SQL check if date exists in the next 2 years - sql

I have a table where each record has multiple dates saved in the date column such as Record ID '01' can have 6 rows with dates each from 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Each record ID only has one date per year.
I am interested to see for all record ID that have a date in the current year, if they have a date in the next 2 years (i.e Record ID has a date from 2017 and 2018), just the next year (Record ID only has a date from 2017) or just this year.
I am not interested in records that do not have a date in the current year even if they may have dates in the next 2 years. I am also not interested in records that may have a date 3 years from now but not have a date in the next 2 years.
Thanks in advance.

Based on your question. Try this.
Select RecordID, Year(DateColumn)
From table
Where Year(DateColumn) Between Year(GetDate()) and (Year(GetDate()) + 2)
Group By RecordID, Year(DateColumn)
Having Count(1) = 3


Last year occurrence of date and month

I am looking to find a way to find the last time the day and year combination has happened.
I have a long list of dates and I want to find out what year the date and month has last occurred.
ie. 01/01 has happened in 2018 so I want 2018 as the output.
31/12 has not happened in 2018 yet, the last time is happened was in 2017, so I want 2017 as the output.
Table 1
Return table 2
(01/01/2015, 01/01/2018),
(01/01/2016, 01/01/2018),
(31/12/2015, 31/12/2017),
(25/07/2004, 25/07/2017)
OR even just return
(01/01/2015, 2018),
(01/01/2016, 2018),
(31/12/2015, 2017),
(25/07/2004, 2017)
Is this what you want?
select t2.*,
(case when month(col) < month(current_date) or
(month(col) < month(current_date) and day(col) <= day(current_date))
then year(current_date)
else 1 + year(current_date)
from table2 t2;
This is using a reasonable set of date/time functions. These can vary by database.
To filter the month and year of a given date to the current date you can use:
FROM YourTable
WHERE month(date) = month(get_some_date()) and year(date) = year(get_somedate())
Here you can replace get_some_date to your function logic.

How to do a month search by sql query

I have 1 table in MS Access which is like:
id date
1 1/01/2016
2 1/01/2016
3 1/01/2016
How do I perform a search operation on it by month - meaning a search where the month is January/February?
Using dates as criteria in Access queries:
Contain a date within a specific month (regardless of year), such as December
DatePart("m", [SalesDate]) = 12
Returns items with a date in December of any year.
Where of course you replace [SalesDate] with your column...

Select next value where it equals another value

I have a table of the fiscal year for 100 years. i.e.
I am wanting to do add a column which shows the fiscal year that each week_ending_date belongs to. So in the table above week number 1, and week_ending_date 2013-10-05 would belong to fiscal year ending 2014.
In short I simply want each value in the added column to be the year part of week_ending_date where the next week_number is 52.
Here would be the pseudo code of what I am trying to achieve.
(SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR Week_Ending_Date (***but as only year***) FROM Fiscal_Calendar WHERE FC.Week_Number = 52)
FROM Fiscal_Calendar AS FC
JOIN Shipped_Container AS SC
ON SC.Fiscal_Week_Ending = FC.Week_Ending_Date
Bare in mind this has 100 years in the table and so I can't select the last value and makes using WHERE difficult (for me).
One way you can do this is by subtracting 7 * week number, taking the year and adding 1:
select 1 + year(dateadd(day, -7 * week_number, week_ending_date))

Year Week column comparison

I have this query that spits out every Week for the past 2 years a company owes us money. I have to narrow the results down based on their starting year and week, which are 2 separate columns. This is my current query. How do I change this so it only shows data where the year is greater or equal to start year and the week is greater or equal to the start week without losing data? So for example if I have a company 023 and its start date is week 5 2012, I'll say year>=2012 and week>=5, but then it will exclude all the weeks in 2013 and 2014 where week is less than 5. I'm not sure how logically to get around that.
SELECT MW.MW_Weeks.Year,
AND (MW.MW_Weeks.Year > YEAR(GETDATE()) - 2);
Use the following:
year >= 2012 and not (year = 2012 and week < 5)
This will get all data whose year is greater than or equal to 2012 and is not before week five in 2012.

Get month name with different month start and end dates

Getting the month for the current date is, obviously, straight forward, but I'm needing to get the month name with a different end date.
I need to get the month name with the start date of the month being the first Thursday after the first Wednesday of the month and the end date of the month being the first Wednesday of the following month. It's for an accounting thing, so I'm not going to argue with the spec!
e.g. for 2014, January would run from 9th Jan - 5th Feb, February would run from 6th February - 5th March, March would run from 6th March - 2nd April.
I would suggest that you create a table with your 'accounting months' in it, having a start date, end date and month name columns.
You could then query this to find the row where your date is between the start and end dates and return the month name. Putting this into a scalar function would then allow it to be reusable and relatively easily updated for next years months as well.
I think, as per Paddy's answer, a lookup table is the simplest thing to do. Here's one way to generate the rows for it:
; With Numbers(n) as (
select 4 union all select 5
), Months as (
select CONVERT(date,'20010104') as StartDt,CONVERT(date,'20010207') as EndDt,
DATENAME(month,'20010103') as Month
union all
select DATEADD(week,n1.n,StartDt),DATEADD(week,n2.n,EndDt),
from Months,Numbers n1,Numbers n2 --Old-skool join, just for once
where DATEPART(day,DATEADD(week,n1.n,StartDt)) between 2 and 8 and
DATEPART(day,DATEADD(week,n2.n,EndDt)) between 1 and 7 and
StartDt < '21000101'
select * from Months option (maxrecursion 0)
(CW since this is effectively just an extension to Paddy's answer but I don't want to edit their answer, nor is it suitable for a comment