Our app used Crashlytics to track app crash. One really weird crash was logged in Crashlytics. It only happened when using ipad mini. I never experienced the issue when testing on iphone 6s and iphone 6s plus.
UIAccessibility _copyMultipleAttributeValuesCallback
The following is crashlytic log screenshot.
Anything prefixed with AX or _AX is most likely a private accessibility class as well as AXRuntime is mose likely an internal framework. This means, unfortunately, that there is probably nothing you can do to fix this crash yourself.
However, filing a bug to Apple might help them resolve the issue. You can file bugs to Apple here and there is a dedicated Accessibility component that you can assign it to. Remember to include the stack trace and any other relevant information.
We have an app built on the iOS 10 SDK. It is presenting images in a UICollectionView and the images are loaded using the SDWebImage framework. It works well, but users have reported that the app suddenly crashes from time to time when scrolling back and forward through the images in the UICollectionView.
We have at last been able to reproduce the error on an iPhone 6 device with the mobile data connection slowed down to 3G.
What happens:
While scrolling quickly up and down through the images, quicker than they can be loaded from the server, suddenly the app crashes back to the iOS desktop. This could happen quickly, after a while, or sometimes it does not happen at all - very inconsistent.
What we have done so far:
Used instruments to check for leaks, the memory consumption is stable and lies constantly around 200Mb.
There are no calls to didReceiveMemoryWarning
We use CrashLytics to detect crashes and exceptions, nothing is logged.
The console or the debugger does not indicate any errors and no exceptions, Xcode just reports that it lost the connection to the phone when the app crashes.
Could anyone suggest an approach for further troubleshooting to nail this?
I had a similar issue with SDWebImage. For me, it was because I let SDWebImage keep loading too many images at once. After adding
- (void)prepareForReuse
[self.imageView sd_cancelCurrentImageLoad];
the issue disappeared.
I'm developing an app which uses ibeacon to determine if the user entered a specific region.
Now I'm using the CoreLocation framework to implement this geofencing-based feature.
I've read the document below.
in which the Apple is saying that:
"In iOS, the regions you register with the location manager persist between launches of your application. If a region crossing occurs while your iOS app is not running, the system automatically wakes it up (or relaunches it) in the background so that it can process the event. When relaunched, all of the regions you configured previously are made available in the monitoredRegions property of any location manager objects you create. "
I discovered that it's true just before the ios 7.
From ios 7, An app will be waken-up from background but it will actually no longer could be re-launched from terminated-state (slided out from the task manager which displayed by double-clicking the home button).
If it's due to the Apple's policies, why does Apple not update the above official document?
So I'm thinking of an ios7's bug because the Reminder App (a built-in app) is also not relaunched in ios7 even though it's relaunched in ios6.
Is this issue due to Apple's policies? or an ios7's bugs?
It takes me more than 2 days to google for a solution.
Any ideas for this issue?
The documentation is simply out of date. This is intended behavior in iOS7. Apple produced a video explicitly discussing this change. The idea is that if the user explicitly terminates the app, the user does not want it running. See this thread.
Is this such a big deal? How often will users really do this? Remember, if users are annoyed by you app, they can always uninstall it, too. This was true in iOS6.
iOS 7.1 reversed this policy. That is even if the user kills your app the iOS still launches your app upon crossing the region.
Does anyone know if there is a way to force an app you're developing to run in a 3.5" screen size mode if you're on an iPhone 5, just for dev/debug purposes? Something such as what might look like a toggle in the Development section of Settings or something. In other words, run the app such that it LOOKS like it's running on a non-5 iPhone (black bars on top/bottom), that way I can test certain UI functions.
For clarification, I'm NOT saying "I don't want to support iPhone 5" - I most certainly do. Also, I'm aware that I can do the 'old' retina display in the simulator, but I do not want to use the iOS Simulator as the app includes libraries that do not support i386 architecture, uses push notifications, and heavily relies on GPS to function correctly. I'm just looking for a way to test both aspect ratios on the same device to save money/time.
Thank you!
It appears that by removing the app from device, deleting the Default-568h#2x.png launch image, cleaning the project, and re-running app, I can get the functionality I'm looking for, although not as nicely as a toggle switch.
Letter box in iPhone5
I have a png of a gear the I want to react just like an NSProgressIndicator, so that when a process is happening, it spins, and when nothing is happening, it stops. I am new to Xcode stuff, so sorry if I get terms wrong or just look stupid... This is a mac app so I am guessing it is different then iOS app development.
Here you have a recently written guide to doing exactly what you want to do
Let me know if you need some of it explained!
I have an iOS 5.0 app presently and had a few questions regarding deploying the app across multiple platform and multiple OS upgrades. I would like to know if there is a clean and configurable system that allows me to have one project handle deployment to the iPhone iOS5 and iOS6 and the latest iPad iOS without having ugly selection statements everywhere determining the platform the app is being currently run on. So I would like to know if there is a way to manage the code from a dev prespective so i can support all version/platform specific features of my app depending on what platform/version it is being currently run on (for ex. automatically switching to use the longer dimension background images if the app is being run on an iPhone 5 with iOS 6)
Is there any way to have this functionality?
I am slightly confused with your question, but I'll explain what I know. Xcode already has a way to change your app depending on what Device/iOS Version the user is running. If you use storyboards, then it will automatically resize your app content depending on whether the screen has retina support, and the size of the screen. In addition, you can have a storyboard for iPad, so that when you run the app it will use the iPad version. It also will change the app icons. Just go to the project settings and scroll down until your get to the icons and lunch images.
Now, if you mean you want to change how your app works using the source code directly, then there is no easy to way to manage it. Your best bet is to go with Storyboards, as it makes it very easy to resize content depending on what device your using.