How to display multiplication result in a textbox using Selenium WebDriver? - selenium

I am a manual tester and want to switch to automation testing. I've learnt Selenium WebDriver recently. While practicing, I came across a webpage where I was asked to automate the following thing in a web form:
In the form, they have provided two double numbers and have asked us to display the multiplication of thosenumbers in the textbox. Please guide me how can I display the result in the textbox using selenium webdriver.
Screenshot of the xpath

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[Note: I have added this as an answer because I don't have 50 points yet to add a comment. Forgive me for that.. :)]

If the two double numbers are in separate input field (any other place except input filed) get the data as follows:
double number01 = Double.parseDouble(driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("your selector for element")).getText());
double number02 = Double.parseDouble(driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("your selector for element2")).getText());
Then perform multiplication and use sendkeys to input into the output field:
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("your selector for element2")).sendKeys((number01 * number02) + "");
Above answer is based on assumption according to your question.
String terms = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(("#form > form > label:nth-child(89)"))).getText().replaceAll("=", "");//get the expression for multiplication and remove the '=' sign at the end
String [] temp_xy = terms.split("X"); // split the string into multiplicand and multiplier parts
double multiplicand = Double.parseDouble(temp_xy[0].trim());
double multiplier = Double.parseDouble(temp_xy[1].trim());
double product = multiplicand * multiplier;
Now, you put your product in the desired filed. Similarly, you can find the quotient.


Can t find the xpath for Following button instagram for selenium

I try to get the xpath for the following button on instagram making an automate unfollowing soft. enter image description here
I found it just like this:
driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div[#class="qF0y9 Igw0E rBNOH YBx95 ybXk5 _4EzTm soMvl "]').click()
But i want to itterate over all ,,Following" Buttons , but like this is stuck at the first one!
This is my Code:
fBody = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[#class='isgrP']")
for i in range(1, 1500):
driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div[#class=" qF0y9 Igw0E rBNOH YBx95 ybXk5 _4EzTm soMvl "]').click()
print("Am apasat follow")
driver.find_element_by_xpath('//button[#class="aOOlW -Cab_ "]').click()
driver.execute_script('arguments[0].scrollTop = arguments[0].scrollTop + arguments[0].offsetHeight;', fBody)
print("Ma bag la somn 1 min")
Selenium does Not "like" empty or white spaces in the attributes.
I suggest using a CSS selector and using *= in order to find text contains:
Avoid using white or empty spaces and, underscores (_) and hyphens (-) for the element's attributes.
I think the classes on the elements change as yours do not match with mine. Here is a more generic XPath that matches the "following" button.
When using this in a test I found it instantly failing unless I surrounded it with an explicit wait condition.
Ill post my example when Instagram stops giving me connectivity issues.

Birt export in pdf does not wordwrap long lines

My reports preview is ok.
But now, I need to export to pdf...and I've got an issue : the content of some cells are truncated to the witdh of the column.
For instance, 1 cell should display "BASELINE" the preview it's ok...but in pdf, it displays "BASEL".
I've been looking for a solution the whole day and did not find anything...
Of course : I don't want to fit the width of the column on the length of this word "BASELINE" because the content is dynamic...
Instead, I want to fix the column width and then, the cell should display something like that :
Any idea ?
Thanks in advance (am a little bit desperated...)
The solution is trivial in BIRT v4.9 if you've integrated the engine into your java code. Just set the PDF rendering options.
RenderOption options = new PDFRenderOption();
options.setOption(PDFRenderOption.PDF_WORDBREAK, true);
options.setOption(PDFRenderOption.PDF_TEXT_WRAPPING, true);
You have to set a special PDF emitter option:
PDFRenderOption options = new PDFRenderOption();
options.setOption(PDFRenderOption.PDF_HYPHENATION, true);
This is if you integrated BIRT into your Java program.
For the viewer servlet, it is possible to set such options, too, AFAIK, but I don't know how; maybe on the URL or using environment variables.
I had the same issue. I found a very good topic about that :
This will split the string in the given number of character you want :
The function to add in a functions.js (for example). To let you know, I create some folder in my report project : one for the reports, one for the template, one for the libraries, another for the resources, I added this js file in the resources folder.
* Format a long String to be smaller and be entirely showed
*#param longStr
* the String to split
*#param width
* the character number that the string should be
*#returns the string splited
function wrap(longStr,width){
length = longStr.length;
if(length <= width)
return longStr;
return (longStr.substring(0, width) + "\n" + wrap(longStr.substring(width, length), width));
You will have to add this js file in the reports : in the properties -> Resources -> Javascript files
This is working for me.
Note: you can add this function in your data directly if you need only once...
The disadvantage of this : you will have to specify a max length for your character, you can have blank spaces in the column if you specify a number to small to fill the column.
But, this is the best way I found. Let me know if you find something else and if it's working.

How to get the clicked element in selenium when we don't know what are we clicking

I am clicking with the help of following lione oc code->
Basically i double click at a position(x,y) in our application. Individually we cannot click that particular element bcoz it has to be clicked at particular (x,y) itself. So i want to get the properties of that clicked element(which i click using actions command which i mentioned above) liked id, classname. Can some one help me with this...kinda stuck here..........
try execute.elementFromPoint() with JavascriptExecutor to get element by coordinates
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
WebElement theElement = (WebElement)js.executeScript("return document.elementFromPoint(arguments[0], arguments[1])", coordinates.getX(), coordinates1.getY()-1);
you are using negative value in getY()-1 which mean coordinates above the element, it maybe the parent or preceding-sibling of element try to select it using xpath
WebElement popcodeBefore = objDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='id_popcode']/parent::*"));
// Or
// WebElement popcodeBefore = objDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='id_popcode']/preceding-sibling::*"));
If you have any specific text at that particular coordinates make use of it. I too had the same issue like this where I need to double click on a cell which had text 0.00%. I have done hovering action first using the text and then performed the double-click
Ignore the syntax issues since I am working on the protractor these days
and then perform the click
Still, you have issues, check if you have any attribute like ng-click which can be helpful to get the coordinates for that particular location. please always share the HTML code so that It may help us to check more deeply

IF in Selenium Webdriver

I have to select a value from drop down button and drop down button contain two value Yes and No
If I select Yes one more question will be trigger on the screen and if I select No, no question will be triggered.
Is the below code correct? Or lets us the easiest way to write this.
if (driver.findElement(""))== selectByVisibleText("Yes"));
String fpal = s.getCell(26, row).getContents();
if (driver.findElement(""))== selectByVisibleText("No"));
String fpal = s.getCell(26, row).getContents();
This is a basic programming question rather than Selenium, I would suggest you check out a beginners tutorial or two before posting more questions.
Some points though:
You'll need to use an actual element ID in driver.findElement(""))
There should be no ; at the end of the if statement
You'll probably want to use the selenium method getAttribute to find the selected value of the dropdown box (once you fix point 1)
eg. if (driver.findElement("element123")).getAttribute("value").equals("Yes"))

What is the functioning of fireevent() in HP QTP / UFT?

I am learning HP UFT.
Recently I came across fireevent and I tried to implement it on the website of Flipkart. I was trying to use firevent("onmouseover") for the link Men on the homepage of the website.
I used ChildObjects to find out the Link and WebElement (in two different tests), first Highlighted it and then used object.fireevent("onmouseover") as well as object.fireevent("OnClick"). The OnClick is working and it is showing the link as selected (i.e. the dotted box covering the link when we press tab), but it is not showing the Menu Under Men Section.
I had googled and bingged a lot. But was unable to find the exact working of FireEvent in QTP/UFT.
Please Help me solving the above problem as well as some tutorials on FireEvent.
EDIT: I am using IE 11 for testing.
Motti has already answered the technical definition, but I shall attempt to give you a solution to your functional issue.
In my experience .FireEvent often doesn't work as you would expect. An alternative for something like onmouseover is to simulate user behaviour a bit more closely by actually moving the mouse to the desired location. In our framework we have a little extension function to do just that, a pared-down version of which is shown here:
Sub My_MouseOver(objSender)
Dim absX : absX = objSender.GetROProperty("abs_x")
Dim absY : absY = objSender.GetROProperty("abs_y")
Dim width : width = objSender.GetROProperty("width")
Dim height : height = objSender.GetROProperty("height")
Dim x : x = (absX + (width / 2))
Dim y : y = (absY + (height / 2))
Dim deviceReplay : Set deviceReplay = CreateObject("Mercury.DeviceReplay")
deviceReplay.MouseMove x, y
Reporter.ReportEvent micDone, "A step name", "A useful step description"
End Sub
RegisterUserFunc "Link", "MouseOver", "My_MouseOver"
RegisterUserFunc "WebButton", "MouseOver", "My_MouseOver"
RegisterUserFunc "WebElement", "MouseOver", "My_MouseOver"
As an example you can then do as follows to bring up the "ELECTRONICS" menu overlay on (obviously substitute your own Browser and Page definitions):
Browser("Flipkart").Page("Main Nav").Link("xpath:=//a[#data-tracking-id='electronics']").MouseOver
In the original version there's various extra bits of error handling and custom reporting so it tells you what you clicked on, but the essence is the same. It locates the object on screen, calculates the centre and moves the mouse there. You might want to wait a small amount of time for the menu overlay to appear after doing so before calling .Click on one of the newly-displayed sub-elements.
I found a solution to my problem and it is working perfectly.
Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 2
object.FireEvent "onmouseover"
Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 1
In this case, the object will be:
Browser("name:=Online Shopping.*").Page("name:=Online Shopping.*").Link("innertext:=Men")
I have tried this and it is working fine. I guess, we do not need any alternatives. But I really don't know is, Ctrl+Space is not working for this in UFT. Don't know the reason.
This actually depends on what browser you're using.
Warning: There are exceptions to the information presented in this answer and it also may change in the future. The answer is meant to give a basic understanding but don't depend on it to be true without checking the behaviour for your specific version/use-case.
Originally QTP's FireEvent was supposed to call IE's non-standard fireEvent method.
On Firefox and Chrome this is implemented using the standard dispatchEvent. You should check which events the web site expects to get.
Things get complicated if you mix the event models (the standard DOM level 2 and Microsofts) as explained in this blog post.