Lucene check if certain docIds is in a OpenBitSetDISI - lucene

Given an instance of OpenBitSetDISI. How can I check if a single document, or a list of document ids, are present in the list. Or is iterating through the OpenBitSetDISI the only option?
OpenBitSetDISI set = new OpenBitSetDISI(filter.GetDocIdSet(reader).Iterator(), reader.MaxDoc);
Using Lucene.NET 3.0.3

It's effectively a bit array with a bit set for each docId included.
So Get(docId) should return true is the id is in the set, false if not.


Neo4J create temp variable within Cypher

So my Top-Level problem is I am trying to return whether a MERGE resulted in the creation of a new Node or not.
In order to do this I was thinking I could just create a simple temp boolean setting it to TRUE using ON CREATE
How I imagine it working:
MERGE(: Person {id:'Tom Jones'})
WITH false as temp_bool
ON CREATE set temp_bool = true
RETURN temp_bool
Obviously this does not work.
I am looking for a way to create arbitrary temp values within a Cypher query, and have the ability to return those variables in the end.
You can do what you want, here's how (combination of my first answer, with #cybersam's addition). You just do it with a node property you create and then remove, instead of an unbound variable as you've been trying.
MERGE(tom:Person {id:'Tom Jones'})
ON CREATE set tom.temp_bool = true
ON MATCH set tom.temp_bool = false
WITH tom, tom.temp_bool AS result
REMOVE tom.temp_bool
RETURN result;
In simple merging cases like this where maximum one node could be created, a cleaner way to achieve what you are looking for could be checking the result stats. I case of using Bolt API you should check:
results.consume().counters.nodes_created = 1

Lucene query with filter "without property"

I need to write lucene query/filter to get objects without specific property.
I tried with ... ISNULL:"cm:param_name" but id didn't work.
Edit: I have added new property in aspect but objects that haven't been updated yet don't have it amongst their listed properties (checked with node browser).
With a query like "cm:*", you should only receive documents that have the field "cm" plus content. Note that you have to allow leading wildcard queries by the query parser with setAllowLeadingWildcard(true).
Also check out this post, which deals with a reversed version of your problem:
Find all Lucene documents having a certain field
Can you please be more clear as to what "without property" means ? Do you mean that you do not want to specify the field like so "field:value" and instead set the filter to "value" ?
Are you generating these field names dynamically or is this the only field name that can have it's value missing ? If there is only one field that may or may not appear in your document then you could just populate it with a default value when it's missing and then search for that . Otherwise, you could try a negated rangequery like so : NOT foo:[* TO *] . This should match all documents without a value in the foo field. For performance purposes , in the second case the field should be indexed as a string field (not analyzed).
I managed to get this done with .. AND NOT (#namespace\:property:"")
In Java and Lucene 3.6.2 the "FieldValueFilter" with activated negation can be used: (which was not the question)
final IndexSearcher indexSearcher = getIndexSearcher() <- whereever that comes from
final TopDocs topdocs = MatchAllDocsQuery(), new FieldValueFilter("cm", true), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
You can use ISUNSET and/or ISNULL for this scenario.

Sitecore term query for filter data

In Sitecore lucene search i am using "term query" to filter data from sitecore.
Here i have one field in Sitecore called "Description" and i want to do fileration based on term "Lorem". But every time I am getting 0 result. If i dont use rterm query i get all result that means my index configuration is correct. Please help.
TermQuery bothQuery = new TermQuery (new Term("Description", "Lorem"));
BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery();
query.Add(bothQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
TopDocs topDocs = sc.Searcher.Search(query, int.MaxValue);
SearchHits searchHits = new SearchHits(topDocs, sc.Searcher.GetIndexReader());
return searchHits.FetchResults(0, int.MaxValue).Select(r => r.GetObject<Item>()).ToList();
I note that your Term definition above has a field name containing a capital letter. You don't specify the version of Sitecore / Lucene you're working in, but my experience with the 6.x series of Sitecore is that the indexing process transforms all the Field names to lower case at index time.
Hence your field in Sitecore might be called "Description" but in Lucene's index it is probably called "description". Try changing your code to use a lower case field name.
You can check this using an index display tool like the Lucene Index Viewer from the Sitecore Marketplace. It will show you the names of the fields in your index, and let you test queries against them without the need to recompile code.

How do you get Endeca to search on a particular target field rather than across all indexed fields?

We have an Endeca index configured across multiple fields of email content - subject and body. But we only want searches to be performed on the subject lines. Endeca is returning matches within the bodies too. How do you limit the search to the subject?
You can search a specific field or fields by specifying it (them) with the Ntk parameter.
Or if you wish to search a specific group of fields frequently you can set up an interface (also specified with the Ntk parameter), that includes that group of fields.
This is how you can do it using presentation API.
final ENEQuery query = new ENEQuery();
final DimValIdList dimValIdList = new DimValIdList("0");
final ERecSearchList searches = new ERecSearchList();
final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for(final String productId : productIds){
builder.append(" ");
final ERecSearch eRecSearch = new ERecSearch("", builder.toString().trim(), "mode matchany");
Please see this post for a complete example.
Use Search Interfaces in Developer Studio.
Refer -

Getting the last item in Sitecore content data

I am performing a search in which I have to get the 'ID' (field) of the last item stored in the sitecore/content/data/MyItem. The items stored in this folder are in 1000+ in number. I know Lucene search is by far efficient. I performed a Lucene Search to get the items based on the value like this:
using (IndexSearchContext searchContext = indx.CreateSearchContext())
var db = Sitecore.Context.Database;
CombinedQuery query = new CombinedQuery();
QueryBase catQuery = new FieldQuery("country", guidValueToSearch); //FieldName, FieldValue.
SearchHits results = searchContext.Search(catQuery); //Searching the content items by fields.
SearchResultCollection result = results.FetchResults(0, numOfArticles);
Here I am passing the guidValueToSearch for the items needs to be fetched for "country" field value. But I want to get the last item in the folder. How should I achieve this?
If you know you need the last childitem of /sitecore/content/data/MyItem, you could also use a more simple approach and get the parentItem and then retrieve the last child:
Item myItem = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem("/sitecore/content/data/MyItem");
Item lastItem = myItem.Children.Last();
The same could be done with Descendants instead of Children.
If you did want to implement it using search then have a look at this answer which explains how to extend the IndexSearchContext to have methods that accept a Lucene.Net.Search.Sort. You can then pass in the Sitecore.Search.BuiltinFields.Created or Sitecore.Search.BuiltinFields.Updated field (depending on what you are after).