I have installed parse server using bitnami parse vm on virtual box. I am trying to get to the dashboard without success. I keep getting 404 when I navigate to /parse, /, /dashboard.
I have a Vue frontend through which I want to communicate with a backend built with lumen. I have the backend on apache virtual host. It is a local development setup. The virtual host works and I can access it from http://dawn.axeapi.com/ and postman works fine with it.
I've set VUE_APP_API to http://dawn.axeapi.com/ in the .env file. The Vue app is being served with npm run serve.
I am getting following errors in the console and the network tab in developer tools.
But if I double click the requests (e.g. 3304272), I can see JSON data from the backend.
If I serve the backend with php -S localhost:8000 -t public and update VUE_APP_API accordingly, everything works as it should.
Is this because of CORS?
Does apache configuration affect this?
I read in Vue documentation that API requests to the API server need to be proxied during development if the frontend and the backend API server are not running on the same host. So I tried adding
devServer: {
proxy: 'http://dawn.axeapi.com/'
to vue.config.js but didn't work.
I am running Apache that ships with macOS.
What am I missing here?
For anyone running Apache that ships with macOS, disable these Apache modules and it should work. I had to disable all eight. You can try one at a time.
I'm moving this website http://farmtrust.tn built using PrestaShop in a new Hosting provider. This is the new URL http://shop.farmtruster.com. And now when I try to access the admin back-end I get a FatalErrorException.
Compile Error: Symfony\Component\Debug\DebugClassLoader::loadClass(): Failed opening required '/var/www/html/vendor/composer/../symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/SecurityBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/RegisterCsrfTokenClearingLogoutHandlerPass.php' (include_path='/var/www/html/vendor/pear/pear_exception:/var/www/html/vendor/pear/console_getopt:/var/www/html/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src:/var/www/html/vendor/pear/archive_tar:.:/usr/share/php')
in DebugClassLoader.php line 156
Also, the site is not functioning http://shop.farmtruster.com it shows Not Found.
The requested URL was not found on this server.
I'm trying to host in AWS in an EC2 instance I've installed xampp first but then it stopped suddenly functioning so I installed manually PHP MySQL apache...
The website files are in var/www/html folder Note that http://shop.farmtruster.com redirects me to http://shop.farmtruster.com/fr/ so I've concluded that traduction is working.
I hope you can help me
Debug steps:
Check if that .php file does exist in that location, if not copy it (them) over from the original Prestashop archive.
Remove the var/cache completely, it'll get recreated.
Check the files and directories ownership/permissions. The owner should be the apache user and the permissions 0755 for directories and 0644 for the files.
The problem is incorrect path to remote host, but is not true. I have acces to my server via ftp without problems. All WP files are there and the site is working fine (frontend/backent). I have also access to phpMyAdmin to MySQL datepase binded to this site.
I have notce that paht to the web files is differ depend on FTP or SFTP is. In FTP app is such stright:
/[all wp files]
in editor app (such TextWrangler), after the samy access id/pass, I have got such path:
/home/[accountname]/public_html/[all wp files]
After click on detect button, app changing the path filed on:
- blanc - under FTP connection
- public_html - under SFTP
so it mean conection between MAMP and my server is working. Fine. But after this when I trying to Check URLs & credentials or when I trying Import Host... I received:
Error code: -3010 (The 'Path' to your remote document root is incorrect. The 'Path' field on the remote tab is the document root of your remote site that will be accessed via your Public Site URL (e.g.: 'public_html').) - Start auto detect not solved the problem.
Error code: -3113 (The 'Path' to your remote document root is incorrect. The 'Path' field on the remote tab is the document root of your remote site that will be accessed via your Public Site URL (e.g.: 'public_html').)
But it is not true! All files are there!
Please help. Should I use some special code under Apache tab (Additional parameters for VirtualHost directive or Directory directive?
Should I know something more from my serverprovider (home.pl) and solved this problem with them (there is no, in my subscription plan, access via cPanel or so, to set up something)?
Should I change something in https.conf file?
I'm not so using server coding so please forgive me but I have no idea where is the problem (but I'm trying to learn) :o)
My environment is:
MacOS X: 10.13.6
MAMP Pro: 5.2.2 (17923)
Thanx for any help or redirection to the answers someware else (I used searching ;o) but without success or I used wrong ask).
Just ran into this and found a solution that worked for me. I just had to switch the Public URL from https to http and it worked.
I had this error too.
Here's what I did to fix it:
Logged into my remote CPanel account
Created an FTP account for user#sitename.com
Defined the user directory in the FTP user settings similar to this /home/[site]/public_html
Ensured that this user had read/write permissions on the remote server (otherwise importing a site in MAMP Pro might fail)
Then, in MAMP Pro (v 6.0.1) created a new host following these steps:
I found that once the correct FTP permissions were set at the server, MAMP was OK and functioned as planned.
Good luck, hope this works for you too.
I've launched Wordpress on Google Compute Engine (via their automated launcher process). It installs quickly and easily and visiting the external IP displayed in my Compute Engine VM Instances Dashboard, I am able access the fresh installation of Wordpress.
However, when I scp an existing Wordpress installation oldWPsite into var/www/ then replace my html directory
mv html htmlFRESH
mv oldWPsite html
my site returns a 'failed to open' error. Directory permissions user:group are identical.
Moreso, when I return the directories to their original configuration
mv html oldWPsite
mv htmlFRESH html
Still, the error persists.
I am familiar with other hosting paradigms where I can easily switch between the publicly served files by simply modifying directory names. Is there something unique about Google Compute Engine? What is the best way to import existing sites, files, etc into the Google Cloud environment?
Install Wordpress via Google Launcher on a micro-VM.
Visit public IP of the VM instance.
SCP a fresh installation of Wordpress tovar/www.
Replace the Google installed html directory with the newly created and copied Wordpress directory using mv commands.
Visit public IP of the VM instance.
Referenced Questions:
after replacing /var/www/html directory, apache does not work anymore
permission for var/www/html directory - a2enmod command unrecognized on new G-compute VM
The import .htaccess file had https redirect which caused the server to prompt failure since https is not setup in a fresh launch of Wordpress through GCE. Compounding the issue, the browser cache held that memory when the previous site was moved back to the initial conditions.
Per usual, the solution involved the investigation of user errors.
I have tried changing the docBase (with the help of several tutorials for serving static images from outside WebApp)of the Apache Tomcat installed by Netbeans, but till now no luck for me and getting 404 error.
<Context path="/WebApp/images" docBase="C:\\Users\Digvijay\Pictures\SAB" />
I am using windows.
I am not sure if there is some other way to configure Apache Tomcat installed by netbeans.
By the way below are the links for the solutions I tried
Simplest way to serve static data from outside the application server in a Java web application
Mapping a directory outside the web-app to URL in TOMCAT
Following steps works for me (NetBeans 7.3) ...
Select "Services" tab in NetBeans (top-lefthand box)
Right-click "Servers :: Apache Tomcat " and select "Edit server.xml" item
Put content as described in links and save file
Right-click "Servers :: Apache Tomcat " and select "Restart"