excel vba remove controls - vba

I currently have a form with a couple of buttons, text boxes and a AcroPDF. AcroPDF is an additional control I have added to my toolbox and I get it from "Adobe PDF Reader".
This macro is being used on various computers and I have found out that, for some reason, the macro does not work on all computers. But when I delete the AcroPDF control from the form, it works for all computers. For the computers that do get an error, it happens when I first open the file I automatically get an error msg and the form does not automatically show up (like how I programmed it to).
Is there a way I can program this into my "Thisworkbook.open" so that if there is an error, I can somehow delete or disable this additional control? something similar to how you are able to turn on and off references? (see below)
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.AddFromFile ("libraryName")
UPDATED: the error message I get from the computers that don't work is the following:
system error &H80004005 (-2147467259). unspecified error

UserForm.Controls.Remove -- but this only works for controls added at runtime (dynamically). You cannot use the Remove method on a control that was added from the Designer.
Probably you need to reverse this logic, and only add the control when the reference exists on the user's machine.
Dim ctrl
If Len(Dir("libraryname")) <> 0 Then
Set ctrl = UserForm1.Controls.Add ...
End If
You would also then want to use the Remove method when closing the form, that way the form remains in a state that could be opened on either computer.
HOWEVER, the error message you get on the other machines may shed additional light on the source of the problem. Depending on what the error is, there may be other solutions that don't involve removing the control.

If you don't mind creating a duplicate form without the AcroPDF control you might be able to use labels and the GoTo statement.
Sub Workbook_Open()
' do stuff
On Error GoTo AcroPDFError
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.AddFromFile ("libraryName")
' load your form with the AcroPDF control here.
On Error GoTo 0
' the rest of your Workbook_Open sub is here
Exit Sub
' load your form without the AcroPDF control here.
GoTo Continue
End Sub


Refreshing custom ribbon button which relies on a table to get the label and image

I have a custom ribbon and one of the buttons on it (image and label for the button) are supposed to change based on what happens in one of the forms (so, essentially, it's supposed to change when values in a table change and making changes in the form is the trigger for the change).
On the CLOSE button of the form I have the following code:
and here is what the procedure does, so the MyRibbon.Invalidate part is probably redundant:
Public Sub sbRefreshRibbon()
On Error GoTo RestartApp
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Please restart Application for Ribbon changes to take effect", _
vbCritical, "Ribbon Refresh Failed"
End Sub
In any case, sometimes, when clicking CLOSE I get the "Please restart Application for Ribbon changes to take effect" error. After restarting, all is well, the label is correct and so is the image
but, how can I make the label and image change without errors and restarts?
There is no need to call the Invalidate method of the IRibbonUI interface multiple times. You need to left a single call as soon as your form is closed.
Also you may consider using the InvalidateControl method of the IRibbonUI interface instead. It allows invalidating the cached value for a single control (not the whole custom UI) on the Ribbon user interface.

Closing any open userform

After a good search and some (over)thinking I came to the conclusion that I have no answer on what seems to be a simple question.
I have an excel document with many (20+) userforms in it. If you press a button (that is not in the userform, but just on the excel sheet) to start over again it should close any userform that's open at that moment.
I tried with unload me but of course I got an error when there wasn't any open userform.
Then I tried to add on error resume next thinking it would skip the line if there was no userform and therefore not giving an error but just continue what I want it to do. (opening a new userform).
It did indeed not give me the error anymore but it doesn't close any open userform as well (when there is one open).
So here I am, hoping someone here can help me as I don't know what to do. I could list up all of the userforms I suppose but it should be possible to go faster and automatically I suppose?
Some more info: It is never possible to have more than one userform open at the same time. // The button I want to create closes all the userforms if there are any and leads the user back to the main menu.
Thanks in advance!
Try calling the following when you want to unload all forms
Sub UnloadAllForms(Optional dummyVariable As Byte)
'Unloads all open user forms
Dim i As Long
For i = VBA.UserForms.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
Unload VBA.UserForms(i)
End Sub
This is hopefully the worst code that I have written in the last 5 years, but it will close any breathing form in Excel that you may have (and will kill any variables etc) :
Public Sub CloseAll()
End Sub
Use with caution!
From the MSDN End Statement:
The End statement stops code execution abruptly, without invoking the Unload, QueryUnload, or Terminate event, or any other Visual Basic code.
Code you have placed in the Unload, QueryUnload, and Terminate events offorms and class modules is not executed.
Objects created from class modules are destroyed, files opened using the Open statement are closed, and memory used by your program is freed.
Object references held by other programs are invalidated.
The End statement provides a way to force your program to halt. For normal termination of a Visual Basic program, you should unload all forms.
Your program closes as soon as there are no other programs holding references to objects created from your public class modules and no code executing.

On Load event firing when closing Access and throwing "can't move the focus to the control" error

I have an Access database where I have code on the On Load event of the main form to set focus to a textbox and load a 'new' record. The code is:
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Makes it so that when frmDiversion_Review loads, it defaults to a new record
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End Sub
FromDate is an unbound date field used in a search/filter section on the header of the form.
I've split the database, and have an .accde file ready to go, but I've noticed that when I close Access when in the .accde file it gives me the following error:
"The expression On Load you entered as the event property setting produced the following error:
****NameOfDatabase**** can't move the focus to the control FromDate."
It does not give an error number.
The code is compiled, and I only get this error using the .accde file. I'm at a loss why the On Load event is even firing when I close Access. Any ideas?
A few weird scenarios may produce this (such as something relating to other forms being closed when you close out...) having references to this form that cause it to open. Hard to say from here.
But there is an easy out... just add this line at the start of the routine
On Error Resume Next
This is safe provided you know there are no real errors in the routine ever, excepting this annoying one that doesn't actually mean anything. If real errors can occur, you will no longer see them if you add this easy-out.
Personally, I'd prefer to find the cause and address it, not least because it seems other forms are trying to open this form while you're busy closing the app, which is an unsettling thought. But... when all else fails, it's a solution.

MS Office - ActiveX Buttons switching places

There are several instances of this problem, but this one is predominant. This is in relation to updates (our most notable problem child being KB2726958). We have a Leave Spreadsheet that looks like this:
Leave Spreadsheet example
By pressing the grey Leave button, you end up here:
Leave Word doc
All the programming for these is written in VBA (i've never worked with VBA before, I can understand it to a degree).
Now, the issue is that using the ActiveX button in the 'Leave Spreadsheet example' causes the 2 buttons 'Send by Email' and 'Save' to switch functions; Send by email attempts to save and save opens up Outlook and creates the email message.
Both functions have completely retained functionality, just on the wrong buttons.
The thing I find weird is that a hyperlink to the very same file works; the buttons aren't switched and have full functionality. The only hint that I have towards resolution is that when using a hyperlink, it's directly opening the file. When using the ActiveX button, it seems to be creating a new file based off the file it's linking to. For example, the hyperlink directly opens C:\Report.dotm but the ActiveX button opens Document1.doc with a template based on Report.dotm.
I'm considering that maybe the activeX button is opening up Word with an incorrect extension? But i'm not sure how to figure this out (code below shows that the linked file on the activeX control is a .dotm).
What further throws a spanner into the mix is that it only affects some computers... Considering on-site we all use the same type of PC with the same image... :(
My question is, does anyone know why they may be swapping? They're located on the same network drive albeit different directories. They require the same permissions to access. The code for the buttons is as follows:
Excel Button:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
' This button links the excel spreadsheet to the word doc
Dim wrdApp As Object
Dim wrdDoc As Object
Dim i As Integer
Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
wrdApp.Visible = True
Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Add("\\networkdrive\directories\Request for Leave.dotm")
End Sub
Word buttons 1 and 2:
Private Sub cmdSend_Click()
' This is the code for the button 'Send by Email'
MsgBox "Send the following email to your Team Leader/Line Manager", vbInformation
SendDocumentAsAttachment "", "IPL Request for Leave"
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
' This is the code for 'Save'
End Sub
Please Note: The comments above are not in the code in VBA, i've written them in myself in this question to provide clarity.
Troubleshooting that i've done:
Removing all .exd files
Running the MS Hotfix (removes all .exd files in a GUI)
The next step would be to try running all 6 patches related to fixing ActiveX controls with the particular patches we've done to see if that fixes the problem. The reason I haven't done this yet is because of ITIL (Change management) although I may try testing this later today.
What is the outcome i'm after?
Ideally, I want to understand what is causing these buttons to, from what it looks like, swap their functions. I have different scenarios of button swaps, some of which are remedied by removing the .exd files, and some that aren't.
By understanding what is happening, I hope that I can apply the knowledge to the other scenarios (same problem, different coding).
Then, I'll be able to document my findings so that when we perform the next round of patching that is known to break ActiveX controls, my organization will know how to deal with it.
So the patch mentioned below has fixed this issue. There's still some other issues that I need to test this patch against, but I definitely should have started there. Lesson learnt.
From my work email:
I’ve just tried using the patch related to the ActiveX controls breaking, KB2920754. I’ve used it on two PC’s here in the training room; both had different issues:
- The first one had buttons that had switched around (save attempted to email, email attempted to save)
- The second one couldn’t use the buttons at all.
This patch cured both w/o requiring a restart or logging out and back in. I didn’t remove any .exd files, either.
It does state, however:
“Important For this fix to be fully effective, you also have to apply the other patches for Office 2013 that are listed in the "Resolution" section of the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article”
There are 6 in total.
1. KB2920754 – (the one I’ve used successfully)
2. KB2956145
3. KB2956163
4. KB2965206
5. KB2956176
6. KB2956155

Problem Getting Outlook 2007 Running VBA Script

I'm trying to get Outlook to save the attachment in a daily email to a folder where I can have a file system watcher ready to parse and analyze the attachment (it's the report of a data integrity checker). I've set up a Rule that is supposed to run a VBA script, but it just doesn't run as far as I can tell. I've verified in VB6 that the code will in fact save some text to a file, so if Outlook actually runs the VBA script it should be able to do the same. But it doesn't! Can anyone see what the heck I'm doing wrong?
Dim WithEvents objInbox As Outlook.Items
Private Sub Application_Startup()
Set objInbox = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Items
End Sub
Sub SnagAttachment(theItem As MailItem)
On Error Resume Next
Dim fnum As Integer
fnum = FreeFile()
Open "c:\temp\success.txt" For Output As #fnum
Print #fnum, "Ran SnagAttachment Successfully"
Close #fnum
End Sub
Note that when I use the Rules wizard, and choose "run a script" the Sub SnagAttachment is listed as a script that can be selected.
How would you know if it's working or not when you put On Error Resume Next at the top of the procedure? You would never find out.
Here are the rules for creating a script that should be run as part of a Rule:
How to create a script for the Rules Wizard in Outlook
Also note the caveat found at How to process incoming messages in Microsoft Outlook:
A "run a script" rule is not a good choice for heavy traffic
applications, as Outlook is likely to skip applying the rule if too
many items arrive that meet the rule's conditions.
In order to get the script to work you need to change the security settings in Outlook. Go to Tools > Macro > Security and change it to "Warnings for all macros". Then restart Outlook.
Hope this helps
Try isolating the exact problem:
Check macro security settings. At maximum, it must be set no higher than "Warnings for all macros".
Try creating a new module with a single test sub:
Sub Test(Item as Outlook.MailItem)
MsgBox "test"
End Sub
Then set up a new rule to handle _all_ incoming messages running this sub as the only action, and temporarily disable all other rules. Then send a message to yourself. If you get no popup box as a result, this may be an indication of a bad Outlook install. Try reinstalling it, or calling MS up directly for support.
If the previous test was successful, try working with the `Scripting.FileSystemObject` object instead of `Freefile()` to create and populate files. This is just to test if there's some odd bug you're encountering here. Worth a shot, right?
Make sure your rule conditions are set correctly. There could be a glitch or misspelling in a condition which just drops all messages you want this script to run on.
I was experiencing the same issue, and it seems to me that if there is an error in your code, the script will not even start. This is as opposed to standard VBA where the debugger pops up for runtime errors. For example, I had a label at the end of my function that was missing the colon after it. This caused the script to not run at all (As opposed to running up to this line and then failing). I would suggest commenting out all of your code and starting with just a msgbox "hello world". I would leave this in your code as you debug it to know the code is running, but you will probably have to dismiss the message box many times. Iteratively add back lines of code until you discover where the problem is.