INSERTING a single field into a table, referenced from another table - sql

I need to insert a field in a that references an id field in another table.
The id field it is to going is next to the field 'test' (column - codedescription, table typecategory) and coming from an id field next to the word 'assessment' (column categorydescription, table typecategory)
INSERT INTO codetype
Where codedescription='test'
SELECT id FROM typecategory WHERE categorydescription='Assessment Types'
There are plenty of examples of inserting entire columns but nobody has written how to insert a single field from another table.
table - codetype
id bigserial primary key
codedescription varchar
typecategoryid bigint foreign key to typecatogory on the ID column
Table - typecategory
ID big serial primary key
categorydescription varchar

If the column already exists and there are are already records in the rest of the columns in the table, then you need an UPDATE statement, not an INSERT.
Looks like this post might help you: Update a column of a table with a column of another table in PostgreSQL
UPDATE codetype c
SET c.typecategoryid =
FROM typecategory t
WHERE c.codedescription = 'test' and t.categorydescription='Assessment Types'


SSMS will not let me create a PK FK relationship

First, let me say that I am a newbie and that I have read many other posts with the same problem. I have a table called "AllPeople", and in that table I have an integer column called "Ethnicity", which I want to be a foreign key that points at a record in my "RefEthnicities" table. I keep getting the following message:
Unable to create relationship 'FK_AllPeople_RefEthnicities'.
The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_AllPeople_RefEthnicities". The conflict occurred in database "MVC-Cemeteries-Dev", table "dbo.RefEthnicities", column 'ID'.
I set up the relationship in the "AllPeople" table and told it that the primary key is the ID column in the "RefEthnicities" and the foreign key is the "Ethnicity" column in the "AllPeople" table. What am I doing wrong? My RefEthnicities table is new; no data in it.
While in design mode I set the ID field in the "RefEthnicities" table set as primary key by clicking the small box to the left of the name "ID", and down below in this same window in the column properties tab, I told it to set the index specification to "yes".
I am sure it is something simple that I am doing but I can't figure it out.
Error Message
Constraint Folder
Setting Up PK FK Link
As my limited information in the question, there 2 possibilities
NULL or Blank '' value for column Ethnicity in table AllPeople
SELECT A.Ethnicity,A.*
FROM dbo.AllPeople A
WHERE ISNULL(A.Ethnicity,'')=''
Some values column Ethnicity in table AllPeople don't have parent in column ID in table RefEthnicities
SELECT A.Ethnicity,R.ID, *
FROM dbo.AllPeople A
LEFT JOIN RefEthnicities R
ON A.Ethnicity=R.ID
If you get any rows in two queries, then you need to fix data in column Ethnicity in table AllPeople.
Ok this still makes no sense. If I create two brand new tables with the following:
ID primary key int not nullable
value varchar
ID primary key int not nullable
value varchar
and in table1 I make a relationship between table2FK and Table2.ID, it works perfect with no data saved in the tables. If I use the exact same process in my AllPeople and RefEthnicicties tables, I get the error. This makes no sense. What am I missing?
That fixed it. many thanks. I had a record in my AllPeople table for ethnicity that had a value of 0. Since I didn't have a record in the RefEthnicity Table with an ID of 0, it was telling me that I couldn't do this.

Conditional constraint based on value in another table?

With Postgres, I'm not sure how to set this up. I have two tables (pseudocode):
Table A
ID int
Unique bool
Table B
TableA_ID int
UserID int
What I want is if Unique in a row in Table A is true, to set a constraint on all rows in Table B that reference that TableA_ID row, the constraint being that (TableA_ID, UserID) are unique. But only for those rows that reference that particular Table A row.
Edit: This is for a database system. That is, each row in Table A describes a table of data (name, description, what the columns are, etc), and each row in Table B contains the values for a row in a table from Table A, along with some meta data like who created the row. We want to have the ability to designate some tables such that each user can only add one row to them, while other tables we don't care.

SQL server inserting values from one table to another

I am trying to insert a column of data from one table to another. The table I am trying to insert into is called MU.PROVIDERS. The table I am inserting from is called Sheet1$. (Imported from an excel sheet). The columns they have in common is called "NPI", a key that is common for all providers, so I am trying to insert based on this key. Not every NPI value in the Sheet1$ will put a corresponding RELAY_ID value into the 'MU.PROVIDERS' table. (There are more NPI's in the 'MU.PROVIDERS' than in Sheet1$) My query is as follows:
FROM Sheet1$ as h JOIN
I am getting the error:
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'NPI', table 'MU.PROVIDERS'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
I do have the NPI column set as the primary key on the 'MU.PROVIDERS' table, but I am not inserting anything into this column so I do not understand the problem.
I think you want an update. Insert adds new rows. Update changes the values of columns:
SET relay_id = h.relay_id
FROM mu.Providers i JOIN
Sheet1$ h
ON h.NPI = i.NPI;
You may have defined the NPI column as the primary key.
But the primary key needs a unique value to identify a row.
If you don't provide the value with your INSERT statement you should define the NPI column as IDENTITY(1,1) to automagically create a new identity value.

Two or more table with serial with uniq nums in every table

I've 2 table with serial field (in table "m" it's field "uniq" and in table "u" it's field "uniq").
But, if I insert data in (for example) u. Autoincrement function make +1 for next row in u (from 1 to 2), but if after this action I insert data in another table (for example) m autoincrement field write down not next value in column (1,2,3..), but 3, even if in field was 1.
It means, what autoincrement function incremented every single value in database in series, but not in the table.
sorry for such a poor description of the problem and bad english = )
Try something like this if you want having an id which is unique in all tables:
try something like this to create unique id for each table
CREATE TABLE table3(id serial,Test3 varchar);
CREATE TABLE table4(id serial,Test4 varchar);
SQL Fiddle
If I understand correctly, you want a unique ID over tables "a" and "b". So create one table with a serial column just for having your key (eg. "id_table") and all other tables have this key as foreign key. Every time you need a new ID, you insert in your "id_table" and point to this new key.

How can to set column field with related column field in another table?

I have the following two sql tables:
The GlassesID Column in Glasses table is the primery key defined as auto Increaseble.
The GlassesColor table has GlassesID(not auto Increaseble) colomn that defined as Foreign Key.
When Glasses table get a record (from stored procedure)GlassesID automatecly get value.
The GlassesColor.GlassesID column must be set with value from Glasses.GlassesID Column.
My question is how can i implement this? i,e... How can i set column field with related column field in another table?
Immediately after you insert a record into Glasses table, get the ID from Glasses table
declare #GlassesID as int
select #GlassesID = scope_identity();
Then you can use #GlassesID to insert into GlassesColor table.
insert GlassesColor(GlassesID, .....)
values(#GlassesID, .....);