VBA Date stays as American - vba

I am relatively new to VBA, and I need some help on a code I have been writing. Currently, it looks like this:
Sub RoundedRectangle1_Click()
Selection.NumberFormat = "dd mmm yy"
Dim Date1 As ValueChange
Range("H2").Value = InputBox("Enter the first date (Monday) of the week you wish to view, in the format DD/MM")
End Sub
As you can see, I have a pop-up box for the user to manually enter the date, but for some reason, once this is entered it keeps providing an answer in the US format, for instance if I type in 04/12, this will appear as "12 Apr 16", rather than "04 Dec 16"

According to my tests, InputBox returns a string. What I would do, is write the following function (just demo, no error handling in this code):
Private Function ParseDate(sInput As String) As Date
Dim sTmp() As String
sTmp = Split(sInput, "/")
ParseDate = DateTime.DateSerial(2016, sTmp(1), sTmp(0))
End Function
and then simply call it like this:
Dim sResult As String
sResult = InputBox("Enter the first date (Monday) of the week you wish to view, in the format DD/MM")
Range("H2").Value = ParseDate(sResult)

This macro, which asks for the date to be printed at the head of an attendance register works for dd/mm/yy or dd/mm in the 21st century. Could easily be adapted to include 20th cent
Sub Print_Register()
' Print_Register Macro
Dim MeetingDate, Answer
MeetingDate = DateValue(InputBox("Enter the date of the meeting." & Chr(13) & _
"Note Format" & Chr(13) & "Format DD/MM/YY or DD/MM", "Meeting Date", , 10000, 10000))
If MeetingDate = "" Then GoTo TheEnd
If MeetingDate < 36526 Then MeetingDate = MeetingDate + 36525 'If no yy add year 2000
Range("Current_Meeting_Date") = MeetingDate
Answer = MsgBox("Date OK?", 3)
If Answer = 2 Then GoTo TheEnd
If Answer = 7 Then GoTo GetDate
ExecuteExcel4Macro "PRINT(1,,,1,,,,,,,,2,,,TRUE,,FALSE)"
End Sub


Getting Today and Yesterday in Date and String Format via VBA

I'm struggeling to format my date strings correctly as it appears to be minusing the wrong parts of my date using DateAdd and I'm not sure how to resolve.
Sub DateTest()
DateStr = Format(Date, "DD-MM-YY")
Yesterday = Format(DateAdd("d", -1, CDate(DateStr)), "DD-MM-YY")
YtdStr = Format(Yesterday, "DD-MM-YY")
Debug.Print DateStr
Debug.Print Yesterday
Debug.Print YtdStr
End Sub
Expected Result:
I even tried using just "day of year" as this is for an hidden report, but I like using regular date strings I think or at least I'd like to get both figured out, but using day of year showed me some interesting results. Yesterday had to be d 0 which made no sense, but if I used -1 it removed two dates. As well, turning that into a string seems to remove another day?
Sub DateTest()
DateStr = Format(Date, "Y")
YtdDate = Format(DateAdd("d", 0, CDate(DateStr)), "Y")
YtdStr = Format(YtdDate, "Y")
Debug.Print DateStr
Debug.Print YtdDate
Debug.Print YtdStr
End Sub
255 'This was expected to be a string 256?
Can anybody point out how to format this correctly?
You are formatting the source date as string using DD-MM-YY, parsing it back to date using your current system default date format (apparently MM-DD-YY), adding days to the result of that, and formatting it back to string. You don't want these intermediate formatting to strings.
Sub DateTest()
Dim DateNotStr As Date
Dim YesterdayNotStrEither As Date
DateNotStr = Date
YesterdayNotStrEither = DateAdd("d", -1, DateNotStr)
Debug.Print Format$(DateNotStr, "dd-mm-yy")
Debug.Print Format$(YesterdayNotStrEither , "dd-mm-yy")
End Sub
I think the issue was CDate wasn't transforming my date correctly based on my systems default date format. I created a variable for today in date format and used that to generate yesterdays variable.
Public Sub SetDateVars()
TdDate = Date
TdStr = Format(Date, "DD-MM-YY")
YtdDate = Format(DateAdd("d", -1, TdDate))
YtdStr = Format(YtdDate, "DD-MM-YY")
Debug.Print TdDate
Debug.Print TdStr
Debug.Print YtdDate
Debug.Print YtdStr
End Sub

Visual basic date object parsing from string with indexing

I would like to ask if in VBA there is a built in function which will parse a date object from a string based on a specified format.
For example:
dateString = "24-4-12"
VBADateFunc(dateString, "dd-m-yy")
to return a date object interpreting the dateString string by the provided format.
I will appretiate your ideas on this.
Thank you
Here you go:
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim dtMyDate As Date
dtMyDate = Format("24-4-12", "dd-mm-yy")
Debug.Print dtMyDate
Debug.Print Format(dtMyDate, "yyyy")
Debug.Print Format(dtMyDate, "dd-mmm-yy")
'For Non-Europeans:
dtMyDate = Format(DateSerial(2012, 4, 24), "dd-mm-yy")
Debug.Print dtMyDate
Debug.Print Format(dtMyDate, "yyyy")
Debug.Print Format(dtMyDate, "dd-mmm-yy")
End Sub
From the comments - in general, the date is a long value in MS Excel and VBA. Today's date can be seen like this in the immediate window:
If you want to do further something with the 42935 value, you may go like this:
Note: Today is 42934 for all those, who have ActiveWorkbook.Date1904 = False. For those, who are starting the calendar with 1904, today is 42935-4*365-1
I ended up writing my own function to scan a date. Leaving out error handling:
Function ScanDate(s As String, Optional order As String = "DMY", Optional separator As String = "-") As Date
Dim parts() As String
parts = Split(s, separator)
Dim day As Long, month As Long, year As Long
day = parts(InStr(order, "D") - 1)
month = parts(InStr(order, "M") - 1)
year = parts(InStr(order, "Y") - 1)
ScanDate = DateSerial(year, month, day)
End Function

Allowing date entries later or equal to current date

A column in a sheet that I am working for, accepts date values. What I would like to do is to permit as valid user entries only dates that are equal or come after the current date. So, in a intent of mine a came up with the following:
Dim StageDate As date
If Target.Column = 11 Then
StageDate = InputBox("Enter a Valid Date")
If StageDate <= Date Then Target.value = StageDate
Else: MsgBox("Please enter a valid date")
End If
End If
This doesn't work very nice. Could I ask for your proposals? Thank so much!
May be a bit much. I always like to test that a proper date has been entered first. 1<date will return True as 1 is 01/01/1900 (or is it 31/12/1899)
Public Sub Test()
Dim dateRange As Range
Set dateRange = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A2")
If IsDate(dateRange) Then
If dateRange < Date Then
MsgBox "Invalid date", vbInformation + vbOKOnly
dateRange = Null
End If
dateRange = Null
End If
End Sub
'Check that the value entered is a date.
'Returns TRUE/FALSE.
'DD.MM.YY or DD.MM.YYYY separator could be on choice '.' '/' or '-' leap years compatible, 00 is treated as year 2000.
' 29.2.04 | 29/02-2004 | 3.4.05
'Non -Matches
' 29.2.03 | 2902.2004 | 12.31.1975
'Author: Dany Lauener
Public Function IsDate(ADate As Range) As Boolean
Dim RegX As Object
Set RegX = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
RegX.Pattern = "^(((0?[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])[\.\-\/](0?[13578]|1[02])" & _
"[\.\-\/]((1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?\d{2}))|((0?[1-9]|[12]\d|30)" & _
"[\.\-\/](0?[13456789]|1[012])[\.\-\/]((1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?\d{2}))" & _
"|((0?[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])[\.\-\/]0?2[\.\-\/]((1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?\d{2}))|" & _
"(29[\.\-\/]0?2[\.\-\/]((1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?(0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|" & _
IsDate = RegX.Test(ADate)
End Function
You could shorten the `IsDate` function to something like:
Public Function IsDate(ADate As Range) As Boolean
Dim tmpDate As Date
On Error Resume Next
tmpDate = DateValue(ADate)
IsDate = (Err.Number = 0)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
What you are looking for is DateValue();
With this you can compare Dates:
DateValue(TextBoxStartDate.Text) < DateValue(TextBoxEndDate.Text)

How can I convert a long date with time to a different format in VBA?

I have data for a date that looks like this: "2015-02-11T19:41:50-08:00"
I would like to know if there is already a function that exists in VBA which can convert the above data to the format of something like "02/11/2015 11:41 AM PST"
I attempted the following code playing around with the format function but was unable to get VBA to recognize the format as a date:
testdate = "2015-02-12T22:57:05-08:00"
newdate = Format(testdate, "mm/dd/yyyy hh/nn/ss AM/PM")
Debug.Print newdate
The output was still "2015-02-12T22:57:05-08:00"
Thanks for the help.
I was able to resolve the problem by taking your suggestions to use the mid() function since the dates are in fixed format. I decided to keep the military time in the final version.
Here is my code for anyone curious:
Function convertDate(orderdate)
'takes the date formatted as 2015-02-06T08:26:00-08:00
'and converts it to mm/dd/yyyy hh/nn/ss UTC format
orderyear = Mid(orderdate, 1, 4)
ordermonth = Mid(orderdate, 6, 2)
orderday = Mid(orderdate, 9, 2)
orderhour = Mid(orderdate, 12, 2)
orderminute = Mid(orderdate, 15, 2)
ordersecond = Mid(orderdate, 18, 2)
newdate = ordermonth & "/" & orderday & "/" & orderyear
newtime = orderhour & ":" & orderminute & ":" & ordersecond
'Debug.Print newdate
convertDate = newdate & " " & newtime & " UTC"
End Function
Because your input isn't a true date none of Excel or VBA's date methods will work with it. Your best bet is to break the string down into parts, work with them individually, and then join it all back up again - for example:
testdate = "2015-02-12T22:57:05-08:00"
'// The letter T is redundant, so let's split the string here into an array:
dateArr = Split(testdate, "T")
'// Part 1 of the array can be easily converted with CDate() and Format()
dateArr(0) = Format(CDate(dateArr(0)), "mm/dd/yyyy")
'// Part 2 of the array will need to be broken down further:
dateArr(1) = Format(TimeValue(Split(dateArr(1), "-")(0)) - _
TimeSerial(Left(Split(dateArr(1), "-")(1), 2), _
Right(Split(dateArr(1), "-")(1), 2), 0), "hh:mm:ss")
'// The above line does the following:
'// 1) Split the second part of the array again, using the "-" as the delimiter
'// 2) Convert the first part of this (22:57:05) to a time using TimeValue()
'// 3) Convert the second part (08:00) to hours & minutes using TimeSerial()
'// 4) Minus the latter from the former (which can only be done if both are a valid time)
'// 5) Wrap all that into a Format() method to show "hh:mm:ss" instead of a Double.
'// Join the two parts back together and add "PST" on the end.
newdate = Join(dateArr, " ") & " PST"
Debug.Print newdate
'// Output will display "02/12/2015 14:57:05 PST"
N.B. I have chosen not to include "AM" or "PM" because your time is in 24hr format anyway so I don't see the relevance...
It's not converting because of the "T" and because of the tacked on time range at the end. You can ditch the "T" and truncate off the trailing range and it will convert.
Public Sub Example()
Const testValue As String = "2015-02-12T22:57:05-08:00"
Dim dateValue As Date
Dim stringValue As String
Dim subVal As Date
Dim hyphenPos As Long
stringValue = testValue
Mid(stringValue, 11&, 1&) = " "
hyphenPos = InStrRev(stringValue, "-")
subVal = Mid$(stringValue, hyphenPos + 1&)
dateValue = CDate(Left$(stringValue, hyphenPos - 1&)) - subVal
End Sub
Couple of ideas:
The sample date you have 2015-02-12T22:57:05-08:00 is not a real date (I think)
I think the following will give you the closest format to what you are looking for (you will need to define the range.Range.NumberFormat = "[$-409]h:mm:ss AM/PM"
Your best bet is concating "PST" to a date datatype formatted to your needs.
Sub DebugPrintDate()
Dim testdate As Date: testdate = Now
newdate = Format(testdate, "mmm/dd/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM") & " PST"
Debug.Print newdate
End Sub
Never mind the "févr". My system locale is France.
If you want to define a particular date, make sure to wrap the date in two #s.
Dim someDateAndTime As Date = #8/13/2002 12:14 PM#

Display date in dd/mm/yyyy format in vb.net

I want to display date in 09/07/2013 format instead of 09-jul-13.
Dim dt As Date = Date.Today
First, uppercase MM are months and lowercase mm are minutes.
You have to pass CultureInfo.InvariantCulture to ToString to ensure that / as date separator is used since it would normally be replaced with the current culture's date separator:
MsgBox(dt.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
Another option is to escape that custom format specifier by embedding the / within ':
MSDN: The "/" Custom Format Specifier:
The "/" custom format specifier represents the date separator, which
is used to differentiate years, months, and days. The appropriate
localized date separator is retrieved from the
DateTimeFormatInfo.DateSeparator property of the current or specified
Try this.
var dateAsString = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
// dateAsString = "09/07/2013"
and also check this link for more formatting data and time
Like this ..
You could decompose the date into it's constituent parts and then concatenate them together like this:
MsgBox(Now.Day & "/" & Now.Month & "/" & Now.Year)
Dim formattedDate As String = Date.Today.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")
Check link below
I found this catered for dates in 21st Century that could be entered as dd/mm or dd/mm/yy. It is intended to print an attendance register and asks for the meeting date to start with.
Sub Print_Register()
Dim MeetingDate, Answer
MeetingDate = DateValue(InputBox("Enter the date of the meeting." & Chr(13) & _
"Note Format" & Chr(13) & "Format DD/MM/YY or DD/MM", "Meeting Date", , 10000, 10000))
If MeetingDate = "" Then GoTo TheEnd
If MeetingDate < 36526 Then MeetingDate = MeetingDate + 36526
Range("Current_Meeting_Date") = MeetingDate
Answer = MsgBox("Date OK?", 3)
If Answer = 2 Then GoTo TheEnd
If Answer = 7 Then GoTo GetDate
ExecuteExcel4Macro "PRINT(1,,,1,,,,,,,,2,,,TRUE,,FALSE)"
End Sub
if you want to display date along with time when you export to Excel then you can use this
xlWorkSheet.Cells(nRow, 3).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yy h:mm AM/PM"