Aurelia validation: applying some rule on change and some on blur on same property - aurelia

I have an input field for a value that should have exactly 5 digits. I would like to show errors when typing characters other than digits immediatly (onChange) but showing the error for unsufficient string length only on blur.
My rule looks like so at the moment:
.matches(new RegExp(/[0-9]/))
MaxLength is restricted by setting maxlength in html.
If I set the validation trigger to "onChange" to get an immediate response to wrong characters I also get an error shown for not satisfying the minLength rule while typing correct digits until having typed 5 of them.
The behavior I would like to have is to apply the matches-rule onChange and the minLength-rule onBlur.
Is there any possibility to apply two rules on the same property on different events? I know how to validate manually but I don't know how to differenciate between rules.

You can use the when fluent API to satisfy your needs. Something like this -
.when((order) => {
if (order.length > 4) {
order._ruleHasBeenMet = true;
return order.length > 4 && order._ruleHasBeenMet;
.withMessage('Email is required when shipment notifications have been requested.');

Encouraged by #PWKad's answer I played a little with .when() and came up with this:
I changed the validate trigger to "validateOnChangeAndBlur" and added a reference to my field:
<input type="text" value.bind="myInput & validateOnChangeAndBlur" maxlength="5" ref="myInputRef">
I extended the validation rule with a conditional validation checking if my input has focus as I only want to validate length when the input loses focus:
.matches(new RegExp(/[0-9]/))
.when(() => this.dwKapitel !== document.activeElement)
This works like I expect it to work.


Trying to block user from typing numbers on an antd Input without having to use state (or useState)

I'm using antd Form and have some Inputs in it. I wish to know if antd has something that can validate the users input and determine if what he typed are letters or numbers. I want the input to only allow the user to type (show) in the input only alphabets but not numbers.
Form.Item has a property called rules where you can establish a pattern using RegExp, but this is not what I want, because the user can still type numbers and they will be shown on the UI. Pattern property only pops a message like "field does not accept numbers" and I assume that when I submit the data it will take what the user typed regardless of the failed rule/pattern.
I have been able to do what I'm asking by having to create a state with an object with all my values, removing the name property from the Form.Item and adding it to the Input, along with an onChange and value property but this requires more "wiring'. If you have worked with antd Form, there is an onFinish property that collects all the data so you don't have to create a separate state.When removing the name property from Form.Item, antd won't be able to collect the data of the form anymore thus rendering it useless. I wish to know if antd has something that can help me achieve what I typed in the beginning.
Following code does what I want, but uses state.
My Form.Item
// name="nombre"
{ required: false, message: "REQUIRED_ERROR_MESSAGE" },
pattern: new RegExp(/^[a-záéíóúüñçA-Z]*$/i),
message: "field does not accept numbers",
My Input handler function:
const handleWordInput = (e) => {
const re = /^[a-záéíóúüñçA-Z\s]*$/;
const { name, value } =;
if (value === "" || re.test(value)) {
setAltaFormValues((prevState) => {
return { ...prevState, [name]: value };

Vue-Formulate reset does not re-trigger validation message

This example shows a very small form made with vue-formulate:
The input field takes a string of at least 4 of characters. Upon hitting submit, the form is reset via
It does indeed clear the form. But the validation message does not appear again.
What has to be done to fix this? Or could this be a bug?
Looks like the $formulate.resetValidation() method is a bit over aggressive depending on the validation behavior assigned. You can "undo" this by applying a ref to the form, and then explicitly iterating over the registry:
// in your submit handler:
this.$ => {
input.formShouldShowErrors = true;
Updated reproduction:

vue does not recover from me specifying a non existing location for v-model

When I have a textarea like
<textarea v-model=""></textarea>
and either foo or does not exist yet then
vue removes either parts of the DOM or is giving me a blank page.
It does never recover.
That alone is annoying, regardless of if I am using a debug version of vue or not.
If I try to use an approach that I have been advised to use earlier like
<textarea v-model="foo?.abc?.text"></textarea>
then I am still out of luck, I presume that I get a "rvalue" using those question marks and what I need rather is a variable location.
How do I, with as little trickery as possible, allow v-model to exist later on even if it doesnt exist now (late binding)?
Just shape your data accordingly and initialize it with empty values:
return {
foo: {
abc: {
text: ''
You can later populate it e.g. with the result of api call, but it's still better to initialize data properly
I would suggest going the :value + #input way. It allow more control over the input model, and does not require hiding it.
<textarea :value="!!foo &&" #input="(val) => !!foo && ( = val)" />
You can even hook in a validator:
:value="!!foo &&"
#input="(val) => !!foo && ( = val)"
:rules="v => !v && 'The object has not been initialised'"
I found a solution I can live with and then I got a comment in the same direction:
Conditionally showing the textarea.
v-if seems to do it but it falls under the "trickery" category, I think (angularjs would be more relaxed).
<textarea v-if="foo!=null" v-model=""></textarea>
The symptom to hiding components if something is not all correct is not the best part of vue.js. Better show them and color them red.

Cypress Get Attribute value and store in Variable

I want to get the Attribute value and store in a variable how we can achieve this in cypress
In my case I want to get the complete class value and store it in variable.
This code just give me the attribute class value but how I can store the fetch value in variable
cy.get('div[class*="ui-growl-item-container ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all ui-shadow ui-growl-message"]').invoke('attr', 'class')
I was trying to compare the style of one element with another to make sure they were equal. Here's the code that seems to work for me.
.invoke('attr', 'style')
.then(($style1) => {
const style1 = $style1
A good way to solve this kind of scenario is to use the alias mechanism. One could leverage this functionality to enqueue multiple elements and then check all of them together by chaining the results. I've recently come to a case in an SPA where the assertion had to happen between elements that were spread across different angular routes (call them different pages).
In your use case, this would like:
.invoke('attr', 'style')
.invoke('attr', 'style')
// later on for example you could do
cy.get('#style_1').then(style_1 => {
cy.get('#style_2').then(style_2 => {
// Both values are available and any kind of assertion can be performed
This is described in Variables and Aliases section of the Cypress Documentation.
Here is how I got the value of for attribute in a label tag which had text "Eat" inside.
cy.contains('Eat').then(($label) => {
const id = $label.attr('for');
Most important thing is to get the selector right, so it exactly finds the value you are looking for. In this case you already found it. By using then() gives you the ability to store it in a variable.
cy.get('div[class*="ui-growl-item-container ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all ui-shadow ui-growl-message"]').invoke('attr', 'class')
.then($growl-message => {
const message = $growl-message.text()
//do the checks with the variable message. For example:
Note that the scope of the variable is within the curly brackets. Thus using the variable has to be within those curly brackets.

Dynamically changing jQuery unobtrusive validation attributes

I have a page built in ASP.NET MVC 4 that uses the jquery.validate.unobtrusive library for client side validation. There is an input that needs to be within a range of numbers. However, this range can change dynamically based on user interactions with other parts of the form.
The defaults validate just fine, however after updating the data-rule-range attribute, the validation and message are still triggered on the original values.
Here is the input on initial page load:
<input id="amount" data-rule-range="[1,350]" data-msg-range="Please enter an amount between ${0} and ${1}">
This validates correctly with the message Please enter an amount between $1 and $350 if a number greater than 350 is entered.
After an event fires elsewhere, the data-rule-range is updated and the element looks as such:
<input id="amount" data-rule-range="[1,600]" data-msg-range="Please enter an amount between ${0} and ${1}">
At this point if 500 is entered into the input it will fail validation with the same previous message stating it must be between $1 and $350. I have also tried removing the validator and unobtrusiveValidation from the form and parsing it again with no luck.
Is there a clean way to change the validation behavior based on the input attributes dynamically?
As Sparky pointed out changing default attributes dynamically will not be picked up after the validation plugin has been initialized. To best work around this without rewiring how we register validated fields and rules, I found it easiest to register a custom adapter in the unobtrusive library:
jQuery.validator.unobtrusive.adapters.add("amount", {}, function (options) {
options.rules["amount"] = true;
options.messages["amount"] = function () { return $(options.element).attr('data-val-amount'); };
jQuery.validator.addMethod("amount", function (val, el, params) {
try {
var max = $(el).attr('data-amount-max');
var min = $(el).attr('data-amount-min');
return val <= max && val >= min;
} catch (e) {
console.log("Attribute data-amount-max or data-amount-min missing from input");
return false;
Because the message is a function, it will be evaluated every time and always pick up the latest attribute value for data-val-amount. The downside to this solution is that everytime there is a change we need to change all three attributes on the input: data-amount-min, data-amount-max, and data-val-amount.
Finally here is the input markup on initial load. The only attribute that needs to be present on load is data-val-amount.
<input id="amount" data-val-amount="Please enter an amount between ${0} and ${1}" data-val="true">
You cannot change rules dynamically by changing the data attributes. That's because the jQuery Validate plugin is initialized with the existing attributes on page load... there is no way for the plugin to auto re-initialize after dynamic changes are made to the attributes.
You must use the .rules('add') and .rules('remove') methods provided by the developer.
you can try this one:
// reset the form's validator
// change the range
$("#amount").attr("data-rule-range", "[1,600]");
// reapply the form's validator
charle's solution works! you cannot have model attributes to use it though, I build my inputs like:
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => Model.EnterValue, new
#class = "form-control",
data_val = "true",
data_val_range = String.Format(Messages.ValueTooBig, Model.ParamName),
data_val_range_max = 6,
data_val_range_min = 2,
data_val_regex_pattern = "^\\d+(,\\d{1,2})?$"
and then in javascript:
$("#xxxx").attr('data-val-range-max', 3)
$("#xxxx").attr('data-val-range-min', 0)