SQL index based search - sql

I have a table called Index which has the columns id and value, where id is an auto-increment bigint and value is a varchar with an english word.
I have a table called Search which has relationships to the table Index. For each search you can define which indexes it should search in a table called Article.
The table Article also has relationships to the table Index.
The tables which define the relationships are:
Searches_Indexes with columns id_search and id_index.
Articles_Indexes with columns id_article and id_index.
I would like to find all Articles that contain the same indexes of Search.
For example: I have a Search with indexes laptop and dell, I would like to retrieve all Articles which contain both indexes, not just one.
So far I have this:
SELECT ai.id_article
FROM articles_indexes AS ai
INNER JOIN searches_indexes AS si
ON si.id_index = ai.id_index
WHERE si.id_search = 1
How do I make my SQL only return the Articles with all the Indexes of a Search?
Sample Data:
id | name | description | ...
1 | 'Dell Laptop' | 'New Dell Laptop...' | ...
2 | 'HP Laptop' | 'Unused HP Laptop...' | ...
id | name | id_user | ...
1 | 'Dell Laptop Search' | 5 | ...
id | value
1 | 'dell'
2 | 'laptop'
3 | 'hp'
4 | 'new'
5 | 'unused'
Article with id 1 (the dell laptop) has the Indexes 'dell', 'laptop', 'new'.
Article with id 2 (the hp laptop) has the Indexes 'laptop', 'hp', 'unused'.
id_article | id_index
1 | 1
1 | 2
1 | 4
2 | 2
2 | 3
2 | 5
Search with id 1 only contains 2 Indexes, 'dell' and 'laptop':
id_search | id_index
1 | 1
1 | 2
Required output:

If I understand correctly, you want aggregation and a HAVING clause. Assuming there are no duplicate entries in the indexes tables:
SELECT ai.id_article
FROM articles_indexes ai INNER JOIN
searches_indexes si
ON si.id_index = ai.id_index
WHERE si.id_search = 1
GROUP BY ai.id_article
HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM searches_indexes si2 WHERE si2.id_search = 1);
This counts the number of matches and makes sure it matches the number you are looking for.
I should add this. If you wanted to look for all searches at the same time, I'd be inclined to write this as:
SELECT si.id_search, ai.id_article
FROM articles_indexes ai INNER JOIN
(SELECT si.*, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY si.id_index) as cnt
FROM searches_indexes si
) si
ON si.id_index = ai.id_index
GROUP BY si.id_search, ai.id_article, si.cnt
HAVING COUNT(*) = si.cnt;

You can compare arrays. Here is some example:
create table article_index(id_article int, id_index int);
create table search_index(id_search int, id_index int);
insert into article_index
select generate_series(1,2), generate_series(1,10);
insert into search_index
select generate_series(1,2), generate_series(1,4);
from article_index
group by id_article
having array_agg(id_index) #> (select array_agg(id_index) from search_index where id_search = 2);
Learn more about arrays in postgres.


How do you flip rows into new columns?

I've got a table that looks like this:
player_id | violation
1 | A
1 | A
1 | B
2 | C
3 | D
3 | A
And I want to turn it into this, with a bunch of new columns that refer to the types of violations, and then the sum of the number of each individual type of violation that each player got (not that concerned with what the columns are called; a/b/c/d would work great as well):
player_id | violation_a | violation_b | violation_c | violation_d
1 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0
2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0
3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1
I know how I could do this, but it would take a ton of lines of code, since there are in reality 100+ types of violations. Is there any way (perhaps with a tablefunc()?) that I could do this more concisely than spelling out each of the new 100+ columns that I want and the logic for them each individually?
In pure SQL I don't see how you could avoid declaring the columns yourself. You either have to create subselects or filters in every column ..
SELECT DISTINCT ON (t.player_id)
count(*) FILTER (WHERE violation = 'A') AS violation_a,
count(*) FILTER (WHERE violation = 'B') AS violation_b,
count(*) FILTER (WHERE violation = 'C') AS violation_c,
count(*) FILTER (WHERE violation = 'D') AS violation_d
GROUP BY t.player_id;
.. or create a pivot table:
FROM crosstab(
'SELECT player_id, t2.violation, count(*) FILTER (WHERE t.violation = t2.violation)::INT
FROM t,(SELECT DISTINCT violation FROM t) t2
GROUP BY player_id, t2.violation'
) AS ct(player_id INT,violation_a int,violation_b int,violation_c int,violation_d int);
Demo: db<>fiddle

How to generate a sequence of ID's based on mapping tables and values from the forms in MS-Access (Sql)?

I want to generate ID's based on the form values in MS-Access. And then for each ID generated, create a group of ID's by adding another 4 digits in the end based on a Mapping Table, representing different octets for different time points (12 ID's based on the Initial ID and the mapping Table).
For example, if the ID generated based on form values is 123456, I want to add another four digits and create a group of ID's, say from a mapping table. Like,
and so on.
So far each primary ID, I am slapping on four digits at the end and generating a group of 12 ID's.
I am a beginner in Access and I have tried some code:
UPDATE Table1 SET GenID = UPDATE Table1 SET Table1.GenID = t1 (SELECT Map.V FROM MAP as t1)
However, I get a error that Access does not recognize Map as a valid Field or expression. I am able to break down the problem into this. But could not find a way further and design a query.
Sample Data: (The short_ID and Long_ID tables, uses the mapping tables below each of them as shown.)
Short ID Table:
ID | Subject_ID | Organ_Type | Category | Short_ID
1 | 100 | Kidney | A | 100200300
2 | 400 | Heart | B | 400500600
Mapping Tables for Short ID:
Map1 for Table1:
Map_from | Map_to |
Kidney | 200 |
Heart | 500 |
Map2 for Table1:
Map_cat_from | Map_cat_to |
A | 300 |
B | 600 |
Long ID Table:(shown here are just examples for 2 time points rather than 12)
Subject_ID | Short_ID | Long_ID Timepoint |
100 | 100200300 | 1002003000001 |
100 | 100200300 | 1002003000002 |
400 | 400500600 | 4005006000001 |
400 | 400500600 | 4005006000002
Timepoint Map for Long ID Table:
Timepoint | Value_to_append |
1 | 0001 |
2 | 0002 |
I need to generate these short and long ID's from the mapping tables directly when input is given in the form. (Category, Organ_Type, Subject_ID)
generate id from mapping table and form values (id creation)
add four digits at the end and create a group of 12 id's (long id creation) based on a mapping table (which has the 12 four digits that is to be appended in the end)
First, create a query, QShortID:
[Subject_ID] & [Map_to] & [Map_cat_to] AS Short_ID
ON Table1.Organ_Type = Map1.Map_from)
ON Table1.Category = Map2.Map_cat_from;
Next, create a query, Dozen, that will return 12 rows:
Abs([id] Mod 12) AS N
Finally, create a Cartesian (multiplying) query, QLongID:
SELECT Table1.ID, Table1.Subject_ID, Table1.Organ_Type, Table1.Category, [Subject_ID] & [Map_to] & [Map_cat_to] AS Short_ID
FROM (Table1 INNER JOIN Map1 ON Table1.Organ_Type = Map1.Map_from) INNER JOIN Map2 ON Table1.Category = Map2.Map_cat_from;
[Short_ID] & Format([N] + 1, "0000") AS Long_ID
[Short_ID] & Format([N] + 1, "0000");
To use the timepoint mapping, use:
[Short_ID] & [Value_to_append] AS Long_ID
[Short_ID] & [Value_to_append];

Best Way to Join One Column on Columns From Two Other Tables

I have a schema like the following in Oracle
| sec_ID | group_ID |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 1 |
| 3 | 2 |
| 4 | 2 |
| sec_ID | item_ID |
| 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 3 |
| 2 | 4 |
| item_ID | data |
| 1 | a |
| 2 | b |
| 3 | c |
| 4 | d |
| item_ID | start_ID | end_ID |
| 1 | 1 | |
| 2 | 1 | 3 |
| 3 | 2 | |
| 4 | 1 | 2 |
Section_to_Item has FK into Section and Item on the *_ID columns.
Item_version is indexed on item_ID but has no FK to Item.item_ID (ran out of space in the snapshot group).
I have code that receives a list of version IDs and I want to get all items in sections in a given group that are valid for at least one of the versions passed in. If an item has no end_ID, it's valid for anything starting with start_ID. If it has an end_id, it's valid for anything up until (not including) end_ID.
What I currently have is:
SELECT Items.data
FROM Section, Section_to_Items, Item, Item_Version
WHERE Section.group_ID = 1
AND Section_to_Item.sec_ID = Section.sec_ID
AND Item.item_ID = Section_to_Item.item_ID
AND Item.item_ID = Item_Version.item_ID
AND exists (
) passed_versions
WHERE Item_Version.start_ID <= passed_versions.version
AND (Item_Version.end_ID IS NULL or Item_Version.end_ID > passed_version.version)
Note that the UNION ALL statement is dynamically generated from the list of passed in versions.
This query currently does a cartesian join and is very slow.
For some reason, if I change the query to join
AND Item_Version.item_ID = Section_to_Item.item_ID
which is not a FK, the query does not do the cartesian join and is much faster.
A) Can anyone explain why this is?
B) Is this the right way to be joining this sequence of tables (I feel weird about joining Item.item_ID to two different tables)
C) Is this the right way to get versions between start_ID and end_ID?
Same query with inner join syntax:
SELECT Items.data
INNER JOIN Section_to_Items ON Section_to_Items.item_ID = Item.item_ID
INNER JOIN Section ON Section.sec_ID = Section_to_Items.sec_ID
INNER JOIN Item_Version ON Item_Version.item_ID = Item_.item_ID
WHERE Section.group_ID = 1
AND exists (
) passed_versions
WHERE Item_Version.start_ID <= passed_versions.version
AND (Item_Version.end_ID IS NULL or Item_Version.end_ID > passed_version.version)
Note that in this case the performance difference comes from joining on Item_Version first and then joining Section_to_Item on Item_Version.item_ID.
In terms of table size, Section_to_Item, Item, and Item_Version should be similar (1000s) while Section should be small.
I just found out that apparently, the schema has no FKs. The FKs specified in the schema configuration files are ignored. They're just there for documentation. So there's no difference between joining on a FK column or not. That being said, by changing the joins into a cascade of SELECT INs, I'm able to avoid joining the entire Item table twice. I don't love the resulting query, and I don't really understand the difference, but the stats indicate it's much less work (changes the A-Rows returned from the inner most scan on Section from 656,000 to 488 (it used to be 656k starts returning 1 row, now it's 488 starts returning 1 row)).
It turned out to be stale statistics - the two queries were equivalent the whole time but with the incomplete statistics, the DB happened to notice the correct plan only in the second instance. After updating statistics, both queries generated the same plan.
I'm not sure if this is the best idea but this seems to avoid the cartesian join:
select data
from Item
where item_ID in (
select item_ID
from Item_Version
where item_ID in (
select item_ID
from Section_to_Item
where sec_ID in (
select sec_ID
from Section
where group_ID = 1
and exists (
select 1
from (
select 2 as version
from dual
union all
select 3 as version
from dual
) versions
where versions.version >= start_ID
and (end_ID is null or versions.version <)

Insert into multiple tables

A brief explanation on the relevant domain part:
A Category is composed of four data:
Gender (Male/Female)
Age Division (Mighty Mite to Master)
Belt Color (White to Black)
Weight Division (Rooster to Heavy)
So, Male Adult Black Rooster forms one category. Some combinations may not exist, such as mighty mite black belt.
An Athlete fights Athletes of the same Category, and if he classifies, he fights Athletes of different Weight Divisions (but of the same Gender, Age and Belt).
To the modeling. I have a Category table, already populated with all combinations that exists in the domain.
[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[AgeDivision_Id] [int] NULL,
[Gender] [int] NULL,
[BeltColor] [int] NULL,
[WeightDivision] [int] NULL
A CategorySet and a CategorySet_Category, which forms a many to many relationship with Category.
CREATE TABLE CategorySet (
[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Championship_Id] [int] NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE CategorySet_Category (
[CategorySet_Id] [int] NOT NULL,
[Category_Id] [int] NOT NULL
Given the following result set:
| Options_Id | Championship_Id | AgeDivision_Id | BeltColor | Gender | WeightDivision |
1. | 2963 | 422 | 15 | 7 | 0 | 0 |
2. | 2963 | 422 | 15 | 7 | 0 | 1 |
3. | 2963 | 422 | 15 | 7 | 0 | 2 |
4. | 2963 | 422 | 15 | 7 | 0 | 3 |
5. | 2964 | 422 | 15 | 8 | 0 | 0 |
6. | 2964 | 422 | 15 | 8 | 0 | 1 |
7. | 2964 | 422 | 15 | 8 | 0 | 2 |
8. | 2964 | 422 | 15 | 8 | 0 | 3 |
Because athletes may fight two CategorySets, I need CategorySet and CategorySet_Category to be populated in two different ways (it can be two queries):
One Category_Set for each row, with one CategorySet_Category pointing to the corresponding Category.
One Category_Set that groups all WeightDivisions in one CategorySet in the same AgeDivision_Id, BeltColor, Gender. In this example, only BeltColor varies.
So the final result would have a total of 10 CategorySet rows:
| Id | Championship_Id |
| 1 | 422 |
| 2 | 422 |
| 3 | 422 |
| 4 | 422 |
| 5 | 422 |
| 6 | 422 |
| 7 | 422 |
| 8 | 422 |
| 9 | 422 | /* groups different Weight Division for BeltColor 7 */
| 10 | 422 | /* groups different Weight Division for BeltColor 8 */
And CategorySet_Category would have 16 rows:
| CategorySet_Id | Category_Id |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 |
| 3 | 3 |
| 4 | 4 |
| 5 | 5 |
| 6 | 6 |
| 7 | 7 |
| 8 | 8 |
| 9 | 1 | /* groups different Weight Division for BeltColor 7 */
| 9 | 2 | /* groups different Weight Division for BeltColor 7 */
| 9 | 3 | /* groups different Weight Division for BeltColor 7 */
| 9 | 4 | /* groups different Weight Division for BeltColor 7 */
| 10 | 5 | /* groups different Weight Division for BeltColor 8 */
| 10 | 6 | /* groups different Weight Division for BeltColor 8 */
| 10 | 7 | /* groups different Weight Division for BeltColor 8 */
| 10 | 8 | /* groups different Weight Division for BeltColor 8 */
I have no idea how to insert into CategorySet, grab it's generated Id, then use it to insert into CategorySet_Category
I hope I've made my intentions clear.
I've also created a SQLFiddle.
Edit 1: I commented in Jacek's answer that this would run only once, but this is false. It will run a couple of times a week. I have the option to run as SQL Command from C# or a stored procedure. Performance is not crucial.
Edit 2: Jacek suggested using SCOPE_IDENTITY to return the Id. Problem is, SCOPE_IDENTITY returns only the last inserted Id, and I insert more than one row in CategorySet.
Edit 3: Answer to #FutbolFan who asked how the FakeResultSet is retrieved.
It is a table CategoriesOption (Id, Price_Id, MaxAthletesByTeam)
And tables CategoriesOptionBeltColor, CategoriesOptionAgeDivision, CategoriesOptionWeightDivison, CategoriesOptionGender. Those four tables are basically the same (Id, CategoriesOption_Id, Value).
The query look like this:
SELECT * FROM CategoriesOption co
LEFT JOIN CategoriesOptionAgeDivision ON
CategoriesOptionAgeDivision.CategoriesOption_Id = co.Id
LEFT JOIN CategoriesOptionBeltColor ON
CategoriesOptionBeltColor.CategoriesOption_Id = co.Id
LEFT JOIN CategoriesOptionGender ON
CategoriesOptionGender.CategoriesOption_Id = co.Id
LEFT JOIN CategoriesOptionWeightDivision ON
CategoriesOptionWeightDivision.CategoriesOption_Id = co.Id
The solution described here will work correctly in multi-user environment and when destination tables CategorySet and CategorySet_Category are not empty.
I used schema and sample data from your SQL Fiddle.
First part is straight-forward
(ab)use MERGE with OUTPUT clause.
MERGE can INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE rows. In our case we need only to INSERT. 1=0 is always false, so the NOT MATCHED BY TARGET part is always executed. In general, there could be other branches, see docs. WHEN MATCHED is usually used to UPDATE; WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE is usually used to DELETE, but we don't need them here.
This convoluted form of MERGE is equivalent to simple INSERT, but unlike simple INSERT its OUTPUT clause allows to refer to the columns that we need.
MERGE INTO CategorySet
,Category.Id AS Category_Id
Category.AgeDivision_Id = FakeResultSet.AgeDivision_Id AND
Category.Gender = FakeResultSet.Gender AND
Category.BeltColor = FakeResultSet.BeltColor AND
Category.WeightDivision = FakeResultSet.WeightDivision
) AS Src
ON 1 = 0
OUTPUT inserted.id AS CategorySet_Id, Src.Category_Id
INTO CategorySet_Category (CategorySet_Id, Category_Id)
FakeResultSet is joined with Category to get Category.id for each row of FakeResultSet. It is assumed that Category has unique combinations of AgeDivision_Id, Gender, BeltColor, WeightDivision.
In OUTPUT clause we need columns from both source and destination tables. The OUTPUT clause in simple INSERT statement doesn't provide them, so we use MERGE here that does.
The MERGE query above would insert 8 rows into CategorySet and insert 8 rows into CategorySet_Category using generated IDs.
Second part
needs temporary table. I'll use a table variable to store generated IDs.
CategorySet_Id int
,AgeDivision_Id int
,Gender int
,BeltColor int);
We need to remember the generated CategorySet_Id together with the combination of AgeDivision_Id, Gender, BeltColor that caused it.
MERGE INTO CategorySet
) AS Src
ON 1 = 0
inserted.id AS CategorySet_Id
INTO #T(CategorySet_Id, AgeDivision_Id, Gender, BeltColor)
The MERGE above would group FakeResultSet as needed and insert 2 rows into CategorySet and 2 rows into #T.
Then join #T with Category to get Category.IDs:
INSERT INTO CategorySet_Category (CategorySet_Id, Category_Id)
,Category.Id AS Category_Id
Category.AgeDivision_Id = TT.AgeDivision_Id AND
Category.Gender = TT.Gender AND
Category.BeltColor = TT.BeltColor
This will insert 8 rows into CategorySet_Category.
Here is not the full answer, but direction which you can use to solve this:
1st query:
select row_number() over(order by t, Id) as n, Championship_Id
from (
select distinct 0 as t, b.Id, a.Championship_Id
from FakeResultSet as a
inner join
Category as b
a.AgeDivision_Id=b.AgeDivision_Id and
a.Gender=b.Gender and
a.BeltColor=b.BeltColor and
union all
select distinct 1, BeltColor, Championship_Id
from FakeResultSet
) as q
2nd query:
select q2.CategorySet_Id, c.Id as Category_Id from (
select row_number() over(order by t, Id) as CategorySet_Id, Id, BeltColor
from (
select distinct 0 as t, b.Id, null as BeltColor
from FakeResultSet as a
inner join
Category as b
a.AgeDivision_Id=b.AgeDivision_Id and
a.Gender=b.Gender and
a.BeltColor=b.BeltColor and
union all
select distinct 1, BeltColor, BeltColor
from FakeResultSet
) as q
) as q2
inner join
Category as c
(q2.BeltColor is null and q2.Id=c.Id)
(q2.BeltColor = c.BeltColor)
of course this will work only for empty CategorySet and CategorySet_Category tables, but you can use select coalese(max(Id), 0) from CategorySet to get current number and add it to row_number, thus you will get real ID which will be inserted into CategorySet row for second query
What I do when I run into these situations is to create one or many temporary tables with row_number() over clauses giving me identities on the temporary tables. Then I check for the existence of each record in the actual tables, and if they exist update the temporary table with the actual record ids. Finally I run a while exists loop on the temporary table records missing the actual id and insert them one at a time, after the insert I update the temporary table record with the actual ids. This lets you work through all the data in a controlled manner.
##IDENTITY is your friend to the 2nd part of question
Best way to get identity of inserted row?
Some API (drivers) returns int from update() function, i.e. ID if it is "insert". What API/environment do You use?
I don't understand 1st problem. You should not insert identity column.
Below query will give final result For CategorySet rows:
ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY Championship_Id ORDER BY Championship_Id) RNK,
FROM #FakeResultSet
FROM #FakeResultSet
GROUP BY Championship_Id,BeltColor

SQL: Find rows where field value differs

I have a database table structured like this (irrelevant fields omitted for brevity):
(PK) indicator_id
(PK) alternative_id
(PK) analysis_id
All fields are integers; the first three (labeled "(PK)") are a composite primary key. A given "analysis" has multiple "alternatives", each of which will have a "rank" for each of many "indicators".
I'm looking for an efficient way to compare an arbitrary number of analyses whose ranks for any alternative/indicator combination differ. So, for example, if we have this data:
analysis_id | alternative_id | indicator_id | rank
1 | 1 | 1 | 4
1 | 1 | 2 | 6
1 | 2 | 1 | 3
1 | 2 | 2 | 9
2 | 1 | 1 | 4
2 | 1 | 2 | 7
2 | 2 | 1 | 4
2 | 2 | 2 | 9
...then the ideal method would identify the following differences:
analysis_id | alternative_id | indicator_id | rank
1 | 1 | 2 | 6
2 | 1 | 2 | 7
1 | 2 | 1 | 3
2 | 2 | 1 | 4
I came up with a query that does what I want for 2 analysis IDs, but I'm having trouble generalizing it to find differences between an arbitrary number of analysis IDs (i.e. the user might want to compare 2, or 5, or 9, or whatever, and find any rows where at least one analysis differs from any of the others). My query is:
declare #analysisId1 int, #analysisId2 int;
select #analysisId1 = 1, #analysisId2 = 2;
r1.[rank] as Analysis1Rank,
r2.[rank] as Analysis2Rank
from rankings r1
inner join rankings r2
on r1.indicator_id = r2.indicator_id
and r1.alternative_id = r2.alternative_id
and r2.analysis_id = #analysisId2
r1.analysis_id = #analysisId1
and r1.[rank] != r2.[rank]
(It puts the analysis values into additional fields instead of rows. I think either way would work.)
How can I generalize this query to handle many analysis ids? (Or, alternatively, come up with a different, better query to do the job?) I'm using SQL Server 2005, in case it matters.
If necessary, I can always pull all the data out of the table and look for differences in code, but a SQL solution would be preferable since often I'll only care about a few rows out of thousands and there's no point in transferring them all if I can avoid it. (However, if you have a compelling reason not to do this in SQL, say so--I'd consider that a good answer too!)
This will return your desired data set - Now you just need a way to pass the required analysis ids to the query. Or potentially just filter this data inside your application.
select r.* from rankings r
inner join
select alternative_id, indicator_id
from rankings
group by alternative_id, indicator_id
having count(distinct rank) > 1
) differ on r.alternative_id = differ.alternative_id
and r.indicator_id = differ.indicator_id
order by r.alternative_id, r.indicator_id, r.analysis_id, r.rank
I don't know wich database you are using, in SQL Server I would go like this:
-- STEP 1, create temporary table with all the alternative_id , indicator_id combinations with more than one rank:
select alternative_id , indicator_id
into #results
from rankings
group by alternative_id , indicator_id
having count (distinct rank)>1
-- STEP 2, retreive the data
select a.* from rankings a, #results b
where a.alternative_id = b.alternative_id
and a.indicator_id = b. indicator_id
order by alternative_id , indicator_id, analysis_id
BTW, THe other answers given here need the count(distinct rank) !!!!!
I think this is what you're trying to do:
from rankings rm
join (
max(indicator_id) as indicator_id_max,
max(rank) as rank_max
from rankings
group by analysis_id,
having count(*) > 1
) as rm
on r.analysis_id = rm.analysis_id
and r.alternative_id = rm.alternative_id
You example differences seems wrong. You say you want analyses whose ranks for any alternative/indicator combination differ but the example rows 3 and 4 don't satisfy this criteria. A correct result according to your requirement is:
analysis_id | alternative_id | indicator_id | rank
1 | 1 | 2 | 6
2 | 1 | 2 | 7
1 | 2 | 1 | 3
2 | 2 | 1 | 4
On query you could try is this:
with distinct_ranks as (
select alternative_id
, indicator_id
, rank
, count (*) as count
from rankings
group by alternative_id
, indicator_id
, rank
having count(*) = 1)
select r.analysis_id
, r.alternative_id
, r.indicator_id
, r.rank
from rankings r
join distinct_ranks d on r.alternative_id = d.alternative_id
and r.indicator_id = d.indicator_id
and r.rank = d.rank
You have to realize that on multiple analysis the criteria you have is ambiguous. What if analysis 1,2 and 3 have rank 1 and 4,5 and 6 have rank 2 for alternative/indicator 1/1? The set (1,2,3) is 'different' from the set (4,5,6) but inside each set there is no difference. what is the behavior you desire in that case, should they show up or not? My query finds all records that have a different rank for the same alternative/indicator *from all other analysis' but is not clear if this is correct in your requirement.