I'm trying to change the text "SKU" to something else on the Admin site, in two places:
On the Product Variant column header, when you're looking at the Product in the admin site.
On the Variant Options screen, under the Inventory header.
The purpose is to change the name for the Admin user to see something else, it doesn't need to impact the front end site. I already tried modifying the translation in en.default.json but that didn't work.
Its a build in text in the Shopify pages and code.
You can use a Javascript to do it by writing a Chrome/Firefox extension to do it or using a bookmarklet in your address bar.
A bookmraklet is a JS code which is running on the given page when you click it
Here are few samples:
I am building a Shopify website https://fone-kase-plus.myshopify.com/.
For example, I want to modify code of this page only: https://fone-kase-plus.myshopify.com/pages/iphone-6 .
How is it possible to do it?
If you go in the admin, and to that page (from Online Store/Pages) on the right you will see "Theme Template" and a name. That's the template that is applied to that page.
That name is a file in your theme under templates with a name like page.your-template-name.liquid.
If you copy that file and create another one like page.another-template-name.liquid you can then apply that template only to the pages you want. Then you modify that template file to make a page as you like.
I am trying to simply edit the format (float from left to center and remove two column layout into one column) of my about page on my Shopify site.
I have edited the html of the page directly using chrome dev tools (to confirm what I am doing is going to make the page look like I want it to).
My issue is that Shopify has a specific global section in the admin where you can edit just the content of the about page. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find anything on that page that allows me to edit the pages code directly.
And when I look at the theme code for the main site, I cannot find any .liquid files that seem to be related to the about page.
Anybody with Shopify coding experience able to point me in the right direction?
Which ways are possible to edit the live preview of the product page in Shopify with Inputboxes next to it?
Let's say the product is a poster, and i want to add a custom text on it.
When typing into the inputbox the text changes in real time on the product.
Can this be implemented in the shopify code with the basic version of shopify?
Or does this necessarily needs an app?
Let me go a bit deeper. I have a code that can generate a QR code.
Now i want that the QR code to be previewed in the product. Now position and color of the QR code is different from any product. Would that need an app?
Yes you can to an extent.
First the ground rules:
You can't modify the product from the front-end and update the content or media in the back-end - this would be a huge security hole
The changes applied to the product will be visible only to the user who changed them
The solution is to use Javascript and update the content of the front-end. If you like to store the changes for that specific user you can save them as cookie or localstorage.
If you like to share this change to other people you will need to add a custom parameter in the URL of the page and generate the content from it and share that url.
Each one of these steps will require some custom Javascript that will affect only the user in question, if you like to modify the product in the back-end directly you will need some kind of an app for this.
On my mind it can be done if the dynamic text is applied over product image.
Detailed code would be too long to write here but here are the steps:
Add an input to your product form to add a custom property (https://community.shopify.com/c/Shopify-Design/Product-pages-Get-customization-information-for-products/td-p/616503)
Write a Javascript function to get input value in real time
Use this value to display it in a div in product image container
Position this div in CSS as absolute and style it as you wish
While image container position should be set as relative in CSS
I have a client request to add manageable content to the login page. I assume this would work like managing any other page, simply create a section with the necessary schema and markup, then include that section ({% section 'section_name' %}) in the customers/login.liquid theme template. Problem is I don't see an option to select the login page in the page selection drop-down when customizing the theme. How do I allow my client to customize the login page via sections?
The actual login template cannot have manageable sections.
The closest workaround is to create a custom page template that includes a login form. The page can include manageable sections that are accessible when customizing the theme. The only issue is that all the automatically generated login url links will not go to this page, so any instances of those links need to be adjusted in the theme.
You can manually tell the customizer where to go by adding a hash(#) at the end of the url, followed by the shopify site path you want to visit/edit.
Once you enter this in the browser url bar, you'll need to hit enter twice to get the page to reload properly.
If you do this and find it keeps sending you back to the homepage, it means that accounts are disabled on the Shopify store. You can change this by going to:
Shopify Admin > Settings > Checkout > Customer accounts
Then selecting either: Accounts are optional // Account are required
My problem is that when you login on my store - you (not necessarily registered) could add your e-mail and other information.
In this topic:
I see that there is a possibility to change the metafields of the customer.
But I need to change the metafields of the store.
Does someone know where to find a list of requests or is there any options to change Metafields?
If you, as somebody with admin access to the store, needs to manually set or modify metafields on your store and either don't want to (or cannot) use a custom app to do so:
Get the (free) ShopifyFD extension for your browser (Link to the extension on the Chrome store)
Log in to your store and go to the 'Settings' (gear icon)
Click ShopifyFD's green '+' icon in your browser to load the extension on the page. You should now see your store metafields appear
You can now add metafields by filling in the boxes, or select existing metafields to manually edit their values.
Note: Metafields that are set by any of the apps that your are using should generally not be edited manually - changing an auto-generated field could really confuse the app that relies on it!