i am using Baum-Welch-algorithm to learn the parameters of a hidden markov model to use it to determine an optmial labeling sequence of a named entity recognition task (via viterbi algorithm).
I'v tried a simple example with random a-priori-distribution and random transion and emission probabilities.
Now, i am thinking how i can involve features, e.g. a feature which fires if the word ends with the suffix "ing".
Which role does features have in context of HMM?
I am following this tutorial: https://tensorflow-object-detection-api-tutorial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/training.html
In it, it has the following snippet in the file pipeline.config:
fine_tune_checkpoint_type: "detection" # Set this to "detection" since we want to be training the full detection model
Further investigation leads to the following discoveries:
There are at least 3 options for the field fine_tune_checkpoint_type - fine_tune,detection and classification
Not all models from the model zoo allow all options.
My questions are:
What do each of fine_tune,detection and classification mean in this context, and more importantly when is it appropriate to use each one.
How do I tell which options are compatible with models in the model zoo?
Ultimately I wish to do transfer learning - e.g. take an existing trained model and train it to draw boxes for one or more novel classes.
Those options indicates how to restore checkpoints and comes from here
I copy here the interesting part:
This option controls how variables are restored from the (pre-trained) fine_tune_checkpoint. For TF2 models, 3 different types are supported:
"classification": Restores only the
classification backbone part of the feature extractor. This option is typically used when you want to train a detection model starting from a pre-trained image classification model, e.g. a ResNet model pre-trained on ImageNet.
"detection": Restores the entire feature extractor. The only parts of the full detection model that are not restored are the box and class prediction heads. This option is typically used when you want to use a pre-trained detection model and train on a new dataset or task which requires different box and class prediction heads.
"full":Restores the entire detection model, including the feature extractor, its classification backbone, and the prediction heads. This option should only be used when the pre-training and fine-tuning tasks are the same. Otherwise, the model's parameters may have incompatible shapes, which will cause errors when attempting to restore the checkpoint. For more details about this parameter, see the restore_map (TF1) or restore_from_object (TF2) function documentation in the /meta_architectures/*meta_arch.py files.
I guess fine_tune is currently replaced by "full". Based on your needs the right choice appear to be "detection". To know which models supports wich options, as indicated above you have to look at the restore_from_object function definition in the proper /meta_architectures/*meta_arch.py files
I am currently testing out custom object detection using the Tensorflow API. But I don't quite seem to understand the theory behind it.
So if I for example download a version of MobileNet and use it to train on, lets say, red and green apples. Does it forget all the things that is has already been trained on? And if so, why does it then benefit to use MobileNet over building a CNN from scratch.
Thanks for any answers!
Does it forget all the things that is has already been trained on?
Yes, if you re-train a CNN previously trained on a large database with a new database containing fewer classes it will "forget" the old classes. However, the old pre-training can help learning the new classes, this is a training strategy called "transfert learning" of "fine tuning" depending on the exact approach.
As a rule of thumb it is generally not a good idea to create a new network architecture from scratch as better networks probably already exist. You may want to implement your custom architecture if:
You are learning CNN's and deep learning
You have a specific need and you proved that other architectures won't fit or will perform poorly
Usually, one take an existing pre-trained network and specialize it for their specific task using transfert learning.
A lot of scientific literature is available for free online if you want to learn. you can start with the Yolo series and R-CNN, Fast-RCNN and Faster-RCNN for detection networks.
The main concept behind object detection is that it divides the input image in a grid of N patches, and then for each patch, it generates a set of sub-patches with different aspect ratios, let's say it generates M rectangular sub-patches. In total you need to classify MxN images.
In general the idea is then analyze each sub-patch within each patch . You pass the sub-patch to the classifier in your model and depending on the model training, it will classify it as containing a green apple/red apple/nothing. If it is classified as a red apple, then this sub-patch is the bounding box of the object detected.
So actually, there are two parts you are interested in:
Generating as many sub-patches as possible to cover as many portions of the image as possible (Of course, the more sub-patches, the slower your model will be) and,
The classifier. The classifier is normally an already exisiting network (MobileNeet, VGG, ResNet...). This part is commonly used as the "backbone" and it will extract the features of the input image. With the classifier you can either choose to training it "from zero", therefore your weights will be adjusted to your specific problem, OR, you can load the weigths from other known problem and use them in your problem so you won't need to spend time training them. In this case, they will also classify the objects for which the classifier was training for.
Take a look at the Mask-RCNN implementation. I find very interesting how they explain the process. In this architecture, you will not only generate a bounding box but also segment the object of interest.
I'm trying to consume this tutorial by Google to use TensorFlow Estimator to train and recognise images: https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/estimators/cnn
The data I can see in the tutorial are: train_data, train_labels, eval_data, eval_labels:
((train_data,train_labels),(eval_data,eval_labels)) =
In the convolutional layers, there should be feature filter image data to multiply with the input image data? But I don't see them in the code.
As from this guide, the input image data matmul with filter image data to check for low-level features (curves, edges, etc.), so there should be filter image data too (the right matrix in the image below)?: https://adeshpande3.github.io/A-Beginner%27s-Guide-To-Understanding-Convolutional-Neural-Networks
The filters are the weight matrices of the Conv2d layers used in the model, and are not pre-loaded images like the "butt curve" you gave in the example. If this were the case, we would need to provide the CNN with all possible types of shapes, curves, colours, and hope that any unseen data we feed the model contains this finite sets of images somewhere in them which the model can recognise.
Instead, we allow the CNN to learn the filters it requires to sucessfully classify from the data itself, and hope it can generalise to new data. Through multitudes of iterations and data( which they require a lot of), the model iteratively crafts the best set of filters for it to succesfully classify the images. The random initialisation at the start of training ensures that all filters per layer learn to identify a different feature in the input image.
The fact that earlier layers usually corresponds to colour and edges (like above) is not predefined, but the network has realised that looking for edges in the input is the only way to create context in the rest of the image, and thereby classify (humans do the same initially).
The network uses these primitive filters in earlier layers to generate more complex interpretations in deeper layers. This is the power of distributed learning: representing complex functions through multiple applications of much simpler functions.
Let's say I trained a model with a very complex computational graph tailored for training. After a lot of training, the best model was saved to a checkpoint file. Now, I want to use the learned parameters of this best model for inference. However, the computational graph used for training is not exactly the same as the one I intend to use for inference. Concretely, there is a module in the graph with several layers in charge of outputting embedding vectors for items (recommender system context). However, for the sake of computational performance, during inference time I would like to have all the item embedding vectors precomputed in advance, so that the only computation required per request would just involve a couple of hidden layers.
Therefore, what I would like to know how to do is:
How to just restore the part of the network that outputs item embedding vectors, in order to precompute these vectors for all items (this would happen in some pre-processing script off-line)
Once all item embedding vectors are precomputed, during on-line inference time how to just restore the hidden layers in the later parts of the network and make them receive the precomputed item embedding vectors instead.
How can the points above be accomplished? I think point 1. is easier to get done. But my biggest concern is with point 2. In the computational graph used for training, in order to evaluate any layer I would have to provide values for the input placeholders. However, during on-line inference these placeholders would be obsolete because a lot of stuff would be precomputed and I don't know how to tell hidden layers in the later parts of the network that they should no longer depend on these obsolete placeholders but depend on the precomputed stuff instead.
I am new to object detection and trying to retrain object-detection API in TensorFlow to detect a specific car model in photos. When preparing my own training data to retrain the model, besides things like drawing bounding boxes, etc, my question is, should I also prepare negative examples in the training data (cars that are not the model I am interested in) to reach good performance?
I have read through some tutorials and they usually give example in detecting one type of object, and they prepared training data with the label only for that type. I was thinking, since the model first proposal some area of interest, then try to classify those areas, should I also prepare negative examples if I want to detect very specific stuff from photos.
I am retaining faster_rcnn based model. Thanks for the help.
Yes, you will need negative examples also for better performance. Seems like are you thinking about using transfer learning to train a pre-trained faster_rcnn model to add a new class for your custom car. You should start an equal number of positive and negative examples (images with labelled bounding boxes). You will need have examples of several negative classes (e.g. negative car type 1, negative car type 2, negative car type 3) in addition to your target car type.
You can look at examples of one positive class and several negative classes training data for transfer learning in the data folder of the my github repo at: PSV Detector Github