yii1 GridView Pagination not updating Grid when changing Page - yii

I am still very new to yii1 and fight now with a GridView. I have build a Search Form and when sending of the form, the page gets re-loaded and the GridView shows up with the results. The form goes to the Controller action and gets the appropriate records That works well, besides Pagination is not working. As soon I click on the next page, the GridView is empty, if I refresh the Page, the GridView shows the results for that page and moved on in my Pagination Link. What am I doing wrong here? I have printed out the $dataProvider in my view and it seems to hold all the data, but the table shows no records. Any hint what I am doing wrong? I really hope someone can help. Thank you so much !
$dataProvider = new GridDataProvider('MyModel', array(
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'id' =>'search-grid-new',
'emptyText' => 'No records found',
'htmlOptions' => array('class'=>'grid-view search-grid'),
'dataProvider'=> $dataProvider,
'ajaxUpdate' => true,
'columns' => $columns,
I actually thought that the problem is solved, but for some reason it is not and I am sure that I should not have to save the result in a Session anyway. Anyone any idea what I am doing wrong?


Yii widgets.TbThumbnails Pagination

I am using this 'widgets.TbThumbnails' from bootstrap to show the list of items as thumbnails. It shows first 10 items in one page and another 10 items on the other page. further it shows page navigator button at the bottom of the page. I tried to show all the items in a single page, but couldn't. If anyone know please help me to fix this. here is my code for thumbnail view
<?php $dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('Symptoms');
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
//'template' => "{items}\n{pager}",
'itemView' => '_thumb',
//'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width:975px;','height:1020px'),
Well that is due to the fact that dataProvider uses default settings for pagination.
Cpagination has a property named pageSize which refers to the the number of items per page. By default this is set to 10 thats why you can see 10 items per page.
Here is Official documentation.
You can do like this:
$dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('Symptoms', array(
$this->widget('ext.bootstrap.widgets.TbThumbnails', array(
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'itemView' => '_thumb',

yii CListView is not updating when we delete the records through ajax request

here i am using the ajax request to delete the record from the clistview the record is deleting succesfully but the list view is not updating if we refresh the page then only the record is removing from the clist view can any one help here is my code
echo CHtml::link(CHtml::encode('Delete'), $this->createUrl('delete', array('id' => $data['id'])), array(// for htmlOptions
'onclick' => ' {' . CHtml::ajax(array(
'beforeSend' => 'js:function(){if(confirm("Are you sure you want to delete?"))return true;else return false;}',
'url'=>$this->createUrl('delete', array('id' => $data['id'],'ajax'=>'delete')),
'complete'=>'js:function(jqXHR, textStatus){$.fn.yiiListView.update("firstlist");}'
)) .
'return false;}', // returning false prevents the default navigation to another url on a new page
here is the code for clistview
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(
'id' => 'firstlist',
'enablePagination' => false,
'summaryText' => '',
)); ?>
You could use CHtml::ajaxLink for ajax request, but your way is also fine.
I have filtered CListView results also with paginations enabled, you can just look at the major things for updating list view on this link
Please check view part and updating script part.
Hope his will help.
Use CGridView, you can add CButtonColumn

Pagination with Search form not working

I am implementing pagination on my search result, on the very first page it is working fine, but the problem is when i click on 2 for second page results, it displays empty page.
In view i have:
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array('dataProvider'=>$dataProvider,
while in my controller i have:
if (isset($_POST)
$dataProvider=new CArrayDataProvider($results,array(
'keyField' => 'brand_id',
//echo "<pre>"; print_r($dataProvider);exit;
$this->render('listing',array('dataProvider'=>$dataProvider, 'post' => $_POST));
The $results contains my search results, controller has a check if post is set or not, so when request for load of second page is sent to listing action, the post data is not set, so it does not enters the code and displays nothing.
How to make post data available to action when call for second page is done?
try this
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(

Yii cgridview give reference to checkbox

Because when adding the CCheckBoxColumn to my vgridview in a form, in return I have no precise index for working with the checked box data's. So I try to add the 'uncheckValue' but I am unable to link it to the reference value of my table. Is there a way to access this value for the current row ? (the $data->reference in my code return a Undefined variable).
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'uncheckValue'=>$data->reference, ),
Tks anyone could put me on the way (if there is one... )
I finally find one way is to extend CCheckBoxColumn.
As inside this code I have access to $data. Now my form return checkbox with his 'name' as the 'reference' column of my table, so I can do further batch treatment.
The uncheckValue hidden field was not suitable as it was only giving index for unchecked fields (!).
I believe this code should not stay in view but in extension...
Any comments still welcome....
class LIndexCheckBoxColumn extends CCheckBoxColumn {
public $linkId;
public function renderDataCellContent($row,$data)
else if($this->name!==null)
$checked = false;
echo CHtml::checkBox($name,$checked,$options);
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(

Yii CListview -> pagination and AjaxLink/ajaxButton

I have problems regarding with pagination and Ajax form.
Here is my code for Controller:
$dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('User', array(
For view -> users:
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(
For render _users:
echo CHtml::ajaxLink($text, $this->createUrl('admin/deleteuser',array('id'=>$data->iduser)), array('success'=>"js:function(html){ alert('remove') }"), array('confirm'=>_t('Are you sure you want to delete this user?'), 'class'=>'delete-icon','id'=>'x'.$viewid));
if i have 15 rows in a database it will only show 10 and will generate a pagination (ajaxUpdate = true) for next 5. The first 10 rows has no problem with the ajaxLink because the clientscript was generated but problem is the when I move to the next page, the ajaxLink is not working because its not generated by the pagination .
any idea? thanks
An alternate method, check this post in the yii forum. So your code will become like this:
echo CHtml::link($text,
array(// for htmlOptions
'onclick'=>' {'.CHtml::ajax( array(
'beforeSend'=>'js:function(){if(confirm("Are you sure you want to delete?"))return true;else return false;}',
'success'=>"js:function(html){ alert('removed'); }")).
'return false;}',// returning false prevents the default navigation to another url on a new page
Your confirm is moved to jquery's ajax function's beforeSend callback. If we return false from beforeSend, the ajax call doesn't occur.
Another suggestion, you should use post variables instead of get, and also if you can, move the ajax call to a function in the index view, and just include calls to the function from the all links' onclick event.
Hope this helps.
Not fully sure, but given past experiences I think the problem is in the listview widget itself.
If the owner of the widget is a Controller, it uses renderPartial to render the item view.
Renderpartial has, as you may or may not know, a "processOutput" parameter which needs to be set to TRUE for most of the AJAX magic (its FALSE by default).
So perhaps you can try to just derive a class of the listview and add a copy in there of "renderItems()". There you would have to change it so that it calls renderPartial with the correct parameters.
In the widget Clistview, I added afterAjaxUpdate
$jsfunction = <<< EOS
if(confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?'))
deleteUrl = $(this).attr('data-href');
jQuery.ajax({'success':function(html){ },'url':deleteUrl,'cache':false});
return false;
return false;
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(
'htmlOptions'=>($dataProvider->getData()) ? array('class'=>'table') : array('class'=>'table center'),
and in the _user just added attribute data-href
<?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink($text, $this->createUrl('admin/deletesubscription',array('id'=>$data->idsubscription)),
array('success'=>"js:function(html){ $('#tr{$viewid}').remove(); }"),
array('confirm'=>_t('Are you sure you want to unsubscribe?'),
)); ?>
$this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(
'enablePagination' => true,
if this doesn't solve, try including the total number of records in the data provider options as -
'itemCount' => .....,