How to configure multiple ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT on same machine? -

I have ASP.NET core web application. I have configured the web application on our web server and set the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT variable to Development. I set this variable at machine level like shown in the picture below.
Now on the same machine i want to configured one more instance of same web application as Staging environment.
What are my options here to set ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT at application level instead of machine level? so i can host multiple instances of the same application on the same machine?

You have a couple of options.
Run each app as a different user, and set the environment variable within that user profile. This gives you a nice added security bonus. You'll have to set the app pool to load the user profile.
Use IIS configuration
Start IIS manager
Choose configuration editor Pull down the section
combobox and choose system.webServer/aspNetCore
Pull down the from
combobox and choose Applicationhost.config
Click on the
environmentVariables element and click on the ... button hiding in
the second column, at the right.
Set your environment variables.
Exit out of the environment variables screen and then click Apply.
Restart the app pool/app.

Can you change the code parsing configuration running on the web server? That's what I would recommend doing. That would allow you to configure your environment more naturally in a Windows setting.
While the traditional way to configure the IHostingEnvironment.EnvironmentName variable is via the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable as you have done, you can change how ASP.NET Core parses its configuration such that you can set the variable via a command line argument.
To get into specifics...
By default, the Program.cs file emitted by the dotnet new -t web command looks something like the following:
public static void Main(string[] args) {
var host = new WebHostBuilder()
This makes ASP.NET Core use the default configuration processing (environment variables with a ASPNETCORE_ prefix) to determine the value of IHostingEnvironment.EnvironmentName, which you are using to configure how your application runs.
Fortunately, you can alter the way that ASP.NET Core parses configuration by utilizing the UseConfiguration() extension method on WebHostBuilder. Here's an example of using custom configuration with the default implementation:
public static void Main(string[] args) {
var configuration =
new ConfigurationBuilder()
var host =
new WebHostBuilder()
From here, I would change it so it can use the command line in addition to the ASPNETCORE_ prefixed environment variables. This will allow you to easily run your application with whatever environment name you want, like so:
public static void Main(string[] args) {
var configuration =
new ConfigurationBuilder()
var host =
new WebHostBuilder()
Then, when you start your dotnet core application with dotnet run, you can set the environment on the command line, like this:
dotnet run environment=development
dotnet run environment=staging
Now the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable will still be respected, but you can override it via the command line when you are doing local development. As a note, you will need to include the Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.CommandLine nuget package to your project.json file if you have no already done so to get the AddCommandLine() extension method.


IIS ASP.NET 6 startup throws System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: D:\agent\_work\38\s\IdentityServer\wwwroot\

We are updating one of our applications, in this case IdentityServer, from .NET 5 to .NET 6. It is being hosted by IIS and deployed by Azure Devops Services. The issue we are seeing is that on our development environment the website fails to load but on our staging environment it runs just fine. The error we are seeing on development is
12:45:37.519|Fatal|1||Host terminated unexpectedly.||
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: D:\agent\_work\38\s\IdentityServer\wwwroot\
at Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.PhysicalFileProvider..ctor(String root, ExclusionFilters filters)
at Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.PhysicalFileProvider..ctor(String root)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.StaticWebAssets.StaticWebAssetsLoader.<>c.<UseStaticWebAssetsCore>b__1_0(String contentRoot)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticWebAssets.ManifestStaticWebAssetFileProvider..ctor(StaticWebAssetManifest manifest, Func`2 fileProviderFactory)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.StaticWebAssets.StaticWebAssetsLoader.UseStaticWebAssetsCore(IWebHostEnvironment environment, Stream manifest)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.StaticWebAssets.StaticWebAssetsLoader.UseStaticWebAssets(IWebHostEnvironment environment, IConfiguration configuration)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebHost.<>c.<ConfigureWebDefaults>b__9_0(WebHostBuilderContext ctx, IConfigurationBuilder cb)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.GenericWebHostBuilder.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<ConfigureAppConfiguration>b__0(HostBuilderContext context, IConfigurationBuilder builder)
at Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostBuilder.BuildAppConfiguration()
at Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostBuilder.Build()
at IdentityServer.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\agent\_work\38\s\IdentityServer\Program.cs:line 23
The path it reports, D:\agent\_work\38\s\IdentityServer\wwwroot\ is interesting because that path is the same as the path from the DevOps build machine. We don't see this error if we revert back to .NET 5 and we don't see the problem on our staging machine.
The Program.cs class is defined as
using System;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using NewRelic.LogEnrichers.Serilog;
using Serilog;
using Serilog.Events;
namespace IdentityServer
public class Program
public static int Main(string[] args)
Log.Information("Starting host...");
return 0;
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Fatal(ex, "Host terminated unexpectedly.");
return 1;
public static void CreateLogger()
var configuration = GetConfiguration();
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.Enrich.FromLogContext() // allows logging middleware to inject output values
public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args)
var configuration = GetConfiguration();
return Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
webBuilder =>
private static IConfiguration GetConfiguration()
var environment = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT");
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{environment}.json", true, true);
var configuration = builder.Build();
return configuration;
We do have other .NET 6 web applications running just fine on this instance of IIS. I was thinking that the problem might be in our release pipelines but they are identical in their task configurations between the environments. Tried looking for the directory path in the code or configuration but don't see it anywhere. Have tried manually setting the WebRoot and ContentRoot paths via .UseWebRoot("path to folder") and .UseContentRoot("path to folder") in the Program.cs but didn't see any change in the logs or the app starting.
Even updated the web.config file to have the exact path for executing the project dll in the aspNetCore element but still no change.
Update 10 Feb 2022
Added debug output to the startup to verify file and folder paths. Everything in the environment variables and execution file path look correct.
ASPNETCORE_IIS_PHYSICAL_PATH - C:\inetpub\webapps\IdentityServer\
Executable Path: C:\inetpub\webapps\IdentityServer\IdentityServer.dll
The problem ended up being how we were pushing our updates out to the servers from DevOps. Our pipelines were built to copy over files out of the Release directory of the build folder. One of the problems with this approach is that files not needed for a site to run but generated during a build are also copied to the release server. In this case, a new file which is generated in .NET 6, .staticwebassets.runtime.json, was getting copied to our servers.
The way .NET 6 seems to behave is that if the environment is set to Development then it will look for this file to figure out where the static web assets are located. If the file doesn't exist then it will assume the files are in a wwwroot sub-directory of the site. This makes sense for instances where you are running the project from your local Visual Studio. More details about this file are available in another SO post with links to the source code in GitHub. To fix our problem we changed our release pipeline to use the file that is generated when you run the publish command on a solution. The archive only contains the files needed to run the site, so none of the extraneous files like .staticwebassets.runtime.json are included. We should have been doing this the whole time... lesson learned.
We now unzip the file, apply any file transformations, then copy the unzipped files to the web server.

Integration Testing Minimal API .NET 6 - nUnit

With .NET 5 I used the following in my nUnit [SetUp] for each test. This created a host and a client with which I could call my API with full integrations as defined in the Startup:
Microsoft.AspNetCore.TestHost.TestServer _testServer;
HttpClient _testClient;
public async Task SetUp()
// Load up test configuration
IConfiguration config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
// Create the host (using startup)
WebHostBuilder builder = new WebHostBuilder()
// Use startup from WebApp Server project
// Configure logging from integrationsettings.json
.ConfigureLogging((hostingContext, logging) =>
// Set core app configuration to use integrationsettings.json
.ConfigureAppConfiguration(cfg => cfg.AddConfiguration(config))
// Add any additional services not loaded by startup
.ConfigureServices(services => // add additional services not laoded in Startup);
// Create the Server
_testServer = new TestServer(builder);
// Create the Client
_testClient = _testServer.CreateClient();
I could then use testClient HttpClient to work directly with my API.
Life was sweet.
I know I could still use the old model with .NET 6 (Program.cs + Startup.cs), but if I'm going to go with the flow, now that we have minimal API with just the Program.cs, how do I replicate the above?
From what I can gather, it looks like WebApplicationFactory is the key, but have not found anything that gets me over the line.
Is it as simple as adding the assembly that contains WebApplication and just build the app in test SetUp in the same way as I do in Program.cs on the server?
Is there a way to encapsulate the build logic (much like the old Startup.cs) so I do not need to duplicate the configuration used on the server in my tests?

How to get DotNet Core ApplicationName set by Environment Variable

According to the .NET Core documentation, I should be able to set the application name using an environment variable.
I am not seeing this to be the case. I added the WebHostDefaults.ApplicationKey setting to the Program.cs but I am still unable to override it with an environment variable.
private static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args)
var config = new ConfigurationBuilder()
.AddJsonFile("hosting.json", true)
return WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
.ConfigureLogging((context, builder) => { builder.ClearProviders(); })
.UseSetting(WebHostDefaults.ApplicationKey, "CustomApplicationName")
In startup.cs I am only seeing "CustomApplicationName" rather than the environment variable.
public class Startup
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration, IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment)
Configuration = configuration;
Log.Information($"Startup of application {hostingEnvironment.ApplicationName} in Environment Mode {hostingEnvironment.EnvironmentName}");
I have tried using double underscore in the environment variable name as well.
I am running on Mac OS.
As mentioned in other answers, the correct environment variable name is ASPNETCORE_APPLICATIONNAME, and it is documented here. However, it will not work, even as of .NET Core 3.1. There is a GitHub issue that describes the details of this bug, but essentially, the code inside the UseStartup<>() method sets ApplicationName back to its default value, which is the name of the assembly.
Even if you could override it back using the UseSetting() method, I wouldn't do it, based on the warnings in the discussion thread at this related GitHub issue. The safest bet for now seems to use your own separate environment variable.
I suspect this is something that the documentation "invented" and isn't actually implemented.
ASP.NET Core is hosted on github. I did a search. The only place where ASPNETCORE_APPLICATIONKEY shows up is in the documentation itself. The only issue/PR where it comes up is which is the commit that added this environment variable to the docs and includes this insightful statement:
Did I just make up ASPNETCORE_APPLICATIONKEY? Is that a thing?

Self contained .net core web app

I have a .net core web app that I would like to install as a regular app on Windows or OSX. If I deploy that as a self contained app, will the web server start when the .exe is run? And, how can I configure what port the app will listen on?
My long term goal would be to create a UI to let the user configure some stuff and have the app distributable from Windows Store and/or Mac AppStore, but I'm not sure if this is possible?
In order to deply as a self contained app you need to specify a runtime in your csproj file.
Than publish the application for that runtime:
dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64
If you want to change the port your application is listening on you need to set that in the Program.cs file:
public static void Main(string[] args)
var host = new WebHostBuilder()
// Set url and port here.
You can now run your app by running the yourapp.exe file in your publish directiry.

ASP.NET Core ignores ASPNET_ENV and Hosting:Environment

No matter when or where I set either ASPNET_ENV or Hosting:Environment the startup code will always enter
//This method is invoked when ASPNET_ENV is 'Production'
//The allowed values are Development,Staging and Production
public void ConfigureProduction(IApplicationBuilder app, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
loggerFactory.AddConsole(minLevel: LogLevel.Warning);
What I've tried so far
Set Hosting:Environment to Development in the project properties
Set ASPNET_ENV to Development in the project properties
Set Hosting:Environment to Development in launchSettings.json
Set ASPNET_ENV to Development in launchSettings.json
Set ASPNET_ENV to Development in code via Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNET_ENV", "Development"); in the Startup method before the call to ConfigurationBuilder.GetEnvironmentVariables()
This is version 1.0.0-rc2-20143 by the way. Am I missing something here or is it just a bug?
The environment variable name has been changed to ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT as part of the name change.
It was announced in this issue and change in this PR.
If you have not done it already, try adding the environment variables to the configuration instance.
public static void Main(string[] args)
var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
var config = builder.Build();
Whilst the answer from Henk Mollema is correct for the environment variable name, I still encountered issues where dotnetcore would seem to ignore the environment variable and use appsettings.json when run from command line.
To ensure it uses the correct environment and app settings, try the following:
Change the environment variable via Project Properties -> Debug -> Environment Variables -> ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT -> Value : Change the value to match your intended environment eg Staging
Build Solution
From commandline, type SETX ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT "YOUR-ENVIRONMENT-NAME" where replace "YOUR-ENVIRONMENT-NAME" to match what you set in step 1 eg Staging and ensure you include the "quotes"
IMPORTANT - make sure you all your various appsettings.json eg appsettings.staging.json is present in the project directory where you will run it. (In the case of a published solution, the appsettings.staging.json may not have been copied, so ensure it's there)
From Commandline, go to your project directory (or published directory) and run your project by typing dotnet run (or "dotnet YOURPROJECTNAME.DLL" for published projects)
Observe in the next line that appears in the commandline which states Hosting environment: YOURENVIRONMENTNAME eg Hosting environment:staging
Running a DotNetCore project from Visual Studio always picked the
correct appsettings based on the environment set in your project
properties, however these are the steps I followed to run dotnet core correctly from commandline
working correctly.
This worked for me using .net core 2.0 and building a web api. Notice the 2 different methods of accessing the environment variable.
public static void Main(string[] args)
public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args){
if(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT ") == "Production"){
return WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
} else {
return WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
But in the startup file there is another environment option
public class Startup
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
Configuration = configuration;
public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddCors(options => options.AddPolicy("AllowAll", p => p.AllowAnyOrigin()
var connectionString = "Data Source=tcp:<some-ip>,<some-port>;Initial Catalog=<some database>;Integrated Security=False;User Id=SA;Password=<some password>;MultipleActiveResultSets=True";
services.AddDbContext<myContext>(opt => opt.UseSqlServer(connectionString));
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
if (env.IsDevelopment())