SQLite syntax using the Mono.Data.SqliteClient library - sql

I'm writing an inventory system in Unity 5.4 using SQLite and I can't figure out the syntax or find a good example anywhere. Ideas?
public void GetInventory(string _user, string _container) {
ExecuteSQL("SELECT User (Name), Modifier (ModName), Property (PropName) " +
"FROM User " +
"[INNER] JOIN Ownership " +
"[INNER] JOIN Container " +
"[INNER] JOIN Inventory " +
"[INNER] JOIN Item " +
"[INNER] JOIN Property " +
"[INNER] JOIN Modifier " +
"ON User (UserID) = Ownership (UserID) " +
"AND Ownership (ContainerID) = Container (ContainerID) " +
"AND Container (ContainerID) = Inventory (ContainerID) " +
"AND Inventory (ItemID) = Item (ItemID) " +
"AND Item (PropertyID) = Property (PropertyID) " +
"AND Item (ModifierID) = Modifier (ModifierID) " +
"WHERE User (Name) = '" + _user + "' AND Container (ContainerName) = '" + _container + "'", false);
I've tested the function with simpler commands and it works fine. And I've tested the function in a DB manager.
I'm not familiar with this flavor of the SQLite syntax and I can't find a good example anywhere. Can anyone point out where this is going wrong?
The error I'm getting is "No such function: User"

Your query syntax is off. This is how you should write this query:
SELECT t1.name,
FROM User t1
INNER JOIN Ownership t2
ON t1.UserID = t2.UserID
INNER JOIN Container t3
t2.ContainerID = t3.ContainerID
INNER JOIN Inventory t4
ON t3.ContainerID = t4.ContainerID
ON t4.ItemID = t5.ItemID
INNER JOIN Property t6
ON t5.PropertyID = t6.PropertyID
INNER JOIN Modifier t7
ON t5.ModifierID = t7.ModifierID
WHERE t1.Name = '" + _user + "' AND
t3.ContainerName = '" + _container + "'"
I've never worked with SQLite in .NET, but that doesn't matter because your syntax doesn't follow anything I know. By the way, your immediate error was probably caused by this:
SELECT User (Name)
SQLite thinks you are trying to call a function named User. Other major problems included putting all the ON clauses together after the joins. The ON clause needs to appear after each join.


Joining unrelated tables via JPQL

I have the following query which works. All the tables in this query have relations in some way.
#Repository(value = "ARepository")
public interface ARepository extends JpaRepository<CardEntity, String> {
#Query("SELECT xref.shortUtlTx FROM CardEntity card " +
"JOIN card.apexUrlCrossRef xref " +
"JOIN xref.sampleProdOffer offer " +
"WHERE xref.apexCard.cardNumber = :cardNum " +
"AND offer.apexeeOfferId = :myCode"
List<String> getAllValues(#Param("cardNum") String cardNum, #Param("myCode") String myCode);
But I also wish to join another table (Entity name -> UrlCountEntity) to this query but that table has no relation to the other tables in this query. Is there a way I could do this?
Based on reading a blog, I tried the following but throws errors.
Added this line to the query:
AND EXISTS (SELECT referCount FROM UrlCountEntity referCount WHERE
referCount.url.urlTx = xref.shortUtlTx)
#Repository(value = "ARepository")
public interface ARepository extends JpaRepository<CardEntity, String> {
#Query("SELECT xref.shortUtlTx FROM CardEntity card " +
"JOIN card.apexUrlCrossRef xref " +
"JOIN xref.sampleProdOffer offer " +
"WHERE xref.apexCard.cardNumber = :cardNum " +
"AND offer.apexeeOfferId = :myCode " +
"AND EXISTS (SELECT referCount FROM UrlCountEntity referCount WHERE referCount.url.urlTx = xref.shortUtlTx)"
List<String> getAllValues(#Param("cardNum") String cardNum, #Param("myCode") String myCode);
Error as follows:
Method threw
could not extract ResultSet; SQL [n/a]
Based on this article:
Using Hibernate 5.1 or newer you can join two unrelated tables via JQPL same way you would do it in SQL:
SELECT first
FROM First first JOIN
Second second ON first.property = second.property
WHERE first.property = :param
So you would need to change your query to something like this:
#Query("SELECT xref.shortUtlTx FROM CardEntity card " +
"JOIN card.apexUrlCrossRef xref " +
"JOIN xref.sampleProdOffer offer " +
"JOIN UrlCountEntity referCount ON referCount.url.urlTx = xref.shortUtlTx" +
"WHERE xref.apexCard.cardNumber = :cardNum " +
"AND offer.apexeeOfferId = :myCode")
List<String> getAllValues(#Param("cardNum") String cardNum, #Param("myCode") String myCode);

Running HQL query in console

I am trying to run the following query in IntelliJ:
#Query(value = "" +
"SELECT offer FROM OfferEntity offer " +
" JOIN offer.placeOwnership AS owner " +
" JOIN owner.place AS place " +
"WHERE " +
" place.id = :placeId AND " +
" offer.dayFrom = :offerDate AND " +
" offer.repeating = false")
as I am doing so, I get ask to provide the parameters placeId and offerDate. My problem is I have no idea about the latter.
I have no idea how I can run this query.
I also tried to run it manually inside the console like this:
SELECT offer FROM OfferEntity offer
JOIN offer.placeOwnership AS owner
JOIN owner.place AS place
place.id = 1L AND
offer.dayFrom = java.time.LocalDate.parse("2018-10-08") AND
offer.repeating = false
but that gives my a syntax error.

Springboot Hibernate Query: filter by childrens attributes

Hi I have a problem generating a #query in my SpringBoot repo. Using hibernate.
class Offer
private Long id;
private List<Attribute> attributes;
private List<Offer> offers;
class Attribute
private Integer id;
It works this way to get the "offer.offers by attribute". But now I want to enhance my query to get "offer offer.offers.attribute" an I strugle with it.
What I want is to find all Offers which have "Offer.attribute == 1" AND "all Offer.offers.attribute == 2"
Ending with this query:
"SELECT o FROM Offer o "
+ "JOIN o.attributes a "
+ "LEFT OUTER JOIN o.offers oo "
+ "LEFT OUTER JOIN o.offers.attributes ooa " <-- Problem issue
+ "WHERE o.status = 1 "
+ "AND oo.status = 1 "
+ "AND a.id = 100 "
+ "AND ooa.id = 101 "
+ "GROUP BY o.id "
But upon compilation I get this exception:
org.hibernate.QueryException: illegal attempt to dereference collection
[offer0_.id.offers] with element property reference [attributes]
Now I wonder how to do it correctly?
Hope some SQL/Hibernate hero can help me.
Thanks in advance!
Well... Iam one step further:
this query works:
"SELECT o FROM Offer o "
+ "JOIN o.attributes a "
+ "LEFT OUTER JOIN o.offers oo "
+ "LEFT OUTER JOIN oo.attributes ooa " <-- referencin JOIN
+ "WHERE o.status = 1 "
+ "AND oo.status = 1 "
+ "AND a.id = 100 "
+ "AND ooa.id = 101 "
+ "GROUP BY o.id "
But now I get all results with at least on "Offers.offer.attributes == 101"
But I need all offers.offer having that attribute.
Any hints how to continue?

Syntax error on multiple join statement

Hello, I'm getting a syntax error on this sql statement, can anyone advise thanks
String sql = "Select tblStudent.*,tblSchool.*,tblAgents.* " +
"FROM tblStudent LEFT JOIN tblSchool " +
"ON (tblStudent.schoolID = tblSchool.schoolID) " +
"LEFT JOIN tblAgents " +
"ON (tblStudent.agentID = tblAgents.agentID) " +
"WHERE tblStudent.StudentID='" + studentID + "'";
I was hoping that I could do multiple joins
But I am getting a syntax error.
For access, parenthesis with multiple joins means the following. If you have three joins, there are two left parenthesis after the from. The last join does not have a right parenthesis.
String sql = "Select tblStudent.*,tblSchool.*,tblAgents.* " +
"FROM (tblStudent LEFT JOIN tblSchool " +
"ON (tblStudent.schoolID = tblSchool.schoolID)) " +
"LEFT JOIN tblAgents " +
"ON (tblStudent.agentID = tblAgents.agentID) " +
"WHERE tblStudent.StudentID='" + studentID + "'";
Access SQL injection has been covered in other threads .
String sql = "Select
tblStudent.studentLastName,tblSchool.schoolName," +
tblAgents.agentFirstName,tblAgents.agentLastName " +
"FROM (tblStudent LEFT JOIN tblSchool " +
"ON (tblStudent.schoolID = tblSchool.schoolID)) " +
"LEFT JOIN tblAgents " +
"ON (tblStudent.agentID = tblAgents.agentID) " +
"WHERE tblStudent.StudentID=#studentID";
I believe your final SQL should look like this:
SELECT tblStudent.*
FROM tblSchool
tblAgents RIGHT JOIN tblStudent ON tblAgents.agentID = tblStudent.agentID
) ON tblSchool.schoolID = tblStudent.schoolID
WHERE tblStudent.StudentID=111;
So, the VBA code for creating this SQL should be
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT tblStudent.* ,tblSchool.* ,tblAgents.* " & _
"FROM tblSchool RIGHT JOIN (" & _
"tblAgents RIGHT JOIN tblStudent ON tblAgents.agentID = tblStudent.agentID" & _
") ON tblSchool.schoolID = tblStudent.schoolID " & _
"WHERE tblStudent.StudentID=" & studentID
Here I assume that studentID is numeric field. Also I would recommend to do not use * for selecting the data from more than one table, otherwise column names may be unpredictable and as mentioned in comments, it will require additional resources, which won't be used.

Hibernate Query doesn't work as expected

Hi i have the following Query:
String hql = "UPDATE Raumreservierung as rr " +
"set VON = :begin " +
"where VON = :Von " +
"and Raum_ID IN (SELECT r.ID FROM Raum r " +
"inner join r.Panel as pl with pl.ID = " + clientId + "";
IQuery query = CurrentSession.CreateQuery(hql);
query.SetParameter("begin", DateTime.Now);
query.SetParameter("Von", v.Von);
int result = query.ExecuteUpdate();
The Query do an Update on "VON". That works fine, but the rest of the Query is not working. It seems that the rest of the query is not working. But did not get any Error.
With the rest of the Query i mean the following part of the query:
"and Raum_ID IN (SELECT r.ID FROM Raum r " +
"inner join r.Panel as pl with pl.ID = " + clientId + "";
Because it should happen only a Update on the column "VON" for example when "clientId" is "AT2"
But that part is not working. Because the update happens also on other clientId.
You forgot to close your parentheses.
(Also, you should use a parameter for clientId too)