Iterating over a slice's values instead of references in Rust? - iterator

When looping over a slice of structs, the value I get is a reference (which is fine), however in some cases it's annoying to have to write var as (*var) in many places.
Is there a better way to avoid re-declaring the variable?
fn my_fn(slice: &[MyStruct]) {
for var in slice {
let var = *var; // <-- how to avoid this?
// Without the line above, errors in comments occur:
other_fn(var); // <-- expected struct `MyStruct`, found reference
if var != var.other {
// ^^ trait `&MyStruct: std::cmp::PartialEq<MyStruct>>` not satisfied
See: actual error output (more cryptic).

You can remove the reference by destructuring in the pattern:
// |
// v
for &var in slice {
However, this only works for Copy-types! If you have a type that doesn't implement Copy but does implement Clone, you could use the cloned() iterator adapter; see Chris Emerson's answer for more information.

In some cases you can iterate directly on values if you can consume the iterable, e.g. using Vec::into_iter().
With slices, you can use cloned or copied on the iterator:
fn main() {
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
let slice = &v[..];
for u in slice.iter().cloned() {
let u: usize = u; // prove it's really usize, not &usize
println!("{}", u);
This relies on the item implementing Clone or Copy, but if it doesn't you probably do want references after all.


What is the Rust equivalent of a C local static variable? [duplicate]

What is the best way to create and use a struct with only one instantiation in the system? Yes, this is necessary, it is the OpenGL subsystem, and making multiple copies of this and passing it around everywhere would add confusion, rather than relieve it.
The singleton needs to be as efficient as possible. It doesn't seem possible to store an arbitrary object on the static area, as it contains a Vec with a destructor. The second option is to store an (unsafe) pointer on the static area, pointing to a heap allocated singleton. What is the most convenient and safest way to do this, while keeping syntax terse?
Non-answer answer
Avoid global state in general. Instead, construct the object somewhere early (perhaps in main), then pass mutable references to that object into the places that need it. This will usually make your code easier to reason about and doesn't require as much bending over backwards.
Look hard at yourself in the mirror before deciding that you want global mutable variables. There are rare cases where it's useful, so that's why it's worth knowing how to do.
Still want to make one...?
In the 3 following solutions:
If you remove the Mutex then you have a global singleton without any mutability.
You can also use a RwLock instead of a Mutex to allow multiple concurrent readers.
Using lazy-static
The lazy-static crate can take away some of the drudgery of manually creating a singleton. Here is a global mutable vector:
use lazy_static::lazy_static; // 1.4.0
use std::sync::Mutex;
lazy_static! {
static ref ARRAY: Mutex<Vec<u8>> = Mutex::new(vec![]);
fn do_a_call() {
fn main() {
println!("called {}", ARRAY.lock().unwrap().len());
Using once_cell
The once_cell crate can take away some of the drudgery of manually creating a singleton. Here is a global mutable vector:
use once_cell::sync::Lazy; // 1.3.1
use std::sync::Mutex;
static ARRAY: Lazy<Mutex<Vec<u8>>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(vec![]));
fn do_a_call() {
fn main() {
println!("called {}", ARRAY.lock().unwrap().len());
Using std::sync::LazyLock
The standard library is in the process of adding once_cell's functionality, currently called LazyLock:
#![feature(once_cell)] // 1.67.0-nightly
use std::sync::{LazyLock, Mutex};
static ARRAY: LazyLock<Mutex<Vec<u8>>> = LazyLock::new(|| Mutex::new(vec![]));
fn do_a_call() {
fn main() {
println!("called {}", ARRAY.lock().unwrap().len());
A special case: atomics
If you only need to track an integer value, you can directly use an atomic:
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
static CALL_COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
fn do_a_call() {
CALL_COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
fn main() {
println!("called {}", CALL_COUNT.load(Ordering::SeqCst));
Manual, dependency-free implementation
There are several existing implementation of statics, such as the Rust 1.0 implementation of stdin. This is the same idea adapted to modern Rust, such as the use of MaybeUninit to avoid allocations and unnecessary indirection. You should also look at the modern implementation of io::Lazy. I've commented inline with what each line does.
use std::sync::{Mutex, Once};
use std::time::Duration;
use std::{mem::MaybeUninit, thread};
struct SingletonReader {
// Since we will be used in many threads, we need to protect
// concurrent access
inner: Mutex<u8>,
fn singleton() -> &'static SingletonReader {
// Create an uninitialized static
static mut SINGLETON: MaybeUninit<SingletonReader> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
static ONCE: Once = Once::new();
unsafe {
ONCE.call_once(|| {
// Make it
let singleton = SingletonReader {
inner: Mutex::new(0),
// Store it to the static var, i.e. initialize it
// Now we give out a shared reference to the data, which is safe to use
// concurrently.
fn main() {
// Let's use the singleton in a few threads
let threads: Vec<_> = (0..10)
.map(|i| {
thread::spawn(move || {
thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(i * 10));
let s = singleton();
let mut data = s.inner.lock().unwrap();
*data = i as u8;
// And let's check the singleton every so often
for _ in 0u8..20 {
let s = singleton();
let data = s.inner.lock().unwrap();
println!("It is: {}", *data);
for thread in threads.into_iter() {
This prints out:
It is: 0
It is: 1
It is: 1
It is: 2
It is: 2
It is: 3
It is: 3
It is: 4
It is: 4
It is: 5
It is: 5
It is: 6
It is: 6
It is: 7
It is: 7
It is: 8
It is: 8
It is: 9
It is: 9
It is: 9
This code compiles with Rust 1.55.0.
All of this work is what lazy-static or once_cell do for you.
The meaning of "global"
Please note that you can still use normal Rust scoping and module-level privacy to control access to a static or lazy_static variable. This means that you can declare it in a module or even inside of a function and it won't be accessible outside of that module / function. This is good for controlling access:
use lazy_static::lazy_static; // 1.2.0
fn only_here() {
lazy_static! {
static ref NAME: String = String::from("hello, world!");
println!("{}", &*NAME);
fn not_here() {
println!("{}", &*NAME);
error[E0425]: cannot find value `NAME` in this scope
--> src/
12 | println!("{}", &*NAME);
| ^^^^ not found in this scope
However, the variable is still global in that there's one instance of it that exists across the entire program.
Starting with Rust 1.63, it can be easier to work with global mutable singletons, although it's still preferable to avoid global variables in most cases.
Now that Mutex::new is const, you can use global static Mutex locks without needing lazy initialization:
use std::sync::Mutex;
static GLOBAL_DATA: Mutex<Vec<i32>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new());
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", GLOBAL_DATA.lock().unwrap());
Note that this also depends on the fact that Vec::new is const. If you need to use non-const functions to set up your singleton, you could wrap your data in an Option, and initially set it to None. This lets you use data structures like Hashset which currently cannot be used in a const context:
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::collections::HashSet;
static GLOBAL_DATA: Mutex<Option<HashSet<i32>>> = Mutex::new(None);
fn main() {
*GLOBAL_DATA.lock().unwrap() = Some(HashSet::from([42]));
println!("V2: {:?}", GLOBAL_DATA.lock().unwrap());
Alternatively, you could use an RwLock, instead of a Mutex, since RwLock::new is also const as of Rust 1.63. This would make it possible to read the data from multiple threads simultaneously.
If you need to initialize with non-const functions and you'd prefer not to use an Option, you could use a crate like once_cell or lazy-static for lazy initialization as explained in Shepmaster's answer.
From What Not To Do In Rust
To recap: instead of using interior mutability where an object changes
its internal state, consider using a pattern where you promote new
state to be current and current consumers of the old state will
continue to hold on to it by putting an Arc into an RwLock.
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
struct Config {
pub debug_mode: bool,
impl Config {
pub fn current() -> Arc<Config> {
pub fn make_current(self) {
CURRENT_CONFIG.with(|c| *c.write().unwrap() = Arc::new(self))
thread_local! {
static CURRENT_CONFIG: RwLock<Arc<Config>> = RwLock::new(Default::default());
fn main() {
Config { debug_mode: true }.make_current();
if Config::current().debug_mode {
// do something
Use SpinLock for global access.
struct ThreadRegistry {
pub enabled_for_new_threads: bool,
threads: Option<HashMap<u32, *const Tls>>,
impl ThreadRegistry {
fn threads(&mut self) -> &mut HashMap<u32, *const Tls> {
static THREAD_REGISTRY: SpinLock<ThreadRegistry> = SpinLock::new(Default::default());
fn func_1() {
let thread_registry = THREAD_REGISTRY.lock(); // Immutable access
if thread_registry.enabled_for_new_threads {
fn func_2() {
let mut thread_registry = THREAD_REGISTRY.lock(); // Mutable access
// ...
If you want mutable state(NOT Singleton), see What Not to Do in Rust for more descriptions.
Hope it's helpful.
If you are on nightly, you can use LazyLock.
It more or less does what the crates once_cell and lazy_sync do. Those two crates are very common, so there's a good chance they might already by in your Cargo.lock dependency tree. But if you prefer to be a bit more "adventurous" and go with LazyLock, be prepered that it (as everything in nightly) might be a subject to change before it gets to stable.
(Note: Up until recently std::sync::LazyLock used to be named std::lazy::SyncLazy but was recently renamed.)
A bit late to the party, but here's how I worked around this issue (rust 1.66-nightly):
static mut GLOBAL_LAZY_MUT: StructThatIsNotSyncNorSend = unsafe {
// Copied from MaybeUninit::zeroed() with minor modifications, see below
let mut u = MaybeUninit::uninit();
let bytes = mem::size_of_val(&u);
write_bytes(u.as_ptr() as *const u8 as *mut u8, 0xA5, bytes); //Trick the compiler check that verifies pointers and references are not null.
fn main() {
unsafe {
let mut v = StructThatIsNotSyncNorSend::new();
mem::swap(&mut GLOBAL_LAZY_MUT, &mut v);
Beware that this code is unbelievably unsafe, and can easily end up being UB if not handled correctly.
You now have a !Send !Sync value as a global static, without the protection of a Mutex. If you access it from multiple threads, even if just for reading, it's UB. If you don't initialize it the way shown, it's UB, because it calls Drop on an actually unitialized value.
You just convinced the rust compiler that something that is UB is not UB. You just convinced that putting a !Sync and !Send in a global static is fine.
If unsure, don't use this snippet.
My limited solution is to define a struct instead of a global mutable one. To use that struct, external code needs to call init() but we disallow calling init() more than once by using an AtomicBoolean (for multithreading usage).
static INITIATED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
struct Singleton {
impl Singleton {
pub fn init() -> Self {
if INITIATED.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
panic!("Cannot initiate more than once")
} else {, Ordering::Relaxed);
Singleton {
fn main() {
let singleton = Singleton::init();
// panic here
// let another_one = Singleton::init();

Rust: Read and map lines from stdin and handling different error types

I'm learning Rust and trying to solve some basic algorithm problems with it. In many cases, I want to read lines from stdin, perform some transformation on each line and return a vector of resulting items. One way I did this was like this:
// Fully working Rust code
let my_values: Vec<u32> = stdin
.map(|line| line.parse::<u32>())
.map(|x|x*2) // For example
This works but of course silently ignores any errors that may occur. Now what I woud like to do is something along the lines of:
// Pseudo-ish code
let my_values: Result<Vec<u32>, X> = stdin
.lines() // Can cause std::io::Error
.map(|line| line.parse::<u32>()) // Can cause std::num::ParseIntError
.map(|x| x*2)
Where X is some kind of error type that I can match on afterwards. Preferably I want to perform the whole operation on one line at a time and immediately discard the string data after it has been parsed to an int.
I think I need to create some kind of Enum type to hold the various possible errors, possibly like this:
enum InputError {
However, I don't quite understand how to put everything together to make it clean and avoid having to explicitly match and cast everywhere. Also, is there some way to automatically create these enum error types or do I have to explicilty enumerate them every time I do this?
You're on the right track.
The way I'd approach this is by using the enum you've defined,
then add implementations of From for the error types you're interested in.
That will allow you to use the ? operator on your maps to get the kind of behaviour you want.
enum MyError {
impl From<std::io::Error> for MyError {
fn from(e:std::io::Error) -> MyError {
return MyError::IOError(e)
impl From<std::num::ParseIntError> for MyError {
fn from(e:std::num::ParseIntError) -> MyError {
return MyError::ParseIntError(e)
Then you can implement the actual transform as either
let my_values: Vec<_> = stdin
.map(|line| -> Result<u32,MyError> { Ok(line?.parse::<u32>()?*2) } )
which will give you one entry for each input, like: {Ok(x), Err(MyError(x)), Ok(x)}.
or you can do:
let my_values: Result<Vec<_>,MyError> = stdin
.map(|line| -> Result<u32,MyError> { Ok(line?.parse::<u32>()?*2) } )
Which will give you either Err(MyError(...)) or Ok([1,2,3])
Note that you can further reduce some of the error boilerplate by using an error handling crate like snafu, but in this case it's not too much.

How to match custom Fails with the failure crate

I'm trying to understand how to use the failure crate. It works splendidly as a unification of different types of standard errors, but when creating custom errors (Fails), I do not understand how to match for custom errors. For example:
use failure::{Fail, Error};
#[derive(Debug, Fail)]
pub enum Badness {
#[fail(display = "Ze badness")]
pub fn do_badly() -> Result<(), Error> {
pub fn get_badness() {
match do_badly() {
Err(Badness::Level(level)) => panic!("{:?} badness!", level),
_ => (),
fails with
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> barsa-nagios-forwarder/src/
73 | match do_badly() {
| ---------- this match expression has type `failure::Error`
74 | Err(Badness::Level(level)) => panic!("{:?} badness!", level),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected struct `failure::Error`, found enum `Badness`
= note: expected type `failure::Error`
found type `Badness`
How can I formulate a pattern which matches a specific custom error?
You need to downcast the Error
When you create a failure::Error from some type that implements the Fail trait (via from or into, as you do), you temporarily hide the information about the type you're wrapping from the compiler. It doesn't know that Error is a Badness - because it can also be any other Fail type, that's the point. You need to remind the compiler of this, the action is called downcasting. The failure::Error has three methods for this: downcast, downcast_ref and downcast_mut. After you've downcast it, you can pattern match on the result as normal - but you need to take into account the possibility that downcasting itself may fail (if you try to downcast to a wrong type).
Here's how it'd look with downcast:
pub fn get_badness() {
if let Err(wrapped_error) = do_badly() {
if let Ok(bad) = wrapped_error.downcast::<Badness>() {
panic!("{:?} badness!", bad);
(two if lets can be combined in this case).
This quickly gets very unpleasant if more than one error type needs to be tested, since downcast consumes the failure::Error it was called on (so you can't try another downcast on the same variable if the first one fails). I sadly couldn't figure out an elegant way to do this. Here's a variant one shouldn't really use (panic! in map is questionable, and doing anything else there would be plenty awkward, and I don't even want to think about more cases than two):
#[derive(Debug, Fail)]
pub enum JustSoSo {
#[fail(display = "meh")]
pub fn get_badness() {
if let Err(wrapped_error) = do_badly() {
let e = wrapped_error.downcast::<Badness>()
.map(|bad| panic!("{:?} badness!", bad))
.or_else(|original| original.downcast::<JustSoSo>());
if let Ok(so) = e {
println!("{}", so);
or_else chain should work OK if you actually want to produce some value of the same type from all of the possible\relevant errors. Consider also using non-consuming methods if a reference to the original error is fine for you, as this would allow you to just make a series of if let blocks , one for each downcast attempt.
An alternative
Don't put your errors into failure::Error, put them in a custom enum as variants. It's more boilerplate, but you get painless pattern matching, which the compiler also will be able to check for sanity. If you choose to do this, I'd recommend derive_more crate which is capable of deriving From for such enums; snafu looks very interesting as well, but I have yet to try it. In its most basic form this approach looks like this:
pub enum SomeError {
pub fn do_badly_alt() -> Result<(), SomeError> {
pub fn get_badness_alt() {
if let Err(wrapper) = do_badly_alt() {
match wrapper {
SomeError::Bad(bad) => panic!("{:?} badness!", bad),
SomeError::NotTooBad(so) => println!("{}", so),

C API with structures in Swift - immutable value as inout argument

I'm working on a Swift 3 project that involves using some C APIs that I bridged from Objective-C.
Here is a sample snippet of the structure of the API:
typedef struct
StructMode mode;
StructLevel level;
} TargetStruct;
typedef struct
. . .
TargetStruct *targetStruct;
OtherStruct *otherStruct;
NonPointerStructA nonPointerStructA;
NonPointerStructB nonPointerStructB;
. . .
} InnerStruct;
typedef struct
InnerStruct innerStruct;
OtherStructB otherStructB;
} OuterStruct;
In my Swift code, my goal is to set a value of the TargetStruct from the OuterStruct, like the following:
// run function that returns an instance of TargetStruct
var targetStruct: TargetStruct = initializeTargetStruct()
// assign targetStruct to outerStruct
outerStruct.innerStruct.targetStruct = &targetStruct
However, I am getting the following error:
Cannot pass immutable value of TargetStruct as inout argument
If I set a value of a struct without the *, it will work fine:
var nonPointerStructA: NonPointerStructA = initializeNonPointerStructA()
outerStruct.innerStruct.nonPointerStructA = nonPointerStructA
I have tried setting the value of targetStruct like this, but for now I have no way to test it:
var targetStruct: TargetStruct = initializeTargetStruct()
outerStruct.innerStruct.targetStruct.initialize(from: &targetStruct, count: 0)
How to solve this problem? Thank you.
In Swift, prefix & is not an address-of operator. It is just needed to clarify that some expression is passed to an inout parameter. So, your first code is syntactically invalid in Swift.
Your C-structs are imported to Swift as follows:
struct TargetStruct {
var mode: StructMode
var level: StructLevel
//some auto generated initializers...
struct InnerStruct {
var targetStruct: UnsafeMutablePointer<TargetStruct>!
var otherStruct: UnsafeMutablePointer<OtherStruct>!
var nonPointerStructA: NonPointerStructA
var nonPointerStructB: NonPointerStructB
//some auto generated initializers...
struct OuterStruct {
var innerStruct: InnerStruct
var otherStructB: OtherStructB
//some auto generated initializers...
(If something wrong, please tell me.)
As you see, targetStruct in your InnerStruct is a pointer, and initialize(from:count:) tries to write to the pointed region, but at the time you call initialize(from:count:), targetStruct holds its initial value nil, you know what happens when dereferencing null-pointer.
One way is to allocate a memory for the TargetStruct and use the pointer to the allocated region.
func allocateAndInitializeTargetStruct() -> UnsafeMutablePointer<TargetStruct> {
let targetStructRef = UnsafeMutablePointer<TargetStruct>.allocate(capacity: 1)
targetStructRef.initialize(to: initializeTargetStruct())
return targetStructRef
outerStruct.innerStruct.targetStruct = allocateAndInitializeTargetStruct()
This is a more general way than below, but you need to explicitly deinitialize and deallocate the allocated region. That's sort of hard to manage.
If you can confine the usage of the outerStruct in a single code-block, you can write something like this:
var targetStruct = initializeTargetStruct()
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &targetStruct) {targetStructPtr in
outerStruct.innerStruct.targetStruct = targetStructPtr
//Use `outerStruct` only inside this code-block
In this case, the pointer held in outerStruct.innerStruct.targetStruct (== targetStructPtr) is only valid inside the closure and you cannot use it outside of it.
If any of the codes above does not fit for your use case, you may need to provide more context to find the best solution.
An example of nested use of withUnsafeMutablePointer(to:_:):
var targetStruct = initializeTargetStruct()
var otherStruct = initializeOtherStruct()
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &targetStruct) {targetStructPtr in
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &otherStruct) {otherStructPtr in
outerStruct.innerStruct.targetStruct = targetStructPtr
outerStruct.innerStruct.otherStruct = otherStructPtr
//Use `outerStruct` only inside this code-block
When you need more pointers to set, this nesting would be a mess, but it's the current limitation of Swift.
An example of deinitialize and deallocate:
extension InnerStruct {
func freeMemberStructs() {
if let targetStructRef = targetStruct {
targetStructRef.deallocate(capacity: 1)
targetStruct = nil
if let otherStructRef = otherStruct {
otherStructRef.deallocate(capacity: 1)
otherStruct = nil
outerStruct.innerStruct.targetStruct = allocateAndInitializeTargetStruct()
outerStruct.innerStruct.otherStruct = allocateAndInitializeOtherStruct()
// Use `outerStruct`
The code may not seem to be too complex (just a bunch of boilerplate codes), but it's hard to find when or where to do it. As your InnerStruct may be embedded in another struct which may need to be deinitilized and deallocated...
Hope you can find your best solution.

Rust Inspect Iterator: cannot borrow `*` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable

Why can't I push to this vector during inspect and do contains on it during skip_while?
I've implemented my own iterator for my own struct Chain like this:
struct Chain {
n: u32,
impl Chain {
fn new(start: u32) -> Chain {
Chain { n: start }
impl Iterator for Chain {
type Item = u32;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u32> {
self.n = digit_factorial_sum(self.n);
Now what I'd like to do it take while the iterator is producing unique values. So I'm inspect-ing the chain and pushing to a vector and then checking it in a take_while scope:
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(terms);
.inspect(|&x| {
.skip_while(|&x| {
return v.contains(&x);
However, the Rust compile spits out this error:
error: cannot borrow `v` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable [E0502]
borrow occurs due to use of `v` in closure
return v.contains(&x);
previous borrow of `v` occurs here due to use in closure; the mutable borrow prevents subsequent moves, borrows, or modification of `v` until the borrow ends
.inspect(|&x| {
Obviously I don't understand the concept of "borrowing". What am I doing wrong?
The problem here is that you're attempting to create both a mutable and an immutable reference to the same variable, which is a violation of Rust borrowing rules. And rustc actually does say this to you very clearly.
let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(terms);
.inspect(|&x| {
.skip_while(|&x| {
return v.contains(&x);
Here you're trying to use v in two closures, first in inspect() argument, second in skip_while() argument. Non-move closures capture their environment by reference, so the environment of the first closure contains &mut v, and that of the second closure contains &v. Closures are created in the same expression, so even if it was guaranteed that inspect() ran and dropped the borrow before skip_while() (which I is not the actual case, because these are iterator adapters and they won't be run at all until the iterator is consumed), due to lexical borrowing rules this is prohibited.
Unfortunately, this is one of those examples when the borrow checker is overly strict. What you can do is to use RefCell, which allows mutation through a shared reference but introduces some run-time cost:
use std::cell::RefCell;
let mut v = RefCell::new(Vec::with_capacity(terms));
.inspect(|x| v.borrow_mut().push(*x))
.skip_while(|x| v.borrow().contains(x))
I think it may be possible to avoid runtime penalty of RefCell and use UnsafeCell instead, because when the iterator is consumed, these closures will only run one after another, not at the same time, so there should never be a mutable and an immutable references outstanding at the same time. It could look like this:
use std::cell::UnsafeCell;
let mut v = UnsafeCell::new(Vec::with_capacity(terms));
.inspect(|x| unsafe { (&mut *v.get()).push(*x) })
.skip_while(|x| unsafe { (&*v.get()).contains(x) })
But I may be wrong, and anyway, the overhead of RefCell is not that high unless this code is running in a really tight loop, so you should only use UnsafeCell as a last resort, only when nothing else works, and exercise extreme caution when working with it.