Print NASM program on Windows 7 SP1 64-bit excluding DOSBOX, excluding C, and "possibly" Excluding Windows API calls - api

I've been filling myself up with notes trying to successfully create my first program on Windows 7 with NASM, but with a few self imposed stipulations (until I'm ready to move forward). In creating this first program, however, I have a ton of questions.
The stipulations for now are that:
I'm running Window 7 SP1 - 64-bit
I do not wish to use DOSBox so Interrupts 0x21-24 are likely not applicable
I do not wish to rely on C so this is all NASM
I would really like to avoid downloading Visual Studio or associated WDK tools if I can (this depends on whether or not I NEED to interact with the Windows API and relates to Question 2 below)
I've downloaded and installed MinGW
I'm writing my code in Notepad++ and saving as *.asm
I am linking using "ld" for now, but from what I've read, most seem to recommend "GoLink" (and Alink hasn't been updated in years?). I'll probably migrate to GoLink after I've assured myself that "ld" may be too limiting
I want to know if printing is possible without the use of the Windows API or C because of the code below?
The only code example that has worked for me in some capacity can be found here.
nasm is not executing file in Windows 8
;FILE: main.asm
[section] .text
global _main
mov eax, 6
ret ; returns eax (exits)
c:\Users\James\Desktop>nasm -fwin32 main.asm
c:\Users\James\Desktop>ld -e _main main.obj -o main.exe
c:\Users\James\Desktop>echo %errorlevel%
My questions (a ton):
The fact that in the code above "ret" by itself gives output, although it just returns whatever is in EAX, is there a way to use it (or another directive outside of the Windows API) to return the contents of a variable (hopefully a string variable)? I tried to use ret with DOS calls, but as noted above, that definitely doesn't work because I'm on a 64-bit system.
In case I absolutely must use the Windows API, is the only way to interact with it by using the WDK tools? Is there some other way because that last time I downloaded Visual Studio and associated WDK tools it took up a ton of memory and massively slowed down my computer. Is there another way to make programs give output or print to the screen either by using internal commands or some other method to use API calls? One thread I admittedly skimmed (amidst 40 more tabs I have open) mentions "Russinovich's Windows Internals" but not a direct answer. At current every time I use code with the extern commands "ld" tells me that the references to commands like WinMain/WinMain#16 are undefined. In the same vein is there a table I can consult containing accurate calls to the API (i.e. _ExitProcess#4 vs. ExitProcess). I found this link to what think may be the NT API but I'm not sure it applies given my stipulations, but in reality, I'm just kind of confused:
In bits of code I've encountered I've seen directives for [Bit 16], [Bit 32], and [Bit 64]. [Bit 16] is likely ignorable, but I'm confused by the [Bit 32] and [Bit 64] for the following reasons which may not even be related: Via the code above I'm using the command, "nasm -fwin32 main.asm", then I'm linking it successfully and going on to receive output. For some reason - though I have not read the full "ld" documentation yet - when I use the command "nasm -fwin64 main.asm" and link it in the same way I receive an error saying "main.obj: File not recognized: File format not recognized". I don't understand why differentiating between 32 and 64 while I'm on a native 64-bit machine causes an error although this probably is just unique to ld.
In the meantime I'll be reading this question and will post an update it if helps: Executable isn't compatible with 64 bits processor

I can't answer some parts in great detail, so I expect somebody either putting up better answer, or feel free to edit this one.
you are linking against default clib, so your _main is called after Clib is initialized, the ret with value in eax is like return 6; in C++. Then Clib correctly destructs everything and calls windows exit process with exit code 6. You can return only int from _main, and I'm not even sure if full int is propagated to exit process call, or only 8 bit value is used. So you can return single char in ASCII encoding, if you treat that number as char.
You must call Windows API, if you want to display something in console/window, or write something into file, ie. do any output (and of course also for input). There's no peripheral available to win32/64 executable directly, like in DOS CGA/EGA/VGA text modes accessible trough int 10h or video ram at B800:0000. Any try to access some I/O peripheral directly should result into access violation. Only Win API should be legal for user-level application code.
How much of WDK you need I have no idea, haven't developed anything for windows for years. I think it's even possible to create executable without WDK, which would provide correct externs and dependencies on kernel32.dll and similar, but the amount of effort is way beyond simply using proper parts of WDK or clib from MinGW.
I think your linker is set to default to 32b executable, you have to figure out what kind of object format is produced by nasm for -fwin64 and how link that one with ld.
Why the difference. The 64b OS can run 32b binaries. But you can't mix 32/64 in single executable so easily (if at all). So you are either producing 32b or 64b binary, and you have to adjust everything to it (asm instructions used, directives and options, and WinAPI calls).


Visual Studio 2012 adds numbers to my double values if I enter them in

A very strange, presumably meant to be helpfull behaviour of Visual Studio 2012.
When I enter a double in like:
Dim myD as Double = 1.4
When I hit enter of move my focus another way, the formatting kicks in and changes the above to:
Dim myD as Double = 1.39999999999999998
or 1.6 as
Dim myD as Double = 1.6000000000000001
This behaviour does not appear to happen for all doubles. 1.3, 1.5, 1.7 and 1.8
See this youtube movie for the behaviour in action:
Why, and more important, how can I prevent this?
Extensions installed are:
Second Edit
The behaviour seems to have gone away. I do not know what has caused this so for future reference this is useless to anyone, but for now, I'm happy that I don't have to go troubleshooting as suggested.
The exact same issue is also reported in this question. Which applied to VS2010, otherwise without a usable answer.
This is an environmental problem, code is getting loaded into Visual Studio that messes with the FPU control word on your machine. It is a processor register that determines how floating point operations work, it looks like this:
The Rounding Control bits are a good source of trouble like this, they determine how the internal 80-bits precision floating point value is truncated to 64-bits. Options are round-up, round-down and round-to-nearest. The Precision Control bits are also a good candidate, options are full 64-bit precision, 53 and 24 bits.
Both VS2012 and the .NET Framework rely on the operating system default, with the expectation that this will not change afterwards. Pretty hard to diagnose trouble arises when code actually does change it, your observation strongly fits the pattern. The most common troublemakers are:
code that uses DirectX without the D3DCREATE_FPU_PRESERVE option. DirectX reprograms the precision and rounding control bits to squeeze out a bit more perf.
code that was written in an older Borland language product. Its runtime library initializes the FPU control word in a non-standard way. Otherwise a generic problem with software that relies on old runtime library or an old legacy initialization that was carried through in later releases.
in general, any code that uses a media codec or media api. Such code tends to reprogram the FPU to squeeze out perf for the same reasons that DirectX does. Especially notorious in a product I worked on which uses such codecs heavily. The codebase was peppered with calls that reset the FPU control word after making a call into external code.
Finding and eliminating such code can be very difficult. DLLs get injected into another process by a large variety of well-intended malware. The SysInternals' Autoruns utility can be very useful, it shows all the possible ways code can be injected with an easy way to disable it. Be prepared to be shocked at what you see and readily disable stuff that doesn't carry a Microsoft copyright.
For dynamic injection, you'll need a debugger to see what is loaded into VS. Start VS again and use Tools + Attach to Process to attach to the first one, selecting the unmanaged debugger. Debug + Windows + Modules shows you what DLLs are loaded. Do beware that the DLL can be transient, a shell dialog like File + Open + File will dynamically load shell extensions into VS and unload them again afterwards. Good luck with it, you'll need it and sometimes the only fix is a rather drastic one.
I had the exact same issue with Visual Studio 2012.
The "solution" if it happens to you is:
write your number in your code
let VS screw it up, e.g. when you move to another line
CTRL-Z to revert VS mess
continue writing your code

Esent crashes with Windows 8 [duplicate]

I've been using ESENT for my projects quite extensively and I really love how easy and fast it works. And stable too!!
But I have a HUGE problem with Windows 8!!! Regardless of how I link to the esent.dll (dynamically or statically) whenever I call something other than JetSetSystemParameter, the dll is crashing, takig my app down the cliff.
Unfortunately I still can't get it running. My code had no problem running with Windows 7 or older. But with Windows 8 I get esent.dll crashing when I try to create an instance (floating point invalid operation).
I tried all possible calling conventions. This is definitely NOT the problem. I tried some more and discovered this weird situation: 1. I created a demo application using VS 2012 and JetCreateInstance worked just fine. 2. Exactly the same code in Delphi XE3 will send esent.dll crashing. 3. I created a DLL using VS 2012, exporting the method that worked perfectly in the above demo app, thinking it's a Delphi bug. 4. And then I loaded the DLL in a demo Delphi project (tried with 6, XE2 and XE3). Called the method and BOOM. Same crash.
Now my assumption is that Microsoft won't allow?!? any other developer environment to work correctly with the esent.dll. Is this possible???
The error, a floating point invalid operation, makes the problem sound as though it is related to the floating point control word.
By default Delphi unmasks floating point exceptions. So when code asks the floating point unit to perform operations that result in errors, the FPU signals which is then converted to an exception.
But most other Windows development environments mask these exceptions on the FPU. Such code is written under the assumption that the execution environment has FPU exceptions masked. But if you call a DLL from Delphi, the execution environment will have unmasked FPU exceptions, breaking that assumption. I suspect that if you mask FPU exceptions then your problems will disappear.
To test if this is the problem, you can simply add this to your code, executed early in its life:
This will mask all exceptions and set the FPU control word to the default Windows setting.
In the longer term you may wish to mask exceptions before each call to this DLL, and then restore the FPU control word when the call to the DLL returns.
That is a slightly dangerous game using the libraries that are supplied with Delphi since Set8087CW is not threadsafe due to its use of the global variable Default8087CW. If you wish to read more about that issue, I refer you to QC#107411.

How do I cut out assembler executable bloat?

I've got working multiplatform Hello World code in Gas, NASM, and YASM, and I would like to shrink their corresponding executable files from 76KB to something more reasonable for a Hello World assembly program, seeing as a basic Hello World C program leads to an 80KB executable, and assembly should be much smaller. I believe the bulk of the executables are filled with junk from the linker options.
LIBS=c:/strawberry/c/i686-w64-mingw32/lib/crt2.o -Lc:/strawberry/c/i686-w64-mingw32/lib -lmingw32 -lmingwex -lmsvcrt
ld ld -o $(EXECUTABLE) hello.o $(LIBS)
Hello World!
msg: .ascii "Hello World!\0"
.global _main
pushl $msg
call _puts
movl $0, %eax
If I remove any of the options in LIBS, either the link process fails, or the resulting executable raises a Windows error when it runs. So the logical thing to do is replace the puts call with something simpler, like sys_write, but I don't know how to do this multiplatform. The little documentation online says to use int 0x80 to perform a call to the kernel, but this only works in Linux, not in Windows, and I want my assembly code to be multiplatform.
Your program bloat comes mostly from the C runtime library. In Windows, a simple hello world program can be < 5K if you write your own "tiny" CRT. Here is a link to a project which explains all of the details about how to shrink your EXE to its smallest possible size:
For Windows, you can call the native Win32 API functions, such as GetStdHandle() and WriteFile() to write directly to stdout.
For Unix-like systems, you can call the write() syscall with file descriptor 1 for stdout.
The details of exactly how you do each of these will depend on which assembler and OS you are using.
You should be able to link dynamically to the C runtime library instead of including it statically. I don't know how to do it in Linux, but in Windows you can use msvcrt.dll.
The assembler bloat is most likely coming from the C lib dependencies, especially for puts. refactoring the code to print Hello World without using a C call will most likely require OS-specific assembly code, as the Unix standard involves interrupts that make calls to the kernel, and Windows has its own VB-like API for such tasks.
I did manage to find a solution that would create small executable while still maintaining platform agnosticism. Ordinarily, C preprocessor directives would do the trick, but I'm not sure which assembly languages even have preprocessor syntax. But a similar effect can be achieved through the use of controlled, included assembly code files. A collection of wrapper code files can handle OS-specific assembly code, while an included assembly file does the rest. And a simple Makefile can run the respective build console commands to reference the respective wrapper code on the desired platform.
For example, I was able to quickly construct FASM code that works this way. (Though I have yet to inform it to actually bypass puts with something less bloaty.) Anyway, it's progress.
Because almost all C functions use the CDECL calling convention where you the caller adjusts the stack not the callee (the function).
You will get into trouble if you don't learn how to do things correctly now, read harder to trackdown bugs.
Try this:
push szLF
push esp
push fmtint2
call printf
add esp, 4 * 3
push msg
call puts
push szLF
push esp
push fmtint2
call printf
add esp, 4 * 3
Run it and notice the numbers before and after your call to puts. They are different no? Well, they are supposed to be the same. Now add:
add esp, 4
after your call to puts and run it again.. The numbers are the same now? That means you have a balanced stack pointer and the function uses the CDECL calling convention.

How to make specific changes to a closed source DLL

I was recently reading an article on the Windows Metafile vulnerability ( and I was interested by one of the points made.
A third party patch[9] was released by Ilfak Guilfanov on 31 December 2005 to temporarily disable the vulnerable function call in gdi32.dll.
So this got me thinking as to how Ilfak Guilfanov actually went about disabling the function in gdi32.dll.
My theory got as far as opening dependency walker and finding the function entry point and then analysing that in a Hex editor, however Hex isn't my native language unfortunately.
So would you require some form of expensive software to achieve something like this or would it be a case of a lot of trial and error ?
Note: This isn't intended as a hacking question, but more to understand what I see as a very interesting and clever process
You could open up the dll with your favorite (dis)assembler, find the entrypoint of the function and put a ret assembler instruction to directly return from the function without doing anything else.

Using open source SNES emulator code to turn a rom file into a self-contained executable game

Would it be possible to take the source code from a SNES emulator (or any other game system emulator for that matter) and a game ROM for the system, and somehow create a single self-contained executable that lets you play that particular ROM without needing either the individual rom or the emulator itself to play? Would it be difficult, assuming you've already got the rom and the emulator source code to work with?
It shouldn't be too difficult if you have the emulator source code. You can use a method that is often used to store images in c source files.
Basically, what you need to do is create a char * variable in a header file, and store the contents of the rom file in that variable. You may want to write a script to automate this for you.
Then, you will need to alter the source code so that instead of reading the rom in from a file, it uses the in memory version of the rom, stored in your variable and included from your header file.
It may require a little bit of work if you need to emulate file pointers and such, or you may be lucky and find that the rom loading function just loads the whole file in at once. In this case it would probably be as simple as replacing the file load function with a function to return your pointer.
However, be careful for licensing issues. If the emulator is licensed under the GPL, you may not be legally allowed to store a proprietary file in the executable, so it would be worth checking that, especially before you release / distribute it (if you plan to do so).
Yes, more than possible, been done many times. Google: static binary translation. Graham Toal has a good howto paper on the subject, should show up early in the hits. There may be some code out there I may have left some code out there.
Completely removing the rom may be a bit more work than you think, but not using an emulator, definitely possible. Actually, both requirements are possible and you may be surprised how many of the handheld console games or set top box games are translated and not emulated. Esp platforms like those from Nintendo where there isnt enough processing power to emulate in real time.
You need a good emulator as a reference and/or write your own emulator as a reference. Then you need to write a disassembler, then you have that disassembler generate C code (please dont try to translate directly to another target, I made that mistake once, C is portable and the compilers will take care of a lot of dead code elimination for you). So an instruction of a make believe instruction set might be:
add r0,r0,#2
And that may translate into:
//add r0,r0,#2
It looks like the SNES is related to the 6502 which is what Asteroids used, which is the translation I have been working on off and on for a while now as a hobby. The emulator you are using is probably written and tuned for runtime performance and may be difficult at best to use as a reference and to check in lock step with the translated code. The 6502 is nice because compared to say the z80 there really are not that many instructions. As with any variable word length instruction set the disassembler is your first big hurdle. Do not think linearly, think execution order, think like an emulator, you cannot linearly translate instructions from zero to N or N down to zero. You have to follow all the possible execution paths, marking bytes in the rom as being the first byte of an instruction, and not the first byte of an instruction. Some bytes you can decode as data and if you choose mark those, otherwise assume all other bytes are data or fill. Figuring out what to do with this data to get rid of the rom is the problem with getting rid of the rom. Some code addresses data directly others use register indirect meaning at translation time you have no idea where that data is or how much of it there is. Once you have marked all the starting bytes for instructions then it is a trivial task to walk the rom from zero to N disassembling and or translating.
Good luck, enjoy, it is well worth the experience.