E500 error in payubiz integration , how to solve it? - payumoney

For our application we use payubiz as a payment gateway. While testing our app we are facing a new error [error code E500] Bank failed to authenticate the customer". I have no idea why this is happening for the past two weeks. Before that it worked very well. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance!

It seems you entered wrong card detail or use expired card.
Use fresh dummy card. It can be get from PayU for SANDBOX environment.
My dummy card detail as follows:
CardName: Any name
CardNumber: 5123456789012346
CVV: 123
Expiry: May 2020


Error while trying to add payment card to Apple Wallet

Well, I am developing a Cordova plugin to enable users from adding credit/debit cards to thier wallet.
I am using PKAddPaymentPassViewController, not PKAddPassViewController.
I have created the plugin itself successfully, with one method startAddPaymentPass (for now). It takes the following parameters:
cardholderName: 'Hamada',
primaryAccountNumberSuffix: '1234567',
localizedDescription: 'Green Travel',
primaryAccountIdentifier: '987654321',
paymentNetwork: 'Visa'
I am getting the following error:
missing entitlement: com.apple.developer.payment-pass-provisioning
Could anyone help? Or if anyone interested can contribute building the whole plugin with me.
You need a special entitlement issued by Apple.
Your app must include this entitlement before you can use this class.
For more information on requesting this entitlement, see the Card
Issuers section at developer.apple.com/apple-pay/.
From this answer:
PKAddPaymentPassViewController requires the
com.apple.developer.payment-pass-provisioning entitlement key for your
app. The bad news is that not anyone can submit apps with this
entitlement as it requires special permission from Apple, which I
believe is reserved for card issuers like banks and similar. If you
believe that you qualify you need to contact Apple directly at

When i will know the my module accepted or not from prestashop addons?

I just add the my module to prestashop addons page. On the prestashop seller account page product status is "Offline", marketing and technical statuses are "Waiting"
Did anyone know how long time it will take usually?
We have more than 40 modules validated on the addons, usually it takes between 48H and 2 weeks to have the technical validation, if no error is to wait a few days more for the validation Marketing.
Do you pass your module in the online validator?
If you need advice we are at your disposal
Technical validation is made before marketing. In my experience technical validation takes 10 days average. If your module pass validation successfully, you will receive a notification email. If you has some issues to fix in your module (Addons Team is very exquisite with now modules) you will receive an email too.
After that you must wait for marketing validation.
You must wait. That's all you can do.
Good luck.

distriqt inappbilling - getProducts

So I guess you could say I feel like I find myself in a void. Here's the way I understand the order for distriqt inappbilling - android setup
Init the billing
Now that it's done I can send requests for consume, purchase etc.
The first time I ran the program it returned the products. I made a test purchase but the purchase failed - it made it to the android login and verify credit card - then the purchase failed event was triggered (I have no idea why it failed at this time). I closed the game at this point and did some updates to track more of what was going on.
When I went to run the game the second time it failed getting the products list - turns out it gave me the following error: 1003 - Error refreshing inventory (querying owned items). Okay - now what??
I can't load the getProducts() because of this error. I have tried sending a consume for each product and that fails. It seems like I'm stuck in a spot where I can't do anything with the store because I can't load the product list.
Android says you are suppose to call to the store to get a list of products that that the person owns but I don't see that type of function in the distriqt package.
Can anyone explain what I have to do to get the store working again. How do I request a product list by leaving out the products that they own if I don't know what products they own? Also, if I do know what they own - shouldn't Consume(product) remove it from being a purchased product?
Does anyone know if you can run consume(product) without doing a getProducts() command first?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
This answer really applies to Distriqt InAppBilling ANE but it might help with other people having the same problem using different programming methods. After about a week of messing around I finally figured it out.
You have to make sure the call the
Otherwise the play store will see this as an open transaction and when you try to get the product list - it fails with the error code 1003 - Error refreshing inventory (querying owned items).
To fix this I made the finishPurchase call to all of my products. Once that was done everything started working correctly again. Just be sure to call the finishPurchase command on all returned purchase events. I missed that call in the fail event and that was the one that caused my headache. You would think if the purchase failed that google would just close the transaction but no - you still have to tell them that it's finished. Hope this helps someone!

Paypal Recurring Payment Negative Testing

I am developing recurring payments using PayPal Pro and the NVP APIs. I have read here: https://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/en_US/developer/docs/pdf/pp_payflowpro_recurringbilling_guide.pdf that negative testing should work with recurring payments. I have my profile setup to allow for negative testing.
I am looking cause my initial payment to fail. To do this I have set my AMT and INITAMT to 2010. According to the documentation, I thought this would cause a payment failure, but instead the initial payment is successful.
Has anyone got negative testing with recurring payments to work? For either the scheduled payment or the initial Payment? If so, could you please provide any steps and/or tips?
Try this:
COMMENT1=First Time Customer
Having the OPTIONALTRXAMT=2000 will trigger a decline, or any code you need.

MobFox gives me back always "No inventory for ad request"

I've just implemented MobFox but for the last 4 days my only response back is "No inventory for ad request". Likely it is because there is No inventory for ad request but it is very suspicious. AdMob gives me answer almost always. I'm in Czech Republic and it is posible that users in other countries will get the ads but I have no way to test it so far.
I'm using cocos2d to build an iPad app.
Could you help me out with some of these?
Is there a way force MobFox to serve test ads (I've searched for it but failed)
Is it possible that I'm doing something wrong? E.g. some setup in the account? My status for the site has turned green just after I've sent first requests. I even tried to BackFill to InMobi (pending status at this moment).
Appreciate your help --Josef
to test your ads: use a new (unactivated) publisher id
everything was fine, at this time there were no ads in CZ.