CakePHP retrieving when related model NULL - orm

I have a null-able relation model, and I am using this standard code to retrieve my records:
$this->paginate = [
'contain' => ['Clients']
$coupons = $this->paginate($this->Coupons);
I am getting just the records that have client associated.
what is the best practice to make the contain work like OR, and not AND
EDIT: the relationship is seted as the following:
$this->belongsTo('Clients', [
'foreignKey' => 'client_id',
'joinType' => 'INNER'

I have solved it by setting the joinType to LEFT:
$this->belongsTo('Clients', [
'foreignKey' => 'client_id',
'joinType' => 'LEFT'


Bitrix24: Fill in listvalue via the Api with lists.element.add

I to choose a list-value via the API into Bitrix
[ 'IBLOCK_TYPE_ID' => 'lists',
'IBLOCK_ID' => '134',
'ELEMENT_CODE' => 'element'.$entry[134] ,
'FIELDS' => [
'NAME' => 'TEST'.$leadID,
'PROPERTY_1430' => 'YES or NO' ,
Ho do i set the Value for Protpery_1430? Here "Yes or NO"
There is a screenshot of the values of the Ja (Yes) and (NO):
Some help would be nice :)
Just pass the list variant identifier; e.g.:
CRest::call('lists.element.add', [
'IBLOCK_TYPE_ID' => 'lists',
'IBLOCK_ID' => '134',
'ELEMENT_CODE' => 'element'.$entry[134] ,
'FIELDS' => [
'NAME' => 'TEST'.$leadID,
'PROPERTY_1430' => 2463, // or 2464
If you can't use identifiers and need to use values,
use the lists.field.get method and find the identifier by the value from the DISPLAY_VALUES_FORM field.

Converting SQL query to CakePHP

I have this SQL query that I need to convert to CakePHP. I used this website [][1] that converts the code but I doesn't work in the way that I want. There is no results.
I think it is because it creates an empty array
here is the SQL code :
SELECT shops.phone1 FROM galleries , albums , shops
WHERE galleries.album_id = and albums.shop_id = and = 210
and this is the result the website gives me :
$options = array(
'fields' => array(
'joins' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'Gallery.album_id =',
'albums.shop_id =',
'' => '210',
$data = $this->find('all', $options);
but the code doesn't work.
Any Ideas what could be wrong ?
There are many ways to achieve this.
If you have defined your associations correctly then you can do this:
$data = $this->Shops->find('all')
->where(['' => 210]);
Otherwise you can use custom join to generate your query:
$data = $this->Shops->find('all')
'albums' => [
'table' => 'albums',
'type' => 'INNER', // define your join type here
'conditions' => 'albums.shop_id =',
'galleries' => [
'table' => 'galleries',
'type' => 'INNER', // define your join type here
'conditions' => '',
->where(['' => 210]);
Further Reading: Cakephp -> Query Builder -> Adding Joins

Filter by a field that's a foreign key

Using Yii2.
I have a table called 'calificacion' that has a foreign key 'alumno-id' that points to field id in table alumno.
The column defined in the GridView widget is:
'header' => 'Alumno',
'attribute' => '',
'value' => ''
And it's showing perfectly, but the filter, in the header of the column, is not appearing. I want to have a textbox for writing the name of the alumno and get filtered. How can I achieve that?
EDIT: Here're the files
First declare an attribute in your SearchModel.
public $alumno_name;
In your search model's rule add:
[['alumno_name'], 'safe'],
Join with alumno relation in search method (supponsinbly there is a alumno relation in your Calificacion model):
$query = Calificacion::find()
->joinWith(['alumno alumno']);
To sort with $alumno_name add:
$dataProvider->sort = [
'attributes' => [
//Other attributes here
'alumno_name' => [
'asc' => ['' => SORT_ASC],
'desc' => ['' => SORT_DESC],
To filter this you have to add:
$query->andFilterWhere(['like', '', $this->alumno_name]);
Finally in your grid view add:
'attribute' => 'alumno_name',
'value' => ''
You can find more info here and here.
Also instead of header use 'label' => 'Alumno'.
You must first define a relation in Model of that table 'calificacion', like
public function getAlumno()
return $this->hasOne(Alumno::className(), ['id' => 'alumno_id']);
Than in the search model of Calificacion set that you are joining tables after validation, like
Than set search like
'' => $this.alumno_id

Multiple hasMany() associations with different foreign keys

I am implementing a simple system that allows recording transactions between users. For that I have two tables transactions and users.
Every transaction is between two users and records the flow from one user to the other in the fields from_user_id and to_user_id which are foreign keys to
Now I would like to get all transactions for an user (in reverse chronologically order). I'd love to have something like this:
class UsersTable extends Table {
public function initialize(array $config) {
$this->hasMany('Transactions', [
'foreignKey' => [
'OR' => [
' = Transactions.from_user_id',
' = Transactions.to_user_id'
'finder' => [
Of course this does not work out (SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'Transactions.Array' in 'where clause') and setting foreignKey to false and using a custom queryBuilder is not allowed for hasMany associations.
What does work is using two different associations for both foreign keys (one for negative and one for positive transactions) and then merging the two, but I would rather not go this way. This is the current approach:
$this->hasMany('NegativeTransactions', [
'className' => 'Transactions',
'foreignKey' => 'from_user_id'
$this->hasMany('PositiveTransactions', [
'className' => 'Transactions',
'foreignKey' => 'to_user_id'
Has anybody any ideas?

Yii 2.0 Select Pre-selected values from Database

I have been trying to fix an issue but to no avail but i am sure i will find a solution here. I am using Kartik 2.0 Select extension to do a multiple select. Fine, all working when inserting into the database but i am unable to retrieve the saved records to be displayed as selected back in the select field.
//I have included the kartik widgets already
use kartik\widgets\Select2;
<label>Desired Specialization(s)</label>
<?= $form->field($spec, 'id')->label(false)->widget(Select2::classname(), [
'data' => $model->getAllSpecializations(),
'options' => ['placeholder' => 'You can choose more than one specialization ...'],
'pluginOptions' => [
'allowClear' => true,
'multiple' => true
Please, your reply will be appreciated. Thanks
I think you need to add the saved values as the initial data? Like so:
'value' => $savedDataArray, // initial value
After much digging into the code, i found a way on how to display selected database values into a multi-select option using Yii Select2
My Model
public function getCandidateLanguage()
$langValues = (new \yii\db\Query())
->select('c.language_id AS id, l.lang_name')
->from('candidate_language c ')
->innerJoin('languages l','c.language_id =')
return \yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::map($langValues,'id','lang_name');
My View
use kartik\widgets\Select2;
//the line below is to fetch the array key of $model->getCandidateLanguage() array
$lang->id = array_keys($model->getCandidateLanguage()); // value to initialize
echo Select2::widget([
'model' => $lang,
'attribute' => 'id',
'data' => $model->getAllLanguages(),
'options' => ['placeholder' => 'Choose multiple languages'],
'pluginOptions' => [
'allowClear' => true,
'multiple' => true,
'tags' => true,
Hope it help someone who is facing the same issue.