I just installed SSMS 2016 and it has an odd low-resolution feel to it. SSMS 2012, on my PC, still looks normal. Any ideas? - ssms

I just installed SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 2016, started it, and it has an odd low-resolution feel to it. Dialog heading are slightly blurry, and things just don't look like previous versions of SSMS. For example, SSMS 2012 still looks normal when I start it.
Any ideas?
Edit: I just noticed the downvotes. Sorry, didn't mean to offend anyone and I can modify this post if needed (just tell me what I'm doing wrong). In case anyone is wondering, I have googled this issue extensively, but to no avail.

I ended up just biting the bullet and modifying the registry as outlined here:
This resolved the issue in SSMS 2016.


The target principal name is incorrect. Cannot generate SSPI context. I'm going crazy?

I can't solve this problem. I just installed SQL Server Management Studio 2014 and I did everything like developers on various videos did (I installed and removed it a couple of times). I tried solutions on the internet and none of them worked. It's important for me to solve this problem as soon as possible so please help me.
I solved it. If your computer name has some of these letters ć,č,š,ž,đ, or similar, try changing it. Use the English alphabet to be sure.

Devart DotConnect for SQLite 4.2.77 upgrade difficulty with VB existing projects

I have just upgraded to DotConnect for SQLite 4.2.77 from a previous version (sorry, can't remember the version). In VB Express 2010, I have successfully gone through the manual installation of components as described in Help. However, when I open projects previously created, I get dozens of errors listed wherever the DotConnect code is used and I can't get further than the page headed "To prevent possible data loss before loading the designer, the following errors must be resolved:". I also have Visual Studio 2012 for Desktop Applications installed, where I get a similar result. Any ideas as to how I can solve the problem?
Thanks in advance.
We have answered you at http://forums.devart.com/viewtopic.php?t=24921 .

Where does this SSMS context menu option to script data come from?

The image below shows the context menu I'm asking about. I've had it in SSMS 2008 R2 for so long I thought it was a feature of SSMS. Today I'm working with two other developers and it turns out they do not have this nice little feature, in fact they've never seen it. So now we are wondering where it came from. Is it an add-in? Is it turned on by some obscure feature?
That is a feature not supported by Microsoft. It is an Addin for SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio).

IsTornPageProtectionOn in Visual Studio Database Edition GDR

im having major issues trying to mirror our newly upgrade database solution (to GDR)... specifically the database project settings.
when i run a schema compare, i get differences on the IsTornPageProtectionOn variable, however when I go to the settings of the database project this setting is nowhere to be found!
i have tried googling for any sort of reference to this property in the visual studio 2k8 UI, however i cant find anything. only a bunch of obscure references on the msdn site, which dont say anything in regards to the ui.
if someone could point me in the right direction i would greatly appreciate it.
i am using sql server 2005.
i figured out an (obvious) workaround to this...
i simply edited the database settings file (the Database.sqlsettings file) in notepad and changed the setting via there. much easier :)
although if someone DOES still know where to change it from in the UI, i would appreciate it if you left a comment :)

is there a SQL Prompt like plugin for VS 2008

I like to use the SQL Tools in VS but I would like to have some intellisense for SQL, with sql manager I can get the Redgate SQL prompt but I would like to stay in VS, any Ideas?
is there anything other then Redgate SQL prompt? that dose error checking like the way R# or dev express?
Red-Gate SQL Prompt (at least more recent versions, I believe 3.x and up) also works inside Visual Studio. I don't think you need another extra tool, really.
See the Red-Gate SQL Prompt feature page
It says clearly:
Integrates with SSMS, SSMS Express, Query Analyzer and Visual Studio
With Red Gate SQL Prompt you also will stay in VS and this product supports now just VS 2008.
SQL Prompt web page
If you don't like it I can propose you to try SQL Assist or SQL Complete. I use this tool and as for me it's really reliable one.
Apart from tools mentioned above there is a pretty neat tool from ApexSQL called “Complete”. I think this article can explain further http://blog.apexsql.com/ssms-intellisense-add-in-and-ssms-intellisense/
And the tool itself
Yes, SQL Prompt 3.x and 4.x beta for sure work with Visual Studio 2005/2008
You can download the 4.x beta to play with, and visit their forum if you have any question/problem. Red Gate people are very nice and helpful