Retrieve view Informations 1010data - api

I have a view in my 1010data base and it has created by someone else I want to identify its description and is their a direct api call to get that information.
Already tried with following Commands. it gave following errors.
using dir api endpoint.
<msg>Not a directory: xxx.views.test</msg>
using tabinfo endpoint.
<msg>Not currently implemented for Quick Query: XXX.views.test</msg>
Is their a command to see the structure of view and related tables?
I can retrieve column names using querydata api end point but i cannot get informations related to linked tables.
Is their a command or endpoint to get this information.
Something like Show create view in Mysql :)

Have you tried gettab ?
documentation is here:
It says there "If the table is a query (i.e., type is VIEW, PARAM, MERGED or TOLERANT) then the tab element will contain ops and dependencies elements. Any dependencies on other tables (i.e., links, merges) are available in the element, which contains a list of table references if the table is a Quick Query or a merged table."
Can you please confirm if that works for you?
Thank you!


How to filter with "_links" properties params on API.v3 in openproject

I just learned to use "hypermedia rest API" on openproject
I want to use "filter" param with "_links" properties on API but not know-how
http:/<my_domain>/target/api/v3/projects/design/work_packages?filters=[{"updatedAt":{"operator":"<>d","values":["2017-06-10T22:00:00Z","2017-07-05T22:00:00Z"]}, "_links":{"type":{"title":{"operator":"=","values":["Box"]}}}]
==> My Question:
i not known use to "_links":{"type":{"title":{"operator":"=","values":["Box"]} params filter. Now, result is not filter for "_links"
And show me books name to learn API for to beginner
? ( -> is this ok?
Help me, please!
Image for my api
What I understood you wanting to achieve is getting all work packages in the project "design" that have been updated last within a certain time interval and that are of the type "Box".
The filters in OpenProject do not differentiate between native properties (like updatedAt) and linked resources (like type) when it comes to the structure of the filters. The syntax is always
{"<name of the filter>": {"operator": "<operator>": "values": [<list of values>]}}
When it comes to the filter values however, there is a difference. For linked resource the client is expected to use the id whereas native value like an integer, string or date is required for the native properties.
For your request the above requires the client to issue the following query:
GET http://domain/target/api/v3/projects/design/work_packages?filters=[{"updatedAt":{"operator":"<>d","values":["2017-06-10T22:00:00Z","2017-07-05T22:00:00Z"]}}, {"type":{"operator":"=", "values":["10"]}}]
I took the id of 10 for the type "Box" out of the screenshot you provided.
To get the filter values of all available filter you can call
POST http://domain/target/api/v3/queries/form
with a body of
The response will list all available filters in the _embedded/schema/_embedded/filtersSchema array.

How can we make an Item in socialengine?

I know how to get an item of the particular table. Like for user we can have
$userItem = Engine_Api::_()->getItem("user", $userId);
or for a custom table
$customItem = Engine_Api::_()->getItem("custom", $customeId);
I want to know the code or method how can I make my $customItem to work the same way as $userItem works for users table. So that I can get data or manipulate the data of custom table
Thanks for your help. :-)
You can achieve that by creating a model. Check how it's done in /application/modules/User/Model. There is User.php file that declares User_Model_User and methods available for User such as getTitle, get Href etc.
You may use similar approach for your custom item. You will also need to create a file similar to /application/modules/User/Model/DbTable/User.php to declare table for your custom items.

Neto API Limitations

I'm currently attempting to integrate with the Neto Ecommerce API. I've hit all sorts of limitations that I never see on other platforms and the latest is to do with custom fields.
The API Im using is the GetOrders API, and Im following the requirements to fetch transaction information, however custom fields appear to be missing. Hoping someone out there has made use of this API to extract custom fields and can advise on how to go about getting custom field information.
Any tips appreciated
var netoString = '{"Filter":{"OrderID":[""],"OutputSelector":["ID","ShippingOption","DeliveryInstruction","RelatedOrderID","cust1"]};
Is there an undocumented naming convention used to fetch custom fields or other pattern I can try to see if I can fetch the data?
I am not certain this will be the same for the API, but when using exports the correct format to access Custom Sales Order Fields is "customer_ref1".
To get a Custom Customer Fields is "usercustom1"
Note: For the Custom Customer Fields, the numbers do not match up correctly (I.E. usercustom1 doesn't match misc1 in the cpanel). The correct matches are:

YouTrack rest api - Get fields metadata

I want to create issues with the youtrack rest api,
Currently I'm using:
PUT /rest/issue?{project}&{summary}&{description}&{attachments}&{permittedGroup}
but I want to set other fields (priority, type, subsystem...)
How do I get a list of available fields from the api? and the fields metadata(is mandatory, field type...)?
And after that, How do I set the value of these fields?
I found this in the docs:
but it looks too complex for setting a field.
Issue can be created with following method and fields set only . So as you mentioned, it's
PUT /rest/issue?{project}&{summary}&{description}&{attachments}&{permittedGroup}
It's assumed, other fields can be updated within next call. ApplyCommand ( is pretty good example of such a method.
If you need to know all available fields in the projects, here is the method
Meta can be called with the following As you can see, details are available on per field basis.

How to pass a field that is an array list in a java bean, within a JasperReports?

Could some indicate a working example or a snippet of code for JasperReports regarding ArrayList as a Field in a javabean datasource.
I have a List of Employees. Each Employee has a name field, and an array of Phone with type and number as its fields.
Do i use a subreport for Phones I have not found a working example? Cant seem to compile subreport_jasper file?
Do i use a list component instead...
<c:list ...>
<datasetRun subDataset="Addresses">
<datasetParameter name="Phone">
This does seems to work either?
Thank in advance
I wrote this article while working with MongoDB. It deals with handling fields that are collections. It should be exactly what you need. (You can just ignore the MongoDB part.)
The key idea is that you use this to pass data to a List or Table or Subreport: