Convert Database To XML with Specific format - sql

I have database with two tables: Transaction and from_person.
I need to convert it to specified format like this:
I try to do this query:
select tr.transactionnumber
,(select fp.from_funds_code
from from_person fp
where fp.from_funds_code = tr.t_from_my_client
for xml path(''), elements, type)
from dbo. [ transaction ] tr
for xml path(''), elements, type
but result become in this format:
I tried many ways but not succeed, please help.

Please use this query.
SELECT transaction_number,transaction_location,date_transaction,from_funds_code,
SELECT gender,title,first_name,middle_name,prefix,last_name,birth_date,ssn
FROM from_person FP


Wrapping an xml document loses utf coding

In Sql Server I'm using
select * from [Database].[dbo].[Table] for xml path ('whatever')
which gives me an xml output with, importantly, newline 
 notifiers on any entries that have the new lines.
I need this output wrapped in a few more xml formatting elements but using
select '<?xml version="1.0"?><root><whateverses>'
+ (select * from [Database].[dbo].[Table] for xml path ('whatever'))
+ '</whateverses></root>';
returns just a string, with the newlne notifiers MISSING.
How can I preserve these? How do I wrap my xml in a few extras while keeping the output as an xml?
By trying to wrap the XML in varchar/string you're implicitly converting the XML to varchar/string. If you want to embed the XML in other tags try something like the following:
select *
into [dbo].[Foo]
from (values ('Hello', 'World') ) Src ([Bar], [Baz]);
select *
from [dbo].[Foo]
for xml path ('whatever');
select (
select *
from [dbo].[Foo]
for xml path ('whatever'), type
for xml path('whateverses'), root('root');
Which yields the XML results:

sql server read xml without inner tags

i m reading an xml, but i have a problem when i want to read it without its inner(child) tags.
for example:
SET #XMLToParse = '<Animals>
SELECT xmlData.A.value('.', 'VARCHAR(100)') AS Animal
FROM #XMLToParse.nodes('Animals/LandAnimals/Animal') xmlData(A)
this query extracts on the second record 'Yak asd', but i need only 'Yak'.
how can i fix it?
thank you.!
Change your call on .value() to get the text():
SELECT xmlData.A.value('(./text())[1]', 'VARCHAR(100)') AS Animal
FROM #XMLToParse.nodes('Animals/LandAnimals/Animal') xmlData(A)
Specify text()
SELECT xmlData.A.value('./text()[1]', 'VARCHAR(100)') AS Animal
FROM #XMLToParse.nodes('Animals/LandAnimals/Animal') xmlData(A)

How to generate XML using SQL PATH Mode, with Line Items

I am trying to generate an XML string based on data in two SQL tables. One contains Order Header data, the other one Line Item data.
My problem is that I can't get the Line Item info to appear properly as multiple elements within a single order:
This is the SQL statement:
LTRIM(RTRIM(H.CustPONbr)) As "Transactions/Transaction/CustomerOrdNumber",
Select LTRIM(RTRIM(InvtID)) As "data()" From X888_Amazon_Order_Line L1
Where L1.CpnyID = H.CpnyID And L1.CustPONbr = H.CustPONbr
) As "Transactions/Transaction/LineItems/LineItem/InvtId"
From X888_Amazon_Order_Header H (nolock)
where h.CustPONbr = '99999014'
For XML PATH ('ProcessEngineSubmission'), Root ('XML'), ELEMENTS
This is the result that I get:
<InvtId>TEST 1235 TEST 1234</InvtId>
If I execute the inner select (replacing "data()" with InvtId), I get what I am trying to achieve:
<InvtId>TEST 1235</InvtId>
<InvtId>TEST 1234</InvtId>
Try it like this:
Nested selects need the ,TYPE extension to come back as XML...
You might need to specify a path in the inner PATH('') or give a name to the column with AS ...
Select LTRIM(RTRIM(H.CustPONbr)) As "Transactions/Transaction/CustomerOrdNumber"
From X888_Amazon_Order_Line L1
Where L1.CpnyID = H.CpnyID And L1.CustPONbr = H.CustPONbr
) As "Transactions/Transaction/LineItems/LineItem/InvtId"
From X888_Amazon_Order_Header H (nolock)
where h.CustPONbr = '99999014'
For XML PATH ('ProcessEngineSubmission'), Root ('XML')

Naming xml node based on value from DB column

Currently I have an xml structure that is built like this.
I want to rename ProjectAttribute with the value of FieldName. I am unsure how to do this at the moment, seeing how when I try to put the value of that field into the XML Path, I get an error.
Here is what my sql looks like.
Set #output = (
SELECT poa.AttributeId, pa.FieldName, pa.Title, poa.DisplayRow,
poa.DisplayColumn, poa.IsRequired, pa.RequiredErrorMessage,
(SELECT de.DevExpressControlId, de.Class, de.ClientNamePrefix
FROM SCC_DevExpressControl de
WHERE de.DevExpressControlId = pa.DevExpressControlId
FOR XML Path(''), type) AS DevExpressControl,
(SELECT dt.DataTypeId, dt.Name
FROM SCC_DataType dt
WHERE dt.DataTypeId = pa.DataTypeId
FOR XML Path(''), type) AS DataType
FROM SCC_ProjectOfficeAttribute poa
LEFT JOIN SCC_ProjectAttribute pa ON poa.AttributeId = pa.AttributeId
WHERE poa.OfficeId = #OfficeId
AND poa.Status = 1
ORDER BY poa.DisplayRow, poa.DisplayColumn
FOR XML Path('ProjectAttribute'), type, Root('Project'))
select #output
#OfficeId is just an int, and #output is simply the xml. Where I am writing in the XML Path for ProjectAttribute is what I want to replace. My question is how do I get that value in there?
UPDATE: I am still somewhat at a loss. I have tried moving things like AttributeId and FieldName into the main node itself for ProjectAttribute, but this does not really fulfill my requirements.

SSRS - Conditionally select elements from XML data source

I have a simple XML tree:
<manufacturer = 'Audi'>
<make = 'A4'>
<build_date>11th May 2014</build_date>
I know I can query data using:
manufacturer{}/make{color, build_date}
What I'd like to do is filter the results using the date attribute. Like a SQL WHERE clause. So in this example it's cars that are built after a specified date. Is this possible?
You would need set a filter on the data set in SSRS on the Build_date Field:
Yes you can filter the result from an xml. An example to your query is as below
[xmlField].value('(/person//firstName/node())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as FirstName,
[xmlField].value('(/person//lastName/node())[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as LastName
FROM [myTable]