I am trying to use ScalaPB with SparkSQL. I am using Maven in Intellij.
Can somebody please tell me what is the equivalent of
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.14.2") in Maven.
I'm probably trying to do something strange, since this doesn't seem like a common question (or maybe I'm asking it all wrong). I was expecting this to be straightforward.
Basically, what I am looking for is a way to do the same as the following, except by using the gradle openapi-generator plugin:
openapi-generator generate -i www.example.com/openapi-doc -g spring
What I have tried is the following (and the associated errors):
inputSpec.set("www.example.com/openapi-doc") --> Cannot convert URL {} to a file
inputSpec.set(URL("www.example.com/openapi-doc").readText()) --> specified for property 'inputSpec' does not exist
The actual code looks something like this:
tasks.register<GenerateTask>("generateClient") {
// inputSpec.set("$openapiSpecDir/client/openapi.json") <-- *I am currently using a file, which I don't want to do*
configOptions.put("java8", "false")
configOptions.put("serializationLibrary", "jackson")
configOptions.put("dateLibrary", "java8")
Assuming you're using the OpenAPI Generator Gradle Plugin, at the time of writing this answer, getting the inputSpec from a URL is not supported. However, for Maven this has been implemented (Issue #2241 closed with PR #3826), so chances are good to have it implemented with a feature request that gets the Gradle plugin on par with its Maven counterpart.
That being said, you may want to look into Gradle Download Task. Gradle Download Task is a plugin that let's you download files from a URL. The downloaded file can be used to feed it into the OpenAPI generator.
After installing the newly released IJ14 Community Edition - the quasiquotes (which had been working on IJ13) popped up on the radar.
Is there an IJ setting to enable this?
BTW this is a maven build (and works in 13.1 just fine!). Here is the section of the build related to the quasiquotes. I have not seen any mention of the plugin not working properly in 14, but input here would be appreciated.
<!-- The following plugin is required to use quasiquotes in Scala 2.10 and is used
by Spark SQL for code generation. -->
UPDATE I just installed the 14.0.1 update from 11/11/14. This time I tried Intellij Ultimate : but Quasiquotes are still not working.
UPDATE I have opened a JIRA with JetBrains. https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-133993
I think there is a workaround to get it running:
You have to go to the IntelliJ settings, to the "Scala Compiler" and add a plugin: "/home/YOURUSERNAME/.m2/repository/org/scalamacros/paradise_2.10.4/paradise_2.10.4-2.0.1.jar"
The problem involves the paradise plugin that provides support for quasiquotes with scala 2.10. It is not working in IJ14 presently.
UPDATE The following is new info on the building with Spark page
"Rebuild Project" can fail the first time the project is compiled, because generate source files are not automatically generated. Try clicking the "Generate Sources and Update Folders For All Projects" button in the "Maven Projects" tool window to manually generate these sources.
Compilation may fail with an error like "scalac: bad option: -P:/home/jakub/.m2/repository/org/scalamacros/paradise_2.10.4/2.0.1/paradise_2.10.4-2.0.1.jar". If so, go to Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > Scala Compiler and clear the "Additional compiler options" field. It will work then although the option will come back when the project reimports. If you try to build any of the projects using quasiquotes (eg., sql) then you will need to make that jar a compiler plugin (just below "Additional compiler options"). Otherwise you will see errors like:
Error:(147, 9) value q is not a member of StringContext
Note: implicit class Evaluate2 is not applicable here because it comes after the application point and it lacks an explicit result type
It's s not q:
val x = 5.0
I loaded spark up in Intellij 13 and the macro paradise backport of quaisquotes still shows an error, I don't see how intellij would be able to support this syntax as it's a compiler plugin:
I've followed the AppFuse QuickStart guide with modular and full source options selected. When I issue an
mvn install -Poracle
testUpdateUser throws a ...
.hibernate4.HibernateSystemException: Found shared references to a collection...model.User.roles
I understand that this is because the test code tries this (that's not permitted by Hibernate..)
What's the proper way to test updateUser, then?
What version of AppFuse are you using? This should be fixed in 3.0.
This is the archetype ... I've used to generate the project ..
.... archetype -DarchetypeVersion=3.0.0
The complete statement (copied from QuickStart..)
mvn archetype:generate -B -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-modular-spring-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=3.0.0 -DgroupId=com.mycompany -DartifactId=myproject -DarchetypeRepository=http://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/appfuse
We are using Maven 2.2.1 and Jenkins. We have some 300-400 modules. A few months ago, we finalized the migration from Ant to Maven and at that time the goal was to make sure things built properly under Maven 2.2.1, as we weren't still willing to move directly to Maven 3.0.x. Yeah, we knew that Maven was relatively stable, but due to the effort required in migrating all of the modules and assemblies (from Ant), we chose to stick with a well-known stable version such as 2.2.1.
In order to make a list of the modules which are not fully compliant with Maven 3.x, I would like to schedule the Jenkins jobs (that currently run them using Maven 2.2.1) to build them using 3.0.4 at a scheduled time during the night. How can I do this?
Thanks in advance!
This is a screaming hack, but should work. As it is a hack, I am going to leave figuring out the exact details to you ;-)
You need to set up two jobs to fence the maven 3 jobs.
Both jobs will need the Groovy Plugin in order to add a build step.
You will set up three versions of Maven in the System configuration.
Maven 2.2.1
Maven 3.0.4
Maven 2.2.1 by day 3.0.4 by night
The first job will access the global configuration and change Maven 2.2.1 by day 3.0.4 by night to point to the same path as Maven 3.0.4. The second job will switch it back.
The code will need to be something like
import hudson.tasks.*;
Maven.DescriptorImpl descriptor = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getDescriptor(Maven.class);
Maven.MavenInstallation[] installs = descriptor.installations.clone;
// clone the array because we will be modifying it
Maven.MavenInstallation v3 = null;
for (Maven.MavenInstallation i: installs) {
if (i.name.equals("Maven 3.0.4")) { v3=i; break;}
v3.class; // throw NPE if null (should be non-null)
for (int i = 0; i < installs.length; i++) {
if (installs[i].name.contains("by night")) { installs[i] = new Maven.MavenInstallation(installs[i].name,v3.home); break;}
Note I have not checked the above for syntax, but it should be close enough to get you sorted.
The reverse job should be trivially easy
Should be simple but I couldn't figure it out.
When running my unit test inside IntelliJ, I could not find a way to tell IntelliJ-9.0 that it should use JUnit4 instead of JUnit3.
When a test fails, IntelliJ console displays:
MyTests.testConstraints(MyTests.groovy:20) at
Do you know how to replace JUnit3 by JUnit4 ?
I found it!
Go to Run/Debug Configurations
Add new configuration and choose a JUnit
In the configuration tab, add "-junit4" to the Test run parameters input field
And that's done !
You can annotate your test class with an annotation to indicate junit the runner it will use
#RunWith(JUnit4.class) MyTestClass {}
I tried to put:
at the beginning of a test.
IntelliJ complained about this, but asked to 'load' JUnit4.class.
So I deleted #RunWith(JUnit4.class).
But the 'loading' seems to have fixed the problem - #Ignore is now respected!
Put the JUnit 4 JAR in your CLASSPATH and see if IntelliJ picks it up.
The JUnit plug-in appears to run either version 3 or 4.
I'll bet that it has to do with the way you're writing your JUnit tests. Post one to confirm. If you use the JUnit 4 style, I'll bet IntelliJ would run it properly.
'com.intellij.junit3' package belongs to IDEA binaries, not to junit3 or junit4. So, the question itself seems to be incorrect in essence - there is no difference in what package name is used by IDEA codebase internally if it correctly executes the tests.
It sounds like the real problem may be that you are trying to use junit 4 with a grails version less than 1.3. Grails 1.2.x and lower only support Junit 3 tests. Grails 1.3 will finally have junit 4 support. This was discussed on stackoverflow link text
I had the same problem with a java app inside 10.5, and it turned out to be my Project language level set to 5.0 as opposed to 8.0.
To change this go to File->Project Structure->Project->Project language level
And change this to the required level. Not sure at which level you can use JUnit4, but setting this to 5.0 will make it use JUnit3. Setting it to 8.0 makes it use JUnit4