CakePHP cache query in table beforeFind - orm

We can cache the query in the controller, but I wonder if we can do that in the table itself, that will be more usable as this:
public function beforeFind($event, $query, $options, $primary)
$query->cache(function ($query) {
return 'some_key';
I tested it, DebugKit showed that write is happened once every time I refresh the page but no read occurred anytime.
I even tried with this:
public function beforeFind($event, $query, $options, $primary)
$query->cache('some_key', 'default');


Laravel: How to see if user is logged in in Base Controller?

I want to be able to change a field called "last_accessed" in the users table on each and every request the user makes.
I have a controller called "ContentController" which extends "Controller". So I figured just adding code in the constructor of "Controller":
public function __construct()
$user = \Auth::user();
if (Auth::check()) {
print 'Good';
else print "Bad";
No matter what I do, I can't it to see that I'm authorized.
Can someone please tell me:
Why is AUTH not working in the base controller?
How can I update the last_accessed field upon each view if this controller idea of mine isn't possible?
Because that doesn't work in __construct(). There is a workaround. It works but I'm not sure if some other Laravel users will accept my answer. What you should do is create a middleware and work from there. You can use an anonymous function, which in this case, mimics a middleware:
public function __construct(Request $request)
$this->middleware(function ($request, $next) {
$user = $request->user();
if ($user) {
print 'Good';
else print "Bad";
return $next($request);
If no user is logged in, $user will be null.

Convert local scope to global scope or query by parent attribute

I want to retrieve all comments which belong to active posts.
I have a local scope on my Posts model looking like this.
public function scopePublic($query) {
return $query->whereHas('post', function ($q) {
$q->where('is_public', true);
Which works fine, but breaks with PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted as soon as I want to convert it to a global scope like this:
static::addGlobalScope('is_public', function (Builder $builder) {
return $builder->whereHas('post', function ($q) {
$q->where('is_public', true);
My end goal is for all comment queries only to show public comments, unless I specifically ask not to.
I've been through quite a few solutions. I've tried joining the post on the comments, and I tried adding a sub-select to no luck.
$builder->addSelect(['is_public' => Post::select('is_private')
->whereColumn('id', 'comment.post_id')->limit(1)
->where('comments.is_private', false);
Make a new class PublicScope
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Scope;
class CommentPublicScope implements Scope
* Apply the scope to a given Eloquent query builder.
* #param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $builder
* #param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model
* #return void
public function apply(Builder $builder, Model $model)
$builder->whereHas('post', function ($q) {
$q->where('is_public', true);
Then you can add the global scope
Class Comment extends Model
protected static function boot()
static::addGlobalScope(new CommentPublicScope);

yii2 How to change user password via actionUpdate?

I have advanced app. I create CRUD for User model. So i got update action. I tried to update password by adding
<?= $form->field($model, 'password')->passwordInput() ?>
But it call error, something like "password is write-only variable"
I tried to use field
<?= $form->field($model, 'new_password')->passwordInput() ?>
With adding in actionUpdate model->setPassword($this->new_password); and it throw Getting unknown property: common\modules\user\controllers\DefaultController::new_password.
But model->setPassword('123456'); successfully setting pussword 123456.
How can i get new_password field from view, to put it in model->setPassword('there');
Or maybe exist best way to do it?
I tried do it. Is not work.
public function beforeSave($insert)
if (parent::beforeSave($insert)) {
if ($this->new_password) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function setPassword($password) {
$this->password_hash = Yii::$app->security->generatePasswordHash($password);
And password_hash writing in database. I can easy change hash, via generated CRUD, but don't know how to use setPassword() in updateAction.
You can try write updatePassword function like setPassword with another variable
public function updatePassword($new_password) {
$this->password_hash = Yii::$app->security->generatePasswordHash($new_password);
declare a variable
public $new_password;
And add it in rules()
public function rules() {
return [
['new_password', 'required'],
['new_password', 'string', 'min' => 6],
And at actionUpdate in your controller add
This should help
Here "$this" is your Controller which of course, doesn't have 'new_password' property. You'd better not set new password in controller, but do it in model, for example in beforeSave method:
if ($this->new_password) {

Structuring tests (or property) for this reactive ui scenario

I'm not sure the correct way to structure this test. I've got a view model here:
public class ViewModel
public ReactiveCommand PerformSearchCommand { get; private set; }
private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<bool> _IsBusy;
public bool IsBusy
get { return _IsBusy.Value; }
public ViewModel(IAdventureWorksRepository _awRepository)
PerformSearchCommand = new ReactiveCommand();
PerformSearchCommand.RegisterAsyncFunction((x) =>
return _awRepository.vIndividualCustomers.Take(1000).ToList();
}).Subscribe(rval =>
CustomerList = rval;
SelectedCustomer = CustomerList.FirstOrDefault();
PerformSearchCommand.IsExecuting.ToProperty(this, x => x.IsBusy, out _IsBusy);
PerformSearchCommand.Execute(null); // begin executing immediately
The dependency is a data access object to AdventureWorks
public interface IAdventureWorksRepository
IQueryable<vIndividualCustomer> vIndividualCustomers { get; }
Finally, my test looks something like this:
public void TestTiming()
new TestScheduler().With(sched =>
var repoMock = new Mock<IAdventureWorksRepository>();
repoMock.Setup(x => x.vIndividualCustomers).Returns(() =>
return new vIndividualCustomer[] {
new vIndividualCustomer { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe" }
var vm = new ViewModel(repoMock.Object);
Assert.AreEqual(true, vm.IsBusy); //fails?
Assert.AreEqual(1, vm.CustomerList.Count); //also fails, so it's not like the whole thing ran already
Assert.AreEqual(1, vm.CustomerList.Count); // success
// now the customer list is set at tick 2 (not at 1?)
// IsBusy was NEVER true.
So the viewmodel should immediately begin searching upon load
My immediate problem is that the IsBusy property doesn't seem to get set in the testing scheduler, even though it seems to work fine when I run the code normally. Am I using the ToProperty method correctly in the view model?
More generally, what is the proper way to do the full 'time travel' testing when my object under test has a dependency like this? The issue is that unlike most testing examples I'm seeing, the called interface is not an IObservable. It's just a synchronous query, used asynchronously in my view model. Of course in the view model test, I can mock the query to do whatever rx things I want. How would I set this up if I wanted the query to last 200 ticks, for example?
So, you've got a few things in your code that is stopping you from getting things to work correctly:
Don't invoke commands in ViewModel Constructors
First, calling Execute in the constructor means you'll never see the state change. The best pattern is to write that command but not execute it in the VM immediately, then in the View:
this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.ViewModel)
.InvokeCommand(this, x => x.ViewModel.PerformSearchCommand);
Move the clock after async actions
Ok, now that we can properly test the before and after state, we have to realize that after every time we do something that normally would be async, we have to advance the scheduler if we use TestScheduler. This means, that when we invoke the command, we should immediately advance the clock:
Can't test Time Travel without IObservable
However, the trick is, your mock executes code immediately, there's no delay, so you'll never see it be busy. It just returns a canned value. Unfortunately, injecting the Repository makes this difficult to test if you want to see IsBusy toggle.
So, let's rig the constructor a little bit:
public ViewModel(IAdventureWorksRepository _awRepository, Func<IObservable<List<Customer>>> searchCommand = null)
PerformSearchCommand = new ReactiveCommand();
searchCommand = searchCommand ?? () => Observable.Start(() => {
return _awRepository.vIndividualCustomers.Take(1000).ToList();
}, RxApp.TaskPoolScheduler);
.Subscribe(rval => {
CustomerList = rval;
SelectedCustomer = CustomerList.FirstOrDefault();
.ToProperty(this, x => x.IsBusy, out _IsBusy);
Set up the test now
Now, we can set up the test, to replace PerformSearchCommand's action with something that has a delay on it:
new TestScheduler().With(sched =>
var repoMock = new Mock<IAdventureWorksRepository>();
var vm = new ViewModel(repoMock.Object, () =>
Observable.Return(new[] { new vIndividualCustomer(), })
.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0), sched));
Assert.AreEqual(false, vm.IsBusy);
Assert.AreEqual(0, vm.CustomerList.Count);
// We should be busy, we haven't finished yet - no customers
Assert.AreEqual(true, vm.IsBusy);
Assert.AreEqual(0, vm.CustomerList.Count);
// Skip ahead to after we've returned the customer
Assert.AreEqual(false, vm.IsBusy);
Assert.AreEqual(1, vm.CustomerList.Count);

Using action filters to perform transactions

I want to make a TransactionFilter in Yii to be applied over an action to wrap it in a transaction so I donĀ“t have to write the same code over and over every time I want to use transactions, at least that's the idea. I have
class TransactionFilter extends CFilter
public function filter($filterChain)
$transaction= Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
try {
}catch(Exception $e) {
This is my filters method in my User class:
public function filters()
return array(
'postOnly + delete',
array('application.components.TransactionFilter + create'),
I'm assuming $filterChain->run() will eventually execute the action but the problem arises when there's a redirect in the action, it never made it after the $filterChain->run() sentence in the filter
I don't know if this approach would be advisable and posible in Yii, if not I would appreciate the help if there is another approach or I have to stick with the traditional one.
Thank you.
You have to begin transaction on:
protected function preFilter($filterChain)
And commit, rollback on :
protected function postFilter($filterChain)