Word shading exactly to text height - vba

I'm currently working on a MS Word report.
To highlight certain sections, it would be great to shade some part of the text as seen in beneath image:
Unfortunately, I'm just able to add the shading for the full line height, as shown in the following image:
Is there a native way inside MS Word to accomplish the shading for just the text height?
Otherwise I'm forced to embed images inside my report as the headings (This is something I do not want for several reasons, e.g. complications in Table of Contents)

There is no direct way to have a shading as you desire, it's always to the full line height and not the cap height. And this also makes sense, when you think about how the shading would look like for letters with a tail (such as uppercase Q or a descender (such as lowercase g).
If you want to add the shading to single lines only you could mimic the desired effect by anchoring a rectangle shape to the paragraph and position it behind the text.
Here is a quick and dirty VBA macro that adds shading using shapes to the selected lines of text. You have to fine-tune the height and vertical offset of the shapes to the font and font size you are using.
Sub AddShading()
Dim rng As Range
Dim startPos As Integer
Dim endPos As Integer
Dim capHeight As Single
capHeight = 8
Dim verticalOffset As Single
verticalOffset = 3
' backup original select
Set rng = Selection.Range.Duplicate
' start undo transaction
Application.UndoRecord.StartCustomRecord "Add Shading"
' select line of text
Selection.Expand wdLine
If Selection.Start < rng.Start Then
Selection.Start = rng.Start
End If
If Selection.End > rng.End Then
Selection.End = rng.End
End If
' get range of current line to be able to retrieve position of line
Dim rngLine As Range
Set rngLine = Selection.Range.Duplicate
' get the left coordinate
Dim left As Single
left = rngLine.Information(wdHorizontalPositionRelativeToPage)
' get the top coordinate and add a vertical adjustment depending on the font used
Dim top As Single
top = rngLine.Information(wdVerticalPositionRelativeToPage) + verticalOffset
' move to the end position of the line
rngLine.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
If rngLine.Information(wdVerticalPositionRelativeToPage) > top Then
rngLine.Move wdCharacter, -1
End If
' calculate width of line
Dim width As Integer
width = rngLine.Information(wdHorizontalPositionRelativeToPage) - left
' add shape behind text
Dim shp As Shape
Set shp = rng.Document.Shapes _
.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, left, top, width, capHeight, rng)
With shp
' grey shading
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(192, 192, 192)
' no outline
.Line.Visible = msoFalse
' the shape should move with the text
.RelativeVerticalPosition = wdRelativeVerticalPositionParagraph
' position the shape behind the text
.WrapFormat.Type = wdWrapBehind
End With
' continue with next line
Selection.Move wdLine
Loop While Selection.End < rng.End
' restore original selection
End Sub


Align (distribute) images horizontally in Word with VBA macro

This is my first time writing macro in VBA. My goal is to write a VBA macro that will automatically align (distribute) all images in a Word document horizontally (next to each other) with a small margin on each side of every image. If there is not enough space to fit another image, I need it to go to the next row(just below previous images) and continue with the horizontal alignment of images.
I have searched a lot on the internet, but I haven't found a way to achieve this...
NOTE: My macro already contains code for making all images have the same height(while keeping the same aspect ratio), so I think dimensions shouldn't be a problem...
Here is a small example of what I want to achieve:
I tried using code for Horizontal alignment from this link: https://www.excelcampus.com/vba/align-space-distribute-shapes/
But I got the following result:
Margins are weird and shapes are aligned infinitely instead of going into the next row...
My Code:
Dim lCnt As Long
Dim dTop As Double
Dim dLeft As Double
Dim dWidth As Double
Const dSPACE As Double = 8 'Set space between shapes in points
lCnt = 1
Dim image As Shape
If ActiveDocument.Shapes.Count > 0 Then
For Each image In ActiveDocument.Shapes
With image
.WrapFormat.Type = wdWrapSquare
.LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
.Height = InchesToPoints(3)
If lCnt > 1 Then
.Top = dTop
.Left = dLeft + dWidth + dSPACE
End If
dTop = .Top
dLeft = .Left
dWidth = .Width
End With
lCnt = lCnt + 1
End If
End Sub
Thanks in advance!
Inserting your images into a table with fixed cell dimensions won't achieve what you say you want, since the images clearly don't have the same aspect ratio. What you need to do is to convert them to inlineshapes so that Word can handle the line wrapping. For example:
Sub Demo()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim iShp As InlineShape
With ActiveDocument
Do While .Shapes.Count > 0
For Each iShp In .InlineShapes
With iShp
.LockAspectRatio = True
.Height = InchesToPoints(3)
If .Range.Characters.Last.Next <> " " Then .Range.InsertAfter " "
End With
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
You can adjust the vertical spacing between the images by changing the paragraph line spacing. Note too, that the horizontal alignment can be played around with by switching between left, centered and justified paragraph formats.
Since you are new to VBA I wanted to share a bit of code if you were to pursue a Table approach. The code below creates a single-row table that is fixed in width and will not expand width-wise unless you alter the individual cells. For demo purposes only, I insert the same picture into each cell to demonstrate that the image resizes automatically based on cell width.
Sub TableOfPictures()
Dim doc As Word.Document, rng As Word.Range
Dim Tbl As Word.Table, C As Long
Set doc = ActiveDocument
Set rng = Selection.Range
Set Tbl = rng.Tables.Add(rng, 1, 2, Word.WdDefaultTableBehavior.wdWord8TableBehavior)
Tbl.rows(1).Cells(1).Width = InchesToPoints(2)
Tbl.rows(1).Cells(2).Width = InchesToPoints(4.5)
For C = 1 To 2
Tbl.rows(1).Cells(C).Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture ("Y:\Pictures\Mk45 Gun Proj_Blast.jpg")
End Sub

Using VBA to change color of single word in string of Word document table to match cell color

I have Word documents with tables that have color coded cells in which I would like to "hide" certain words of each cell by changing their color to match the cell color.
I have a VBA script that searches for the words from an array list and successfully finds them, but I can't get those words to change color to the cell background color.
Sub TableWordColorReplace()
Dim C As Cell
Dim tableCount As Long
Dim Ctr As Integer
Dim backColor As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim range As range
Dim TargetList
tableCount = ActiveDocument.Tables.Count 'to account for any/all tables in the document
TargetList = Array("word1", "word2", "word3")
For Ctr = 1 To tableCount 'cycle thru each table in the document
For Each C In ActiveDocument.Tables(Ctr).range.Cells 'search in every cell in the table
backColor = C.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor 'the color I want to change the found text to
For i = 0 To UBound(TargetList) 'cycle thru each word in the list
With C.range.Find
.Text = TargetList(i)
With .Replacement
.Text = TargetList(i)
.Font.Color = backColor 'this is where I expect the word color to change, but it doesn't
End With
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
Next C
Next Ctr
End Sub
My expectation is that when the word is found in any cell, the .Replacement section of code will change the word color to the backColor variable value, but the text color does not change.
I think the problem you are facing is your cell color is not set to anything, and being on the default colour -16777216 (which is the same as wdColorAutomatic) , you are setting the automatic color to your text as well (which is generally black).
If your cells background are always white, you can do .Font.Color = wdColorWhite, otherwise you can make a check against the default value, i.e.:
backColor = C.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor 'the color I want to change the found text to
If backColor = -16777216 Then backColor = wdColorWhite
Otherwise if there is any color set on the background, it will use that.

Word VBA macro which moves all anchors to top of floating image

I have some large documents with +50 images each. The problem is that most of them are floating images. Position is good but images are anchored in wrong places (most often to the last line on the page). I want to move all anchors to the position where its picture is floating.
(Preciser description, from comments: I want to read the position of the image and move its anchor to this place. So if an image is in the middle of page 3 and its anchor is at the bottom of page 3, I want to move anchor to middle of this page. And do the same thing for all images.)
Is it possible?
I cannot make them inline, it will change structure of my documents.
I've tried to move them by some value but macro does not change anchor's position.
Sub Demo()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Long, vPos As Single, Rng As Range
With ActiveDocument
For i = .Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
With .Shapes(i)
.RelativeVerticalPosition = wdRelativeVerticalPositionPage: vPos = .Top
With .Anchor
If .Information(wdVerticalPositionRelativeToPage) > vPos Then
Set Rng = .Paragraphs.First.Range
Set Rng = Rng.GoTo(What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="\page")
With Rng
Do While .Paragraphs(1).Range.Characters.Last.Information(wdVerticalPositionRelativeToPage) < vPos
.Start = .Paragraphs(1).Range.End
.Collapse wdCollapseStart
End With
Rng.FormattedText = .FormattedText
End If
End With
End With
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Excel to word Align picture

I have a report that is built from Excel and outputs in Word, I also have a picture called "Picture 7". My question is once this is pasted into word from excel is there anyway to center align the picture?
the picture is copied over as part of a range of cells. So I would need to reference the picture in word.
It is centered on the range of cells but does not quite come out center in the word document
Edit: Currently I am trying this
For Each shp In oDoc.Shapes
If Left(shp.Name, 7) = "RN Logo" Then
shp.Left = wdShapeCenter
End If
But this is just putting the picture in the top left, I think because of the table it is pasted with I may need to do an absolute position on it.
Edit 2:I have found a work around but it is just a large If/Else and absolute positioning, snippet below
Sub Update_RN_Logo_Location()
For Each shp In oDoc.Shapes
If Left(shp.Name, 7) = "RN Logo" Then
If Right(shp.Name, 1) = 1 Then
shp.Left = oWord.CentimetersToPoints(2.4)
shp.Left = oWord.CentimetersToPoints(0.75)
End If
ElseIf Left(shp.Name, 4) = "UKAS" Then
If Right(shp.Name, 1) = 1 Then
shp.Left = oWord.CentimetersToPoints(1.25)
ElseIf Right(shp.Name, 1) = 2 Then
shp.Left = oWord.CentimetersToPoints(2.5)
ElseIf Right(shp.Name, 1) = 3 Then
shp.Left = oWord.CentimetersToPoints(0)
ElseIf Right(shp.Name, 1) = 4 Then
shp.Left = oWord.CentimetersToPoints(2.5)
End If
End If
End Sub
Picture of the document with some removed sensitive information
I believe there are two issues here. First, graphics in word have an anchor. When the graphic is pasted, the anchor for it is placed in the table created by Excel's cells. This throws off positioning.
Second, I suggest using the Shape.RelativeHorizontalPosition property, which will allow your Shape.Left property to give you a true center alignment relative to another page element.
In the code below I am positioning the graphic relative to the document's margins, but there are other choices:
Word 2007 WdRelativeHorizontalPosition Enumeration
This enumeration will also work for Word 2010 and 2013.
To assure proper placement of the logo graphic, insert a carriage return at the top of the document prior to pasting in your logo and table (make sure this carriage return has no indents or styles that apply spatial formatting):
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
Selection.InsertBefore vbCr
Then paste in the graphic and table and run this code:
For Each shp In oDoc.Shapes
If Left(shp.Name, 7) = "RN Logo" Then
With shp
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
Selection.Paste 'places graphic on carriage return before table
.RelativeHorizontalPosition = wdRelativeHorizontalPositionMargin
.Left = wdShapeCenter
.RelativeVerticalPosition = wdRelativeVerticalPositionMargin
'.Top = measurement of choice
End With
End If
Have you tried simply center-aligning the default paragraph (or adding a text box) and pasting in the picture? Keep the picture separate from everything else. You may need to set a text run-around as well.
This is slightly-modified recorded Word VBA
Sub Macro1()
ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:= _
"C:\Users\user\Desktop\01.jpg", LinkToFile:=False, _
End Sub
You could just do a "Control+A" select all and then allign everything to center:
Sub Testing()
'Select All:
'Center Align All:
Selection.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphCenter
End Sub
I'd prefer to insert pictures from outside Excel/Word;
You can position them exactly in the paragraph you want:
Sub M_snb()
ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(5).Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture("G:\Excel_.bmp").Range.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = 1
End Sub

VBA powerpoint - code to change table's cell shading

I have a PowerPoint 2010 presentation with a table on one slide.
I want to create a VBA modeless form that will work like a pallete of
formats/colors for formatting cells of that table.
Basically, the buttons on the form would just simulate clicking
specific Shading color in Table Tools/Design menu.
I place the cursor to the cell then click on a button in activated modeless form. The shading of that cell will change according to the color in the code.
The reason I want to do this is that some other people will use it and the colors must be easily accessible (format painter doesn't not seem to copy the shading)
But I cannot find a way to make this VBA. I have tried recording macro in Word (not possible in PP) with no success.
Try this... (Not polished code, but should give you what you need(ed))
Public sub TblCellColorFill()
Dim X As Integer
Dim Y As Integer
Dim oTbl as Table
set oTbl = ActiveWindow.Selection.Shaperange(1).Table 'Only works is a single table shape is selected - add some checks in your final code!
For X = 1 To otbl.Columns.Count
For Y = 1 To otbl.Rows.Count
With otbl.Cell(Y, X)
If .Selected <> False Then 'Strange bug - will ignore if statement entirely if you use "= True"
'Debug.Print "Test worked " & Now
'We have the shape we need
.shape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(100, 150, 200) 'Add your color here
End If
End With
Next 'y
Next 'x
End Sub
For table styling in MSPowerPoint 2013 I use
' Change table style
' Two rows Dark Gray and White Font
' Next odd rows Light Gray/ even Moderate Gray/ and Black Font
Dim iCols As Integer
Dim iRows As Integer
Dim oTbl As Table
' Debug.Print (ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1).Type)
With ActiveWindow.Selection
If .Type = ppSelectionShapes Then ' Shape is selected ppSelectionShapes=2 ppSelectionSlides=3 ppSelectionNone=0
If .ShapeRange(1).Type = msoTable Then ' If first shape Type=19 is msoTable
' (--- note not all table-looking shapes are Table style Can be Type=14 msoPlaceholder
Debug.Print ("We are certain inside table") '
Set oTbl = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1).Table 'Only works if single table or its part is selected
For iCols = 1 To oTbl.Columns.Count
For iRows = 1 To oTbl.Rows.Count
With oTbl.Cell(iRows, iCols)
.Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = "Arial"
.Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 12
If iRows Mod 2 <> 0 Then ' Odd numbers
Debug.Print ("Ymod2 2") '
.Shape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(236, 234, 241)
.Shape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(215, 210, 225)
End If
If (.Selected <> False) And (iRows < 3) Then 'Cannot be "= True"
.Shape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(166, 166, 166)
.Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name = "Arial"
.Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
.Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = 12
End If
End With
Next 'iRows
Next 'iCols
End If
End If
End With
End Sub