folders contained inside a office365 onedrive folder in one rest API call, is there any option to do it?
There isn't a specific API call to retrieve a flat representation of a Drive. You can achieve a similar effect however using the drive's search method.
Simply pass an empty query string and it will return metadata for each file (regardless of it's directory):'')
Ok, try this search request:'%2A')
Where %2A is asterisk, itemid may be a root folder id. Don't forget about pagination.
Or with OneDriveSDK:
_connection.SearchForItemsAsync(odFolder.ItemReference(), "*", ItemRetrievalOptions.Default)
Don't use "expand" query with search query.
This should return all items in current folder recursively - sub-folders, sub-items.

Documentum - getting a list of sub folders

Is there a way in Documentum to get all sub folders of a folder? Can someone suggest a DQL or some thing where I can specify a parent folder and the DQL returns me a folder path of all the sub folders.
select distinct r_folder_path from dm_folder where folder('/Folder1/Folder2', descend)
This will return all the folders and subfolders under /Folder1/Folder2
One thing to keep in mind:
Documentum supports linking objects to multiple parent folders. This means that one folder can have multiple parent folders.
If you have a folder structure like this
Where Test3 is sub folder of Test1 but also of (as it can be linked to) Test2!
Documentum acomplishes this using repeating attributes. r_folder_path is a repating attribute of dm_folder (actually of dm_sysobject which is it's super type).
So, running a DQL :
select distinct r_folder_path from dm_folder where folder('/Folder1/Folder2', descend)
will return all folder paths your folder is part of (linked to):
Which might not be what you are looking for!
As DQL does not allow you to specify which repeating attribute value (you can not specify the index of repeating attribute) to be returned there is not elegant ( and fail safe) way to do it in DQL.
What you can do is to fetch all object_name of subfolders and prefix them with folder path of the parent folder you used in search (but that is with some coding).
Check Documentum Content Server System Object Reference guide (it is available on EMC developer community or for now also here)

SharePoint REST API getFolderByServerRelativeUrl Returns Nothing

I would like to drill into the library and then into a specified folder, but I am having problems getting 'getFolderByServerRelativeUrl' to grab anything for me.
This http://_base/_api/web/getFolderByServerRelativeUrl('LibName')/files returns zero results. But if I use http://_base/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('LibName')/items it returns multiple items.
/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('<list title>')/items endpoint returns all list items within a library, /_api/web/getFolderByServerRelativeUrl('<url>')/files returns only files located under (one level beneath only) the specified folder.
Assume the following Documents library structure:
Documents (library)
Guides (folder)
SharePoint User Guide.docx (file)
Then, the following request:
/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('Documents')/items will return 2 items:
list item associated with Guides folder
list item associated with file
At the same time, the request: /_api/web/getFolderByServerRelativeUrl('Documents')/files
will returns 0 files since there are no files contained in the root folder
but the request with provided folder url:
will return SharePoint User Guide.docx file.
You're using the wrong URL. Try appending it to the other URL.

sharepoint crawl rule to exclude AllItems.aspx , but get an item/document in search resu lts if queried in the search box

I followed this blog Tips 1and created a crawl rule http://.*forms/allitems.aspx and ran full crawl. I no longer get the results with AllItems.aspx. However, if there is any document with name Something.doc in a Document Library , it no longer gets pulled in the search results.
I think what I desire is a basic functionality, like the user should not get to see Allitems.aspx in the search results but should get the item/document with names entered in the search box.
Please let me know if I am missing anything. I have already put in 24 hours...googled the max I could.
It seems that an Index Reset is required. Here's the steps I did:
1. Add the following crawl rule to exclude: *://*allitems.aspx.
2. Index Reset.
3. Full Crawl.
I could not find a good way to do this using crawl rules. Instead, I opted to set up a restriction on the search results web part.
In the search results web part properties, select "Change Query"
Add a property filter to exclude anything with "AllItems" (and any other exclusions you want in place.
Used Steve Mann's blog as a reference and for the images: