DNS record with different ports - apache

I have a very cheap VPS with the IP which listens on these ports: 7000, 7001, ... 7020. Apache listens on port 7010. Then I can access my website with
As this is a shared IP, I cannot listen on port 80 myself with my VPS: I only have access to 7000 ... 7020.
I have registered a domain mydomain1.com by a domain provider and I'm using their nameservers.
How to set up the DNS records such that any user going on http://www.mydomain1.com will be transparantly directed to my website, with Apache ? (the browser will probably default to port 80, is that right?)
I initially thought about such a DNS record:
Name TTL Type Priority Content
*.mydomain1.com 3600 A 0
but then, I think I would have to access the website with http://www.mydomain1.com:7010 (which is not nice) and not http://www.mydomain1.com (which would be better).

Unfortunately you cannot specify ports on DNS records. The only way to make it work as you expect is to have a reverse proxy running elsewhere (nginx, haproxy), listening on port 80, and then forward traffic to your server.
Some useful information about HTTP proxying with nginx:
What is a reverse proxy?
Configuring nginx as a reverse proxy for apache


Real IP address + port from cloudflare over nginx proxy manager to apache

I'm looking for a way to "pipe" the clients real IP address and port from Cloudflare over NGINX Proxy Manager to the main webserver apache.
The system is implemented in docker. The domain is configurated by cloudflare with proxy. I got a docker container with nginx that pipe the users requests to the apache container.
I want to log the original, real IP addresses AND the ports of users. I don't care where I pick up the data, whether it's from NGINX or Apache or, if necessary, from cloudflare. Preferably with the apache.
In PHP you get with:
$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] -> the IP address of the NGINX container (sure)
$_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'] -> the real IP address of the user (what I want)
I don't know whether the original port is behind $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT']. Probably not.
With Cloudflare there is the possibility to define additional fields in which the port could be passed through. How do I get to the field / the port.
Thanks a lot and best greetings
A wasy to pipe the users original IP addresses and ports through Cloudflare and NGINX to apache (to log them).

Using Apache server beside Windows' World Wide Web Publishing Service

I have an old site (oldsite.com) running via World Wide Web Publishing Service on a Windows Server 2003 server. I've just create a new site (newsite.com) using the same server but running through Apache. The old site with its service running on port 80 already so I had to config Apache using port 8080. The problem is now when I publish my new site, the url has to be newsite.com:8080. How can I config Apache so that it can contain no port, just newsite.com?
As far as I know from personal experience and research:
Due to the nature of DNS Records you cannot specify the domain to redirect to an IP address and a port.
If both servers are listening on the same port a request would not know which site to direct to.
As the default port the domain specifies is port 80, any other port must be specified for the request to go to the correct location.
Therefor you cannot have newsite.com redirect to the server IP on port 8080, as it can only be directed to the server IP with DNS records. The port must be specified in the URL if it is on a port other than 80.
Edit: I just found this post about using a reverse proxy to do something similar to what you have described. Take a look and see if it helps you.
You cannot have two services listening on the same port. You can change the old site to listen to another port, set apache to port 80, then use mod_proxy to enable the old site to be accessed from apache using virtualhost
I have just make it work. Although in IIS Manager, there was no website listening on but I still had to delete this entry by httpcfg tool. After that Apache can start normally.

Can't see site externally

I'm brand spanking new to setting up websites, so go easy.
Basically I setup an osticket system on my XAMPP stack and It works locally no problem but when I try to access it from my public IP it won't connect.
I've port forwarded port 12345 -> 80 as my server listens on 80.
So theoretically if I type in my URL bar it should connect right?
In the httpd.conf file for Apache do I enter the external or internal IP address? I'm assuming I leave it as localhost because the .conf file is local to the server.
My networking setup:
Firewall setup:
<PublicIP:12345> ALLOW <PriavteIP>
Port forwarding setup:
<PublicIP:12345> -> <PrivateIP:80>
It's hard to tell without understanding more about your setup. I'm going to assume you have a router that connects your internal network to the Internet, and you have one or more computers connected in your network, and your server is one of those.
So are you talking about the port forwarding rules on your public-facing router's firewall? If you are forwarding port 12345 from your router to port 80 on your server, the reason it won't work is because a standard HTTP request from a public machine will come to your router on port 80, not port 12345. Are you entering in a URL with the 12345 port number in it? If anything, you should simply be routing all requests to port 80 on your router to the IP of your server.
You can check this if you try to view your web site using the port number in the URL. So if your IP address to your router is you would enter and this would load your web page, as the request for a page from port 12345 would get forwarded to port 80 on your server. But honestly I think you just need to get rid of port 12345.

https(apache + ssl) is only available from locahost, how to configure to visit it by domain name?

apache + ssl is configured using xampp on windows server 2003. http content has no problem by domain name, but https content can only be visited from localhost. "netstat -a" shows
Proto Local Address Remote Address State
TCP hostname:https hostname:0 Listening
How to config to enable https via domain name?
Found the reason. Another program take the 443 port so apache https failed. use "netstat -a -o -n" can get the detail.
I'm assuming you can already access apache using this domain name.
Take a look in your ports.conf, usually found at
It should contain a line like:
NameVirtualHost *:443
and also
Listen 8443 https

Apache Tomcat IP mapping to domain name

I am having apache tomcat server on my windows machine. Also I can access this server from other machines on the network.
Now I want to map the IP+Port combination to a name ie currently I have to write http://10.xxx.xx.xx:8080/app_name but I want to access it as http://app_name
How can I go about it? Is there any solution which I can achieve by adding some mapping in apache server file? Also DNS server is not in my control, any way to get around this problem?
By not specifying a port number, you are defaulting to port 80. Your options are to either modify your server to listen on port 80 or define an external load balancer VIP that does a PAT from port 80 to 8080.
If you take the VIP route, the hostname is defined on the load balancer. If you don't have that option and DNS isn't an option either, you could manually modify your hosts file with an alias. However, this would require all remote users to have your hostname - IP mapping in their local hosts files (making DNS the more manageable solution).
When user types the URL in browser, browser will establish TCP connection with web server in the port 80 by default in case of HTTP, 443 by default in case of HTTPS.
Yes. If Web server exposes any port other than default port, port has to be mentioned in the browser URL to connect and get the data.