Can anyone help me understand why this below would not remove named cals. It seems to work fine until the very last line where it does the save. I don't get any exceptions or error messages.
When i look in QV Management console under System>Licenses i still see the ones that were supposed to be removed (Named user CALs)
Client Build Number: 11.20.13314.0
QMSClient Client;
string QMS = "http://localhost:4799/QMS/Service";
Client = new QMSClient("BasicHttpBinding_IQMS", QMS);
string key = Client.GetTimeLimitedServiceKey();
ServiceKeyClientMessageInspector.ServiceKey = key;
List<ServiceInfo> MyQVS = Client.GetServices(ServiceTypes.QlikViewServer);
CALConfiguration myCALs = Client.GetCALConfiguration(MyQVS[0].ID, CALConfigurationScope.NamedCALs);
List<AssignedNamedCAL> currentNamedCALs = myCALs.NamedCALs.AssignedCALs.ToList();
List<int> indexToRemove = new List<int>();
int cnt = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < currentNamedCALs.Count; i++)
if ((currentNamedCALs[i].QuarantinedUntil < System.DateTime.Now)
&& (currentNamedCALs[i].LastUsed < DateTime.Now.AddDays(daysFromToday)))
Console.WriteLine("[" + cnt + "] " + currentNamedCALs[i].UserName +
"; Last used: " + currentNamedCALs[i].LastUsed);
for (int i = indexToRemove.Count; i > 0; i--)
if (currentNamedCALs[indexToRemove[i - 1]] != null)
currentNamedCALs.RemoveAt(indexToRemove[i - 1]);
myCALs.NamedCALs.AssignedCALs = currentNamedCALs;
I need to run a solve three times. Every time solve needs to have different input from different columns of a tuple. That is why I need to access the loop variable with in the OPL as a parameter and need to change that parameter with every loop. Please suggest how to do that in ODM OPL.
(I am able to do it when running a standalone model with a physical .dat file by introducing a int in dat file and changing its values with each loop, but same is not possible when running through an ODM application).
You can do this using a scripting main() function:
.dat file:
param = 0; // This value is actually never used
.mod file:
tuple T {
int round1;
int round2;
T t = <1, 2>;
int param = ...;
dvar float x;
minimize x;
subject to { x >= param; }
main {
var def = thisOplModel.modelDefinition;
var data = thisOplModel.dataElements;
for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (i == 0)
data.param = thisOplModel.t.round1;
data.param = thisOplModel.t.round2;
var opl = new IloOplModel(def, cplex);
writeln("Round " + i + ": " + cplex.getObjValue() + ", " + data.param);
The scripting code modifies the data before creating a new model in each iteration. You have a more elaborate version of code like this in the cutstock_main.mod example that ships with CPLEX.
What Daniel wrote works fine. If you do not want to have the non necessary .dat file you could write
tuple T {
int round1;
int round2;
T t = <1, 2>;
int param = ...;
dvar float x;
minimize x;
subject to { x >= param; }
and then in another model that will be the main one:
tuple T {
int round1;
int round2;
T t = <1, 2>;
main {
var src = new IloOplModelSource("sub.mod");
var def=new IloOplModelDefinition(src);
var data = new IloOplDataElements();;
for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (i == 0)
data.param = thisOplModel.t.round1;
data.param = thisOplModel.t.round2;
var opl = new IloOplModel(def, cplex);
writeln("Round " + i + ": " + cplex.getObjValue() + ", " + data.param);
which will give
Round 0: 1, 1
Round 1: 2, 2
tuple T {
int round1;
int round2;
T t = <1, 2>;
int solutions[0..1];
main {
var src = new IloOplModelSource("sub.mod");
var def=new IloOplModelDefinition(src);
var data = new IloOplDataElements();;
for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (i == 0)
data.param = thisOplModel.t.round1;
data.param = thisOplModel.t.round2;
var opl = new IloOplModel(def, cplex);
writeln("Round " + i + ": " + cplex.getObjValue() + ", " + data.param);[i]=opl.x.solutionValue;
to address your next question about populating tables
which gives
Round 0: 1, 1
Round 1: 2, 2
[1 2]
My code involves both Processing and Arduino. 5 different photocells are triggering 5 different sounds. My sound files play only when the ldrvalue is above the threshold.
The Null Pointer Exception is highlighted on this line
for (int i = 0; i < ldrValues.length; i++) {
I am not sure which part of my code should be changed so that I can run it.
import processing.serial.*;
import processing.sound.*;
SoundFile[] soundFiles = new SoundFile[5];
Serial myPort; // Create object from Serial class
int[] ldrValues;
int[] thresholds = {440, 490, 330, 260, 450};
int i = 0;
boolean[] states = {false, false, false, false, false};
void setup() {
size(200, 200);
String portName = Serial.list()[3];
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
soundFiles[0] = new SoundFile(this, "1.mp3");
soundFiles[1] = new SoundFile(this, "2.mp3");
soundFiles[2] = new SoundFile(this, "3.mp3");
soundFiles[3] = new SoundFile(this, "4.mp3");
soundFiles[4] = new SoundFile(this, "5.mp3");
void draw()
//serial loop
while (myPort.available() > 0) {
String myString = myPort.readStringUntil(10);
if (myString != null) {
ldrValues = int(split(myString.trim(), ','));
for (int i = 0; i < ldrValues.length; i++) {
if (ldrValues[i] > thresholds[i] && !states[i]) {
println("sensor " + i + " is activated");
states[i] = true;
if (ldrValues[i] < thresholds[i]) {
println("sensor " + i + " is NOT activated");
states[i] = false;
You're approach is shall we say optimistic ? :)
It's always assuming there was a message from Serial, always formatted the right way so it could be parsed and there were absolutely 0 issues buffering data (incomplete strings, etc.))
The simplest thing you could do is check if the parsing was successful, otherwise the ldrValues array would still be null:
void draw()
//serial loop
while (myPort.available() > 0) {
String myString = myPort.readStringUntil(10);
if (myString != null) {
ldrValues = int(split(myString.trim(), ','));
// double check parsing int values from the string was successfully as well, not just buffering the string
if(ldrValues != null){
for (int i = 0; i < ldrValues.length; i++) {
if (ldrValues[i] > thresholds[i] && !states[i]) {
println("sensor " + i + " is activated");
states[i] = true;
if (ldrValues[i] < thresholds[i]) {
println("sensor " + i + " is NOT activated");
states[i] = false;
// print a helpful debugging message otherwise
println("error parsing ldrValues from string: " + myString);
(Didn't know you could parse a int[] with int(): nice!)
Please check if I print obj then in data array same elements gets inserted twice instead of different. If n =2 then the first element gets pushed twice.
genLLEles(n, orgObj, homeSecObj, defaultElementObj, previousElements, socket) {
let that = this;
let arr = [];
let obj = {
dataArray: [],
socketId: socket.USER_ID,
requestId: "/sync#" + + socket.USER_ID + "#" + new Date().getTime(),
moduleName: "ORG",
action: "INSERT",
userId: socket.USER_ID
console.log("\n\ should be oce");
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { //n defines count of how many elements to be created
let temp = defaultElementObj; //selected object to insert
let _id = homeSecObj.KEY_VAL + "_TSK:" + defaultElementObj.SUB_KEY_TYPE + "_" + + "_" + Math.floor(Math.random() * (10000 - 1)) + 1;
if (obj.dataArray.length == 0) {
temp.CML_PREVIOUS_ID = previousElements.length <= 0 ? "-1" : that.getPreObj(previousElements).KEY_VAL;
temp.CML_NEXT_ID = "1";
temp.ORG_ID = orgObj.ORG_ID;
temp.DEPT_ID = orgObj.DEPT_ID;
temp.KEY_VAL = _id;
temp.CML_ID = _id;
temp.CML_REF_ID = homeSecObj.KEY_VAL;
temp.ACTIVE_STATUS = "1";
temp.CML_IMAGE_PATH = "";
} else {
obj.dataArray[obj.dataArray.length - 1].CML_NEXT_ID = _id;
console.log("HERE", obj.dataArray[obj.dataArray.length - 1]);
temp.CML_PREVIOUS_ID = obj.dataArray.length < 0 ? "-1" : obj.dataArray[obj.dataArray.length - 1].KEY_VAL;
temp.CML_NEXT_ID = "1";
temp.ORG_ID = orgObj.ORG_ID;
temp.DEPT_ID = orgObj.DEPT_ID;
temp.KEY_VAL = _id;
temp.CML_ID = _id;
temp.CML_REF_ID = homeSecObj.KEY_VAL;
temp.ACTIVE_STATUS = "1";
temp.CML_IMAGE_PATH = "";
console.log("\n\genLLEles ==> ", obj, "\n\n");
/*return obj;*/
from the above code, the values in both the if and else are coming from same parameters. So you are inserting the same values multiple times into the dataArray.
I was helped earlier in creating this code that would create a histogram of a randomint. Everything looks good except I accidently had the output as a sum instead of a mean of all the numbers that were randomly chosen.I dont want to mess anything up so I was just going to ask, How can I convert this sum into a mean output instead?
import java.util.Random;
class Assignment4
public static void main(String[] args)
Random r = new Random();
int sum = 0;
int[] bins = new int[10];
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
int randomint = 1 + r.nextInt(10);
sum += randomint;
//System.out.print(randomint + ", ");
System.out.println("Sum = " + sum);
System.out.println("Data shown below: ");
for (int i = 0; i < bins.length; i++)
int binvalue = bins[i];
System.out.print((i+1) + ": ");
for(int j = 0; j < binvalue; j++)
System.out.println(" (" + binvalue + ")");
Never mind figured it out.... just turned System.out.println("Sum = " + sum); into System.out.println("Mean = " + sum/100);
actually iam using one listbox which have multiple values when user select a values the item in listbox are inserted database like "Abc,xyz,gkl" type now i want to retrieve this value from database in front of form and as Selected how can i do that here is the my code
ds = new DataSet();
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
string[] arr_Electro_Therapy = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Electro_Therapy"].ToString().Trim().Split(',');
for (int i = 0; i < arr_Electro_Therapy.Length; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < listBox1.Items.Count; k++)
if (listBox1.Items[k].Value.ToString().Trim() == arr_Electro_Therapy[i].ToString().Trim())
listBox1.Items[k].Selected = true;
hdSelected.Value = hdSelected.Value + ", " + listBox1.Items[k].;