How to increase WHM Max Files Upload Limits - cpanel

I purchased a dedicated server and installed linux centos with cpanel. I'm able to increase file upload size limit 2gb maximum. I have 6 TB space available. This is a dedicated server purchased from,
WHM, How i could increase it 10GB or more ?
WHM, How could i increase max files upload in one operation, Currently there are 6 files simultaneously is allowed to upload through cpanel. How could i change it?

Login inot WHM
Goto Software >> MultiPHP INI Editor
Select the php version from the dropdown for which you want to edit directives.
Once you make necessary changes in directive, click on Apply
The changes will get applied to all the websites using the php version.
If you are looking to increase connection from a single IP then goto
Service Manager >> FTP Server Configuration >> Maximum Connections Per IP Address. This will allow you to increase concurrent connection from a single IP.
Maximum Connections will show you the number of concurrent FTP connection can be made.
Hope this helps.


How to block IP automatically if number of requests exceed via WHM Cpanel

How to block IP automatically if number of requests exceed via WHM cPanel. I tried but did not found way. As we have lots of domain hosted, so we can not use Cloud flare.
Please suggest the way with cPanel WHM.
You can do the following in that case:
Install ConfigSecurity and Firewall and limit number of requests using PORTFLOOD directive in csf config. This setting will limit requests for the whole server.
Install Litespeed Webserver and edit per client throttle. This setting will limit request per domain hosted.

1 Server Multi cPanel, how the apache work?

i want to ask something about dedicated server.
i have dedicated server and a cPanel website with heavy load, when i check the server load, all parameter didn't go up to 60% usage. but the apache work is high.
so i wonder if i can do this.
i buy dedicated server(DS) and install 2 cPanel on same DS. i know that cPanel need an IP to bind the license so i add 1 additional IP to my DS.
what i am trying to archieve here is to split workload in same website, and to split the traffic i use loadbalancer from CF.
so i have with 2 different IPs and use LoadBalancer to split the load.
here is why i need to do this
Server load relative low (under 80%)
Apache load relative high 3-10 req/s
There is a problem in your problem definition
What do you mean by Apache work?
if you want have more threads and processes of Apache httpd on the same server, you dont need to install two Cpanel instances, you could tune your Apache httpd worker configuration for a better performance and resource utilization.
you can even use litespeed or nginx web servers on cpanel.

cpanel auto generate bandwidth and RAM report

I've server hosting with another company.
Usually i monitor my server bandwidth by accessing Cpanel>log> Bandwidth.
Also access to WHM to check server RAM Usage.
But is it possible to create a cron job for daily auto generate bandwidth report and RAM usage to my Email?
I'm new to server hosting, is there any dummy way to create auto generate?
Thanks Everyone
You can monitor and analyze server resource with the Munin, If you have root access, you can install Munin Server Monitor plugin on your server through WHM >> cPanel >> Manage Plugins >> munin

Monitor Bandwidth on Apache Individual Virtual Websites (MRTG?)

How do I monitor bandwidth usage of individual virtual sites on Apache? (Ubuntu 14).
On our IIS server, we use the performance monitor, save to csv file and have MRTG parse the data and display it as graphs.
Can I do this with MRTG? I read of an unsupported module for Apache (mod_monitor??) that some had tried to use but really don't want to go with unsupported software.
The short answer is that you probably cannot do it without a little additional work.
The longer answer is that, while MRTG can graph anything in theory, you have to provide it with a way to obtain the data. The throughput of a network interface is already provided via SNMP, but the network traffic per virtual server is a little harder to come by, and you need to convince Apache to hand this data over in a format you can use.
You are clearly already aware of much of this, since under IIS you used the performance monitor to obtain the data from the perfstats. In fact, with IIS, instead of dumping the stats to a file and parsing it, you can use a plugin like mrtg-nsclient to query the perfstats directly via the Nagios nsclient++ agent. However, you are using Apache...
One way to achieve it would be to run each virtual server on a separate TCP port, and then use iptables logging rules to count the bytes passed. The output of iptables -L can then be parsed by MRTG to get the counters.
If you want to use name virtual hosts, though, only Apache's internals have the relevant data.
I have an MRTG data collection plugin that obtains total traffic counts via the mod_status URL. This allows graphing of the number of active Apache threads, and total traffic. However it is not split by virtual server, so you cannot get the individual statistics. Even with ExtendedStatus on, you only see the activity of the current threads, not counts split by vhost. ExtendedStatus will allow you to see how many threads are active per vhost, but not the total bytes transferred by each vhost.
The output you want appears to exist in mod_watch which will output one line of statistics per vhost on the URL /watch-list. However, this is an older module and may require modification in order for it to compile against Apache 2.4. It is also very hard to come by as the author has apparently tried to bury it. It used to be on github but vanished in 2012.
Try here: for the source,
Try here: for the windows binary for Apache 2.4

HTTPS or SSH for server-server communication

I have two servers. I wish to send some data ( was doing it with HTTP GET till now ) to a php file residing on the server and get some output from it.
Of late, I saw the requests per second went up to 50 and Apache served HTTP 500 error for some of those. This server has 512 MB RAM and the script, in php-cli mode, usually eats up around 10 MB of memory.
I wish, if it were to reduce the load on server, to use SSH instead of HTTPS. Will it reduce the memory usage on this server (minus what the script itself needs)? Or will too many SSH connections still cause hindrance?
Note - I do not have HTTPS setup right now. But planning to switch over to it. And just then, this issue cropped up.
SSH will not speed up your program. What you can do, is to create your own server on the destination server (which will receive data). The web server do much more than just receive data, like interpret HTTP headers and route your requests to files. Your own server can do the same job in a much lighter way. has an example of how to do this.
I would use normal HTTP, but encrypt the data sent.
How big is the data you're wanting to transfer? Depending on the size SSH (in particular, SFTP) might very well be better. I say that because... well, when was the last time you tried to upload a 10MB file via a webpage and succeeded? Uploading small files works for HTTP but, at the end of the day, it's not a file transfer protocol.
My recommendation would be to use phpseclib, a pure PHP SFTP implementation. Upload a file via SFTP and then run a PHP script on that file via SSH.