Hive regex_extract for values in bracket - sql

This is probably a simple problem but unfortunately I wasn't able to get the results I wanted.
I have the following input line
I want to retrieve the numbers using regex_extract in Hive
which is followed by "AD[M/ " in each case.
I am currently using
'\(AD([^)]+)\)' which gives output AD[M/1/2]g[ab]
Implementing any other like (//d*) is give a code 2 error. Please suggest the possible replacements

Try this regex
by the way () should be the capturing bracket pair, not \(\)


How do I print the first occurence of a string after a special character in Hive using reg_extract or split?

I am having a deep dilemma in hive. My data set in Hive looks like this:
In each instance, I want to print only the first string after the #. So the output should be something like this:
I tried using the reg_extract function, but alas I am getting only NULL values. Since hive doesn't support reg_substr, the following synatax doesn't work:
Any suggestions are wecome!
You can use regexp_replace and then substr combination.
First remove all multiple occurrences of # from the string using regexp_replace().
regexp_replace(col,'#+','#') -- for data '#####123##' this will produce '#123#'
Then remove first # using substr. And then use instr to fetch everything starting from first till #.
substr(substr(str,2),1, instr(substr(str,2),'#')-1) this will produce '123'
You can see whole sql below.
select substr(substr(str,2),1, instr(substr(str,2),'#')-1) as result
from (
SELECT regexp_replace('#####123##','#+','#') as str) a
I assumed you always have # in the beginning. if you just add if left(str,1)='#'... and handle according to the data.

Extract characters between a string and the first occurrence of something in BigQuery

I want to extract a set of characters between "u1=" and the first semi-colon using a regex. For instance, given the following string: id=1w54;name=nick;u1=blue;u2=male;u3=ohio;u5=
The desired regex output should be just blue.
I tested (?<=u1=)[^;]* on and it works. However, when I run this in BigQuery, using regexp_extract(string, '(?<=u1=)[^;]*') , I get an error that reads "Cannot parse regular expression: invalid perl operator: (?<"
I'm confused why this isn't working in BQ. Any help would be appreciated.
You can use regexp_extract() like this:
regexp_extract(string, 'u1=([^;]+)')

TRIM or REPLACE in Netsuite Saved Search

I've looked at lots of examples for TRIM and REPLACE on the internet and for some reason I keep getting errors when I try.
I need to strip suffixes from my Netsuite item record names in a saved item search. There are three possible suffixes: -T, -D, -S. So I need to turn 24335-D into 24335, and 24335-S into 24335, and 24335-T into 24335.
Here's what I've tried and the errors I get:
Can you help me please? Note: I can't assume a specific character length of the starting string.
Use case: We already have a field on item records called Nickname with the suffixes stripped. But I've ran into cases where Nickname is incorrect compared to Name. Ex: Name is 24335-D but Nickname is 24331-D. I'm trying to build a saved search alert that tells me any time the Nickname does not equal suffix-stripped Name.
PS: is there anywhere I can pay for quick a la carte Netsuite saved search questions like this? I feel bad relying on free technical internet advice but I greatly appreciate any help you can give me!
You are including too much SQL - a formulae is like a single result field expression not a full statement so no FROM or AS. There is another place to set the result column/field name. One option here is Regex_replace().
REGEXP_REPLACE({name},'\-[TDS]$', '')
Regex meaning:
\- : a literal -
[TDS] : one of T D or S
$ : end of line/string
To compare fields a Formulae (Numeric) using a CASE statement can be useful as it makes it easy to compare the result to a number in a filter. A simple equal to 1 for example.
CASE WHEN {custitem_nickname} <> REGEXP_REPLACE({name},'\-[TDS]$', '') then 1 else 0 end
You are getting an error because TRIM can trim only one character : see oracle doc (last example).
So try using something like this
And always keep in mind that saved searches are running as Oracle SQL queries so Oracle SQL documentation can help you understand how to use the available functions.

Regexp_extract everything after appearance of '-q_'

Have strings containing 'q_' which I want to extract everything that comes after it. Some rows contain occurrence of q_ which I want everything that occurs after it. Example values in the column are:
What is wrong with my regular expression as I'm trying to remove the trailing '_' after q.
REGEXP_EXTRACT(queue_id, '[^q_]+$')
Is just returning
I've also tried the split method:
SPLIT(queue_id, 'q_')[OFFSET(2)]
But this returns
Array index 2 is out of bounds (overflow)
Any suggestions. Thanks! (I am using Google Cloud SQL)
Using a capturing group, you may extract all after the first q_ with:
REGEXP_EXTRACT(queue_id, 'q_(.*)')
You may extract all after the last q_ with:
REGEXP_EXTRACT(queue_id, '.*q_(.*)')
See the regex demo #1 and regex demo #2.
Here, q_ finds the first occurrence of q_ and (.*) grabs the rest of the line into Group 1, and this is the value returned by REGEXP_EXTRACT. .* matches any 0+ chars other than line break chars as many as possible, that is why the second regex will start capturing the rest of the line after the last occurrence of q_.
Google Cloud SQL uses MySQL. I think the simplest method is substring_index():
select substring_index(queue_id, '-q_', -1)
Can you try this : q_([^q_]+)$? You'll have what you want in the first group.
Edit: this one match all the cases > (?(?<=-q_).*|^((?!-q_).)*$)

How to escape delimiter found in value - pig script?

In pig script, I would like to find a way to escape the delimiter character in my data so that it doesn't get interpreted as extra columns. For example, if I'm using colon as a delimiter, and I have a column with value "foo:bar" I want that string interpreted as a single column without having the loader pick up the comma in the middle.
You can try
A = LOAD 'somefile' AS (s:chararray);
The regex might have to be adapted.
It seems Pig takes the Input as the string its not so intelligent to identify how what is data or what is not.
The pig Storage works on the Strong Tokenizer. So if u want to do something like
a = LOAD '/abc/def/file.txt' USING PigStorage(':');
It doesn't seems to be solving your problem. But if we can write our own PigStorage() Method possibly we could come across some solution.
I will try posting the Code to resolve this.
you can use STRSPLIT(string, regex, limit); for the column split based on the delimiter.