Internal vs Extenal use of parameterized sql command - sql

In terms of SQL injection, I understand why parameterizing a string parameter is important. But is it acceptable or justified to not parameterize a command when working with let's say a database dependent software for a company which is primarily targeted on internal use rather than that of external influence?

Like I always say, you need it not for Bobby Tables but for Sarah O'Hara. It is syntactically correct SQL query what you have from the prepared statement in the first place, while protection is just a side effect. It's the destination that matters. You have to mind the SQL query where your data goes into. While the data source should the last thing to consider.
Besides, I don't see a point in bargaining. What you're trying to buy for yourself here? Are parameters that hard for you? Well, blame the library you are using. A properly implemented a parametrized query is a simplest way to run a query.


Database Security Question

Well, It seems like such a simple solution to the many problems that can arise from insecure services and applications. But I'm not sure if it's possible, or maybe nobody's thought of this idea yet...
Instead of leaving it up to programmers/developers to ensure that their applications use stored procedures/parameterised queries/escape strings etc to help prevent sql injection/other attacks - why don't the people who make the databases just build these security features into the databases so that when an update or insert query is performed on the database, the database secures/sanitizes the string before it is inserted into the database?
The database would not necessarily know the context of what is going on. What is malicious for one application is not malicious for another. Sometimes the intent IS to
drop table users--
It is much better to let the database do what it does best, arranging data. And let the developers worry about the security implementations.
The problem is that the database cannot readily tell whether the command it is requested to execute is legitimate or not - it is syntactically valid and there could be a valid reason for the user to request that it be executed.
There are heuristics that the DBMS could apply. For example, if a single request combined both a SELECT operation and a DELETE operation, it might be possible to infer that this is more likely to be illegitimate than legitimate - and the DBMS could reject that combined operation. But it is hard to deal with a query where the WHERE condition has been weakened to the point that it shows more data than it was supposed to. A UNION query can deliberately select from multiple tables. It is not sufficient to show that there is a weak condition and a strong condition OR'd together - that could be legitimate.
Overall, then, the problem is that the DBMS is supposed to be able to execute a vast range of queries - so it is essentially impossible to be sure that any query it is given to execute is, or is not, legitimate.
The proper way to access the database is with stored procedures. If you were using SQL Server and C#/VB.NET you could use LINQ to SQL, which allows you to build the query in the language witch then gets turned into a parameterized SP. Good stuff.

Executing Dynamic SQL in Oracle (PL/SQL) and Ensuring Security

If I have a valid SQL string; is there anyway I can execute it in my PL/SQL - but guarantee that it is a SELECT statement only...without doing complex parsing to ensure it doesn't have any escape characters/nested commands or any of that jazz?
What I'm really trying to accomplish is a generic, built-in to my application, querying tool. It has a friendly, domain specific GUI and lets a very non-tech user create reasonably complex queries. The tool handles versioning of the searches, adds innerjoins where needed and some other application specific stuff you wouldn't find a typical SQL DEV type tool.
The application successfully creates a SQL Query. The problem is that I also allow users to directly enter their own SQL. I'm worried about potential SQL injection type issues.
I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place; but, in addition to the question - if anyone could recommend a good Oracle book that would get me up to speed on things of this nature - I'd very much appreciate it.
One solution is to GRANT your user only SELECT privilege if that's the only thing the user is authorized to do.
See "Oracle Database Security Guide: Introduction to Privileges"
However, I don't think that your application is necessarily secure just because you restrict the queries to SELECT. There are examples of mischief that can be perpetrated when you allow unsafe use of SELECT queries.
Re your clarified question: I've studied SQL injection and written about it quite a bit. What I can advise as a general rule is: Never execute user input as code. That's how SQL injection occurs.
You can design a domain-specific language and map user input to SQL operations, but make sure there's a layer that translates user choices to the database schema. If you separate user input from your SQL code by introducing a mapping layer, then you should be all right.
See also my answer to "How do I protect this function from sql injection."
Oracle comes with a lot of execute privileges granted to public. As such even a user with no explicit insert/update/delete/execute privileges can do mischief.
Speaking of mischief, even with a SELECT a user could cause trouble. A "SELECT * FROM table FOR UPDATE of column" would lock the entire table. SELECT...FOR UPDATE only requires SELECT privileges.
Dumb queries (eg cartesian joins) could bring a database to its needs (though Resource Manager should be able to block most of them by only allowing queries that would do less than a specified amount of IOs or CPU).
How about giving them a list of approved SQLs to execute and a process for them to nominate SQLs for inclusion ?
If you're giving the user a text area so they can type whatever they want, hey, SQL injection is what you want.
I wouldn't leave the door so open like that, but if I was forced to do it, then I'd run an explain plan on whatever the user wants to do. The optimizer will parse the query and put all the information about the SQL statement in the plan_table table, which you can then query to check if it's really a select operation, which tables/indexes from which schemas are being accessed, if the where clause is something you approve of, if there's any "bad" operations, such as Cartesian joins or full table scans, etc.
Take a look at Oracle's paper on writing injection proof pl/sql. The DBMS_ASSERT built-in package should help you test your SQL for appropriateness.
Even with those tests, I'd be extremely reluctant to give people an open text window for building their queries especially on the public net or in a large organization where you don't know everybody. There are very creative people just looking for opportunities like that.
In oracle, you can just check to see that the first word is "select" or "with". This is due to PL/SQL's Ada heritage, which requires compound statements to be in begin/end blocks, so that the usual SQL injection techniques just cause syntax errors.
Of course, the best answer is to do this by granting permissions and avoiding if possible directly evaluating unknown input. But it is interesting that the begin/end syntax eliminates a lot of SQL injection attack vectors.

Is this a valid benefit of using embedded SQL over stored procedures?

Here's an argument for SPs that I haven't heard. Flamers, be gentle with the down tick,
Since there is overhead associated with each trip to the database server, I would suggest that a POSSIBLE reason for placing your SQL in SPs over embedded code is that you are more insulated to change without taking a performance hit.
For example. Let's say you need to perform Query A that returns a scalar integer.
Then, later, the requirements change and you decide that it the results of the scalar is > x that then, and only then, you need to perform another query. If you performed the first query in a SP, you could easily check the result of the first query and conditionally execute the 2nd SQL in the same SP.
How would you do this efficiently in embedded SQL w/o perform a separate query or an unnecessary query?
Here's an example:
--This SP may return 1 or two queries.
IF #CustCount > 10
Can this/what is the best way to do this in embedded SQL?
A very persuasive article
SQL and stored procedures will be there for the duration of your data.
Client languages come and go, and you'll have to re-implement your embedded SQL every time.
In the example you provide, the time saved is sending a single scalar value and a single follow-up query over the wire. This is insignificant in any reasonable scenario. That's not to say there might not be other valid performance reasons to use SPs; just that this isn't such a reason.
I would generally never put business logic in SP's, I like them to be in my native language of choice outside the database. The only time I agree SPs are better is when there is a lot of data movement that don't need to come out of the db.
So to aswer your question, I'd rather have two queries in my code than embed that in a SP, in my view I am trading a small performance hit for something a lot more clear.
How would you do this efficiently in
embedded SQL w/o perform a separate
query or an unnecessary query?
Depends on the database you are using. In SQL Server, this is a simple CASE statement.
Perhaps include the WHERE clause in that sproc:
WHERE (all your regular conditions)
AND myScalar > myThreshold
Lately I prefer to not use SPs (Except when uber complexity arises where a proc would just be better...or CLR would be better). I have been using the Repository pattern with LINQ to SQL where my query is written in my data layer in a strongly typed LINQ expression. The key here is that the query is strongly typed which means when I refactor I am refactoring properties of a class that is directly generated from the database table (which makes changes from the DB carried all the way forward super easy and accurate). While my SQL is generated for me and sent to the server I still have the option of sticking to DRY principles as the repository pattern allows me to break things down into their smallest component. I do have the issue that I might make a trip to the server and based on the results of query I may find that I need to make another trip to the server. I don't worry about this up front. If I find later that it becomes an issue then I may refactor that code into something more performant. The over all key here is that there is no one magic bullet. I tend to work on greenfield applications which allows this method of development to be most efficient for me.
Benefits of SPs:
Performance (are precompiled)
Easy to change (without compiling the application)
SQL set based features make very easy doing really difficult data tasks
Depend heavily on the database engine used
Makes deployment of upgrades a little harder (you have to deploy the App + the scripts)
My 2 cents...
About your example, it can be done like this:
select * from products where (select count(*) from customers>10)

Dynamic SQL in production systems

SO has plenty of Q&As about how to accomplish various tasks using dynamic SQL, frequently the responses are accompanied with warnings and disclaimers about the advisability of actually using the approach provided. I've worked in environments ranging from "knowing how to use a cursor is a bad sign" to "isn't sp_executesql neat!".
When it comes to production systems should dynamic sql always be avoided or should it have a valid place in the programming toolbox. If not/so, Why?
Answers to some of your questions can be found here The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL
Sometimes you have to use dynamic SQL because it will perform better
It depends on what you mean by dynamic sql. Queries built where parameter values substituted directly into the sql string are dangerous and should be avoided except for the very rare case where there is no other option.
Dynamic SQL using the appropriate parameterized query mechanism supported by your platform can be very powerful.
There are several considerations when evaluating the use of dynamic SQL:
performance can vary widely, and specific to which database engine is targeted
maintenance can vary widely, in both directions (e.g., dynamic SQL can employ
modularization techniques that static SQL cannot)
dynamic SQL is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks, but static SQL is (mostly) not
sometimes your needs make static SQL (nearly) impossible, but that should be rare
Remember, SQL is code, and an RDBMS is another API. It is NOT special, or at least not much; deal with it like you would any other code and API. In particular, don't just code directly against the API: modularize your code and write some helper methods to make it easier and reusable.
The cost of 'dynamic SQL' varies between DBMS.
In IBM DB2, where query plans can be pre-compiled down to machine code, the cost of Dynamic SQL is significant.
In IBM Informix (IDS - Informix Dynamic Server), most queries are effectively 'dynamic SQL' (the exception is queries in stored procedures) in that the SQL is interpreted at run-time, even though the client-side notation uses static SQL.
I believe - though a DB2 expert might be able to contradict me - that the CLI (ODBC, aka CCC) and JCC (JDBC) systems for DB2 do all SQL as dynamic SQL.
I don't know what Oracle, Sybase, MS SQL Server do - my suspicion is that they hew closer to the line adopted by IDS than the line adopted by DB2. For MySQL and PostgreSQL, I'd be surprised if they did not behave more like IDS than DB2.
As a result, with IDS, there is no particular overhead to using Dynamic SQL; at the server level, your SQL is dynamic anyway. Other DBMS may have other factors at play.
One issue for all servers is 'how do you identify the pre-compiled query from the SQL sent over the wire'. With DB2, the pre-compilers identify the package which is used, and the communications protocol between application and server identifies that. My understanding is that the DB2 clients such as ODBC and JDBC do not use a pre-compiled package - hence I think that they effectively do dynamic SQL all the time.
Beware SQL injection with Dynamic SQL!
My previous shop would never allow such things to execute against the database (SQL Server).
It was prohibited as practice, and the DB was locked down to prevent it.
All work goes through objects (SPs, etc).
This is the right way to do it always, IMHO.
There are edge cases where dynamic SQL is both easier and faster than the alternative. As long as you keep them few and far between and they are dynamically generated prepared parameterized SQL I see no big problem with them.
Dynamic SQL has a place - even in production code. Executing arbitrary code with security holes does not.
In general, I would avoid using dynamic SQL if there is not a good reason to use it. Dynamic SQL does not get checked until it runs, so you obviously have a bigger testing burden. However, there are plenty of good times to use it when dealing with administrative tasks, static code-generation, accommodating changing systems without excessive maintenance based on querying metadata, using DRY to avoid redundancy, etc.
Our system has what I think is a lot of dynamic SQL in it, mostly because we have a lot of dynamically created objects (tables, indexes, views mostly). A lot of this is legacy; things like partitioned tables in 2k5 help somewhat in some of our use cases. But as mentioned you need to make a good case for it; on-the-fly SQL inside the procs usually has a better (static) solution.

Migrating from MySQL to arbitrary standards-compliant SQL2003 server

Is there an incantation of mysqldump or a similar tool that will produce a piece of SQL2003 code to create and fill the same databases in an arbitrary SQL2003 compliant RDBMS?
(The one I'm trying right now is MonetDB)
DDL statements are inherently database-vendor specific. Although they have the same basic structure, each vendor has their own take on how to define types, indexes, constraints, etc.
DML statements on the other hand are fairly portable. Therefore I suggest:
Dump the database without any data (mysqldump --no-data) to get the schema
Make necessary changes to get the schema loaded on the other DB - these need to be done by hand (but some search/replace may be possible)
Dump the data with extended inserts off and no create table (--extended-insert=0 --no-create-info)
Run the resulting script against the other DB.
This should do what you want.
However, when porting an application to a different database vendor, many other things will be required; moving the schema and data is the easy bit. Checking for bugs introduced, different behaviour and performance testing is the hard bit.
At the very least test every single query in your application for validity on the new database. Ideally do a lot more.
This one is kind of tough. Unless you've got a very simple DB structure with vanilla types (varchar, integer, etc), you're probably going to get the best results writing a migration tool. In a language like Perl (via the DBI), this is pretty straight-forward. The program is basically an echo loop that reads from one database and inserts into the other. There are examples of this sort of code that Google knows about.
Aside from the obvious problem of moving the data is the more subtle problem of how some datatypes are represented. For instance, MS SQL's datetime field is not in the same format as MySQL's. Other datatypes like BLOBs may have a different capacity in one RDBMs than in another. You should make sure that you understand the datatype definitions of the target DB system very well before porting.
The last problem, of course, is getting application-level SQL statements to work against the new system. In my work, that's by far the hardest part. Date math seems especially DB-specific, while annoying things like quoting rules are a constant source of irritation.
Good luck with your project.
From SQL Server 2000 or 2005 you can have it generate scripts for your objects, but I am not sure how well they will transfer to other RDBMS.
The generate script option is probably the easiest way to go. You'll undoubtedly have to do some search/replace on a few data types though.