How do I get started modeling data with A-frame? - data-visualization

For a beginner, how do I model simple data nodes and relationships using A-frame. I'd like to create a rudimentary VR visualization? Can I upload a file, what format would it be, what else do I need to do? Thanks for any help to get started or links!

Some people in the d3.js (data visualization library) community have been playing using it with A-Frame. There are lots of examples on . JavaScript and d3.js can take and load any file format to be parsed, most common is JSON and CSV.
I also have a visualization using d3.js + A-Frame at for calendar heatmap.
Ben Pyrik has some components as well, such as for scatterplots:


React Native Mobile Application - Generating a graph and converting to a PDF within react native

We're developing a react native mobile application where we need to generate several different types of graphs (plots, charts, line, etc.) and then convert those graphs into PDF format where we could download or send the graphs as pdf files outside the in-app visualization/rendering of them. Currently we are using react-native-chart-kit, and haven't been able to come up with an easy solution yet. We are open to using a different library if one exists that has similar graphing capabilities to that library and can easily generate pdf's from the graphing data. At the moment, all we can think of doing is to send the graphing data to a web server where we have access to other graphing libraries (js, react web, python, etc.) generate the pdf data then send it back to the mobile application. This isn't ideal, as we'd prefer to do everything directly in the mobile app.
Does anyone have any experience generating graphs within a react-native application and also exporting those graphs as pdf files? Any library we might have overlooked, or an easier solution we haven't though about? Any tips are greatly appreciated!
Not a lot of hits here, but I also cross posted this on reddit and got some traction. I'm posting a link here as the answer in case anyone else comes across this post:
The two best answers we debated between (both valid):
You could potentially use It will “screenshot” anything within a particular View and you can then do what you want with the image data. Perhaps even find a way to write it to a PDF file?
and the other solution is to just do the pdf rendering and graph generation on server-side, though that means this would be an online only feature.

What support for XGMML or other stable formats is in Cytoscape.js?

I see that Cytoscape.js has many of the great features of Cytoscape Web. But I don't see XGMML support in Cytoscape.js. Is that correct? Is XGMML graph support on the roadmap or is there some simple way to convert XGMML files into a format that Cytoscape.js can read XGMML in ?
What are the plans for plans for stable document formats?
Ted Goldstein, Ph.D.
UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute
xmojmr makes a good point that this isn't really a concrete code help question.
In any case -- in my opinion, formats like that ought not to be in the scope of the Cytoscape.js project. Cytoscape.js is a graph library for JS, and file parsing should be a separate library. Such a library would not even need to support the particular Cytoscape.js JSON "format", because it's very simple to map one array of objects (resultant from the parse) to the hierarchy expected by Cytoscape.js.
The XGMML format itself isn't very good in my opinion, and that's another strike against including it. Many people do have legacy data in that format though, so you may find a generic JS XML parsing lib useful. If you just need the graph data from the XGMML, then using a JS XML parsing lib should make it fairly straightforward to map to whatever JSON format you like.

Parsing YouTube XML

I'm looking to do a little iOS app that uses has some very basic YouTube interaction. When I say basic, I really mean it: All it needs to do it pull in the uploads from a particular user, the videos' links, titles and maybe a thumbnail.
I've been looking at the Google developer docs for YouTube and nothing seems to be of help. It seems that the data is stored in an XML format, but it seems completely different to the structure of the sample XML in the docs. I don't know whether I'm using the wrong link (this is a sample of what I'm looking at now), but I just get a really messy XML document.
I've really no idea where to start on this one (with regards to a parser) - it just looks so messy. If someone could point me in the right direction with this, maybe even a with some sample code on a parser, I'd be incredibly grateful.
Have you considered making use of gdata-objectivec-client api It comes with samples which provide exactly what you are looking for.
Here's a very concise and easy-to-read example using NSXMLParser. It provides an example xml and shows you how to parse its elements and populate a custom object with the values.
i can suggest you to use LIBXML 2.2 it's easy to use and you can use Xpath Query to fetch whatever you want from any messy file.
To learn how to use that look at this page. link
The XML link you provided looks like the atom feed. If you don't feel like parsing the XML in your code, you can try the TouchRSS ( which I used to parse the youtube RSS feed. The RSS feed version should be in version 2 so the url you provide should change to

Tiled game, want to use as few external libraries as possible

I am trying to make an iOS game. It's going to be 2D and tiled, but I am having some difficulty because really don't want to use external libraries if at all possible. I am using Tiled for designing my maps. Does anyone know of a tutorial or article that helps explain making a custom TMX loader?
This is supposed to be a learning experience that's why I don't want to use cocos2d.
Managed to figure it out for myself, TMX files are just XML and after some testing I was able to get one to load with NSXMLParser. The XML is described in detail here

Is it possible to import a csv file into a Core Date model

Is it possible in core data to import CSV file?
Can anyone tell me how and what are the various ways?
Not sure about core data, but if you don't mind using a small library, Wikipedia seems to list cCSVParse, which looks useful for this (the linked page is in German, the download link is somewhere in the middle).