Killing Two different Processes With VB -

I am trying to figure out how to kill two processes at the same time I have managed to get one to work when it is opened but the other wont close.
Sub block()
For Each item As Process In Process.GetProcesses
If item.ProcessName = "taskmgr" And item.ProcessName = "cmd" Then
End If
End Sub

As noted by #Noodles and #Zaggler your logic is wrong on this line;
If item.ProcessName = "taskmgr" And item.ProcessName = "cmd" Then
This line essentially asks if the process name is "taskmgr" and if the same process name is "cmd". Since these two strings aren't the same "taskmgr" /= "cmd" this if clause will never be true. I suggest you do something like this;
Sub block()
For Each item As Process In Process.GetProcesses
If item.ProcessName = "taskmgr" Then
ElseIf item.ProcessName = "cmd" Then
End If
End Sub
Or optionally if you plan to close many processes;
'declare at form loading or elsewhere
Dim proclist as new list (of string)
Sub block()
For Each item As Process In Process.GetProcesses
If proclist.contains(item.ProcessName) Then
End If
End Sub

Give a try with this solution in vbscript :
Option Explicit
Dim Ws,fso,MainArray,LogFile,i,OutPut,count
Set Ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
MainArray = Array("taskmgr.exe","cmd.exe")
LogFile = Left(Wscript.ScriptFullName,InstrRev(Wscript.ScriptFullName, ".")) & "log"
count = 0
If fso.FileExists(LogFile) Then fso.DeleteFile LogFile
Set OutPut = fso.OpenTextFile(LogFile,2,True)
For i = LBound(MainArray) To UBound(MainArray)
Call Kill(MainArray(i))
OutPut.WriteLine String(50,"*")
OutPut.WriteLine count & " Process were killed !"
OutPut.WriteLine String(50,"*")
If fso.FileExists(LogFile) Then DblQuote(LogFile) 'To show the LogFile
End if
Sub Kill(MyProcess)
Dim colItems,objItem
Set colItems = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process " _
& "Where Name like '%"& MyProcess &"%' AND NOT commandline like '%" & wsh.scriptname & "%'",,48)
For Each objItem in colItems
count= count + 1
OutPut.WriteLine Mid(objItem.CommandLine,InStr(objItem.CommandLine,""" """) + 2)
End Sub
Function DblQuote(Str)
DblQuote = Chr(34) & Str & Chr(34)
End Function


RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED 0x80010001 on Outlook new Mail creation from Thread

I get the error message RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED 0x80010001 when this code is called from a thread. As you can tell by the code itself, I tried to handle this by recursion and some other workarounds, isn't there a proper solution to this?
Public Sub Run(ByVal f As List(Of String), ByVal Optional tries As Integer = 0)
Dim strRecipient As String = ""
'Init Outlook & hide
Dim oAppObj = New Outlook.Application
For Each p As Process In Process.GetProcessesByName("outlook")
ShowWindow(p.MainWindowHandle, SHOW_WINDOW.SW_HIDE)
Dim oMsg As Outlook.MailItem = oAppObj.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem)
With oMsg
Dim oInspector As Outlook.Inspector = .GetInspector
Dim oRecips As Outlook.Recipients = .Recipients
Dim oRecip As Outlook.Recipient = oRecips.Add(strRecipient)
.Subject = String.Format("9SECURE9 From {0}", Environment.MachineName)
.Body = String.Format("This is a Secure document from {0}", Environment.MachineName)
For Each filez As String In f
PrintAndLog("File added to E-Mail: " & filez)
If .Attachments.Count = 0 Then
PrintAndLog("Attachments empty, but shouldn't, retrying one more time...")
For Each filez As String In f
PrintAndLog("File added to E-Mail: " & filez)
If .Attachments.Count = 0 Then
Dim acc As String = Nothing
For Each filez In f
acc += filez & vbCrLf
ErrMsg("Attachments are empty, but shouldn't - needs investigation" & vbCrLf & "affected files:" & vbCrLf & acc)
End If
End If
oInspector.WindowState = Outlook.OlWindowState.olMinimized
Dim rnd As Short = CInt(Int((1999 * VBMath.Rnd()) + 1000))
PrintAndLog(String.Format("Message sent successfully from {0} to {1}", Environment.MachineName, strRecipient))
End With
Catch ex As Exception
If ex.Message.ToString.ToLower.Contains("800706be") Or ex.Message.ToString.ToLower.Contains("text formatting") Or ex.Message.ToString.ToLower.Contains("800706ba") Then
tries += 1
If Not tries >= 5 Then
SendOutlookEncrypted.Run(f, tries)
ErrMsg("Ran out of tries" & String.Format(" File: {0}", f))
End If
ElseIf ex.Message.ToString.ToLower.Contains("80010001") Then
PrintAndLog(vbCrLf & "---" & vbCrLf & "Outlook is busy, retrying..." & vbCrLf & "---")
Dim rnd As Short = CInt(Int((3999 * VBMath.Rnd()) + 1000))
Dim iThread As Thread = New Thread(Sub() SendOutlookEncrypted.Run(f, tries))
Exit Sub
ErrMsg(String.Format("Machine: {0}", Environment.MachineName) & vbCrLf &
String.Format("File: {0}", f(0)) & vbCrLf &
String.Format("Message: {0}", ex.Message)
End If
Exit Sub
End Try
If SyncOutlook() Then
PrintAndLog("Outlook synced")
If SyncOutlook() Then
PrintAndLog("Outlook synced (2nd try)")
End If
End If
For Each filez As String In f
PrintAndLog(String.Format("File deleted: {0}", filez))
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Function SyncOutlook() As Boolean
Dim oApp As Outlook.Application = New Outlook.Application
Dim ns As Outlook.NameSpace = oApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Dim f As Outlook.MAPIFolder = ns.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox)
Dim _syncObjects As Outlook.SyncObjects = ns.SyncObjects
For Each obj As Outlook.SyncObject In _syncObjects
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
ErrMsg(vbCrLf & "Failed to run Outlook sync" & vbCrLf & ex.Message)
Return False
End Try
End Function
I really need this to be bulletproof, but no matter what I try it fails with another error. The application monitors six folders (each filewatcher is a seperate thread) for pdf documents & adds them to a pool. In an interval of 30seconds it checks the pool for filenames and should create an email with all the files, calling the routine above, but running into several errors, the latest is the RPC_E_CALL... error. - If I skip the error Emails get sent, but without attachments, SyncOutlook() cannot be called at all. - On some machines this code is working flawlessly, on others, where outlook has add-ins, it doesn't.
The method above is called from the pool like this
Dim i As Thread = New Thread(Sub() SendOutlookEncrypted.Run(tmpList))
With i
End With
Outlook uses the single-threaded apartment model. You shouldn't use OOM from secondary threads. Latest Outlook versions may detect such calls and throw exceptions.
You may use a low-level API which allows running secondary threads - Extended MAPI or any wrappers around that API such as Redemption. Each thread that uses MAPI must call MAPIInitialise.
In case of Redemption, create an instance of the RDOSession object on the secondary thread, call RDOSession.Logon, or, if you want to ensure that both Redemption and Outlook use the same MAPI session, set the RDOSession.MAPIOBJECT property to Namespace.MAPIOBJECT from Outlook.
Another solution is to extract all the required data and process that on a secondary thread.
Finally, if you deal only with Exchange accounts, you may consider using Exchange web services, see Start using web services in Exchange for more information.

VB.Net process exits as soon as I attempt to read standard output or error

Initial Problem
I apologize if this issue has been raised and addressed elsewhere; I searched this site, and Google at large without any luck.
I'm trying to write a simple VB.Net Windows Forms Application to allow a user to run the Windows File Compare program (fc.exe) with a very simple GUI ("browse" buttons to select files, checkboxes to select modifiers, and a textbox for the output).
The problem is that whenever I try to read the standard output or error from the process, it immediately stops, and nothing is output. I've verified that the process arguments are correct by setting "createnowindow" to False and not redirecting Output or Errors.
To see if the process is actually running or not, I put a "while" loop after proc.start:
Do While proc.HasExited = False
textbox.AppendText(i & vbNewLine)
i += 1
If the process runs normally, I get a count up to about 80 or 90. If I do anything at all with the standardoutput or standarderror, the textbox only shows the initial value of "0". By "anything at all", I mean assigning the proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd to a variable. If I use proc.StandardOutput.Peek, it returns a -1 and the loop remains at 0.
I've noticed that if I only redirect either Output or Error (but not both), and I enable the process to open a new window, the new window is empty and immediately exits (even if I'm not attempting to read the redirected stream in my code), whereas if neither is redirected, it displays a few pages of results, then exits. I don't know if this is normal, or if the File Compare executable is somehow mixing the Output and Error streams to generate its output, or if something like that is even possible.
I'm extremely new to coding in general (I've been working with for about a month, and that's the extent of my programming experience), so my I'm aware that my troubleshooting and assumptions may be completely off base, and I appreciate any assistance anyone can provide. As it is, I'm completely floundering, and my inexperience is making it difficult to look for alternatives (for instance, I can't figure out how to correctly handle asynchronous output). For reference, here's my embarrassingly clunky code as it currently stands:
Dim cmdinput As String = """" & file1path & """" & " " & """" & file2path & """"
Dim cmdmods As String = " "
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim proc As New Process
proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
proc.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\Windows\System32\fc.exe"
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = cmdinput & cmdmods
proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = True
Do While proc.HasExited = False
scanbox.AppendText(i & vbNewLine)
i += 1
Possible Solution
After Hans Passant pointed out that I should be seeing errors, if nothing else, I messed around with my code and was able to get a result, though a less than optimal one. Instead of running FC.exe directly, I ran CMD.exe. I had tried this before with no luck, but that's because CMD.exe doesn't accept "fc " as process.startinfo.arguments.
I passed the "fc " to cmd.exe with proc.standardinput.writeline(). At this point I was able to read CMD.exe's redirected output. I still have no idea why I can't directly read FC.exe, but this is a pretty good band-aid in the meantime. On the off chance that anyone else feels the need to add a GUI to a perfectly good command-line executable and runs into problems, here's my code:
Public Sub compare()
Dim cmdinput As String = "fc " & """" & file1path & """" & " " & """" & file2path & """"
Dim cmdmods As String = " "
Dim proc As New Process
proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
proc.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe"
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = cmdinput & cmdmods
proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = True
proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = True
End Sub
I Greatly appreciate the patience from Hans Passant and Dan Verdolino in offering suggestions to my rambling question. I've been hammering my head against a wall for a week trying to kludge together some way of doing this.
Instead of running FC.exe directly, I ran CMD.exe. I had tried this before with no luck, but that's because CMD.exe doesn't accept "fc (args)" as process.startinfo.arguments.
I passed the "fc (args)" to cmd.exe with proc.standardinput.writeline(). At this point I was able to read CMD.exe's redirected output. I still have no idea why I can't directly read FC.exe's output or errors, but this is a pretty good band-aid in the meantime. On the off chance that anyone else feels the need to add a GUI to a perfectly good command-line executable and runs into problems, here's my code:
Public Sub compare()
Dim cmdinput As String = "fc " & """" & file1path & """" & " " & """" & file2path & """"
Dim cmdmods As String = " "
Dim proc As New Process
proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
proc.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe"
proc.StartInfo.Arguments = cmdinput & cmdmods
proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = True
proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = True
End Sub
Private Delegate Sub InvokeWithString(ByVal text As String)
Public Sub StartFC()
Private psi As ProcessStartInfo
Private cmd As Process
Dim CMDINPUT As String = "fc " & """" & file1path & """" & " " & """" & file2path & """"
Dim FileToHit As String = "c:\windows\system32\fc.exe "
psi = New ProcessStartInfo(FileToHit)
Dim systemencoding As System.Text.Encoding = _
With psi
.Arguments = CMDINPUT
.UseShellExecute = False ' Required for redirection
.RedirectStandardError = True
.RedirectStandardOutput = True
.RedirectStandardInput = True
.CreateNoWindow = True
.StandardOutputEncoding = systemencoding
.StandardErrorEncoding = systemencoding
End With
' EnableraisingEvents is required for Exited event
cmd = New Process With {.StartInfo = psi, .EnableRaisingEvents = True}
AddHandler cmd.ErrorDataReceived, AddressOf Async_Data_Received
AddHandler cmd.OutputDataReceived, AddressOf Async_Data_Received
AddHandler cmd.Exited, AddressOf CMD_Exited
pID1 = cmd.Id
Me.txtInputStringIn.Select() ' textbox where you can send more commands.
End Sub
'This event fires when process exited
Private Sub CMD_Exited(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
MessageBox.Show("Process is exited.")
End Sub
'This part calls when Output received
Private Sub Async_Data_Received(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataReceivedEventArgs)
Me.Invoke(New InvokeWithString(AddressOf Sync_Output), e.Data)
End Sub
Private Sub Sync_Output(ByVal text As String)
'an output textbox will show the output of the command prompt.
txtOutPut.AppendText(text & Environment.NewLine)
End Sub

ActiveX calling URL page

I'm using the following code inside an ActiveX Script job on SQl Server to call an URL every X minutes.
Dim WshShell
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "iexplore.exe"
Set WsShell = Nothing
it is working but the processes created keep running:
Any way of changin that code to call the URL and kill the recent called process or call it with a "time-to-live". I think it is more secure, I wouldn't want to kill the wrong process.
Following up on the suggestion by #Ted, you can also fetch a URL using native Microsoft capabilities in an in-process fashion. You can do this via a component known as WinHTTP (the latest appears to be WinHTTP 5.1).
See my script below which includes a function to simply obtain the status of a URL. When I run this script I get the following output: => 200 [OK] => 404 [Not Found] => -2147012889
[The server name or address could not be resolved]
If you want the actual content behind a URL, try oHttp.ResponseText. Here's the WinHTTP reference if you are interested in other capabilities as well.
Option Explicit
Dim aUrlList
aUrlList = Array( _
"", _
"", _
"" _
Dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(aUrlList)
WScript.Echo aUrlList(i) & " => " & GetUrlStatus(aUrlList(i))
Function GetUrlStatus(sUrl)
Dim oHttp : Set oHttp = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
On Error Resume Next
With oHttp
.Open "GET", SUrl, False
End With
If Err Then
GetUrlStatus = Err.Number & " [" & Err.Description & "]"
GetUrlStatus = oHttp.Status & " [" & oHttp.StatusText & "]"
End If
Set oHttp = Nothing
End Function
The way you start IE is external, you have little control over the process once it is started.
A better interactive way is like this
Function GetData(strUrl) 'As String
Set web = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
web.Navigate strUrl
Do While web.Busy
wscript.sleep 100
Set doc = Nothing
Do Until Not doc Is Nothing
Set doc = web.Document
strWebPage = doc.all(1).innerHTML 'This does return the head sections
GetData = strWebPage
End Function
wscript.echo GetData("")
UPDATE: As it stands now, it looks like this is not a viable solution. After multiple invocations, IE processes begin to accumulate with this approach as well. It appears this behavior has something to do with IE's session management. IE doesn't like to be abruptly terminated.
I found some very useful information about managing processes via WMI here. Using that as a basis, I came up with the code I show below. One of the nice aspects of the WMI approach is that you are given access to the unique ID for the process. I consider my code a starting point as I'm sure further improvements are possible (including the addition of exception handling).
Perhaps others with deeper knowledge of WMI can offer additional advice.
PS: Hope you like that I wrapped this functionality inside a VBScript class called Process.
Option Explicit
' Const PROG = "notepad.exe"
Const TARGET = ""
Dim PROG : PROG = "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe " & TARGET
Const ABOVE_NORMAL = 32768 ' what are the other priority constants?
Dim oProc : Set oProc = New Process
oProc.Name = PROG
' oProc.Priority = ABOVE_NORMAL
WScript.Echo "Launched '" & PROG & "' with process ID '" & oProc.ID & "'"
WScript.Sleep 5000
WScript.Echo "Process " & oProc.ID & " killed."
Set oProc = Nothing
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Class Process
Public Computer
Public Name
Public Priority
Public ID
Public IsRunning
Private mHandle
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Me.Computer = "."
Me.Name = Null
Me.ID = -1
Me.Priority = Null
Me.IsRunning = False
Set mHandle = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set mHandle = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub Launch()
Dim oWmi, oStartup, oConfig
Dim nPid
Set oWmi = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _
& Me.Computer & "\root\cimv2")
Set oStartup = oWmi.Get("Win32_ProcessStartup")
If Not IsNull(Me.Priority) Then
Set oConfig = oStartup.SpawnInstance_
oConfig.PriorityClass = Me.Priority
End If
Set mHandle = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2:Win32_Process")
mHandle.Create Me.Name, Null, oConfig, nPid
' WScript.Echo "TypeName Is [" & TypeName(mHandle) & "]"
Me.ID = nPid
Me.IsRunning = True
End Sub
Public Sub Terminate()
' mHandle.Terminate ' hmmm, doesn't work...
Dim oWmi
Dim colProcessList, oProc
Set oWmi = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _
& Me.Computer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colProcessList = oWmi.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_Process Where ProcessId = '" & Me.ID & "'")
For Each oProc In colProcessList ' should be only one process
' WScript.Echo "TypeName Is [" & TypeName(oProc) & "]"
Me.IsRunning = False
End Sub
End Class
Could you consider using a lightweight command line URL retrieval program, like CURL ( ) or WGET ( )? These programs can be executed from the command line quite simply:
You can execute them from VBScript like this:
sub shell(cmd)
' Run a command as if you were running from the command line
dim objShell
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
Set objShell = Nothing
end sub
shell "wget"
The only downside to this is that WGET and CURL won't execute javascript, download affiliated images, or render the HTML; they will simply download the web page. In my experience, I use CURL and WGET regularly as long as I only have to retrieve a single HTML page; but if I have to render something or trigger AJAX functions I use an automatable web browser toolkit like Selenium, WATIN, or IMacros. process start & stop

How can I create a process out of the below code so that I can tell when it starts & finishes?
Thanks in advance :)
Public Shared Function EmptyDirectory(ByVal mydir As String)
'delete all directories
Dim myFolder As String
For Each myFolder In Directory.GetDirectories(mydir)
Directory.Delete(myFolder, True)
'delete all files
Dim myFile As String
For Each myFile In Directory.GetFiles(mydir)
Catch Ex As Exception
End Try
Return False
End Function
FYI: This is what I thought would work:
Dim myProcess As System.Diagnostics.Process = New System.Diagnostics.Process()
myProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
Dim ClearDirectoryStartDateTime As String = DateTime.Now.ToString("d") & " " & DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss")
StatusBoxName.Items.Add(ClearDirectoryStartDateTime & " - Cleaning")
' Wait until it ends.
' Close the process to free resources.
You might want to use threading. There's an interesting article on MSDN:

VB.Net Regex Help

I've got 3 or 4 patterns that I'm comparing user input against and I need to figure out if the user input matches one of the patters and to return the match if it does.
Since the input is multiline, I'm passing each individual line like so:
Dim strRawInput() As String = Split(txtInput.Text, vbCrLf)
Dim strInput As String
txtOutput.Text = ""
For Each strInput In strRawInput
strInput.Trim(vbCr, vbLf, Chr(32))
Then I have this to find matches:
Dim m As Match
For i = 0 To strValidator.Length - 1
Dim r As New Regex(strValidator(i))
m = r.Match(strInput)
If m.Success Then
txtOutput.Text = txtOutput.Text & "Success: " & m.ToString & vbCrLf
Exit Sub
End If
txtOutput.Text = txtOutput.Text & "Not this time" & vbCrLf
How can I do this more efficiently? Also, I added the Exit Sub there to avoid showing the "Not this time" message even after a match is found (if the match is with one of the later patterns in the array), but I'd like to find a better way of doing that too.
Thanks in advance.
Rather than generating your Regexs in the loop, generate them one time at the startup of the application. So maybe something like:
Private Shared m_regexes As New List(Of Regex)
Shared Sub New()
For Each v As String In strValidator
m_regexes.Add(New Regex(v))
End Sub
And then you can change your other code to:
For Each r As Regex In m_regexes
Dim m As Match = r.Match(strInput)
If m.Success Then
txtOutput.Text = txtOutput.Text & "Success: " & m.ToString & vbCrLf
Exit Sub
End If
Regarding the Exit Sub, I think it's fine, You've discovered that it matches at least one pattern, so why continue to evaluate the rest. But if you don't like methods that can "return" in multiple places, you could just replace it with a Boolean and a Exit For as:
Dim found as Boolean = false
For Each ...
If IsMatch Then
found = True
Exit For
End If
If Found Then
End If
Hmm if that's the case then wouldn't this be even better?
For i = 0 To strValidator.Length - 1
Dim r As New Regex(strValidator(i))
Dim m As Match = r.Match(strInput)
If m.Success Then
txtOutput.Text = txtOutput.Text & "Success: " & m.ToString & vbCrLf
Exit Sub
End If