Unable to create relationships in SSAS 2016 using tabular model programming for compatability level 1200 - sql-server-2016

I am trying to create a simple tool that creates a model from metadata. I am successful in creating tables and columns, but unable to create relationships under model. While trying to add FromTable and ToTable properties to relationship object i was getting an error saying those properties are read-only and cannot be changed.
Below is the sample code that i am using to create relationships.
public void AddRelationshipsToModel()
OleDbDataReader reader = null;
OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection();
connection.ConnectionString = metadataConnInfo.ConnectionString;
OleDbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "select source_parent_table_name,source_parent_column_name, source_child_table_name,source_child_column_name from HX_VIEWS_RMS.BI_TABULAR_RELATIONSHIPS where MODEL_NAME='"+database.Model.Name +"'";
reader = command.ExecuteReader();
string _toTable = srcAndTabularTableMap[reader.GetValue(0).ToString().Trim()];
string _toColumn = srcTableAndTabularColMap[reader.GetValue(0).ToString().Trim()][ reader.GetValue(1).ToString().Trim()];
string _fromTable = srcAndTabularTableMap[reader.GetValue(2).ToString().Trim()];
string _fromColumn = srcTableAndTabularColMap[reader.GetValue(2).ToString().Trim()][reader.GetValue(3).ToString().Trim()];
Table fromTable = Database.Model.Tables[_fromTable];
DataColumn fromColumn = (DataColumn)fromTable.Columns[_fromColumn];
Table toTable = Database.Model.Tables[_toTable];
DataColumn toColumn = (DataColumn)fromTable.Columns[_toColumn];
SingleColumnRelationship relationship = new SingleColumnRelationship();
relationship.FromTable = fromTable;
relationship.FromColumn = fromColumn;
relationship.ToTable = toTable;
relationship.ToColumn = toColumn;
//database.Model.Relationships.Add(new SingleColumnRelationship() { FromColumn = fromColumn ,ToColumn =toColumn});
catch(Exception ex)

This blog post is a good walk through.
Try just setting the FromColumn and ToColumn properties not the FromTable and ToTable settings. Optionally you can set them as part of the constructor:
SingleColumnRelationship relationship = new SingleColumnRelationship()
FromColumn = fromColumn,
ToColumn = toColumn

Tabular object model API has quite a few readonly fields / properties. Basically they are trying to tell you that you are not suppose to edit these fields directly but rather let API fill them for you.
Typical relationship look like this
Server = new Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.Server();
Server.Databases["MyDatabaseName"].Model.Relationships.Add(new SingleColumnRelationship
Name = "Relationship name",
FromColumn = Server.Databases["MyDatabaseName"].Model.Tables["FromTableName"].Columns["FromColumnName"],
FromCardinality = RelationshipEndCardinality.Many,
ToColumn = Server.Databases["MyDatabaseName"].Model.Tables["ToTableName"].Columns["ToColumnName"],
ToCardinality = RelationshipEndCardinality.One,
CrossFilteringBehavior = CrossFilteringBehavior.BothDirections,
IsActive = false

Try to handle with this class - Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular.SingleColumnRelationship


Table Cloud Storage gives exception The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.

I am having an issue with Querying Azure Table Storage-
public List<SubCategoryModel> GetSubCategories()
string connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnString"].ConnectionString;
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connStr);
CloudTableClient client = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
CloudTable table = client.GetTableReference("SubCategories");
List<SubCategoryModel> subCategoryModels = new List<SubCategoryModel>();
TableQuery<SubCategoryEntity> subCategoriesQuery = table.CreateQuery<SubCategoryEntity>();
var query = (from subCategory in subCategoriesQuery
select subCategory).AsTableQuery();
var subCategories = query.Execute();
foreach (SubCategoryEntity entity in subCategories)
SubCategoryModel subCategoryModel = new SubCategoryModel();
subCategoryModel.CATEGORYID = entity.CategoryId;
subCategoryModel.DESCRIPTION = entity.Description;
subCategoryModel.SUBCATEGORY = entity.SubCategoryName;
subCategoryModel.SUBCATEGORYID = entity.SubCategoryId;
return subCategoryModels;
<add name="ConnString" connectionString="UseDevelopmentStorage=true;DevelopmentStorageProxyUri="></add>
Oops My Bad...I was getting the error because my Table Name was SubCategory.
And I had SubCategories Written in code.
My Bad. Fixed it. Yes!!

Invalid column name when performing update

I have been trying to update data to database however i met this problem.I tried deleting the table and creating a new table yet the problem still persist.Below are the codes.Any help will be greatly appreciated
public int UpdateNOK(string wardClass, DateTime admissionDT, string nokFName, string nokLName, string nokNRIC, DateTime nokDOB, string nokGender, string nokNationality, string nokRelationship, int nokContactH, int nokContactHP, string nokEmail, string nokAddr1, string nokAddr2, string nokState, int nokZIP, string nokCountry, DateTime dischargeDT, string patientNRIC)
StringBuilder sqlStr = new StringBuilder();
int result = 0;
SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand();
sqlStr.AppendLine("Update patientAdmission");
sqlStr.AppendLine("SET wardClass = #parawardClass,admissionDT = #paraadmissonDT, nokFName = #parapatientNokFname, nokLName = #parapatientNokLname,nokNRIC = #parapatientNokNRIC, nokDOB = #parapatientNOKDOB, nokGender = #parapatientNokGender, nokNationality = #parapatientNokNationality,");
sqlStr.AppendLine("nokRelationship = #parapatientNokRelationship,nokContactH = #parapatientNokContactH,nokContactHP = #parapatientNokContactHP, nokEmail = #parapatientNokEmail, nokAddr1 = #parapatientNokAddr1,nokAddr2 = #parapatientNokAddr2,nokState = #parapatientNokState, nokZIP = #parapatientNokZIP,");
sqlStr.AppendLine("nokCountry = #parapatientNokCountry, dischargeDT = #paradischargeDateTime");
sqlStr.AppendLine("WHERE patientNRIC = #parapatientNRIC");
SqlConnection myConn = new SqlConnection(DBConnect);
sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(sqlStr.ToString(), myConn);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parawardClass", wardClass);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#paraadmissonDT", admissionDT);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parapatientNokFname", nokFName);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parapatientNokLname", nokLName);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parapatientNokNRIC", nokNRIC);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parapatientNOKDOB", nokDOB);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parapatientNokGender", nokGender);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parapatientNokNationality", nokNationality);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parapatientNokRelationship", nokRelationship);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parapatientNokContactH", nokContactH);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parapatientNokContactHP", nokContactHP);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parapatientNokEmail", nokEmail);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parapatientNokAddr1", nokAddr1);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parapatientNokAddr2", nokAddr2);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parapatientNokState", nokState);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parapatientNokZIP", nokZIP);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parapatientNokCountry", nokCountry);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#paradischargeDateTime", dischargeDT);
sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#parapatientNRIC", patientNRIC);
result = sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (Exception ex)
logManager log = new logManager();
log.addLog("patientNOKDAO.UpdateNOK", sqlStr.ToString(), ex);
return result;
You should check table definition (sp_help) against your used columns in the table patientAdmission:
If database default collation is a case-sensitive one, column names above must be exactly as defined in the table (case cannot be different).
One way to find the problem faster is to run SQL profiler and see the exact query against the database. Copy-paste it from there and run it into an Management Studio (SSMS) query file (use BEGIN TRAN .. ROLLBACK to ensure that nothing will actually be changed when you make it work). SSMS will try to indicate the exact column with the problem when clicking on the error.

SQL Injection on Views

We are using 3-Tier Architecture in ASP.Net.
There are 3 Layers
Data Access
The Data Access Layer contains the GetData and ExecuteQuery etc function.
What I want to know is that, that want to call the View directly from the Presentation Layer. Is there any chance of SQL injection in calling a view from front-end without using stored procedure?
Presentation Layer (C#)
protected void btnView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DL obj = new DL();
DataTable tb = new DataTable();
string query = "select * from ViewTeacher where FID = " + txtName.Text;
tb = obj.GetData(query);
public DataTable GetData(string query)
DataTable datatable = new DataTable();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = con;
cmd.CommandText = query;
if (cmd.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd))
catch (Exception ex)
throw new ArgumentException(ex.Message);
return datatable;
How are you "calling a view"? If you're running an ad-hoc query of:
SELECT <columns> FROM View WHERE ColumnX = 'Y'
and if that query is being constructed using (potentially) hostile input then yes, of course that can be subject to SQL injection - the whole point of injection is that the attacker can change the nature of the query:
SELECT <columns> FROM View WHERE ColumnX = 'Z'
The attacker isn't limited to just the objects that are present in the original query.
The untrustworthy input in the two above queries was:
As you are writing the query as follows that takes value from a textbox, 100% there is posibility for sql injection.
string query = "select * from ViewTeacher where FID = " + txtName.Text;
There should be no chance of SQL Injection while calling a view from front end, as views don't take parameters.
reference :
can we pass parameter to a view in sql?

SqlDataAdapter.update() not updating database

I am searching for (PostId,UserId) into PostLikes table using SqlDataAdapter, if the row is found , I am using SqlCommandBuilder.GetDeleteCommand() to generate the delete instruction and deleting the underlying row, if the row is not found, then I use SqlCommandBuilder.GetInsertCommand() to generate the insert command and inserting the row to the table using SqlDataAdapter.Update(). But the row is not getting inserted to the table in database. Here is what I have done so far
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionStrings);
SqlDataAdapter sqlDataAdapter=new SqlDataAdapter("select * from PostLikes where PostId like "
+postlike.PostId+" and UserId like "
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
sqlDataAdapter.Fill(ds, "Result");
SqlCommandBuilder sqlCommandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(sqlDataAdapter);
sqlDataAdapter.DeleteCommand = sqlCommandBuilder.GetDeleteCommand(true);
msg = "Data is deleted";
sqlDataAdapter.InsertCommand = sqlCommandBuilder.GetInsertCommand(true);
msg = "Data is inserted";
sqlDataAdapter.Update(ds, "Result");
and the tablePostLikes(LikeId,PostId,UserId)
There are a couple of issues:
You are looking to reuse the same command to both detect whether the row exists, and to supply to the SqlAdapter for the SqlCommandBuilder.
You should parameterise the initial select query to protect against SqlInjection attacks (and there is a minor performance benefit). The CommandBuilder will automatically parameterize the Insert / Delete commands
After creating the Insert / Delete commands with the SqlCommandBuilder, you then need to change the underlying dataset in order for any changes to be made to the table during the Update.
Note that many of the Sql objects are IDisposable and should be disposed ASAP - using scopes help here.
var postId = 1;
var userId = 1;
string msg;
using (var con = new SqlConnection(#"data source=..."))
using (var selectCommand = new SqlCommand(
"select LikeId, PostId, UserId from PostLikes WHERE PostId=#PostId AND UserId=#UserId", con))
using (var sqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(selectCommand))
using (var ds = new DataSet())
selectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#PostId", postId);
selectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("#UserId", userId);
sqlDataAdapter.Fill(ds, "Result");
using (var sqlCommandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(sqlDataAdapter))
if (ds.Tables["Result"].Rows.Count == 1)
sqlDataAdapter.DeleteCommand = sqlCommandBuilder.GetDeleteCommand(true);
msg = "Data will be deleted";
sqlDataAdapter.InsertCommand = sqlCommandBuilder.GetInsertCommand(true);
// Null because LikeId is Identity and will be auto inserted
ds.Tables["Result"].Rows.Add(null, postId, userId);
msg = "Data will be inserted";
sqlDataAdapter.Update(ds, "Result");
I've assumed the following Schema:
PostId INT,
UserId INT
And I've assumed you want to 'toggle' the insertion or deletion of a row with the postId, userid combination.

C# Sql Data not saving

I have a few tables in a c# application I'm currently working on and for 4/5 of the tables everything saves perfectly fine no issues. For the 5th table everything seems good until I reload the program again (without modifying the code or working with a seperate install so that the data doesn't go away) The 4/5 tables are fine but the 5th doesn't have any records in it after it has been restarted (but it did the last time it was running). Below is some code excerpts. I have tried a few different solutions online including creating a string to run the sql commands on the database manually and creating the row directly as opposed to the below implementation which uses a generic data row.
//From main window
private void newInvoice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
PosDatabaseDataSet.InvoicesRow newInvoice = posDatabaseDataSet1.Invoices.NewInvoicesRow();
Invoices iForm = new Invoices(newInvoice, posDatabaseDataSet1, true);
//Invoices Table save [Works] (from Invoices.cs)
private void saveInvoice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
iRecord.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(this.dateField.Text);
iRecord.InvoiceNo = Convert.ToInt32(this.invoiceNumField.Text);
iRecord.Subtotal = (float) Convert.ToDouble(this.subtotalField.Text);
iRecord.Tax1 = (float)Convert.ToDouble(this.hstField.Text);
iRecord.Total = (float)Convert.ToDouble(this.totalField.Text);
iRecord.BillTo = this.billToField.Text;
if (newRecord)
string connString = Properties.Settings.Default.PosDatabaseConnectionString;
string queryString = "UPDATE dbo.Invoices set ";
queryString += "Date='" + iRecord.Date+"'";
queryString += ", Subtotal=" + iRecord.Subtotal;
queryString += ", Tax1=" + iRecord.Tax1.ToString("N2");
queryString += ", Total=" + iRecord.Total;
queryString += " WHERE InvoiceNo=" + iRecord.InvoiceNo;
using (SqlConnection dbConn = new SqlConnection(connString))
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, dbConn);
SqlDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader();
//Invoice Items save [works until restart] (also from Invoices.cs)
private void addLine_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataRow iRow = dSet.Tables["InvoiceItems"].NewRow();
iRow["Cost"] = (float)Convert.ToDouble(this.costField.Text);
iRow["Description"] = this.descriptionField.Text;
iRow["InvoiceNo"] = Convert.ToInt32(this.invoiceNumField.Text);
iRow["JobId"] = Convert.ToInt32(this.jobIdField.Text);
iRow["Qty"] = Convert.ToInt32(this.quantityField.Text);
iRow["SalesPerson"] = Convert.ToInt32(this.salesPersonField.Text);
iRow["SKU"] = Convert.ToInt32(this.skuField.Text);
PosDatabaseDataSet.InvoiceItemsDataTable dTable = (PosDatabaseDataSet.InvoiceItemsDataTable)dSet.InvoiceItems.Copy();
DataRow[] d = dTable.Select("InvoiceNo=" + invNo.ToString());
invoiceItemsView.DataSource = d;
Thanks in advance for any insight.
UPDATE: October 17, 2011. I am still unable to get this working is there any more ideas out there?
you must execute your Sql Command in order to persis the changes you made.
using (SqlConnection dbConn = new SqlConnection(connString))
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, dbConn);
The ExecuteReader method is intended (as the name says) to read the data from a SQL table. You need to use a different method as you can see above.
We need some more info first, you haven't shown the case where your code fails.
Common mistakes on this kind of code is calling DataSet.AcceptChanges() before actually committing the changes to the database.
Second is a conflict between databound data through the binding source vs edits to the dataset directly.
Lets see the appropriate code and we can try and help.
Set a breakpoint after teh call to invoiceItemsTableAdapter and check the InvoiceItems table for the row you have added. Release the breakpoint and then close your app. Check the database again. I would say that another table may be forcibly overwriting the invoice item table.