GPU + CPU Tensorflow Training - tensorflow

I have a network, one whose parameter is a large-embedding matrix (3Million X 300 sized), say embed_mat.
During training, for each mini-batch, I only update a small subset of the vectors from embed_mat (max 15000 vectors) which are chosen using the embedding_lookup op. I am using the Adam optimizer to train my model.
As I cannot store this embed_mat in the GPU, due to its size, I define it under CPU (say /cpu:0) device, but the rest of the parameters of the model, the optimizer etc. are defined under a GPU (say, gpu:/0) device.
I see that my GPU usage is very minimal (200 MB), which suggests all my training is happening on the CPU. What I expected was that the result of the embedding_lookup is copied to the GPU and all my training happens there. Am I doing something wrong.
The training time is very largely affected by the size (num_vectors) of the embedding matrix which doesn't seem correct to me. In any mini-batch, I only update my network parameters and the vectors I looked up (~15000), so the training time should, if at all, grow sub-linearly with the size of the embedding matrix.
Is there a way to automatically and seamlessly split up my embed_mat to multiple GPUs for faster training?
I suspect the Adam Optimizer for this. Looks like because the embed_mat is on the CPU, all training is happening on the CPU. Is this correct?

Try visualizing on tensorboard where each of your ops is placed. In the "graph" tab you can color by "device". Ideally the embedding variable, the embedding lookup, and the embedding gradient update should be in the CPU, while most other things should be in the GPU.


Why do I have heavy DeserializeSparse phase after EagerKernelExecutes on the multiple GPU training?

I'm trying to train a small TF2.x model on 4 GPUs (AWS g4dn.12xlarge) that takes both dense and sparse tensors as its input. Once I tried without sparse features and just used dense features, my distributed training code worked well without any performance degradation. After including the sparse features, however, I found numerous unexpected chunks on the TensorBoard Profiler's trace_viewer.
Attached the profiler screenshot.
The main problem is that, although it seems all the GPUs computes their given batches well, there is a large timespan between a pair of computation blocks on the host side. There are 17x4 of EagerExecute:DeserializeSparse with the terminal ops of _Send input 0 from /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:{gpu_number} to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0. Here, 17 is the number of sparse features that the model receives, and 4 is the num of GPUs being utilized. Plus, tons of MemcpyD2H (small pink blocks at the screen shot) are occupying each GPU, not parallelized. That large period of time is about x6 of the actual forward pass.
Below is how the model treats sparse tensor inputs:
def call(self, inputs: tf.sparse.SparseTensor):
with tf.device("\cpu:0"):
x = self.hash_inputs_from_static_hash_table(inputs)
x = self.embedding_lookup_sparse(x)
return self.prediction_head(x)
The data can never be big (batch size = 128 per replica, sparse feature embedding dimension is <10), and I tried to move all sparse-related operations to CPU not to burden GPUs, but the problem persists just as the same as I didn't move those ops to CPU manually.
I want to know why those chunks appear after the GPU computations, and hopefully remove them to fully benefit from distributed training with multiple GPUs.
Seems like I'm still missing something that can be optimized and this situation might not that unique in distributed training, so asking for help for broader audience.

tf.distribute.MirroredStrategy - suggestion for improving test mean_iou for segmentation network using distributed training

I am using tensorflow 2.5.0 and implemented semantic segmatation network. used DeepLab_v3_plus network with ResNet101 backbone, adam optimizer and Categorical cross entropy loss to train network. I have first build code for single gpu and achieved test accuracy (mean_iou) of 54% trained for 96 epochs. Then added tf MirroredStrategy (one machine) in code to support for multi gpu training. Surprisingly with 2 gpus, training for 48 epochs, test mean_iou is just 27% and training with 4 gpus, for 24 epochs, test mean_iou can around 12% for same dataset.
Code I have modified to support multi-gpu training from single-gpu training.
By following tensorflow blog for distributed training, created mirrored strategy and created model, model compilation and dataset_generator inside strategy scope. As per my understanding, by doing so, method will take care of synchronization of gradients and distributing data on each gpus for training. Though code was running without any error, and also training time reduced compared to single gpu for same number of image training, test mean_iou keep getting worst with more number of gpus.
Replaced BatchNormalization with SyncBatchNormalization, but no improvement.
used warmup learning rate with linear scaling of learning rate with number of gpus, but no improvement.
in cross entropy loss, used both losses_utils.ReductionV2.AUTO and losses_utils.ReductionV2.NONE.
loss = ce(y_true, y_pred)
# reshape loss for each sample (BxHxWxC -> BxN)
# Normalize loss by number of non zero elements and sum for each sample and mean across all samples.
using .AUTO/.NONE options, I am not scaling loss by global_batch_size understanding tf will take care of it and I am already normalizing for each gpus. but with both options, didn't get any luck.
changed data_generator to obj. Though it has helped in training time, but test mean_iou become even worst.
I would appreciate if any lead or suggestion for improving test_iou in distributed training.
let me know if you need any additional details.
Thank you

Training GPU on multiple minibatches in parallel with TensorFlow

I am using TensorFlow 1.9, on an NVIDIA GPU with 3 GB of memory. The size of my minibatch is 100 MB. Therefore, I could potentially fit multiple minibatches on my GPU at the same time. So my question is about whether this is possible and whether it is standard practice.
For example, when I train my TensorFlow model, I run something like this on every epoch:
loss_sum = 0
for batch_num in range(num_batches):
batch_inputs = get_batch_inputs()
batch_labels = get_batch_labels()
batch_loss, _ =[loss_op, train_op], feed_dict={inputs: batch_inputs, labels: batch_labels})
loss_sum += batch_loss
loss = batch_loss / num_batches
This iterates over my minibatches and performs one weight update per minibatch. But the size of image_data and label_data is only 100 MB, so the majority of the GPU is not being used.
One option would be to just increase the minibatch size so that the minibatch is closer to the 3 GB GPU capacity. However, I want to keep the same small minibatch size to help with optimisation.
So the other option might be to send multiple minibatches through the GPU in parallel, and perform one weight update per minibatch. Being able to send the minibatches in parallel would significantly reduce the training time.
Is this possible and recommended?
The goal of the Mini Batch approach is to update the weights of your network after each batch is processed and use the updated weights in the next mini-batch. If you do some clever tricks and batch several mini-batches they would effectively use the same old weights.
The only potential benefit I can see is if the model works better with bigger mini-batches, e.g. big_batches * more_epochs is better than mini_batches * less_epochs. I don't remember the theory behind Mini Batch Gradient Descent but I remember there is a reason you should use mini batches instead of the whole training set for each iteration. On the other hand, the mini batch size is a hyperparameter that has to be tuned anyway, so it's probably worth fiddling it a bit.
Thought I might point out that, arbitrarily making the batch size large (when you have large amounts of memory) can be bad sometimes in terms of the generalization of your model.
Train longer, generalize better
On Large-Batch Training for Deep Learning.

How to fix low volatile GPU-Util with Tensorflow-GPU and Keras?

I have a 4 GPU machine on which I run Tensorflow (GPU) with Keras. Some of my classification problems take several hours to complete.
nvidia-smi returns Volatile GPU-Util which never exceeds 25% on any of my 4 GPUs.
How can I increase GPU Util% and speed up my training?
If your GPU util is below 80%, this is generally the sign of an input pipeline bottleneck. What this means is that the GPU sits idle much of the time, waiting for the CPU to prepare the data:
What you want is the CPU to keep preparing batches while the GPU is training to keep the GPU fed. This is called prefetching:
Great, but if the batch preparation is still way longer than the model training, the GPU will still remain idle, waiting for the CPU to finish the next batch. To make the batch preparation faster we can parallelize the different preprocessing operations:
We can go even further by parallelizing I/O:
Now to implement this in Keras, you need to use the Tensorflow Data API with Tensorflow version >= 1.9.0. Here is an example:
Let's assume, for the sake of this example that you have two numpy arrays x and y. You can use for any type of data but this is simpler to understand.
def preprocessing(x, y):
# Can only contain TF operations
return x, y
dataset =, y)) # Creates a dataset object
dataset =, num_parallel_calls=64) # parallel preprocessing
dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
dataset = dataset.prefetch(None) # Will automatically prefetch batches
model = tf.keras.model(...) # Since tf 1.9.0 you can pass a dataset object is very flexible, but as anything in Tensorflow (except eager), it uses a static graph. This can be a pain sometimes but the speed up is worth it.
To go further, you can have a look at the performance guide and the Tensorflow data guide.
I've got similar issue - the memory of all the GPUs were allocated by Keras, but Volatile was around 0% and training was taking almost the same amount of time as on CPU. I was using ImageDataGenerator, which turned out to be a bottleneck. When I increased the number of workers in fit_generator method from default value 1 to all available CPUs, then the training time dropped rapidly.
You can also load the data to the memory and then use flow method to prepare batches with augmented images.

Tensorflow batching is very slow

I tried to setup a very simple Mnist example with an Estimator.
First I used the estimator's deprecated fit() parameters x, y and batch_size. This executed very fast and utilized about 100% of my GPU while not effecting the CPU much (about 10% utilization). So it worked as expected.
Because the x, y and batch_size parameters are deprecated, I wanted to use the input_fn parameter for the fit() function. To build the input_fn, I used a tf.slice_input_producer and batched it with tf.train.batch. This is my code You should be able to just run it with tensorflow 1.0.
My problem is that the training now runs very slow and only utilizes about 30 % of my GPU (shown in nvidia-smi).
I also tried to increase the queue capacity of the slice_input_producer and to increase the number of threads used for batching. However, this only helped to get to about 45% of GPU utilization and resulted in a 100 % GPU utilization.
What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way for feeding the inputs and batching them? I do not want to create the batches manually (creating subarrays of the numpy input array) because I want to use this example for a more complex input queue where I'll be reading and preprocessing the images in the graph.
I don't think my hardware should be the problem:
List item
Windows 10
NVidia GTX 960M