hive - show table's column details only - hive

I have created a HIVE partition table and when I run describe table I see other table properties as well as the table column details. If I want to see only the table column details, then what command can I use?
create table t1 (x int, y int, s string) partitioned by (z date) stored as sequencefile;
describe t1;
| col_name | data_type | comment |
| x | int | |
| y | int | |
| s | string | |
| z | date | |
| | NULL | NULL |
| # Partition Information | NULL | NULL |
| # col_name | data_type | comment |
| | NULL | NULL |
| z | date | |
Can the last 5 rows be avoided?
| # Partition Information | NULL | NULL |
| # col_name | data_type | comment |
| | NULL | NULL |
| z | date | |
Also what does this NULL | NULL row means?

What you're looking for is this configuration parameter:
set hive.display.partition.cols.separately=false
From hive documentation:
In Hive 0.10.0 and earlier, no distinction is made between partition columns and non-partition columns while displaying columns for DESCRIBE TABLE. From Hive 0.12.0 onwards, they are displayed separately.
In Hive 0.13.0 and later, the configuration parameter hive.display.partition.cols.separately lets you use the old behavior, if desired (HIVE-6689). For an example, see the test case in the patch for HIVE-6689.


Replacing for loop by sql

I have SQL for example
show tables from mydb;
It shows the list of table
Then,I use sql sentence for each table.
such as "show full columns from table1 ;"
| Field | Type | Collation | Null | Key | Default | Extra | Privileges | Comment |
| id | bigint | NULL | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | select,insert,update,references | |
| user_id | bigint | NULL | NO | MUL | NULL | | select,insert,update,references | |
| group_id | int | NULL | NO | MUL | NULL | | select,insert,update,references | |
So in this case I can use programming language such as .(this is not correct code just showing the flow)
tables = "show tables from mydb;"
for t in tables:
cmd.execute("show full columns from {t} ;")
However is it possible to do this in sql only?
If you are using MySQL you can use the system view - INFORMATION_SCHEMA.
It contains table name and column name (and other details). No loop is require and you can easily filter by other information, too.
If you are using Microsoft SQL Server, you can use the above command

Postgresql query substract from one table

I have a one tables in Postgresql and cannot find how to build a query.
The table contains columns nr_serii and deleteing_time. I trying to count nr_serii and substract from this positions with deleting_time.
My query:
select nr_serii , count(nr_serii ) as ilosc,count(deleting_time) as ilosc_delete
from MyTable
group by nr_serii, deleting_time
output is:
| "666666";1;1 |
| "456456";1;0 |
| "333333";3;0 |
| "333333";1;1 |
| "111111";1;1 |
| "111111";3;0 |
The part of table with raw data:
| "666666";"2020-11-20 14:08:13" |
| "456456";"" |
| "333333";"" |
| "333333";"" |
| "333333";"" |
| "333333";"2020-11-20 14:02:23" |
| "111111";"" |
| "111111";"" |
| "111111";"2020-11-20 14:08:04" |
| "111111";"" |
And i need substract column ilosc and column ilosc_delete
nr_serii:333333 ilosc:3-1=2
Expected output:
| "666666";-1 |
| "456456";1 |
| "333333";2 |
| "111111";2 |
| ... |
I think this is very simple solution for this but i have empty in my head.
I see what you want now. You want to subtract the number where deleting_time is not null from the ones where it is null:
select nr_serii,
count(*) filter (where deleting_time is null) - count(deleting_time) as ilosc_delete
from MyTable
group by nr_serii;
Here is a db<>fiddle.

PostgreSQL create table with auto compute columns from different table columns

Have the following tables, and want to create table card where the columns fee is calculated as product_price.price + product_sale.b_rate
and comm computed is product_price.price - product_sale.s_rate
is there a way to autopopulate the table card when table product_sale and product_price populates.
such as create table card with computed column or function?
need help
| column | type | pk |
| s_date | date | Y |
| seller | varchar(50) | Y |
| country | varchar(50) | Y |
| b_rate | float | |
| s_rate | float | |
| column | type | pk |
| p_date | date | Y |
| product | varchar(50) | Y |
| price | varchar(50) | |
| column | type | pk |
| c_date | date | Y |
| seller | varchar(50) | Y |
| country | varchar(50) | Y |
| fee | float | |
| comm | float | |
You can have "pseudo" virtual columns, not bona fide real ones. PostgreSQL can emulate virtual columns as functions on a table (not persisted), However, There are several limitations:
Virtual columns can only depend on values on the same row of the same table and/or generic database functions, not other rows of other tables.
They are not listed automatically when using * on a select. See Emulating Virtual Columns.
They cannot be indexed. Meaning, if you want to search by them the search is less than optimal.
Now, I guess the first item is a deal breaker for you. This is not what you need.
I've used this trick quite successfully several times already.

SQL for calculated column that chooses from value in own row

I have a table in which several indentifiers of a person may be stored. In this table I would like to create a single calculated identifier column that stores the best identifier for that record depending on what identifiers are available.
For example (some fictional sample data) ....
Table = "Citizens"
Id | LastName | DL-No | SS-No | State-Id-No | Calculated
1 | Smith | NULL | 374-784-8888 | 7383204848 | ?
2 | Jones | JG892435262 | NULL | NULL | ?
3 | Trask | TSK73948379 | NULL | 9276542119 | ?
4 | Clinton | CL231429888 | 543-123-5555 | 1840430324 | ?
I know the order in which I would like choose identifiers ...
So I would like the calculated identifier column to be part of the table schema. The desired results would be ...
Id | LastName | DL-No | SS-No | State-Id-No | Calculated
1 | Smith | NULL | 374-784-8888 | 7383204848 | 374-784-8888
2 | Jones | JG892435262 | NULL | 4537409273 | JG892435262
3 | Trask | NULL | NULL | 9276542119 | 9276542119
4 | Clinton | CL231429888 | 543-123-5555 | 1840430324 | CL231429888
IS this possible? If so what SQL would I use to calculate what goes in the "Calculated" column?
I was thinking of something like ..
WHEN ([State-Id-No] is NOT NULL) THEN [State-Id-No]
AS "Calculated"
FROM Citizens
The easiest solution is to use coalesce():
select c.*,
coalesce([DL-No], [SS-No], [State-ID-No]) as calculated
from citizens c
However, I think your case statement will also work, if you fix the syntax to use when rather than where.

Rewriting this subquery?

I am trying to build a new table such that the values in the existing table are NOT contained (but obviously the following checks for contained) in another table. Following is my table structure:
mysql> explain t1;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | YES | | NULL | |
| point | bigint(20) unsigned | NO | MUL | 0 | |
mysql> explain whitelist;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | bigint(20) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| x | bigint(20) unsigned | YES | | NULL | |
| y | bigint(20) unsigned | YES | | NULL | |
| geonetwork | linestring | NO | MUL | NULL | |
My query looks like this:
SELECT point
FROM whitelist
WHERE MBRContains(geonetwork, GeomFromText(CONCAT('POINT(', t1.point, ' 0)'))));
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | PRIMARY | t1 | index | NULL | point | 8 | NULL | 1001 | Using where; Using index |
| 2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | whitelist | ALL | _geonetwork | NULL | NULL | NULL | 3257 | Using where |
The query is taking 6 seconds to execute for 1000 records in t1 which is unacceptable for me. How can I rewrite this query using Joins (or perhaps a faster way if that exists) if I don't have a column to join on? Even a stored procedure is acceptable I guess in the worst case. My goal is to finally create a new table containing entries from t1. Any suggestions?
Unless the query optimizer is failing, a WHERE EXISTS construct should result in the same plan as a join with a GROUP clause. Look at optimizing MBRContains(geonetwork, GeomFromText(CONCAT('POINT(', t1.point, ' 0)')))), that's probably where your query is spending all its time. I don't have a suggestion for that, but here's your query written with a JOIN:
Select t1.point
from t1
join whitelist on MBRContains(whitelist.geonetwork, GeomFromText(CONCAT('POINT(', t1.point, ' 0)'))))
group by t1.point
or to get the points in t1 not in whitelist:
Select t1.point
from t1
left join whitelist on MBRContains(whitelist.geonetwork, GeomFromText(CONCAT('POINT(', t1.point, ' 0)'))))
where is null
This seems like a case where de-nomalizing t1 might be beneficial. Adding a GeomFrmTxt column with a value of GeomFromText(CONCAT('POINT(', t1.point, ' 0)')) could speed up the query you already have.