SQL Server 2008 R2 - How to filter a group of records with conditional logic? - sql

I have the following dataset:
Each sales order line has an item which can be found in various location areas in our warehouse (UPPER, GROUND, FLOOR). What I want is a way to evaluate each sales order line and then pick one location, based on a condition.
The condition would say, if SO line contains a location with FLOOR, pick only that location, else check if it contains GROUND, then pick that, or if it contains neither ground or floor then return UPPER.
I don't want to see multiple location areas for each SO line. What's all the ways this can be done? I'd imagine some form of using a case statement with a HAVING clause?

This can be done using the row_number function by ordering the location areas based on the conditions.
select *
from (select t.*
,row_number() over(partition by so#
order by case when location_area='Floor' then 1
when location_area='GROUND' then 2
else 3 end) rn
from tablename t
) x
where rn = 1

Select coalesce(f.SO, g.SO, u.SO) SO,
coalesce(f.Line, g.Line, u.Line) Line,
coalesce(f.item_code, g.item_code, u.item_code) item_code,
coalesce(f.item_description, g.item_description, u.item_description) item_description,
coalesce(f.SO_Qty, g.SO_Qty, u.SO_Qty) SO_Qty,
coalesce(f.branch_Number, g.branch_Number, u.branch_Number) branch_Number,
coalesce(f.location_area, g.location_area, u.location_area) location_area
from myTable f
full join myTable g
on f.location_area='floor'
and g.SO = f.So
and g.location_area='ground'
full join myTable u
on u.SO = f.So
and u.location_area='upper'


SQL Server: Generate squashed range data from daily dates by an id

Basically to sum up the goal. I want to generate something using the following data. Where it subtotals like excel where "each change in ... ordered however" generate summary records and only generate summary records and squash date ranges.
All I want are the count records would generate rows and would copy the fee data except for the begin/end fields would be the ranged dates. So first record would be fee 9858 from 3/31 - 4/14 for example. Each count row would be a new fee record.
I am not sure which combination of grouping, partition by.... and such to get what I need or if there is something else I can use. I can provide sql if needed but I am mainly looking for finding the right combination of tools(partition by, grouping, rollup....) that would provide this functionality.
WITH [ag]
LAG([Fee_ID]) OVER (ORDER BY [FeeTypeID], [FeeBeginDate]) [FirstFee],
LAG([Fee_ID]) OVER (ORDER BY [FeeTypeID], [FeeBeginDate] DESC) [LastFee]
FROM [dbo].[HHTFees]
WHERE [Retailer] = 517),
'Beg' [FeeStopType]
FROM [ag]
WHERE [ag].[FirstFee] <> [ag].[Fee_ID]
OR [ag].[FirstFee] IS NULL),
'End' [FeeStopType]
FROM [ag]
WHERE [ag].[LastFee] <> [ag].[Fee_ID]
OR [ag].[LastFee] IS NULL),
FROM [agf]
FROM [agl]),
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [results].[FeeTypeID], [results].[FeeBeginDate]) [RowNum]
FROM [results])
SELECT [Starts].[Retailer],
FROM [indexed] [Starts]
INNER JOIN [indexed] [Ends]
ON [Starts].[Fee_ID] = [Ends].[Fee_ID]
AND [Ends].[RowNum] = [Starts].[RowNum] + 1;
I used lag to find where the fee id changed sorted by feetype / start date. This allowed me to mimic when fee id changed sorted by begin date like excel subtotal. Now to optimize and tweak to fit the set of data.

Change duplicate value in a column

Can you please tell me what SQL query can I use to change duplicates in one column of my table?
I found these duplicates:
SELECT Model, count(*) FROM Devices GROUP BY model HAVING count(*) > 1;
I was looking for information on exactly how to change one of the duplicate values, but unfortunately I did not find a specific option for myself, and all the more information is all in abundance filled by deleting the duplicate value line, which I don't need. Not strong in SQL at all. I ask for help. Thank you so much.
You can easily use a Window Functions such as ROW_NUMBER() with partitioning option in order to group by Model column to eliminate the duplicates, and then pick the first rows(rn=1) returning from the subquery such as
FROM Devices
SELECT ID, Model -- , and the other columns
WHERE rn = 1
use exists as follows:
update d
set Model = '-'
from Devices d
where exists (select 1 from device dd where dd.model = d.model and dd.id > d.id)
After the command:
SELECT Model, count (*) FROM Devices GROUP BY model HAVING count (*)> 1;
i get the result:
1895 lines = NULL;
3383 lines with duplicate values;
and all these values are 1243.
after applying your command:
update Devices set
Model = '-'
where id not in
min(Devices .id)
from Devices
group by Devices.Model)
i got 4035 lines changed.
if you count, it turns out, (3383 + 1895) = 5278 - 1243 = 4035
and it seems like everything fits together, the result suits, it works.

SQL Filtering duplicate rows due to bad ETL

The database is Postgres but any SQL logic should help.
I am retrieving the set of sales quotations that contain a given product within the bill of materials. I'm doing that in two steps: step 1, retrieve all DISTINCT quote numbers which contain a given product (by product number).
The second step, retrieve the full quote, with all products listed for each unique quote number.
So far, so good. Now the tough bit. Some rows are duplicates, some are not. Those that are duplicates (quote number & quote version & line number) might or might not have maintenance on them. I want to pick the row that has maintenance greater than 0. The duplicate rows I want to exclude are those that have a 0 maintenance. The problem is that some rows, which have no duplicates, have 0 maintenance, so I can't just filter on maintenance.
To make this exciting, the database holds quotes over 20+ years. And the data scientists guys have just admitted that maybe the ETL process has some bugs...
--- step 0
--- cleanup the workspace
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS product_quotes;
--- step 1
--- get list of Product Quotes
SELECT DISTINCT master_quote_number
FROM w_quote_line_d
WHERE item_number IN ( << model numbers >> )
--- step 2
--- Now join on that list
--- need to calculate discount rate based on list price and negtd discount (%)
WHEN ref_list_price_amount > 0
THEN 100 - (ref_list_price_amount + negtd_discount) / ref_list_price_amount *100
END AS discount_percent,
FROM w_quote_line_d d
INNER JOIN product_quotes pq ON (pq.master_quote_number = d.master_quote_number)
INNER JOIN w_quote_f f ON
(f.quote_line_number = d.quote_line_number
AND f.master_quote_number = d.master_quote_number
AND f.quote_version_number = d.quote_version_number)
WHERE d.net_value >= 0 AND item_quantity > 0
ORDER BY f.master_quote_number, f.quote_version_number, d.quote_line_number
The logic to filter the duplicate rows is like this:
For each master_quote_number / version_number pair, check to see if there are duplicate line numbers. If so, pick the one with maintenance > 0.
Even in a CASE statement, I'm not sure how to write that.
Thoughts? The database is Postgres but any SQL logic should help.
I think you will want to use Window Functions. They are, in a word, awesome.
Here is a query that would "dedupe" based on your criteria:
select *
from (
* -- simplifying here to show the important parts
,row_number() over (
partition by master_quote_number, version_number
order by maintenance desc) as seqnum
from w_quote_line_d d
inner join product_quotes pq
on (pq.master_quote_number = d.master_quote_number)
inner join w_quote_f f
on (f.quote_line_number = d.quote_line_number
and f.master_quote_number = d.master_quote_number
and f.quote_version_number = d.quote_version_number)
) x
where seqnum = 1
The use of row_number() and the chosen partition by and order by criteria guarantee that only ONE row for each combination of quote_number/version_number will get the value of 1, and it will be the one with the highest value in maintenance (if your colleagues are right, there would only be one with a value > 0 anyway).
Can you do something like...
w_quote_line_d d
inner join
group by
) d1
d1.id = d.id
and d1.maintenance = d.maintenance;
Am I understanding your problem correctly?
Edit: Forgot the group by!
I'm not sure, but maybe you could Group By all other columns and use MAX(Maintenance) to get only the greatest.
What do you think?

SQL Server - Only Select Latest Date

RDBMS = Microsoft SQL Server
I work for a refrigeration company and we want to do a better job of tracking the cost bottles of refrigerant were bought at for each inventory location. I am trying to create a SQL Query that pulls this information but I am running into some issues. For each inventory location I want to display the last cost refrigerant was bought at for that inventory location.I want to see the latest date we have record of for this location purchasing a specific refrigerant. I have tried using the Max function unsuccessfully and the Row_Number function I have not been able to get work. Any help would be much appreciated.
See below the code sample I am trying to only get to display the Latest Date each inventory location purchased R-22 30 pound jug.
lctn_id as Location,
invntryitm_id as InventoryItemID,
invntryitm_nme as InventoryItemName,
prchseordrlst_dte_rqstd as DateRequested,
prchseordrlst_unt_cst as UnitCost
prchseordrlst on prchseordrlst.invntryitm_rn = invntryitm.invntryitm_rn
prchseordr on prchseordr.prchseordr_rn = prchseordrlst.prchseordr_rn
lctn on lctn.lctn_rn = prchseordr.lctn_rn
invntryitm.invntryitm_nme ='REFRIGERANT R-22 30#'
and lctn_obslte = 'N'
group by
lctn.lctn_id, invntryitm.invntryitm_id, invntryitm.invntryitm_nme,
order by
I think an analytic/windowing function would give you what you need:
with location_data as (
lctn_id as Location,
invntryitm_id as InventoryItemID,
invntryitm_nme as InventoryItemName,
prchseordrlst_dte_rqstd as DateRequested,
prchseordrlst_unt_cst as UnitCost,
max (prchseordrlst_dte_rqstd) over (partition by lctn_id) as max_date
JOIN prchseordrlst on prchseordrlst.invntryitm_rn = invntryitm.invntryitm_rn
JOIN prchseordr on prchseordr.prchseordr_rn = prchseordrlst.prchseordr_rn
JOIN lctn on lctn.lctn_rn = prchseordr.lctn_rn
invntryitm.invntryitm_nme ='REFRIGERANT R-22 30#' and
lctn_obslte = 'N'
select *
from location_data
where max_date = DateRequested
order by Location
Bear in mind that if there is a tie, two location_id records with the same date, then you will get both of them back. If this is an issue, then you probably want row_number() instead of max():
row_number() over (partition by lctn_id order by prchseordrlst_dte_rqstd desc) as rn
And then you would
where rn = 1
to get the first row
The reason I didn't list row_number() first is that max is O(n), and if your data has dates and times, it may be sufficient for what you need.

How to combine this query

In the query
cr is customers,
chh? ise customer_pays,
cari_kod is customer code,
cari_unvan1 is customer name
cha_tarihi is date of pay,
cha_meblag is pay amount
The purpose of query, the get the specisified list of customers and their last date for pay and amount of money...
Actually my manager needs more details but the query is very slow and that is why im using only 3 subquery.
The question is how to combine them ?
I have researched about Cte and "with clause" and "subquery in "where " but without luck.
Can anybody have a proposal.
Operating system is win2003 and sql server version is mssql 2005.
select cr.cari_kod,cr.cari_unvan1, cr.cari_temsilci_kodu,
(select top 1
from dbo.CARI_HESAP_HAREKETLERI chh1 where chh1.cha_kod=cr.cari_kod order by chh1.cha_RECno) as sontar,
(select top 1
from dbo.CARI_HESAP_HAREKETLERI chh2 where chh2.cha_kod=cr.cari_kod order by chh2.cha_RECno) as sontutar
from dbo.CARI_HESAPLAR cr
where (select top 1
from dbo.CARI_HESAP_HAREKETLERI chh3 where chh3.cha_kod=cr.cari_kod order by chh3.cha_RECno) >'20130314'
order by cr.cari_kod
You will probably speed up the query by changing your last where clause to:
where (select top 1 chh3.cha_tarihi
from dbo.CARI_HESAP_HAREKETLERI chh3 where chh3.cha_kod=cr.cari_kod
order by chh3.cha_RECno
) >'20130314' and
cr.cari_bolge_kodu in ('322', '324')
order by cr.cari_kod
Assuming that you want both the date condition met and one of the two codes. Your original logic is the (date and code = 322) OR (code = 324).
The overall query can be improved by finding the record in the chh table and then just using that. For this, you want to use the window function row_number(). I think this is the query that you want:
select cari_kod, cari_unvan1, cari_temsilci_kodu,
cha_tarihi, cha_meblag
from (select cr.*, chh.*,
ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by chh.cha_kod order by chh.cha_recno) as seqnum
from dbo.CARI_HESAPLAR cr join
on chh.cha_kod=cr.cari_kod
where cr.cari_bolge_kodu in ('322', '324')
) t
where chh3.cha_tarihi > '20130314' and seqnum = 1
order by cr.cari_kod;
This version assumes the revised logic date/code logic.
The inner subquery select might generate an error if there are two columns with the same name in both tables. If so, then just list the columns instead of using *.