How can I set and calculate a variable inside a merge statement - sql

As title says, I was wondering how I can calculate and set a variable inside a merge statement. If that is even possible.
MERGE TABLE_1 as target
USING TABLE_2 as source
ON (target.USER_ID = source.USER_ID)
SET #CURRENT_CALCULATION = (select value from table3 where table3.USER_ID = source.USER_ID),
... REUSE #CURRENT_CALCULATION for other purposes ...
I have tried different kind of syntax but none seems to work.

I don't believe this is possible. Without a little more detail I can't be sure that this will work for your situation, but how about simply carrying out this logic before your MERGE statement? You could always dump everything into a temp table at the point you do all the calculations if what you're trying to avoid is hitting the same tables twice.
If you did that, you could simply use your temp table as the source for the merge - you may not even need to put it into a variable, as you might be able to include it as a column of the temp table.

Move the logic to source part of Merge and reuse it
LEFT JOIN table3 t3
ON t3.USER_ID = t2.USER_ID) AS source
ON ( target.USER_ID = source.USER_ID )
VALUES ( source.USER_ID,
source.value + some logic );
Considering there is 1:1 relationship between table 2 and table 3 based on your correlated sub-query used to find #CURRENT_CALCULATION


Deleting records from a table without primary key

I need to delete some specific record from database table but table itself does not have primary key. So condition depends on other table. So what is the correct way to do that?
delete from table_1
where exists
(select distinct tb.*
from table_1 tb, table_2 tb_2, table_3 tb_3
where tb1.col = tb2.col
and tb3.col = tb2.col
and tb3.col_2= 10)
is that correct way to do that? Lets say table_1 has 4 columns and first two columns should be the criteria to remove.
If the select version of your query returns the results you want to delete, then you're good. A couple things though..
Use the ANSI compliant explicit join syntax instead of the comma delineated, implicit syntax (which is long since depreciated). The explicit syntax looks better and is easier to read, anyway.
Correlate your EXISTS back to the main table. And you don't need a distinct, it will return positive whether there is 1 matching row or 10 billion.
FROM table_1 tb_1
FROM table_2 tb_2
JOIN table_3 tb_3 ON tb_2.col = tb_3.col
WHERE tb_1.col = tb_2.col
AND tb_3.col_2 = 10)


I was trying to look for it online but couldn't find anything that will settle my doubts.
I want to figure out which one is better to use, when and why?
I know MERGE is usually used for an upsert, but there are some cases that a normal update with with subquery has to select twice from the table(one from a where clause).
USING (SELECT sd.dwh_key,sd.serial_number from TableA#to_devstg sd
where sd.dwh_key = s.dwh_key and sd.serial_number <> s.serial_number) t
ON(s.dwh_key = t.dwh_key)
WHEN MATCHED UPDATE SET s.serial_number = t.serial_number
In my case, i have to update a table with about 200mil records in one enviorment, based on the same table from another enviorment where change has happen on serial_number field. As you can see, it select onces from this huge table.
On the other hand, I can use an UPDATE STATEMENT like this:
SET s.serial_number = (SELECT t.serial_number
FROM TableA#to_Other t
WHERE t.dwh_serial_key = s.dwh_serial_key)
FROM TableA#To_Other t
WHERE t.dwh_serial_key = s.dwh_serial_key
AND t.serial_number <> s.serial_number)
As you can see, this select from the huge table twice now. So, my question is, what is better? why?.. which cases one will be better than the other..
Thanks in advance.
I would first try to load all necessary data from remote DB to the temporary table and then work with that temporary table.
create global temporary table tmp_stage (
dwh_key <your_dwh_key_type#to_devstg>,
serial_number <your_serial_number_type##to_devstg>
) on commit preserve rows;
insert into tmp_stage
select dwh_key, serial_number
from TableA#to_devstg sd
where sd.dwh_key = s.dwh_key;
/* index (PK on dwh_key) your temporary table if necessary ...*/
update (select
src.dwh_key src_key,
tgt.dwh_key tgt_key,
src.serial_number src_serial_number,
tgt.serial_number tgt_serial_number
from tmp_stage src
join TableA tgt
on src.dwh_key = tgt.dwh_key
set src_serial_number = tgt_serial_number;

SQL - Update table values from values in another table

I have a select statement that is showing me all the data from table original every time it does not match the values on table real_values.
So every time it does not match, instead of showing me which routes have the wrong values for capacity, I would like the query to update it with the correct values.
Here is a shorter version to use as an example:!4/6a904/1
Instead of being a select statement, how could I just update the values? I have tried some things I've seen online but nothing seems to work.
#DavidFaber's answer is how most people would do this. However, for this kind of query, I prefer to use merge over update:
MERGE INTO original o
USING real_values rv
ON (o.origin = rv.origin AND o.destination = rv.destination)
o.capacity_wt = rv.capacity_wt, o.capacity_vol = rv.capacity_vol
WHERE o.capacity_wt != rv.capacity_wt
OR o.capacity_vol != rv.capacity_vol
(It was unclear to me from your question whether you want to update original or real_values, so I chose one. If I got this wrong, reversing it should be trivial.)
I find merge more readable and easier to use when you want to update multiple columns.
The usual form of such an update query in Oracle is the following:
UPDATE table1 t1
SET t1.value = ( SELECT t2.value FROM table2 t2
WHERE t2.key = t1.key )
WHERE t2.key = t1.key );
I'm confused though. You've tagged this question oracle and sql-server but your fiddle link uses MySQL.
In SQL Server, you would do this
update original set capacity_wt=b.capacity_wt,capacity_vol=b.capacity_vol
from original a, real_values b
where a.origin = b.origin
and a.destination = b.destination
and (a.capacity_wt != b.capacity_wt
or b.capacity_vol != b.capacity_vol);

Number of Records don't match when Joining three tables

Despite going through every material I could possibly find on the internet, I haven't been able to solve this issue myself. I am new to MS Access and would really appreciate any pointers.
Here's my problem - I have three tables
Source1084 with columns - Department, Sub-Dept, Entity, Account, +few more
R12CAOmappingTable with columns - Account, R12_Account
Table4 with columns - R12_Account, Department, Sub-Dept, Entity, New Dept, LOB +few more
I have a total of 1084 records in Source and the result table must also contain 1084 records. I need to draw a table with all the columns from Source + R12_account from R12CAOmappingTable + all columns from Table4.
Here is the query I wrote. This yields the right columns but gives me more or less number of records with interchanging different join options.
SELECT rmt.r12_account,
srb.[job function],
srb.[beg balance],
FROM (source1084 AS srb
LEFT JOIN r12caomappingtable AS rmt
ON srb.account = rmt.account)
LEFT JOIN table4
ON ( srb.department = table4.dept )
AND ( srb.[sub-department] = table4.subdept )
AND ( srb.entity = table4.entity )
WHERE ( ( ( srb.[sub-department] ) = table4.subdept )
AND ( ( srb.entity ) = table4.entity )
AND ( ( rmt.r12_account ) = table4.r12_account ) );
In this simple example, Table1 contains 3 rows with unique fld1 values. Table2 contains one row, and the fld1 value in that row matches one of those in Table1. Therefore this query returns 3 rows.
Table1 AS t1
LEFT JOIN Table2 AS t2
ON t1.fld1 = t2.fld1;
However if I add the WHERE clause as below, that version of the query returns only one row --- the row where the fld1 values match.
Table1 AS t1
LEFT JOIN Table2 AS t2
ON t1.fld1 = t2.fld1
WHERE t1.fld1 = t2.fld1;
In other words, that WHERE clause counteracts the LEFT JOIN because it excludes rows where t2.fld1 is Null. If that makes sense, notice that second query is functionally equivalent to this ...
Table1 AS t1
ON t1.fld1 = t2.fld1;
Your situation is similar. I suggest you first eliminate the WHERE clause and confirm this query returns at least your expected 1084 rows.
SELECT Count(*) AS CountOfRows
FROM (source1084 AS srb
LEFT JOIN r12caomappingtable AS rmt
ON srb.account = rmt.account)
LEFT JOIN table4
ON ( srb.department = table4.dept )
AND ( srb.[sub-department] = table4.subdept )
AND ( srb.entity = table4.entity );
After you get the query returning the correct number of rows, you can alter the SELECT list to return the columns you want. But the columns aren't really the issue until you can get the correct rows.
Without knowing your tables values it is hard to give a complete answer to your question. The issue that is causing you a problem based on how you described it. Is more then likely based on the type of joins you are using.
The best way I found to understand what type of joins you should be using would referencing a Venn diagram explaining the different type of joins that you can use.
Jeff Atwood also has a really good explanation of SQL joins on his site using the above method as well.
Best to just use the query builder. Drop in your main table. Choose the columns you want. Now for any of the other lookup values then simply drop in the other tables, draw the join line(s), double click and use a left join. You can do this for 2 or 30 columns that need to "grab" or lookup other values from other tables. The number of ORIGINAL rows in the base table returned should ALWAYS remain the same.
So just use the query builder and follow the above.
The problem with your posted SQL is you NESTED the joins inside (). Don't do that. (or let the query builder do this for you – they tend to be quite messy but will also work).
Just use this:
FROM source1084 AS srb
LEFT JOIN r12caomappingtable AS rmt
ON srb.account = rmt.account
LEFT JOIN table4
ON ( srb.department = table4.dept )
AND ( srb.[sub-department] = table4.subdept )
AND ( srb.entity = table4.entity )
As noted, I don't see why you are "repeating" the conditions again in the where clause.

Best way to perform dynamic subquery in MS Reporting Services?

I'm new to SQL Server Reporting Services, and was wondering the best way to do the following:
Query to get a list of popular IDs
Subquery on each item to get properties from another table
Ideally, the final report columns would look like this:
[ID] [property1] [property2] [SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM AnotherTable
There may be ways to construct a giant SQL query to do this all in one go, but I'd prefer to compartmentalize it. Is the recommended approach to write a VB function to perform the subquery for each row? Thanks for any help.
I would recommend using a SubReport. You would place the SubReport in a table cell.
Depending on how you want the output to look, a subreport could do, or you could group on ID, property1, property2 and show the items from your other table as detail items (assuming you want to show more than just count).
Something like
select t1.ID, t1.property1, t1.property2, t2.somecol, t2.someothercol
from table t1 left join anothertable t2 on t1.ID = t2.ID
#Carlton Jenke I think you will find an outer join a better performer than the correlated subquery in the example you gave. Remember that the subquery needs to be run for each row.
Simplest method is this:
select *,
(select count(*) from tbl2 t2 where t2.tbl1ID = t1.tbl1ID) as cnt
from tbl1 t1
here is a workable version (using table variables):
declare #tbl1 table
tbl1ID int,
prop1 varchar(1),
prop2 varchar(2)
declare #tbl2 table
tbl2ID int,
tbl1ID int
select *,
(select count(*) from #tbl2 t2 where t2.tbl1ID = t1.tbl1ID) as cnt
from #tbl1 t1
Obviously this is just a raw example - standard rules apply like don't select *, etc ...
UPDATE from Aug 21 '08 at 21:27:
#AlexCuse - Yes, totally agree on the performance.
I started to write it with the outer join, but then saw in his sample output the count and thought that was what he wanted, and the count would not return correctly if the tables are outer joined. Not to mention that joins can cause your records to be multiplied (1 entry from tbl1 that matches 2 entries in tbl2 = 2 returns) which can be unintended.
So I guess it really boils down to the specifics on what your query needs to return.
UPDATE from Aug 21 '08 at 22:07:
To answer the other parts of your question - is a VB function the way to go? No. Absolutely not. Not for something this simple.
Functions are very bad on performance, each row in the return set executes the function.
If you want to "compartmentalize" the different parts of the query you have to approach it more like a stored procedure. Build a temp table, do part of the query and insert the results into the table, then do any further queries you need and update the original temp table (or insert into more temp tables).