Sql query to move data into Hbase - sql

I am planning to move my data into hbase but there are so many logic in stored procedure that i found it will be easy to move my data to hbase using SQL language, but how can i do that. I didn't found anything. Please help


Is it possible to transfer data to SQL Server from an unconventional database

My company has a SQL Server database which they would like to populate with data from a hierarchical database (as opposed to relational). I have already written a .net application to map its schema to a relational database and have successfully done that. However my problem is that the tech being used here is so old that I see no obvious way of data transfer.
However, I have certain ideas about how I can do this. This involves having to write file scans in my unconventional database and dump out files as csv. Then do a bulk upload into SQL Server. I do not appreciate this as there is the element of invalid data involved which terminates the bulk upload quite so often.
I was hoping to explore options around service broker. I was hoping to dump out live transactions where a record has changed in my database and then this can somehow be picked up?
Secondly I was also hoping to use something which if I dump out live or changed records in a file (I can format the file to whatever format is needed), can something suck it into SQL Server?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Service Broker is a very powerful queue/messaging management system. I am not sure why you want to use it for this.
You can set up an SSIS job that keeps checking a folder for csv files and when detects a new one it reads it into SQL Server and then zips it and archives it somewhere else. This is very common. SSIS can then either process the data (its a wonderful ETL tool) or invoke procedures in SQL Server to process the data. SSIS is very fast and is rarely overwhelmed so why would you use Service Broker?
If its IMS (mainframe) type data you have to convert it to flat tables and then as csv type text tables for SQL Server to read.
SQL server is very good at processing XML and, as of 2016, JSON shaped data, so if that is your data type you can directly import into SQL Server.
Skip bulk insert. The SQL Server xml data type lends itself to doing what you're doing. If you can output data from your other system into an XML format, you can push that XML directly into an argument for a stored procedure.
After that, you can use the functions for the XML type to iterate through the data as needed.

Stored procedures in Hive

In my use case, I am trying to migrate SQL based traditional data warehousing application into big data infrastructure. I chose Hive and i think it is doing well. However, what I could not find is that stored procedures. Is it available in hive? I am using apache Hue to write and execute Hive query.
No, Stored Procedures are not yet available. However, there are plans to be available in the future.
Please refer to HPL/SQL, I am looking for same solution but not try yet.

connecting to remote oracle database in SQL

I need to do some data migration between two oracle databases that in different servers. I've thought of some ways to do it like writing a jdbc program but i think the best way is to do it in SQL itself. I can also copy the entire table over to the database I am migrating to but these tables are big and doesnt seem like a "elegant" solution.
Is it possible to open a connection to one DB in SQL developer then connect to the other one using SQL and writing update/insert functions on tables as if they were both in the same connection?
I have read some examples on creating linked tables but none seem to be oracle specific or tell me how to open the external connection by supplying it the server hostname/port/SID/user credentials.
thanks for the help!
If you create a Database Link, you can just select a from different database by querying TABLENAME#dblink.
You can create such a link using the CREATE DATABASE LINK statement.
It depends if its a one time thing or a normal process and if you need to do ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) or not, but ill help you out based on what you explained.
From what i can gather from your explanation, what you attempt to accomplish is to copy a couple of tables from one db to another, if they can reach one another then its really simple, you could just create a DBLINK (http://www.dba-oracle.com/t_how_create_database_link.htm) and then do a SELECT AS INSERT from either side using the DBLINK for one of the tables and the local table as the receiver or sender. Its pretty straight forward.
But if its a one time thing i would just move the table with expdp and impdp since that will be a lot faster and a lot less strain on the DB.
If its something you need to maintain and keep updated, why not just add the DBLINK and use that on both sides, this will be dependent on network performance though.
If this is a bit out of you depth or you cant create dblinks due to restrictions, SQL Developer has had a database copy option for a while and you can go as far a copying individual tables, but its very heavy on the system where its being run (http://deepak-sharma.net/2014/01/12/copy-database-objects-between-two-databases-in-oracle-using-sql-developer/).

how to get data from table if table stored in database which is in server in ios.

i need some help.
I am trying to fetch data which is in table format in SQL Database and my Database is in server.So can anybody tell me a procedure how to do this in efficient way.
Thank you
Generally the most common approach is encapsulate the database by an REST API (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer).
However, you could look for an SQL Connection SDK provided by the manufacturer of your SQL Server. There is also an ODBC SDK for iOS you can take a look at.

How can I copy from Oracle to Sybase using SQL*Plus?

I have an application that stores data in an Oracle database. I want to copy selected rows from a table in this database to a table in a Sybase database (archiving records). Can I do this directly (i.e. without storing and loading results from a file)?
I've mostly looked into SQL*Plus
SQL*Plus COPY Command (http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14357/apb.htm)
Copying Data from the Oracle Database Server to Sybase (http://docs.oracle.com/cd/A95432_01/a80982/ch5.htm#153526)
Copy Command (http://www.oracleutilities.com/SQLPLus/copy.html)
Oracle® Database Gateway for Sybase User's Guide (http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/gateways.111/b31048/toc.htm)
I also understand the following: "However, INSERT is the only option supported when copying to Sybase. The SQL*Plus COPY command does not support copying to tables with lowercase table names." However, I haven't been able to do this in SQL*Plus. I'll keep trying, but if anyone has an example of how to do it here, I'd very much appreciate it.
If this is not possible, is Oracle Data Pump (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/index-093639.html) my best alternative?
Thank you!
Your best bet may be to use some form of ETL tool to handle this if the size of your data is reasonable, rather than getting into the details of setting up the gateways, etc, between systems.
There are many options - Talend Open Studio (free), Informatica, or Microsoft SSIS all should be able to handle this.
The robust way to do this is create a flat file(txt,csv) or an INSERT sql from your "COPY_FROM_DATABASE". And then load it into corresponding table. You might have to do a bit of formatting in this sql in order to run it on a different server. I personally like INSERT sql better.