Empty string vs NULL - sql

I've a table where some rows have some blank cells. I tried to select such rows using IS NULL function. But the query select 0 rows.
select * from zzz_fkp_registration_female where fname is null;
(0 row(s) affected)
Now I changed my query to:
select * from zzz_fkp_registration_female where fname is null or fname ='';
I got the desired result.
Why is IS NULL not giving the result? What is the difference between IS NULL and '' since the cells are empty. Please explain.

Some differences between them:
NULL can be assigned to any type, as opposed to empty string which won't be compatible with date/numerical fields.
NULL is an UNKNOWN value, it doesn't have a value as opposed to an empty string, which is a value, but empty one.
As far as I'm aware of, NULL shouldn't capture memory as opposed to an empty string which does.
null = null will result in null as opposed to ''='' which will result in TRUE.

You can have your query modified as below:
select * from zzz_fkp_registration_female where isnull(fname,'') = '';
This query will result all the blanks cells as well as cell with null values.
NULL values represent missing unknown data.
Blank data is actual data entered as blank during input.

Null is an absence of a value. An empty string is a value, but is just empty.
Null is special to a database.
Null has no bounds, it can be used for string, integer, date, etc. fields in a database.
NULL isn't allocated any memory, the string with NUll value is just a pointer which is pointing to nowhere in memory. however, Empty IS allocated to a memory location, although the value stored in the memory is "".
By using NULL you can distinguish between "put no data" and "put empty data".
Some more differences:
A LENGTH of NULL is NULL, a LENGTH of an empty string is 0.
NULLs are sorted before the empty strings.
COUNT(message) will count empty strings but not NULLs
You can search for an empty string using a bound variable but not for a NULL. This query:
FROM mytable
WHERE mytext = ?
will never match a NULL in mytext, whatever value you pass from the client. To match NULLs, you'll have to use other query
FROM mytable

He can't find NULL because it doesn't have a value
An empty string is a value, but its empty.
Only if its a value it can compare with another value

It is because a cell containing NULL and an empty cell are 2 different things.
i.e. -> NULL is not as same as '' or "".


MsSql behaves differently when filtering for an empty string by positive and negative query [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Issues with SQL comparison and null values
(8 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I just realized very strange behavior of my MsSql database when filtering empty string != '' or <> '' regarding NULL values.
I have following data in the table
(table X)
(empty string)
(no value)
(some real text)
This query select * from X where Value = '' results in:
ID: [1]
Both queries select * from X where Value != '' and select * from X where Value <> '' result in:
ID: [3]
What I do not understand is, why 2nd query is not returning ID=2?
I know the syntax for checking explicitly on null values where Value IS NULL so I would expect, that 2nd query would behave differently. When checking for non-empty values, I used to write where Value <> '' AND Value IS NOT NULL. From now on I am totally confused...
NULL does not have a string value - or any value at all, whereas ' ' is an empty string. You're looking for not empty strings in your 2nd query. NULL is not an empty string or a string at all. NULL is a "value" of no other type than NULL itself
It is not possible to test for NULL values with comparison operators,
such as =, <, or <>.

Replace a range of values in an SQL table to a single value

I am trying to replace a range of values with a string. I know how to do it with the replace function but that, as far as I know, requires them to be done one at a time.
Is there a way to select a range of values, for example (1-200), and replace them with a singular string value say "BLANK"?
I have tried WHEN, THEN and SET but get a syntax error near WHEN or SET as I try these.
Base Code Idea
Select DATA
Is this what you want?
select data,
case when data not between 1 and 200 then data end as new_data
from databank
What this does is take the integer value of data, and replace any value that's in the 1-200 range with null values, while leaving other values unchanged. The result goes into column new_data.
The assumption here is that data is a number - so the alternative value has to be consistent with that datatype (string 'BLANK' isn't): I went for null, which is consistent with any datatype, and is the default value returned by a case expression when no branch matches.
If you wanted something else, say 0, you would do:
select data,
case when data between 1 and 200 then 0 else data end as new_data
from databank

How to query empty string in postgresql?

I have table, in which a column has empty fields.when i try to run simple query like below it is not
returning the data.
select * from table1 where "colunm1" = ''
But below two queries returns data
select * from table1
where coalesce("colunm1", '') = ''
select * from table1
where "colunm1" is null
Can someone tell me the reason?
You have describe the behavior of a column that is NULL. NULL is not the same as an empty string.
It fails any equality comparison. However, you can use is null or (less preferentially) coalesce().
The only database that treats an empty string like a NULL value, is Oracle.
Logically, for a DBMS, that would be wrong.
Relational DBMSs are all about :
set theory
Boolean algebra
A NULL value is a value that we don't know. A string literal of '' is a string whose value we know. It is a string with no characters, with a length of 0. We don't know of a NULL as a string how long it is, how many and, if any, which, characters it contains.
So it is only logical that:
the comparison '' = '' will evaluate to TRUE
the comparison NULL = NULL will evaluate to FALSE , as any comparison with a NULL value will evaluate to FALSE.
And functions like COALESCE() or NVL(), IFNULL(), ISNULL() will return the first parameter if it does not contain a NULL value. That is consistent.
Except in Oracle

Why concat a null with text is null? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
String concatenation with a null seems to nullify the entire string - is that desired behavior in Postgres?
(4 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Why is the result of concatenating a null with a string null in sql? How does it work internally?
If you concatenate a column which an empty value with some text, something like next:
select '' || 'a'
The output would be:
Output = 'a'
But, in the case you concatenates a null value with a text, the result is null
select null || 'a'
The output would be:
Output = NULL
Why am I not getting the same result or getting an error?
Definitively, how does it work internally?
null is not an empty string - it's not even a value. It's a lack thereof. You could think of null as an "unknown", missing value. So the result of concatinating an unknown value with 'a' would be unknown - i.e., null.
If you need to concatenate null values in Postgres, you should use concat function.
According to Postgres documentation:
concat(str "any" [, str "any" [, ...] ])
Concatenate all arguments. NULL arguments are ignored.
select concat('Lady', 2, NULL, 'More');
NULL means missing value, it has difference meaning of '', which is blank, blank actually has value but is is blank value, you cannot say NULL has value, it does not exist. Based on this, any operation with NULL will return NULL
NULL is a non-value, a nonexistent value. It is not zero. It is not an empty string. A value cannot equal NULL. No two NULL values are equal.
It's a missing or absent "data" if you have to give it a meaning.
A NULL value is often defined as one that is unknown or not applicable, but even these definitions can be open to debate. For instance, a record may not include a customer’s birthdate because the salesperson didn’t ask or because the customer would not provide it, but the customer still knows that date, so it is hardly unknown, nor is it any less applicable.

In SMSS what's the difference between NULL and nothing, in a query result?

I know this maybe a newbie question, but i'm wondering why I sometimes get NULL in a result, and sometimes it's just totally blank - shouldn't they all be null?
As you can see, the Remarks column has no background color of yellow which indicates that it is not NULL. (NULL values has.)
It contains an empty string '' (or maybe spaces) which is different from NULL because empty string is set as empty while NULL is not set (nothing).
In Oracle, the empty string is treated as NULL. SQL Server treats it as a string value.
The main difference is that in SQL Server you can return results from something like
select * from mytable where myfield = ''